Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 324 The First Battle Of The Allied Army (Part 3)

Chapter 324 The First Battle Of The Allied Army (Part 3)

The Skelefiend called Miserius and the pirate Lucas stared at each other before they laughed, they were both peak Lord rankeds, not to mention their two Bottom Shredders who were early-stage Arch ranks.

Apparently this specific group of was somewhat related to the ones in charge of both the Skelefiends and the pirates.

Miserius looked at the seven peak Lord ranked magic beasts surrounding them, and he snorted.

"Kid the next time make a better job inspecting who you mess with", he said as he snapped his fingers.

The Bottom Shredders suddenly unleashed their mana pressure, but even before it could affect the girls or Karmandi's subordinates, the ground below them exploded as the centipede Neal wrapped its body around them and dragged the fight to the nearby forest.

The previous took Miserius and Lucas by surprise, and their expressions twisted realizing they were tricked and ended up making a clown of themselves.

But losing that battle didn't mean the war was lost, they both nodded and then their groups separated and attacked the girls.

The Skelefiends aimed at Mellie and Jasmine, probably because their leader recognized Jasmine as she was their main target, while the pirates went after the Risha sisters and Aisha.

Although there were seven peak Lord ranked magic beasts, as well as two early stage Lord mages in the form of Mellie and Jasmine, each group of enemies consisted in thirty enemies, sixteen middle stage and fourteen middle stage Lord ranks, besides their respective leaders who were at the peak.

So they just the middle stages outnumbered Karmandi's subordinates in a 2:1 ratio, and that's without taking into account the others.

"Lucas I know your addiction to women, so I'll deal with them, you get rid of the guy and capture the princess", shouted Miserius as he jumped towards Mellie and Jasmine.

The pirate who didn't recognize Jasmine or Mellie thought he was getting the best side of the deal, as he was going to capture Daphne which meant he'll receive a bigger part of the merit, thus a bigger share of the reward, was more than happy to oblige.

"Sure, enjoy your meal but don't play around that much kekeke".

Lucas then turned to see Daimon who was accompanied by a "small snake", who wasn't even at the Lord rank, and he sinisterly smiled, judging by the armor the silver haired youth was using, he supposed Daimon belonged to one of the noble circles, which played to be knights, as he knew how the neo nobles who were the real dangers dressed, full body armors, so for him Daimon who wasn't even at the middle level of the moral realm in other words the Lord rank, was just a random low ranked noble trying to impress a princess.

"I know saving a princess is a fetish of you low nobles have, but in your next life grow some hair down there before you…".

Lucas's words stuck in his throat as he saw the silver haired youth swinging his sword backwards without turning around or anything, accurately stabbing his sword in the chest of the pirate leader Joshua, who used an earth spell to try and snatch Daphne.

"Aghhhhhh!", being stabbed on the chest is already painful, but to be stabbed by Disaster is a hard to describe sensation, mostly because those that experience it, usually don't live to tell, so far the only exception to that rule is the Naktis ancestor and he survived only because he was a Half Emperor, though at that point Disaster was at its prime.

Still besides the lung tearing scream that escaped from Joshua's mouth, which caught the attention of both Miserius and Lucas, his body was soon drained from both vitality and mana, until it became a dry mummy which then turned into dust, leaving nothing behind.

'What the hell is that sword!', screamed Lucas in his mind as he jumped backwards to put some distance between him and Daimon.

"Idiot he is trash that depends on external methods, why do you think I made you keep those two as hostages!", shouted Miserius before he focused in the enemies in front of him.

The pirate's eyes glowed as he grabbed the two surviving girls from before by their necks, and raised them in the air in front of him.

"Don't move kid, toss that sword over here or I'll crush these two bitches's necks!", he demanded.

Lucas's plan was really simple, once the silver haired youth dropped that scary sword which was something he was probably given by the royal family, they had knight orders that served them and the youngers and most promising ones were often given "presents", to buy their loyalty, all because the neo nobles have grown too much lately, so they had to start forming their own outstanding servants to not lose face.

Of course, such "gifts" came with restrictions, like having to practically give their lives for the White royal family if needed, and some of the magic weapons were things found in underwater caves or sank treasure troves, whose side effects were unknown, so these knights functioned as guinea pigs for the royals in case an item was cursed, they were considered the private army of the royals and their dogs, by the high ranked nobles at least.

'Tch, to bump into one of the big dogs from the White family at this exact moment, I have been having some bad luck lately', thought Lucas.

The maid of the first princess which was the only one in their group that could still fight, stood up after helping Daphne lean against a rock, and walked towards Daimon.

But then the time seemed to slow down for both Lucas and the maid Chris, they saw the silver haired youth shoving his sword on the ground, but as Lucas was about to laugh triumphantly, his smile froze on his face.

Two lines of white light pierced the heads of the two girls leaving a five millimeter hole in their fronts, killing them in the spot.

"That's the only mercy a traitor deserves", Daimon's image flashed and without any warning he appeared in front of Lucas as he swung his sword at him.josei

Lucas's alarms rang in his mind, if he was touched by that sword it was a game over for him, still he as a peak Lord ranked was able to react on time and distance himself from Daimon.

But Disaster still cut the corpses of the two girls in half, one of the things Daimon liked about using Disaster's form is that there was no mess, any cut made with its edge wouldn't bleed… because there will be no blood left after being cut with it, at least that was the case for anything below the Arch ranks, whose bodies have been nurtured be it mages or knights, and their lifespan which could be counted in the tens of thousands was enough to survive being wounded by it, at least for now while Narasha was still being othered by refining the antinite external layer on Disaster's body.

Lucas who landed a couple of meters back from where he was standing, saw Daimon casually treating his "fellow" nobles with such indifferency and his back was drenched in cold sweat.

"Those "honorable idiots" wouldn't have killed other nobles in such a cold way, nor they would have cut through their corpses like that… who the hell are you!", shouted Lucas as he took out his own weapon, a sword-breaker dagger, or that was the best comparison Daimon could think of, since the weapon was too long to be a dagger, reaching about 1.2 meters, but with the characteristic spaces at the backside of the weapon.

Needless to say, but the maid Chris was speechless right now, though she didn't know Daimon, he was with Mellie and Jasmine who she did recognized, so she thought he was just a noble who tagged along until he effortlessly killed two other nobles, and girls on top of that.

The only one known for being so decisive was the young spear from the neo noble faction, but he was known for his wild and rebellious behavior, akin to his commoner upbringing, and even if she was beaten to death, she would never believe the silver haired youth in front of her isn't a noble, his aura was too imposing to belong to a normal person.

'Wait, miss Lord Trident Marshal considers miss Mellie his niece… maybe this guy is his secret disciple, that would explain the origin of that scary sword who seems to be on par with the flute of the crown prince and the spear of the young spear', thought Chris as she approached Daimon.

"Hi, I'm Christina Lazuli, the head maid of the first princess, may I know your name?", she asked in a respectful voice, if her supposition was right, then the silver haired youth in front of her had the same status as a prince and was only helping them by the Trident Marshal's petition.

"Gabriel, also don't leave that girl alone, there are still enemies in the shadows", mumbled Daimon, with his gaze completely focused on Lucas.

A peak Lord ranked was out of his comfort zone, so he couldn't lost track of it, then why was Lucas acting so cautious around Daimon you might ask, the answer is simple the spectacle of Disaster easily killing a middle stage Lord ranked and Daimon ruthlessly killing the two hostages, had a big impact in Luca's mind.

He was used to despise the nobles of the Mermen Sea who are afraid of blood and dirt unlike him a pirate, that seeing one being so cold throw him out of his game, and an agitated mind was susceptible to the intimidation caused by Overlord's Pride.

So for Lucas right now, the aura given by Daimon was similar to the one of those veterans who had survived thousands of battles, an aura that reeks of the iron contained in blood and the steel of weapons.

Still for some reason, just like how contracts and his terror contractor skill didn't work with the people of Neptune in general, Overlord Pride wasn't enough to make an enemy submit, but it still made Lucas hesitate, his hands even trembled a bit, he a pirate who is used to blood and carnage was feeling fear!

'Fucking Miserius he probably had some intel about this guy and tricked me!', he swore in his heart.

If the Skelefiend were to hear his thoughts, he would probably vomit blood, because what he thought would be an easy target ended up being a hard nut to crack.

At the other side of the battle field, while the magic beasts and the Risha sisters were being attacked by the pirates and skelefiends, the leader Miserius was fighting the two princesses and Aisha and things weren't going the way he imagined.


"B-Boss aghhhh!", Miserius jumped sidewards and avoided a thirty centimeter line of silver light, but he noticed he was going to be touched by it so he grabbed a random subordinate of his and used it as a meat shield.

Once the silver light made contact, not only drilled a hole on the Skelefiend, but the poor guy melted from the inside leaving a puddle of black liquid on the ground, and the silver ray didn't stop there, it flew right into the forest blowing away a straight line of tall trees in the process until it disappeared in the horizon.

Aisha who was the origin of that silver ray, or more accurately pretty index finger was the origin of that thunder arrow, had an approbative smile on her face.

"I have to admit it, this is some insane support spell you got there, Jasmine", she said as she looked at the silver spear image floating behind her.

"Thanks", with a short answer Jasmine dissipated her spell "Silver Spear", a buff which was simple but incredibly practical at the same time, it tripled all the aspects of the next spell used by the one who received the buff including power, speed, duration etc. With the only limitations that the realm of the one receiving it couldn't by higher than the caster and also it had to be used with "day" oriented elements… like metal and lightning, which were the ones Aisha used for her thunder arrow.

Miserius wanted to cry but tears won't come out, he was confident in taking down the princesses because based on what he knew Jasmin who was the only one with light affinity which was his weakness, had to offensive capacities.

But then he kicked an iron plate because Mellie whose element was considered neutral but fierce, forced him to back off as he was having a had time to know where her attacks were coming, since he couldn't see the vibrations in the air unlike Daimon.

And then a that silver haired girl suddenly tagged along and to his displease she had lightning element, which can be considered a fierce if not the fiercest aspect of light, still while her attacks were dangerous, due to the gap in their realms he could block them with his acid shield, the spell he had chosen to use as his natural defense as a Lord ranked, though it consumed a large of mana, it was manageable.

But then his main target who was Jasmine, used a spell he has never seen and the next attack made all the hairs in his body to stand on their ends, which forced him to use one of his nearby subordinates as a meat shield or he would have lost an arm at least, as the silver ray not only increased its size but its speed too, matching to him as a peak Lord ranked.

'Fucking Lucas, he probably had some intel about this girl and he tricked me into taking them one, while he went against that sole guy', he thought.

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