Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 260 Man Proposes, God Disposes And The Demon Decomposes (Part 6)

Chapter 260 Man Proposes, God Disposes And The Demon Decomposes (Part 6)

Akeem frowned, while he thought he could escape leaving behind the first years inside the captain's cabin, these two ships he fought alongside with the fourth pillar which was just eliminated by Daimon, to get, would be lost.

Making his contribution to be lowered, unlike the current number one pillar which isn't part of the Black Grave academy, he who used to be the first pillar for a whole year was suddenly stripped out of his status.

And although he hoped for the first pillar to die so that he could recover his position, the Lord ranked who entered with them, supported his opponent, so if he were to return empty handed… she wouldn't interfere in case Marcus tries to kill him to use it as a sacrifice.

After thinking about it for nearly one minute, Akeem turned to see Daimon and shrugged.

"I can't help you with the Lord ranked, unfortunately that senior comes from an organization which isn't tied to our twelve noble clans, and while she can't directly harm us due to a contract, she is pretty much free to help us or not… and she supports the first pillar as he isn't part of the twelve clans as well".

"But I can tell you why they are all gathering near that island, as long as you agree to not tell anyone your source of information was me, in exchange I want to keep one of these two ships, you already killed the fourth pillar so I can say his ship sank, he was a supporter of the first pillar as you probably already guessed", said Akeem as he noticed Daimon frowning.

From the corner of his eyes, Daimon saw the girl from the Penddra family gritting her teeth, and he smirked, Tessa and Femi immediately glared at her, but that little hint was enough to assure Daimon the information was worth the price Akeem asked.

"Deal, you can stay in that ship and take the in those two in the captain's cabin of the other ship, all the loot in that guy's corpse as well as the coffers in the ship that belonged to him is mine", said Daimon as he pointed at the corpse of the fourth pillar.

Akeem nodded and he called the people on the captain's cabin of the other ship, which turned out to be two female first years, after listening to Akeem instructions they jumped onto the other ship.

Daimon then threw a contract at Akeem, who perfectly reviewed it, before he signed with a drop of his blood, the first-year demons also had to sign it and they weren't the only ones.

"Hand it to them", said Daimon, Akeem nodded and threw the contract towards the Paladins.

Tessa sighed as she read the contract, she skillfully dodged the subject in their previous agreement with Daimon, and was relieved to hear Akeem refusing to tell Daimon about it, so when she saw him gazing at Jenna who couldn't keep herself from expressing hatred at Daimon getting some benefits, she knew her efforts were meaningless.

Once everyone of them signed the contract, Daimon put it in his pocket and then, the question now was who was going to be on charge of the new ship.

The Risha sisters were the obvious option, since they were three so occupying a ship instead of being in the same one with Scarlet and Ruby was a better idea, but the three of them instead asked to be in the same one with Daimon and Aisha.

"I want to catch up with Aisha~".

"I'm still recovering".

"I'll drive the ship".

The three of them used some sort of excuse to stay, and Daimon didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, on the other hand there was some merit in keeping them near him.

"Let them stay, darkness to deal with the humans, fire to deal with the creatures and ice which is neutral and can protect from both of them, they have wide area spells which you can secretly help to power up just like you helped me with thunder arrow, now that you can't use Demon Light in front of everyone, darling", whispered Aisha.

Daimon's eyes glowed for a second, Aisha was right, in the upcoming fight he would be limited to not use his battle aura, unless he was sure to not leave any witness of course, but there were two peak Lord ranks involved.

"Fine you three can stay with Aisha and me, but then who will…".

"I'll take the flag ship Daimon, they will focus their fire on them, so it's better for Haylee to stay in this one".

Michael jumped from the ship he was, to the flag ship, and surprisingly Calvin also told Loren to change chips to make Haylee company, because he knew Michael was right.

The enemy will focus on the biggest ships first so they will attract more attacks.

After that little episode, the ships started advancing towards the south one more time, Akeem then jumped from his ship landing on the deck of Daimon's one to fulfill his part of the deal.

He couldn't help but inwardly raise an eyebrow at the sight of Daimon sitting with four girls at his side.

'We'll he killed a pillar with a single attack, I guess he is the equivalent of Marcus for the Wild Claw academy… the strongest among the ones that are still considered students', thought Akeem.

Something the four academies share are the curricular program for third years, which is basically not being in the academy and participating in a training at their respective armies, the idea is for them to gain real experience after all.

"Ahem, just take into account that what I'm about to tell you is based on a speculation made by the peak Lord seniors who tagged along, but they took it seriously enough to use a one-time communication sigil the Greenwich Sage finished just in time for when the Lord rank experts were about to enter… and the price was apparently quite something".

"Anyway, the story is…".

For the next twenty minutes or so, Akeem told Daimon everything he knew about the current conflict that was unfolding between the Blue-Sky galaxy, the Black Marsh galaxy and the creatures near an island.

Apparently, when the Lord ranks from the demons and humans entered the magic ruin, they found traces which matched some sort of place which they have been looking for quite some time.

But they weren't the only ones who arrived at that place, unlike others even in this restricted place, the peak Lord ranks could slow their fall from the air, normally they would be able to glide through the air, which was close to fly but with low maneuverability.

But that was enough for them to move faster than the ships, and the Lord ranks from two unknown forces were already scouting the area before they appeared, two guys wearing full body black robes and two strange creatures which had four limbs and a head but no trunk.

Needless to say, but a battle exploded in sight, which ended on a tie, so after seeing the situation wasn't getting them anywhere and since the island was inaccessible, they all left as fast as they could to gather their respective reinforcements.

And that's how two the maximum representatives of two academies, the princes of the two tribes and two variations of the leading creatures that often control a ship, ended up gathering in a sole place, along with their respective subordinates.

"And what's supposed to be in that island?", asked Daimon, Lord ranks were strong, but nothing they wished for, was valuable enough in Daimon's eyes.

As the young master of two of the three strongest forces in the Beas faction, he had access to a lot of resources, anything below the Arch grade was easy to get.

Unfortunately, Akeem didn't have the answer to that.

"I don't know the members of the twelve noble clans don't meddle with the church of calamity, and as far as I know the human nobles are the same with the church of light, although there are some who secretly support them".

"Only their members know about it, but considering the Arch cardinal of the church of calamity is a Half Emperor, something they fight for must be a decent treasure, not to mention the natives of the ruin and those red and brown skinned guys were there first".

Now that he had fulfilled his part of the deal, Akeem returned to his ship and left the group, unlike the Paladins he had no power over the opinion of the Lord rank, and publicly the Black Marsh galaxy was a sworn enemy of the White Fang and Blue-Sky galaxies, so he couldn't be seen arriving with them without a really good reason.

As Daimon was about to go downstairs to his bedroom to rest, Tessa landed on the deck with a somewhat contemplative expression on her face.

There was something she couldn't stop thinking after seeing Daimon easily killing the fourth pillar of the demons, and making them sign a contract to keep them shut about Akeem telling him about their little secret.

"Why didn't you include a no fight condition in the contract… given the current situation, we would have been forced to accept it", asked Tessa with genuine curiosity, but Daimon's answer nearly made her trip.

"Because depending on the situation I might need to get rid of all of you, later on, who knows".

Truth to be told, Daimon and his soulmates weren't really limited by the contracts, courtesy of the system, but in his case, it was a self-respect kind of thing, going back on one's word isn't a taboo for Daimon, but he still didn't like the idea.

Of course, anything rules could be broken for the sake of his family, but unless it was a must, he would fulfill his promises to the best of his capacities.

After saying that, Daimon went downstairs into the body of the ship, and the girls followed him not too long after, leaving a dumbfounded Tessa which ultimately only sighed and then returned to her ship.


While Jenna stayed away from them after they agreed to not fight with Daimon, the dwarf princess Femi seemed to have at least a respect-based friendship with Tessa, so she was on full guard until she saw her returning to their ship.

"How did it go?", asked Femi while she repaired the shield Daimon's attack pierced before.

"Let's just say I don't want to fight him head on".

"Yeah… my defense is the best among the young generation of my race and he was able to cast a second spell like that, right away".

Seeing that they weren't too optimistic, Jenna snorted.

"Humph, in case you two don't remember it, brother Adam is invincible among the younger generation, once we arrive there, that psycho is dead, also you are supposed to support him".

Tessa and Femi saw the fanatic expression in Jenna's eyes and they inwardly shook their heads, as they thought


But they still answered.

"We agreed to help if possible and needed, but we won't be cannon fodder for the humans".

And so the ships kept advancing to the destination indicated by Tessa.

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