Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 167 Eliminating Loose Ends (Part 5)

Chapter 167 Eliminating Loose Ends (Part 5)

Seeing Ernest desperate expression Daimon leaned against the back of his chair, he already did his part so it was time for Erin to reap the results.

But then something he didn't expect happened.


[A new skill has been unlocked due to a specific action]

[Desperation Creator LV1: Those enemies from the soulmates of the host whose spirits are broken by the host without physical pain involved will become ingredients to create monster servants (The victim must be killed directly by the host or the soulmates for it to count)]

[Victims available: 1]

[Servants Available: Hellhound, Elemental Golem, Harpy, Blood Bat, Two-headed Fish, Iron turtle (Each monster servant can only be created once and will start as a chrysalis)]

Daimon nearly fell from his chair, but given the seriousness of the current situation he controlled himself and instead focused on Erin.

At this point Ernest noticed this was the end of the road for him, so at the beginning he tried to shout and insult the woman who was probably responsible for all this, but no matter how much he tried the words that he had in his mind didn't come out.

He felt empty as if he had lost something important, but he confused it with the feeling of knowing the grim reaper was coming for him.

Erin saw the suffering expression in Ernest's face and she felt as if a knot in her heart was dispelled, while she was indifferent towards Edgar since she considered him a mere peon, Ernest was different.

He took advantage of the precarious situation in which her mother ended after the war, and used other underhanded methods to pressure her into accepting his conditions to not revolt.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she hated his guts, but then she now felt as if she was freed from her hatred.

From the corner of her eyes, she looked at Daimon and she felt sweet in her heart, her intuition told her this was somehow related to him,

"Aisha was right, you came to this world to become our light", she thought before focusing her attention on Ernest.

"There was a time where I would have peeled your skin and cut your tendons for all the things you did, but now I understand you are a mere stone in the road, so go to hell".

Erin waved her hand and a black spear pierced Ernest's face killing him in the spot, Daimon received a notification but he ignored it, this was an important moment for Erin, and he as her life partner of course gave all his attention to her.

The black spear disappeared and a dull sound echoed through the room as the corpse of Ernest fell to the ground.

Only then Daimon stood up, the other girls also took off their masks of the hollow suits and became visible.

Daimon silently hugged Erin from behind, he rested his hands on her belly and simply remained silence while having her in his embrace.

Erin was nearly 30 centimeters taller than him so from behind he barely reached the height of her neck, but right now Erin felt as if her whole body was being enveloped in the warmness of her lover.

Liz and Elaine also approached their mother and hugged her just like when they were little girls, the moment was short but precious, they didn't know their grandmother but Erin told them stories of her, when they were children.

Erin patted the heads of her daughters and they let go of her, she then turned around kissed Daimon.

Just like how Daimon took revenge for what Ernest did, without she asking him to do it, she didn't say thanks nor mentioned it, because she knew things like that weren't needed between them.

"This is part of my duties as the head of the family", is what Daimon would say if she thanked him.

Daimon let go of her and then put on his mask again, surprisingly the woman wasn't count as material for his new skill, probably because Ernest destroyed her core so she suffered physical pain even before being tricked by him.

So, he simply pointed at her and small black needle pierced her head, it wasn't hard to notice she was probably manipulated by Ernest due to her admiration towards Edgar.

Unfortunately, she took her own decisions and these were the consequences, maybe if she repented of her actions, he would have placed a terror collar on her neck, but she simply tried to seduce him for her own goals, and a crippled enemy was of no use for him.

Still Daimon wasn't going to let her live to avoid unnecessary troubles, so a painless death was the best he could do for her.

"Let's go", said Daimon before snapping his fingers, the whole room was covered in white flames consuming any evidences left behind, before Erin used space shift making them disappear.

A moment later they appeared above the Revy clan inside of the barrier, there was still one last "loose end" to get rid of.

Aura nodded at Erin and she took Liz and Aisha to their rooms at the guest's mansion, Elaine returned to her mother's mansion leaving only Daimon and Erin behind.

This was something they previously discussed, Liz wasn't interested in seeing how Edgar was dealt of, Elaine also decided she didn't care, so Erin was going to take care of it, but Daimon also wanted to go.

Without a second of delay, they also disappeared from the sky and appeared inside the jail, of course for security there were guards but Edgar didn't have any strength so he wasn't particularly supervised.

Daimon carefully scanned the whole place with his truth seeker eyes, there were cameras and a ton of mafic formation to detect intruders, luckily Erin had the master control for all those things, because he needed to be visible to accomplish what he wanted.

He then focused his attention on the man inside the cell, Edgar was now a mortal and has aged since he stopped being a mage, while on the outside he looked depressed, Daimon could see he was nervous as if he was eager for something to happen.

With a smirk he looked at Erin and they both deactivated the hollow suit before she used her spell dark curtain to cover the room just in case, for other people eyes Edgar was simply sat there with an expressionless face.

But the reality was completely different, Edgar saw Daimon and Erin appearing in his cell and he immediately stood up, his face paled, which made Daimon chuckle.

"You look as if you saw a ghost, were you perhaps waiting for someone else to come?".

Listening to Daimon's disdaining voice, Edgar's heart sank when he had a bad premonition which was confirmed a moment later when a couple of things appeared on the ground a few centimeters away from him.


"Ahhh!", Edgar shouted seeing the severed heads of the ones that were supposed free him after getting rid of Daimon.

But he then gritted his teeth and gave Daimon a hatred filled gaze only to be reproached by him.

"Now, you don't have to look at me like that, I didn't do this, it was Ernest the one that beheaded all these guys".

Edgar's eyes narrowed but he snorted.

"Do you really expect me to believe such an obvious lie, uncle Ernest has known them for such a long time that they are practically part of the family, there is no way that…".

Edgar couldn't finish his sentence when Daimon showed him the scene of Ernest crippling the woman and offering her to Falco, before skipping to the part where he beheaded all his supporters with a calm expression.

Edgar nearly fainted, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, but then what happened in front of him made his eyes become bloodshot.

Daimon wrapped his arm around Erin's waist, which Erin responded enveloping him with her long fluffy tail.

With a smiling expression Daimon put the last nail on Edgar's coffin.

"Of course, all of that happened because I tricked that idiot into believing he would live if he killed them, once he finished a spear pierced his stupid face".

Edgar's eyes seemed to spit fire; he saw Daimon caressing Erin's face before he kissed her.

"He deserved it for all the troubles he caused my cute Erin don't you agree?".

"You bastard!!!".

Edgar finally exploded, he was seeing the woman he has desired his whole life being touched and kissed by another man in front of him, the worst was that since Erin was actually letting him touch her tail, he knew this wasn't feigned.

She was conquered by a member of a young generation which appeared out of nowhere, while when he was an Archmage and tried to court her in every possible way, didn't even got a smile from her in hundreds of years.

He was furious, but then he felt as if the world lost all its color, a giant dark shadow with violet eyes appeared behind the smiling black-haired youth and he fell to the ground feeling as if he was suffocating.

Overlord's pride is a skill who affects other regardless of their rank, it's easier for those with weak or affected minds to be overwhelmed by Daimon's aura when he unleashes it, and Edgar practically went crazy a moment ago.

Then the sound of the notification Daimon was expecting rang on his ears.


[Sun alluring fox "Edgar" has offered his loyalty, do you wish to accept it Y/N]

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