Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 111 Demon Light (Part 3)

Chapter 111 Demon Light (Part 3)

Daimon looked at the now burned pit where the remains of those who fell prey of the chimera were, just to see if there was something else the beast hid in there but it was futile.

Evangeline yawned.

"Why didn't you turn that disgusting thing to dust, it doesn't have any worth for the system?".

Daimon smirked, "It's a bait, if this thing is a guard of the prison, then it doesn't matter, but if it was created by one of the prisoners then… I already found my target".

After saying that he started walking directly to the direction where the river which he saw previously when he landed on the mountain was.

On the way Daimon looked here and there trying to find any signs of living beings, but besides trees there was nothing.

"Well that chimera thing probably eliminated any other magic beasts or persons in the area", he thought.

It didn't take long for him to reach his destination, Daimon's eyes glowed, his supposition was correct because near the river bank there were footprints, the only problem was that there was no trace to follow there was only two footprints and nothing else.

Daimon frowned his brows, according to the size of the footprints they belonged to either a woman or a really short guy.

"To be so careless as to not erase its footprints, this guy is probably the one that created that monster… mm, the ruler of this area is either a wind or water mage".

Daimon started reconstructing the scene on his mind, due to the limitation in the mana concentration and the fact that there are only one and two star ranked people in this level of the prison, there are few ways to move without leaving a trace.

One is of course is moving between the trees like the chimera, but if that was the case there will be leaves spread around near the trees and that wasn't the case.

The other option is moving through wind, flying isn't possible, but wind mages can glide for a couple of meters applying wind on their feet a basic movement spell so to speak, the only problem is that it requires a lot of mana for a two-star mage, which discards it as an option.

The last option he could think of, is moving above the water, unlike using wind the spell used to do that doesn't require the mage to create anything, it's just a simple manipulation to augment the resistance of the surface of the water to step on it, so the amount of mana needed is not that high.

"A water mage huh, it makes sense that this guy created the chimera, low ranked water spells aren't too fit for combat, so it an "assistant" is needed… and that also means it's probably a vampire or an undead".

The two alliances had their areas of specialty, the beast faction and humans are known for their warriors and their magic blacksmiths, the other alliance which is formed by vampires, demons and undead focuses more in magical biology and necromancy, in other words they focus in manipulating both living and death beings.

Now that he more or less knew what to expect Daimon walked upstream, being careful to not fall in any trap along the way, nearly three kilometers away he found what he was looking for.

"This for sure brings up some unpleasant memories", thought Daimon, using sixth sense he noticed that in the ladder of a little hill there were some signs of the spell "terraforming", similar to what Aisha did back then when they hid in a cave.

He approached the ladder and looked for the entrance, after tapping the wall here and there he found the opening, the weakness of terraforming is that since the rock isn't formed naturally and it's a low rank spell, the part which is affected by it isn't as thick as the rest.

Just when he was about to use terraform to widen open the entrance of the cave, Daimon frowned his brows the area near the ladder suddenly illuminated, red symbols appeared on the walls before a lot of skeletal arms rose from the ground and held Daimon's legs, arms and neck.

*Clap… clap…clap*

The sound of slow claps and steps made their way to Daimon's ears, he turned his head around and saw a skinny figure fully covered in a mantle.

Its identity was easily given away by the feminine yet unpleasant to hear voice.

"Oh my, it must be my lucky day, to think such a delicious meal would deliver himself to my door, I don't see any characteristic but you smell like a member of a beast race… the hateful Revy family", said the woman in a hatred filled voice.

Daimon which was practically held in place by hundreds of skeletal hands didn't answer, so the woman in the mantle extended her hand and the ladder opened.

"You don't want to talk huh, don't worry I have a special treatment for handsome men like you, which I'm pretty sure will make you talk whether you want it or not", she thought.

The woman entered the cave and the skeletal hands moved Daimon inside before the ladder closed.

Once Daimon entered the cave, he was assaulted by an intense flower smell, which made a huge contrast with the "decorations" that were hanging from the walls or piled up at the corner of the cave… skeletons of different sizes and types along with some gnawed corpses.

"Undead have such a strange fashion sense", said Daimon in a bored voice.

The woman took off her mantle to reveal her appearance, a woman who looked to be in her twenties with a slender figure and short gray hair, but that was not what caught Daimon's attention.

She did have the characteristic unhealthy pale skin tone of the undead, but she also had horns and a tail made out of bones which were akin to one of the ruler families of the demons.

Daimon smirked.

"Corpse sandalwood but horns and a tail, now I understand why you were kept like an animal in a cage… you are a variant between an undead and a bone collector, that is a rare sight".

The woman gritted her teeth, she signaled her left leg which had a different skin tone and some scale patterns.

"Some of the members of your family killed my servants and captured me, just because I was gathering some "toys" in a faraway planet at the border of the white fang galaxy, how is that fair?".

"Due to the low mana of this stupid place I had to use my own flesh to create a servant in order to not be used as food by the idiots of this prison!!!".


The screams of the woman were interrupted by Daimon's sarcastic laugh.

"So, when you chase after other people's lives it's just playing with "toys", but when the one suffering is you then is unfairness… that's so lame".

The expression of the woman twisted in hatred, but after a moment she calmed down and licked her lips.

"Whatever, it's been some time since I had some fun, my last play mate was a girl from the human race, first I'll remove your legs so you can't escape just in case, let's see how much can you last after that", said the woman as she pointed at a cage which was hanging from the roof of the cave.

Daimon looked in the direction of the cave and he saw a woman which was in a horrible state, her body was covered in wounds and biting marks, her eyes were dug out and all her limbs were missing, the blood was completely dry so it has been some time since she died.

The temperature of the room suddenly went up, Daimon's body exploded in what seemed to be white flames melting the skeletal arms which were keeping him in place, before some kind of black smoke was expelled from him.

The woman's eyes widened in shock, she tried to take a step back to retaliate but a sudden burning sensation made her scream in pain.

"Impossible… you were about to use a spell earlier, so how come you are now using battle aura and what element is this it hurtssss aghhhh!!!".

The woman's mind was moving at all speed, the undead were weak against light, but not to the point where just being in presence of it would hurt, besides the incense created with corpse sandalwood it's supposed to poison and block the mana circulation of those who aren't undead, but the kid in front of her simply expelled it from his body as if it was nothing.josei

Daimon looked at the woman which was rolling on the ground in pain due to the exposition of his battle aura with disdain, he approached her and spoke clear and loudly.

"Like pet like master, your servant had the same reaction when my "Demon Light" touched it".

The woman heard the word "demon" and she tried to use her last resort.

"W-Wait, if you would have told me you were part of the demon race, I wouldn't have attacked you, are you Lord Nergal's descendant? or maybe Madam Saphina is your sponsor, I'm related to Lord Arashiel, if you let me live… I will dedicate my soul and body to serve you!!!".

Seeing that Daimon's expression didn't change even after declaring her origins, the woman spat and gave him a poisonous gaze.

"Traitor, a member of the demon race feigning to be a good guy just because I played with that girl, I curse you to have a horrible death!!!".

Daimon shook his head, "Good guy huh? How childish, I'm not killing you because of what you did to that woman, why would I get angry due to the fate of someone I don't know".

He took out a sword from his storage ring and shoved it on the chest of the woman, he carefully witnessed how life left her.

"You tried to kill me, I don't need another reason, now go to hell", he said before using his battle aura to cover the whole place erasing everything including the cage on which the human woman was kept.

After a couple of seconds, the white flames disappeared and Daimon left the cave which walls were red hot now.

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