Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 77 Go Glance At Females At The Mudville River.

Chapter 77 Go Glance At Females At The Mudville River.

Aiden could go home himself now, with the help of Oliver, he had mastered the paths that led to his home...he could go home without getting lost.

"Okay, we'll meet at school tomorrow then". Oliver uttered to Aiden once again.

"Yeah". Aiden said.


And with that, Oliver faced front and began strolling, and Aiden began strolling as well. It was remaining only Aiden now...last man standing. As he walked, he thought of those bullies, especially the guy that caused him to fall to the ground.

He kept on thinking about what the boy said, 'I love bullying people whose dads are officials'.

At this moment, he was wondering if the guy and his friends would become a burden to him. Well, if they become a burden to him, he knows how he'll handle them.

They'll push him to do something he wasn't ready to do now...they irritate him really badly. Thinking about them was making him remember his dark past, his life in his previous world before he reincarnated.

..How he was bullied for years at school, how it caused him severe depression.

Now, he's come to meet bullies in this world's school? If they dare become a burden to him, he would make sure it doesn't last. Though they were older than him, he was gonna deal with them.

He kept on strolling and passing different people until he arrived at his home. He strolled into the compound and straight into the house. Entering the house, the first two people he saw were Alora and Lydia, they were sitting on chairs.

Hazel was also present in the house, but she was in her room. The only people that weren't at home were his parents, that's Emma and Ethan. He strolled into his room, changed up, met with Hazel, and had a little chat with her.

It was close to complete evening already, the servants had prepared dinner, but none of his parents had arrived home. They weren't expecting Ethan to have arrived home by now, they know the time he does come back home.


But they were expecting at least Emma to have arrived home...what was keeping her? Aiden was in his room currently thinking about today's daily quest, he hadn't gotten it...and it was close to complete evening already.

When was he gonna get today's quest? Or does the system plan on not giving him a quest for today? He was still thinking about it when the system's interface appeared in front of him,


<Ding! Ding!>

<Daily quest>

<Go glance at females at the Mudville River>


<+10 Exp>

<+10 Skill points>


Seeing the quest, Aiden's eyes widened at that moment. Go glance at females at the Mudville River? Wasn't that the river meant for only females? The river Oliver told him about? The river where females stay naked anyhow?

Does the system want to put him in trouble? He'll get into serious trouble if he gets caught in that river or close to it. Normally, he had planned he'll go to the river himself someday...but that wasn't part of his plan as of now.

Seems like the system wanted to hasten it for him by giving him a quest. Since he planned on going to the river himself someday, but it wasn't part of his plan now, the system wanted to make it part of his plan now.

There was no need to ask the system if this was the real quest for today or not 'cause it was the real quest...all he has to do was accomplish it. But there were lots of obstacles. It was close to complete evening already, everywhere was already getting dark.

By the time he goes to the river and comes back, his mum and dad might have most likely gotten home by then...and they'll definitely question him about where he went to.

Secondly, the river wasn't that close to their house, he'll have to trek for some time to get there. Coming back from it would take some time as well. There was no doubting it, before he goes to and comes back from the river, one of his parents must have gotten home.

Thirdly, he wasn't even that familiar with the roads that would lead him to the forest where he, Oliver, and Ava hunted...the forest that was like a shortcut to the river.

And even when he locates the forest, what of the paths Oliver showed him that led to the river, does he still remember them? But he knows with effort, he'll most likely be able to locate the forest and locate the river using the forest.

..And another thing, what if he sights someone in the forest?...that would be a problem.

If the person happens to be an adult, he or she would definitely ask what a small boy like him was doing in the wilderness. There were lots of obstacles, but Aiden would have to try to accomplish the quest.

..It was a risky mission, just imagine if one of the females in the river get to see his face. He'll be in serious trouble.

They caught him glancing at their nakedness, and worst of all...he's the son of a chief. Aiden knew he couldn't just go to the river barehanded, he needed to hold a mask.

That mask would be of very good use to him. Once he's getting closer to the forest, he'll try to cover his face with the mask. So even if someone sights him glancing at the females, they wouldn't know who it was.

He remembered that mask was part of the item in his item panel, and it doesn't need to be unlocked with skill points 'cause it's automatically been unlocked already. This was the first time he was gonna be making use of one of the items in his item panel.

..He had never made use of any of the skills, and he had never made use of any of the items.

But he was about to make use of one of the items in the next minutes...and as for the skills, he'll definitely make use of them someday, he'll need them someday.

He called out on the system, "System".

<Yes, host>

"That was a really hard quest you gave to me there, it could get me into trouble. But as known, I'll have to try to accomplish it. To accomplish this quest, I need the mask. It's automatically been unlocked with skill points, right?".

<Yes, host>

"I need it".

And at that moment, a certain black mask appeared in Aiden's hand. He glanced at it, and it was nice looking, it was gonna cover his face properly that no one is gonna recognize him even if they glance at him.

An interface appeared in front of him at that moment,


<Host has taken the mask item>

<5 Skill points have been deducted from his skill points>


And it was at that moment that Aiden remembered, the system had told him this before when he was checking out the functions and costs of skills and items. 5 Skill points would be deducted from his skill points for every skill or item he wants to make use of.

..Well, that doesn't matter, the mask was in his hand currently, it was getting close to complete evening, he needs to go accomplish the quest.

If one of his parents comes home at this moment, then it would be mission spoilt. He put the mask into his robe pocket, then began strolling out of his room. He got out of his room and began heading toward the living room.

Getting closer to the living room, he thought to himself,

'Hope no one asks me where I'm heading to, have no time to answer questions'.

That was another obstacle, if he meets someone in the living room, they'll definitely ask him where he was heading to. What would he tell them? I want to go glance at naked females at the Mudville River?

..He can't tell them that, all he just needed was for no one to question him.

When he came back from school in the afternoon and arrived at the living room, he saw Alora and Lydia there. But reaching the living room now, it was only Lydia there...and seems like she was busy with something.

He needed to stroll out of the house without her asking him anything, and so he began doing. He was sauntering out of the living room, and she just focused on what she was doing.

Now, not like she didn't notice him, she did. But her mindset was that he wanted to go outside to handle something, or he just wants to stay on the compound...she had no idea he was going far.

..He strolled out of the living room completely, and she didn't question him.

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