Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 9 The Chase.

Chapter 9 The Chase.

'That person must be with my baby, I can't let him or her get away just like that'. Ethan thought to himself.

Immediately, he dashed into the room he shares with his wife, ran straight to his scabbard, drew out his sword, ran back to the living room...without even uttering a single word to, Emma, he dashed out of the house.

He wasn't dressed in his usual warrior style right now, he was dressed in robe currently 'cause he was at home. But he didn't care, he could still fight like this, what was important was for him to save his son.

Getting to the compound and getting close to the fence, he didn't need to pass through the gate or carefully jump the fence...there was no time to waste. Transferring a bit of mana to his legs, he was able to form wind balls under his legs which eventually shot him up causing him to fly over the fence.

The moment he landed on the ground, he glanced front, and he sighted them running, there was more than one of them...just as he suspected. He wouldn't let them get away just like that. He stood up and began chasing after them with speed.

As a warrior, he had gotten to train his speed well. And he also possessed little speed powers, so merging both of them, he was running really fast, and the people he was chasing were really fast too.

There weren't many people walking about, but the little ones Ethan ran past had to glance back. They felt strong breeze hit them, the speed was just really strong. Some of them also got to discern that he was chasing a group of people, they noticed the men in black that ran past them.

Ethan was running at full speed, and he was getting closer, but he wasn't close to reaching them 'cause they were running at full speed too...they were running like ninjas. Ethan had noticed something, they were four in number and each of them was wearing a mask.

..That only means one thing, they didn't want their identities to be revealed. They were dressed like assassins, so they were most likely sent by someone. Each of them had scabbards on their backs with swords in them.

'These people mustn't get away, they mustn't take my son'. Ethan thought to himself.

Determining that, he increased the speed at which he was running.

Meanwhile, Little Aiden was in the hands of the young man carrying him. And by now, he had come to understand that his life was in danger. From the way they were dressed, he could tell that they weren't good people.

He was part of a gang in his previous world, so he could easily discern these things. He was scared, and these were the thoughts running through his mind,

'I've just been born into this world? And my life is already in danger? What kind of bad luck is this?'.

Ethan was still chasing after them with speed, and they were running with speed, they had already discerned that someone was chasing after them from behind...they were gonna try their very best not to get caught.

At this point, they weren't in the village square anymore where people do reside, they had gotten to a lonely place and were heading towards the nearest wilderness. Once they step foot into that wilderness, it would be very hard for Ethan to catch them 'cause there were trees and leaves everywhere.

They planned this in case someone chased after them, they were heading toward the wilderness on purpose, they left a horse and carriage in front of it. And by now, Ethan had already discerned what they wanted to do,

'They are heading towards the wilderness, once they enter there, it would be very hard for me to catch them. I can't keep chasing them like this, they are very fast. I have to act now, they mustn't escape with my baby'. Ethan thought to himself.

He glanced at the sword in his hand, then began transferring a lot of mana toward the sword. Transferring enough mana toward it, he began manipulating the wind flowing around as lots of them had already encircled his sword and were flowing around him.

His robe was flowing around due to the large amount of breeze that was encircling him. With the help of mana, he was able to manipulate wind to encircle his sword. Then he focused his gaze on one of the men in black, the one behind.josei

With force, he swung his sword as the wind that encircled it moved towards the young man in form of a wind slash. The wind touched the man's back and he felt a sharp pain that caused him to scream,


And right after that, he fell to the ground. His fellow assassins glanced at him, but they didn't go back to help him 'cause of, Ethan. They knew Ethan would catch up to them before they even finish helping him get up from the ground.

The young man landed on the ground, but quickly stood up before Ethan could even get to him. He was feeling extreme pain, but was enduring it. The moment he got up from the ground, he drew out his sword, and at that moment, he wielded mana.

He transferred quick mana to his sword and swung it, and fire blazed out of the sword in form of a slash also...he was an S-rank bender. It was sudden to, Ethan, but he was too fast. He was still in motion when he dodged the fire slash, and at that moment, he had slashing intent.

He reached the man, swung his sword, but the man dodged it by moving to the side a little. But Ethan gave him no chance to rest, the man was a little slow due to the pain he was feeling in his back, due to the wind slash that touched him, so Ethan made use of that opportunity to throw a swift kick.

The kick touched him in the stomach causing him to move back, and as he was moving back, Ethan was moving toward him with speed. He reached the man and swung his sword once again slashing him in the stomach as blood spilled out.

The man landed on the ground with blood oozing out of his stomach. And Ethan didn't waste time glancing at him as he took to his heels once again, he has to get his son. They had gone really far as it would be very hard for Ethan to get to them.

'I wouldn't let these people take my son'. He thought to himself once again.

He was still running when he started transferring a lot of mana toward his legs. And before he knew it, he was already standing on a wind ball as the ball was moving with immense speed, he wasn't running with his legs anymore. And now, he was about to implement something.

"It's time". He said to himself.

The huge wind ball shot him up as he flew with immense force. The men in black were already close to entering the forest when Ethan suddenly landed in their back very close to them.

The wind ball pushed him up with force causing him to land very close to them. They heard a sound behind them, and they quickly glanced back to see who it was, and they were shocked to see him. How did he?...They didn't seem to understand.

The one closest to Ethan received a kick in the back as he landed on the ground with force. The remaining two didn't bother to help him as they kept on running at speed. Ethan was running toward the one that landed on the ground, and he planned on slashing him right on that spot…

..But it wouldn't be that easy, the young man wouldn't let him slash him just like that?

Before Ethan could get to him, he stood up from the ground and quickly drew out his sword. Ethan got to him as both of their swords struck together.


With their faces really close to each other, Ethan voiced out in an angered voice,

"Who are you guys? And who sent you guys? Why don't you just take off your mask?".

"Are you expecting that I'll give you answers and do what you're saying? Well, hope no more". The man uttered with a smirk behind the mask.

"Arghhhhhh". Ethan shouted at the top of his voice as he moved back a little and swung his sword once again.

The man blocked it with his sword, then threw his own sword attack. Ethan dodged it by moving to the side a little, then he threw his attack...not a sword attack this time, but a kick.

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