Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 82 Lie.

Chapter 82 Lie.

And something else, he remembered Aiden saying he might go there himself someday. That day after they hunted, that's when the event took place...Ava wasn't with them anymore at that time.

If it happens to be that it was Aiden that went there, Oliver wouldn't be upset at all. What right does he have to be upset when he's gone to the river himself? When he was the one that told Aiden about the river. And when he was the one that showed Aiden the paths that led to the river.

But he wanted to know if it was Aiden or not, he was having a strong feeling it was him. Something else was running through his mind, why did he let himself get caught? And according to what he heard, Aiden was wearing a mask? That's why he easily let them sight him 'cause they wouldn't see his face.

He was gonna ask, Aiden, that's for sure...he hoped Aiden would tell him the truth.

After lunchtime, Aiden, Oliver, and Ava were sauntering out of the cafeteria together. The meal they had was really delicious. As they were walking on the compound, Oliver was just glancing at Aiden.

He wanted to ask him if he was the one that went to the river to glance at naked females, now would be a perfect time to ask him. But Ava was with them, he can't ask him that question when Ava was around...that would only cause Ava to discover a lot of things.

She'll know that after she left them, Oliver began showing Aiden the paths that led to the Mudville River. So both of them were perverts? And again, there was a very high possibility that Aiden was the kid everyone was talking about that went to the river and got sighted.

..A lot of things would spoil, she'll know what she wasn't supposed to would be really bad.

So at this point, Oliver was gonna find a way for him and Aiden to be alone...he was gonna find a way to move Ava out of their midst. If he doesn't ask Aiden now, what other time would he be able to ask him?

They were heading straight to their class now, he can't ask Aiden such a question in class? He can't take the risk. If other students hear their conversation, and it was about that same Mudville River, things would happen.

He wouldn't be able to ask Aiden the question while going home 'cause Ava would be with them. And as known, he doesn't want Ava to be there while asking him the question.

..So now is the only time, he has to get Ava out of their midst no matter what.

They were still strolling when Oliver suddenly glanced at Ava and said,

"Ava, I have something confidential to discuss with, Aiden. It's boys' talk, you shouldn't listen to it. So, can you please give us space?".

A certain kind of expression appeared on Ava's face, then she voiced out, "Are you gonna be like that? Well, since you said it's confidential and boys' talk, I'll have to give you guys space then. What else can I do?".

And with that, she hastened her pace walking out of their presence. And at that moment, Aiden was wondering what he wanted to discuss with him that he had to send off Ava. And why he said it was confidential?

..He was curious.

Oliver glanced at him and uttered, "Aiden, I have a question to ask of you, and I'll like you to tell me the truth".

Aiden's curiousness increased, what question does he want to ask?

"Go on, I'm listening". Aiden voiced out.

As of now, the both of them weren't strolling anymore, they just stood at a certain spot on the compound. Then Oliver voiced out once again,

"You've heard of the news that spread around, right? The kid who was caught glancing at naked females at the Mudville River. They didn't catch him though, they sighted him, chased after him, but he escaped".

Aiden just stood there waiting for Oliver to land, he hadn't really understood where the talk was heading, but he had a clue. Then Oliver dropped the question, the bombshell...

"Was the kid you? Were you the person glancing at females at the Mudville River?".

Oliver made sure to reduce the tone of his voice while asking that question so students that were passing wouldn't hear. Yeah, they were standing at a certain spot on the compound, but students were passing behind and in front of them.

Students were still strolling out of the cafeteria. Now, if they weren't careful, they could hear their conversation which would definitely lead to something else.

..Aiden just stood there doing a fast contemplation, he didn't know if he should tell Oliver the truth or not.

Definitely, if he tells Oliver he was the kid everyone was talking about, he was the kid that was caught glancing at naked females at the Mudville River...Oliver wouldn't do anything about it. He wouldn't try to report him or something.

If he went there of his own will, he would have told Oliver the truth, that he was the one caught glancing at naked females at the river. But he was accomplishing a quest his system gave to him.

And due to this, he decided he wouldn't tell Oliver the truth, he would lie.

"No, it wasn't me". Aiden responded.

"Are you telling the truth? You don't have to lie to me. Don't worry, I wouldn't snitch on you or any stuff like that 'cause I'm also guilty too. And I'm your friend. Tell me the truth, was it you?". Oliver uttered.

Aiden lied once again, he still denied it, "No, it wasn't me".

A kind of disappointed expression appeared on Oliver's face, he felt Aiden was lying...and he didn't know if it was 'cause he didn't trust him. Oliver voiced out once again,

"I remember showing you the paths that led to the river while we were in the forest. And you said something like you wanted to see the river, if I had agreed to go see it with you, then we would have seen the river and some naked females that day,

But according to what you said, there was a very high possibility you would have come checked it out yourself someday".

Aiden's voice resounded, "Yeah, I know all that happened, and normally, I had plans of going to the river myself someday. But I haven't yet 'cause I haven't seen a perfect time. You showed me the paths that led to the river while we were in the forest. Who knows how many kids are aware of those paths also?

Definitely, many male kids in this kingdom would be aware of the river, and many of them would have been tempted to go see it one day. Who knows how many have been to the river already without getting caught?

That kid wasn't me, it should be one of the male kids in this kingdom who had been wanting to go to the river to see naked females. A kid that knew a shortcut was at the forest to get to the river, a kid that was fully aware of the paths that led to the river. Once again, Oliver, I'm not that kid".

Oliver nodded his head, at this moment, he didn't know if Aiden was lying or not. But what he knows was that he didn't fully believe him.

"Okay then, if you say so, let's head over to our class". Oliver stated.

And with that, the both of them began sauntering toward the edifice where their classroom was located.


The news about a male kid caught at the Mudville River glancing at naked females had died down. For days, people couldn't stop talking about it, especially women. But now, many people weren't talking about it anymore.

..It had become an old topic.

People were shocked when they heard the news, but now, they were slowly forgetting about it. And that was making Aiden's heart glad. Do you know how it felt like hearing that same topic everyday? People talking about it?josei

And to make matters worse, he was the culprit. He does feel guilty sometimes whenever he hears people talking about it. But now, it was subsiding...he was glad. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't visit that river again someday.

He would most likely go there again of his own will, not because he wanted to accomplish a quest. When doing that, he'll be extremely cautious.

He and Hazel were standing on the compound currently. They didn't go to their different academies 'cause they weren't supposed to today. As said, students wouldn't be going to school for a whole week. They have two free days a week to rest.

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