Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 88 Let's Battle Each Other.

Chapter 88 Let's Battle Each Other.

Activities had already taken place in his class, teachers had taught and left. Throughout those activities, Aiden kept on thinking about where and when he could battle those bullies and deal with them.

First of all, he needed to inform them that he wants to battle them today. For sure, they'll agree, they'll definitely underestimate him...they'll want to beat him up.

And best of all, he'd tell them he wanted them to do it out of school, they'll be so happy, they'll be able to beat him up as they wanted. Secondly, he needed to find a way to go out of school before Oliver and Ava, he needed to give them an excuse.

These were the thoughts that kept on running through his mind while he was in class, he kept on contemplating...and he came up with an idea for both problems.

For the first one, which was informing the bullies he wanted to battle them today, he was gonna go to their class to tell them since they were all in the same class. He knew their class, and he hoped no teacher would be in it once he gets there.

For the second one, before closing hour, he was gonna tell Ava and Oliver he needed to leave on time before them. They wouldn't be able to go home together though his dad wouldn't be coming to pick him up today...some events were to take place at his home today.

..It had been settled, he contemplated it and settled it right in class.

Before break hour, when no teacher was to step foot into their classroom anymore, Aiden strolled out of the class heading toward the bullies' class. As he sauntered, he hoped no teacher would be in their class, he needed to tell them this no matter what.

Their class was on the second floor where the library was situated. So he had to dismount a staircase as he was walking in the corridor of the second floor currently. And as of this moment, he had arrived at the front door of their classroom.

He glanced inside, and he sighted no teacher, so he stepped foot into their classroom. The moment he entered, many people glanced at him, both males and females. And as he was walking, many eyes were following him, they couldn't take their gazes off him.

And the thoughts that were running through their minds at that moment were, 'Who is this small boy? Look at how he's walking so confidently inside our classroom. No fear at all?'.

They were all teenagers in that classroom, none of them was Aiden's age mate at all, so they were wondering how he could be walking so majestically inside their classroom. Who does he want to go meet?

By now, about two of the bullies had already sighted him, the main boss, and one of his friends. And who was Aiden heading to at that moment? The main boss. He was gonna say right to his face that he wants to battle them today.

He was gonna tell him where they were gonna meet, and he was gonna relay every other information to him.

He strolled until he reached where the main boss was sitting, then he said to him,

"I want to end you guys' bullying, let's fight today".

..Aiden said it with so much confidence, a smile couldn't help but appear on the boy's face whose name was, Cyrus.

He couldn't help but be so surprised, who gave this boy guts and confidence to just stroll straight into this class and walk straight to him telling him he wants to end their bullying?

Wasn't this the same boy he's been bullying for days now who couldn't do anything about it? What suddenly gave him this amount of confidence? And worst of all, he said something like he wanted to fight them today.

This small boy wants to fight them all? Cyrus couldn't help but laugh and inquire of him with a mocking tone,

"Are you serious about what you just said now, you want to end our bullying? You want to fight us today?".

"Yes, I want to battle you and your friends today. Let's do it immediately after school, but we won't battle right in this academy. Once it gets to closing hour, let's meet outside immediately. Then we'll find a nice spot to fight. I'm getting sick of you guys' constant bullying,

Let me show you guys that not all sons of officials are that weak. I'm different from many of the kids you've been bullying, I want to end it. Immediately after school, let's meet outside, I don't want my friends to know about it. Relay this message to your other friends".

And with that, Aiden turned around and began walking out of their classroom. And Cyrus couldn't help but be so surprised, what is giving this small boy this amount of confidence? He wants to battle him and his friends together? He wants to battle four of them together?

Wait, does he have any hidden ability? Because Cyrus was sure he hadn't even awakened a power element yet if at all he has the mana core in him, he knew Aiden's age.

..Well, since he wants to fight them, then they were gonna do it.

And he wants them to do it out of this academy, they'll be able to beat him up as they like without anyone interfering. He was gonna relay the message to his other friends 'cause they were very curious already.

They wanted to know what that small boy said to him, they didn't hear their conversation well. As Aiden was strolling out of their classroom, he was wondering where that confidence came from. Look at how the words were just oozing out of his mouth freely.josei

Well, it was because he had backup, the skills he unlocked yesterday. And best of all, he had learned to use them. The only time when a small problem would occur was if any of them possesses any of the minor abilities.

Thinking of this made him a little afraid, he knew he needed help from his system. He was still strolling toward his classroom when he called out on the system from the mind,


<Yes, host>

'I want to know if any of those bullies possess any of the minor abilities'.


That was all the system said, and he was satisfied, none of them possess any of the minor abilities...he was gonna deal with them today.


The bell rang to signify that it was time for everyone to head home, it had gotten to closing hour. Before the ringing of the bell, Aiden had already told Oliver and Ava he wouldn't be going home together with them today.

His dad wasn't coming to pick him up, but there was an event that was to take place at his house today. While they'll be heading home together, he'll be hurrying, he wouldn't be able to converse with them, and they wouldn't like it.

So he should go home himself...that was what he told them which were all lies. So the moment the bell rang, Aiden had already carried his bag and began walking out of the classroom. He didn't even glance at Ava and Oliver, and both of them understood.

..He had already told them this ahead of time.

He strolled out of the classroom, got to the first staircase, dismounted all the staircases, and right now, he was already on the compound.

Arriving at the compound, he sighted the four bullies at the far end of the compound as they were almost out of it already. And a type of smile appeared on his face, they didn't waste time evacuating the school the moment the bell rang.

They were so eager to beat him up. They didn't even bother to bully a single student, they just strolled out of the compound. That smile appeared on his face 'cause he was confident they wouldn't be able to beat him up and how eager they were to beat him up.

He glanced up at the building he just came down from to make sure Oliver and Ava weren't watching him or something. They could choose to watch him and even trail him to see if he was telling the truth or not. They could be so curious.

He didn't want that, so he was being cautious. He glanced at the building and didn't sight them, so he began moving forward. And by now, the bullies were out of the compound, what remains was for him to reach where they were.

..Then they'll decide on the place where they'll go battle themselves.

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