Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 205 A Clash Between Two Overlords (Part 2)

Chapter 205 A Clash Between Two Overlords (Part 2)

While their energies were fighting against each other, Daimon repeated what happened previously.

He was preparing for a second head on clash against Aleah, when she suddenly smiled, her foot tapped the air and she changed her direction, in other words she moved by kicking air, something only possible for Knight Lords.

While Mage Lords can use the mana of the atmosphere to glide for a certain amount of distance, Knight Lords have reached a high enough physical strength to kick the air and propel themselves.

That is the previous version of the flying techniques both paths can achieve after reaching the Arch ranks.

Daimon's battle aura in other words "Demon Light", doesn't focus in increasing his physical strength, is a battle aura purely centered in destructive force, his abnormal physical strength comes from the combination of the natural increase each realm as a knight grants him, pushing his body to the limit by using core synchrony and the hellish training Aura has made him go through.

But Aleah's battle aura was different, each time she punched a shockwave followed not too long after, if it wasn't for his abnormal body which protected him, his arms would be broken by now.

Then an idea struck Daimon like a bolt out of the blue, while Aleah's claws were incredibly sharp, the pieces of armor were destroyed due to strong impacts as they were churned up to the point of being unrecognizable.

He wanted to take a moment to confirm his theory using infinity eyes, but Aleah was getting more and more excited to the point that her battle aura was overflowing from the platform.

Diana waved her hand creating a barrier with her battle aura to contain the Aleah's which seemed to be running wild.

"How much battle aura does that girl has… old Boris why is she not studying here, I hope you don't mind me stealing her hehehe".

Before Boris could answer Calvin interrupted them.

"She could have joined the academy directly, my grandfather has a direct pass to the elite class which he offered to Aleah, because he wanted me to go through the whole process, but she refused", he said with an aggrieved voice.

"Ahem, she simply said it was boring, in fact she didn't came because of the exploration, I only managed to convince her to come, because I told her Daimon is a monster just like her… and judging by her expression now that she has found a spar partner, no one can make her leave the academy, as long as Daimon is here of course".

Diana frowned, but after a close inspection not only she saw Aleah letting out even more battle aura, to the point that her reserves should have already outclassed the ones of an eight-star ranked knight, she was clearly smiling.

"We'll see later", she said as she inwardly snorted, in terms of battle techniques she believed the academy of the army was the best option.

Completely ignoring the impression that their fight was leaving in others, Aleah's aura changed one more time.

Daimon raised an eyebrow seeing her pupils changing to look like the ones of a feline, then her battle aura condensed into blades which extended from her forearms and knees, what caught his attention was that they were dull.

"This is still a spar", mumbled Aleah, contrary to what Daimon expected she was properly keeping her reason even if she seemed to be in a battle state.josei

'Time to get serious' thought Daimon as a dark mist started twirling around his body, darkness element is a good example of the saying "a good offensive is a good defense", at least his darkness worked as a defense too, since it had the capacity to erode things thanks to Erin.

Of course, he adjusted it to only affect metal, similar to how he only made it so Leir's hair couldn't grow back, this was a spar and he didn't want to end up burning Aleah's skin by accident.

As if they discussed it beforehand, both Daimon and Aleah moved at the same time, followed by a trail of mana and battle aura respectively.

Aleah punched downwards aiming at Daimon's chest, but to her surprise Daimon didn't dodge nor he redirected her attack, instead he also clenched his fist and impacted it against Aleah's.

​ "Boooom!!!", a loud sound of metals colliding followed by an explosion and violent currents of wind filled the arena.

Aleah tried to knee Daimon, but her attack was responded in kind making their knees also clash creating another explosion.

"Hahahah, this is so fun!", shouted Aleah as she let her body fall downwards using her arm to support her body she rolled and used the impulse to kick Daimon.

Daimon stomped the ground making it crack, with his stance he blocked the kick with the lateral side of his arm, Aleah then let her body roll on the platform passing between Daimon's legs.

Daimon managed to turn around but she grabbed him from his shoulders, and gave him a headbutt, their foreheads clashed creating another shockwave, but apparently none of them was really affected.

Daimon saw Aleah's eyes from up close, she seemed to be having a lot of fun with each hit her attacks became heavier and heavier, after a split of a second which seemed to last more time, they both took a step back getting some distance, before repeating the process, if one attacked with a kick the other responded with a kick and so on.

Needless to say, but Calvin and the others were in awe, in their eyes Daimon and Aleah flashed through the whole arena, continuously clashing, it was as if they were having some kind of really dangerous dace.

Out of all the members of the elite class, only Aisha and Yvonne were able to see al their movements, one because her reflexes were fast enough to follow the battle at such a high speed, due to her lightning affinity and the other thanks to her eyes, although she couldn't see "them", she saw their mana flows colliding.

As for the teachers, Aliya's eyes were burning with curiosity.

'A body strong enough to endure two three star boosting spells, and such a strong darkness and lightnings too!', she thought, it also didn't escape her yes that whenever Daimon punched the blades forming on Aleah's body, they became brittle before shattering into little pieces.

Boris had a bitter smile realizing he underestimated Daimon… one more time.

"A body innately strong enough to match up with a knight and also the flexibility in manipulating mana of a mage, that kid is a monster", mumbled Diana.

Boris nodded, that was the huge potential in which he was betting, it's what made him allow Aliya to teach them about her incredibly valuable theory.

"I should stop them before things go out of hands", said Boris as he stood up but Diana stopped him.

"They are clearly enjoying this fight, let them clash big time again and then we'll stop them… if there isn't a winner decided yet".

Boris contemplated things for a moment, although the fight was getting heated, both Daimon and Aleah were still restraining themselves enough.


Back at the platform Daimon blocked Aleah's claws with his, making sparks flew all over the place, before both of them distanced from each other again.

"Let's finish it with one more attack, I'm getting hungry and the second part of the tournament is starting soon too", said Daimon, which earned him a pout from Aleah.

"… Can we spar again before going to the magic ruin?", she asked in a strangely expectant voice.

Daimon nodded without a second of doubt, he could feel his battle aura boiling inside of his body, this little fight with Aleah seemed to have helped him in his knight path, he was also interested to see if he could learn something from her, as he had metal affinity and her fighting style was quite something.

Aleah was unwilling to finish the first fun fight she has had in such a long time, but she could only content herself thinking that now she had found a good spar partner.

She jumped twenty meters backwards and suddenly all the battle aura she was using externally was absorbed back into her body.

The ground below her feet started cracking, she smiled showing her teeth at Daimon, a silver light glowed in her eyes.

Daimon's eyes slightly widened as he felt a weird sensation, the aura granted by the skill Overlord's pride activated on its own, as if it was being stimulated by something.

He finally understood why he was enjoying fighting Aleah so much, the skill he got came from a manticore which is in part a lion, that doesn't mean every lion would be the same, as not all of them can be alphas, but apparently whichever the race of Aleah might be, she is an alpha of them.

"A lion princess so to speak, your luck with women is truly something else", said Evangeline in an amused voice.

But the most surprised one was none other than Aleah.

'So, you are actually like me' she thought as she charged even more battle aura into her body, she used her own metal to look at her reflect, just to confirm that her eyes had that silverish light in them.

Calvin which was watching everything from the stands rubbed his chin, over the years he has seen Aleah using that weird presence of hers to intimidate and suppress enemies, and this is the first time he has seen someone completely resisting it.

As even those from higher realms were affected by it although in a smaller almost unnoticeable quantity, he has seen his father showing a slight discomfort thanks to it… a star ranked being affecting an Arch rank, Calvin used to believe Aleah was the only one capable of that… until that day when Yvonne's father came to cause troubles.

"Yup, they are both monsters", mumbled Calvin as he confirmed his suspicion about that ominous feeling he noticed back then.

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