Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 243 Fighting Against The Three Limbed Creature

Chapter 243 Fighting Against The Three Limbed Creature

As Daimon walked towards the shore, he spread his mana sense all over the place and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, the ship was submerging into the water again, and as it did so, it somehow was able to escape his mana sense.

'It shouldn't be possible, unless that ship is above the Arch rank…', as his train of thought reached that, he immediately looked into his inventory before he regained his calm.

For a second opinion, he instead used his infinity eyes to look into the water, and he chuckled.

'Cunning bastards, how can my mana sense detect something that isn't there', he thought as he turned to see the Risha sisters.

"Leslie and Yvi you can take on the minions, leave the big guy to me, Liliana you rest, your mana circuits are still recovering… also don't ask me about what you are about to see".

"Mm", the three of them nodded without any sign of doubt, making Daimon understand why their mothers were slightly worried about them, for the little amount of time they had shared, they trusted him quite a bit.

Not like it wasn't earned as he has helped them and does consider them their friends, but apparently since they took him as their "center", they were positively inclined toward him, and that is something dangerous in a world where others are always on the look to take advantage over you.

"I'm not in the mood to play, all of you come out", Daimon pointed at the water, white flames appeared on his hand and gathered on the tip of his finger, before he shot it at the water.

"That is light".

"No, it's fire!".

"Battle… aura".

A white flash of light impacted the water creating a small explosion but a column of water of about thirty meters of height.

The Risha sisters put the subject at the back of their mind, for the time being and instead focused on the battle that was coming their way.

Not even a second later, a ship made out of wood with some runes which Daimon found familiar to the ones on the black stone hall, was expelled from the water column, some parts of it were burned but it was more or less fine.

The ones riding it on the other hand weren't that lucky.

"Afrgghhr hresshgh!", Daimon saw the creature which had legs and an arm which functioned as the head, similar to the one he fought at the island earlier, shouting in some strange language to the other creatures which all had a single flesh limb, some were blown into pieces due to the explosion, and others cowered on a corner of the ship.

The leader managed to survive because the two creatures with two limbs blocked Leslie's best attack, when she was angry due to Yvi and Liliana's state, still she managed to turn the two creatures with equal strength to a seventh ranked mage into a burned crisp.

The Risha sisters nearly lost it when they saw Daimon onto the deck of the ship, but they trusted in Daimon so instead of getting worried about him, they did what they were told.

Daimon safely landed on the deck of the ship, apparently the one limbed creatures became violent when pushed to the limit, so after seeing Daimon getting too close they all jumped towards him.

"Feather rain".

"Nightmare Barrier".

The creatures at the left were blasted away due to an explosion of fire casted by Leslie, while the creatures at the right stopped in cold and tripped down onto the deck.

While Yvonne's darkness wasn't corrosive enough to kill the creatures with a single attack, the Night Sparrow clan specialized in a mix of physical and mental attacks, so she used a barrier to block the creatures and affected their judgement causing them to trip and opening up the path for Daimon.

Still, a trap door opened on the deck and a two limbed creature with one leg and one arm, came out of it, with its claws aiming at Daimon.

Daimon's eyes glowed in an eerie amethyst light and the creature froze on the spot, its claws were still a few centimeters away from Daimon's neck, when it suddenly exploded in white flames.

"Arghfhh!", the creature howled in pain, unlike the one limbed creatures he killed before it lasted a micro faction of a second more, but that only prolongated its suffering, before it became a bunch of black bones which then turned into dust.

Daimon stomped and crushed the octagonal thing which was left behind as it tried to escape, at this point he more or less had an idea as to why the Risha sisters weren't able to escape from the pursue of the creatures, that octagonal thing acted as some form of tracking device.

Anyway, right now he paid no attention to that, as there was a more urgent matter to take care off, the other one limbed creatures finally reacted, but as they were about to attack Daimon, the three limbed creature stopped them with its bone arm.

"Arghr… Arcanist", the mouth on the arm of the creature opened and after trying hard, it managed to say an understandable word with its hoarse voice.

Daimon who was about to burn the other one limbed creatures with Demon Light, raised an eyebrow, and without dispelling the white flames in his hands, he pointed at the three limbed creature.

"What are you, why are you chasing us?".

The mouth on the arm of the creature creepily smiled showing its spiked teeth, but still answered a second later.

"Descendants of beasts taste good, strong prey on the weak, it's the law of the jungle".

Without any warn, the creature dashed towards Daimon and punched him with its bone arm which was coated in a green flame.

Daimon snorted and answered with his own punch, making the creature laugh with disdain, until their fists clashed.

"Crack!", the sound of bones cracking followed by a loud dull sound echoed through the whole place, with that punch, the whole arm of the creature exploded and it was sent flying until it collided against the door of what seemed to be the captain's cabin.josei

The creature had a horrified expression on its face as it looked at the what was left of its shoulder.

"Kill him", for some reason the creature now talked in the common language of the Wonder Myriad stellar chart, as it ordered its underlings to attack Daimon, but two figures blocked them.

Leslie and Yvonne got up the ship and used their spells to restrain the one limbed creatures, as Daimon walked towards their leader.

Without giving it the chance to escape, he stomped on its right leg and then let out Demon Light from his foot, burning the creature with it, making it scream.

After a couple of seconds, the limb was gone and Daimon frowned, at this point the notification of the skill "Terror Contractor" should have appeared, but apparently whatever these creatures were, they weren't recognized by the system.

"Whatever, let's do it the old way", mumbled Daimon as he shrugged and then grabbed the creature from its face and lifted it.

"Hsssss!", Daimon used a very low amount of Demon Light to coat his hand, slowly burning away the skin of the creature before saying.

"Now, are you going to answer or not?".

The creature screamed and then its left leg separated from the body and tried to escape just for it to be obliterated by Demon Light.

Daimon saw the octagon thing emerging from the black dust which used to be a leg, but instead of escaping it integrated into the arm, and then the arm doubled its size before it wildly tried to escape from Daimon's grip.

Unfortunately, its strength only reached about 28 tons, and while Narasha helped Daimon by reducing Disaster's weight in half, its weight increased during the past eight years as it ate more of the antinite coat, so to wield the sword, Daimon built an incredible physical strength of about 32 tons, his arms still itched as he remembered how Aura increased the harshness of his training, after congratulating him for the incredibly high offensive power of Demon light, which unfortunately barely increases his physical strength in exchange.

"Agghrhrh, I curse you to die a horrible death Arcanist!", the creature shouted and then exploded in green flames which covered Daimon.


[An unknown curse was casted on the host but it was nullified by the passive skill "Overlord's Pride"]

[Analyzing… Analysis completed]

[The curse Diabolic Immolation has been registered…]

Daimon dismissed the notification to read it later, he used Demon Light to dispel the green flames which were still lingering on the deck near him, and then noticed this time there was no octagonal thing left behind, probably that self-destroying curse used it as its fuel.

Daimon turned to see the Risha sisters, and nodded in recognition, they killed the one limbed creatures one by one, by acting as a whole, while the three of them weren't in good conditions, their team work was perfect.

Even Liliana participated but still respected the rule to now use any spells, instead while Yvonne restrained the creatures she pierced their limbs with her rapier, and now that they saw the octagonal things, and deduced that was why they ended in such a bad situation, Leslie aggressively, destroyed them with her flames.

"Humph", with a cold snort, Leslie destroyed the last octagonal bead, Daimon chuckled at her slightly heated up expression which cooled down when she looked at him.

Daimon scanned the ship with both his mana sense and his infinity eyes just in case, and then sighed.

'I guess it was to be expected', he thought as he observed a compartment below the deck at the deepest spot of the ship.

The Risha sisters all approached Daimon surrounding him in the process.

"Are you Loren's relative?".

"You can use fire too~".

"Are you also a knight?".

The three of them asked what was in their mind, with curiosity filled eyes.

"Didn't I told you to not ask me about it?", he mumbled before he looked at the sky which was darkening as wind currents started violently blowing.

"We'll talk about this later, a storm is coming so let's return to the cave, okay?".

The Risha sisters pouted feeling Daimon was avoiding their questions, but he was right, the weather in this ocean was erratic sometimes it was perfect and then all of a sudden it rained.

"Fine", they said at the same time as they jumped out of the ship, which Daimon then kept in his inventory.

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