Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 190 Arianna’s Strength (Part 3)

Chapter 190 Arianna’s Strength (Part 3)

A few seconds ago, just when Arianna accelerated for the second time shooting herself towards Cayden, without anyone knowing she shouted in her heart.josei

"Mind Booster, first stage… Perception!", her pupils dilated and then world seemed to stop for a second before things returned to "normal".

Arianna inwardly let out a sigh of relief, this was only the third time she used the second effect of the spell granted to her by Aura and it was still incredibly hard to control it, when a person is going through an extremely dangerous situation its body will naturally produce adrenaline with the purpose of surviving.

The heart rate increases, blood flow accelerates, pupils dilate and glycogen reserves are mobilized giving the muscles the maximum possible amount of fuel, in other words the body's natural limiters momentarily disappear.

Back at earth there are stories of mothers who in a moment of distress have managed to lift objects many times heavier than their own bodies, a phenomenon called "hysterical strength", which is the result of an adrenaline discharge.

Then how did Arianna managed to enter into such a state if she wasn't in any real danger at all you may ask, the other method to make the body produce adrenaline is more common, high demand exercises had that effect too, like extreme ones.

And right now, her muscles were being put through a lot of tension, that's why she kept the output of her lightning mana under a certain point, which she surpassed on purpose after using the spell "charge", the intention was to make her body release adrenaline at will.

An adrenaline discharge could help a normal human do amazing things, and Arianna is a werewolf, her instincts are already sharp due to that and as a lightning user her time of reaction is also higher than other people, you can imagine the effect being multiplied many times.

So, she could now see every needle in her way, and still have enough time to see from the corner of her eyes the smile of sufficiency in Cayden's face, the shocked expressions of the spectators in the stands, the frowning faces of her classmates etc.

Arianna was smiling as she dodged all the needles happy with the results of her training, but then midway she had a slight weird sensation of being observed, which seemed ridiculous, of course she was being observed as there were a lot of Arch ranks, half emperors and even magus kings, even if she was moving really fast right now, that was only from the point of view or star ranked mages.

Anyway, this particular sensation was different it was as if she was being seen through, although mana sense was banned, being stared by a higher ranked mage still made you feel slightly uncomfortable, but this wasn't the first time Arianna participated in an event like this, so she has learned to ignore it.

What was weirder was that she couldn't pinpoint the origin of this strange sensation, and it disappeared as soon as it appeared, leaving Arianna no choice but to put the subject at the back of her mind for the time being.

"I should ask master about it later", she thought, besides this wasn't the time for that, she could feel the tension in her muscles increasing, and her heart beat also accelerated to pump blood faster to all her body, it was time to finish this fight.

A moment ago, at the skybox of the elite class, while on the outside Daimon remained calmed, on the inside he was genuinely surprised, he could clearly see all the movements of Arianna, but unlike others she could also see the changes in the mana of her body.

"She increased the output of electricity once again, her speed is equal to the seventh, no an eight-star ranked realm mage using a movement spell…what the hell did you teach to that girl, Aura?", he wondered before he tried something different.

This time he decreased the amount of mana points he injected into the infinity eyes skill, he passed from seeing the external mana circuits to see the inside of the body, organs and bones to be more specifically, that's how he noticed Arianna's heart suddenly seemed to accelerate.

Interested in this new discovery, he decreased the amount of mana in his eyes once again and then her muscle and circulatory system became visible, unlike before he couldn't see her mana flow or anything related to mana, which allowed him to focus in the physical changes her body was going through.

"Her veins have dilated, the same as her pupils, but her muscle fibers are being thorned apart by the tension… how can she ignore the downside just like that", he thought but as if hir mind was being read, Aura's voice sounded in his mind.

"She can't feel pain right now, in the state she is, even if she were to lose an arm or something similar, she would be able to keep fighting, that's what this spell was designed for after all, but don't worry I only handed her the first part of it, because I'm sure her vitality is high enough to recover in a matter of hours without any side effect".

"As long as she doesn't use it for a prolongated amount of time", said Aura to herself.

Daimon had no other choice but to praise Aura, this was truly a decent spell inspired in core synchrony, it was a general boosting spell which affected not only the body but even the mind of the one using it, and just as Aura stated the source of the boost was different.

In fact, although in a minor level, the discharge of adrenaline sharpened Arianna's senses to the point where she developed something similar to his sixth sense, or at least Daimon theorized that after a little accident with his experiment using infinity eyes.

He decreased the mana one more time and the result was that he saw what was being covered by clothes and armor… in other words he caught a glimpse of her naked body by mistake.

"Ahem, the fight is about to end", mumbled Daimon, he deactivated infinity eyes, after noticing Arianna seemed to notice something was off as she started looking in every direction.

And that was the origin of the "weird" feeling Arianna had, luckily the base of infinity eyes was the truth seeker eyes and sixth sense used at the same time, so his field of vision covered 360° degrees, that's why Ariana couldn't pinpoint from what was the origin of that sensation she had.

Once Arianna put beside her doubts, she continued with her charge, the needles formed a net of about one meter wide but with her enhanced senses and speed she managed to avoid everything, as for the impact caused by Cayden's battle aura, she used her own body to parry it.

Once she bypassed Cayden's last attack, she took another step on the platform before becoming a shooting star covered in lightning which clashed against Cayden.



Arianna's shoulder which was protected by the armor clashed against the chest plate protecting Cayden and just like before, both pieces exploded at contact, but this time the impact and the momentum were all transferred to Cayden which made him vomit blood, his eyes rolled backwards as he flew out of the platform.

"Damn!", one of the referees immediately moved, with the impulse Cayden's body had, if it crashed against the wall protected by the barrier behind, his bones will become dust, maybe he won't die but he would not be able to fight on the revenge match.

The referee caught Cayden's body and even he couldn't frown, at contact he used his mana sense to inspect how bad where his injuries and, he noticed there was a lot of internal bleeding, a couple of broken rips and a lot of bruises caused by his veins collapsing due to the impact.

"As expected of the Argent family… they are all crazy", thought the referee as he nodded at his companion, the injuries weren't life threatening nor there will be permanent side effects, so by all means Arianna won the match.

Having received the confirmation from his companion, the other referee pointed his hand at Arianna before shouting.

"The winner… Arianna Argent!".

"Wooaaaahhh!!!", Ulises acclaimed so hard that the skybox of the Argent family trembled, making the other elders to cover their ears, nevertheless they also applauded Arianna for her win.

The crowd also went crazy, the result of this match was completely out of their predictions, they supposed that Arianna and Cayden were on equal stand, so although there was bound to be a winner, they thought it would be a close call, but the previous fight was too one sided.

And they weren't the only ones thinking about it, all kinds of different gazes fell on Arianna, surprise, admiration, jealousy, caution etc. Arthur frowned as a slight killing intent appeared in his heart, that way of fighting perfectly reminded him of Aura when she was still an Archmage, it was like witnessing the birth of a second battle maniac.


Aura noticed the expressions that some of the "guests" had after witnessing Arianna's battle prowess, and she coldly snorted from her seat, which of course caught the attention of the field marshal.

"Argent's matriarch, it seems you found a second gem among the younger generation of your clan, please accept my congratulations".

The voice of the field marshal wasn't too high nor to low, but all the half emperors, peak Arch ranks and the magus kings perfectly heard it as if it was made on purpose.

Aura nodded following the game.

"Yeah, I was truly lucky to find a second disciple", she said, making everyone understand the message, "you want to suffocate a young talent from my clan in my watch, dream on!".

Arthur gritted his teeth in secret, he stole a gaze at Daimon finally understanding why he was so confident.

"Turns out, that crazy woman has been secretly training another disciple… god damn it!", without noticing he fell for Erin's plan, and now they believed that Arianna has been training with Aura for some time, the reason of this was simple, if she were to show this power only after they were inside the ruin, everyone would think she got it from there which would end up in a war.

So instead of an instant power up like it is, everyone thought that it was something developed after years of training with Aura, in other words all this "show off" was for the sake of creating an alibi for Arianna.

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