Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 464 The Ryner Clan’s Origin (Part 3)

Chapter 464 The Ryner Clan’s Origin (Part 3)

Thea heard Olander's words and she felt a bit troubled, her father who always mentioned she had the highest potential in the history of the Ryner clan, made Olander promise not to tell her about what she was about to read.

And that also meant, there was more to the history of her family what she knew, it would be a lie to say she wasn't angry to be kept in the dark, but she decided to first see what was everything about before reaching a conclusion.

In any case, no matter what she got to know, she was sure of one thing… her opinion of Daimon won't change.

Thea waved her hand and a black book the size of a door appeared floating in front of her, this was the record of all the rulers of the Ryner clan, in which they will write all the important events that they had to deal with during their reigning period.

It's something she has read quite a few times, because back then when her father died, this was the way she felt closer to him, by reading all the feats he achieved.

But this time Thea didn't open it with the method her father taught her, which required her to use her token of authority and a drop of her blood, she rolled her spear and against common sense, tried to pierce the book with it.

To her surprise, before her spear reached the cover, a chain materialized out of nowhere, the hole of the lock had an irregular shape, which she recognized immediately as it perfectly fitted the tip of her spear.

Thea couldn't help but steal a gaze at Olander, who just nodded at her, she then inserted the spear into the lock and the chain fell, a small black portal appeared in the center area of the black book, and a golden metallic book came from it.

But Thea couldn't even touch it, before it turned into yellow particles that integrated with the door sized black book, the design of the giant book changed, now its borders and the center had golden metal plaques attached to them.

And that wasn't the only change, every two or three normal pages, a black one appeared inside of the book, Thea who has read every single word of the record of the previous rulers, was surprised to see new contents appearing out of nowhere, but what caught her attention the most, was that now, there were three black pages at the very beginning of the book one after another, without normal pages.

"How come I couldn't notice the missing pages, I have mana sense…", mumbled Thea.

"That's because those pages are stored in a different space, which is only accessible to the ruler of each generation, as for why you who are probably the most talented being in which spatial affinity regards, in the whole history of Neptune, couldn't notice it… that's because the previous one who held that title was the one that created this treasure", said Olander.

Thea's pretty eyes glowed, in the whole history of the Ryner clan, there wasn't any other ruler with spatial affinity like her, no in fact so far in Neptune there was no one who was born with spatial affinity like here, at least not until Daimon arrived to this planet.

Others are able to move through space, because they learn Space Shift, or because they manage to catch something due to comprehending spatial laws, but they don't have spatial affinity.

It's similar to how mages can use the most basic spells of other elements that aren't the ones in which they excel, but can't deepen into them unless they keep advancing.

Imagine a star ranked mage with wind affinity using fireball spell, now imagine a Stellar rank of win affinity using that same spell, of course the latter will produce a way stronger spell, even if his affinity isn't fire, the same applies to Space Shift, the ability to move through space that half Stellar ranks develop, updates as they advance.

But they can't use space for anything else than making portals which aren't realistically usable in battle as they require focues, unlike Daimon who has obtained an ability that doesn't require preparations, like "Switch" or "Blink" thanks to his spatial affinity, or Thea who has learned to use change the space in which she or her spear reside, in other to ignore any limitations, which is what she uses to bypass barriers.

'Someone with space affinity who managed to survive and reach a higher proficiency than me', thought Thea.

In a planet where thousands of millions of living beings exist, Thea can't be the only one with space affinity that has ever existed in the history of Neptune, but in public that is the case.

The reason is actually pretty simple, others who might have had it died before it manifested, or their affinity was too weak to be of use and instead focused on their other affinity, or even more probably they were unable to become mages or knights.

Thea might be really strong now, but prior to her father's death, she was unable to control her space abilities, though she still had her darkness affinity, which had now merged with it.

The other difference between others and Thea, is that she manifested space affinity since she was a baby, it was awake by innate.

Olander who had a frowned expression on his face as he saw those extra three pages at the beginning of the book, said.

"Those black pages are the secret records of the rulers, originally no one besides them should know about it, brother Liam entrusted this secret because it was too early for you back then, the history of my family goes back all the way to the time of your great-grandfather, the second page of his secret record to be more accurate… but those three pages at the beginning, they are new even for me".

Thea didn't need to hear it twice, she opened the book, but didn't go to the pages of her great-grandfather as Olander said, but straight to the first three, of course things didn't go smooth which she already expected.

"They are empty", mumbled Thea, she leafed through the book and then returned to the first three black pages, only those were empty, the others had words written with white ink on them.

"Your father told me everything he knew about the secret records, because there was a chance I had to act as a substitute ruler, so he also didn't know about them", said Olander.

Thea had a slightly annoyed expression on her pretty face, but ultimately, she went to the pages Olander mentioned previously, which were under the records of her great grandfather.

Compared to humans and most of the races, magic beasts had a longer lifespan, each one of Thea's ancestors lived through a few generations of kings of the Clear Water kingdom, that's the best comparison.

So, Thea's great-grandfather is someone that lived around fifteen or twenty generations of kings of the Clear Water kingdom, to put in perspective, the current White ancestor who is older than Vincent, Aurora and the other Maximum Stellar ranks, with the exception of Armanado, is just the king of five generations ago.

The moment Thea read the beginning of the page that Olander mentioned, her pupils narrowed.

The entry basically explained that there have been other visitors coming to Neptune, besides the four that led the war of foundation, but they weren't like the first four, most were just regular people that somehow ended in Neptune.

Thea's great-grandfather got to meet a couple in his lifetime, at least they affirmed to come from outside of Neptune, he accepted them into his files because though they were weak at the time, they showed potential and they also helped some of his subordinates when they were in need.

They ended up joining the army led by Olander's clan and quickly raised in the ranks, until they were only below the generals, gaining many battles for the Ryner clan, everything was good until they became too ambitious.

They tried to convince Olander's clan to start a rebellion, and of course Olander's ancestor refused… so they massacred not only him but practically everyone that was present in the clan back then, regular people, women, children, infants, everyone was killed.

What they didn't know is that Olander's ancestor managed to sent a message to the ruler, before life abandoned him, and so the ruler who was furious arrived in time to see those two using all the corpses for some kind of ritual.

A horrifying battle exploded and the ruler came to realize that those two working together, were as strong as him, which made no sense, because they were still quite young, they became too strong way too fast.

Still the ruler was more experienced, so he managed to lethally wound one of the two, and then started overwhelming them, it was then when all the corpses of Olander's clan turned into blood mist, a red portal took them away before the ruler could kill them.

It was due to that battle that Olander's clan decayed as only some random people who were visiting other places, among which Olander's direct ancestor was, survived, and after learning what happened from the mouth of the ruler himself, they left the Ryner clan.

Olander's race only returned to the Ryner clan in Thea's father's generation, and till today, Olander hasn't meet other member of his race after his small family of his mother and him, were attacked by pirates just to be saved by Thea's father.

The Oarfish general against the wishes of his predecessors, returned to the Ryner clan to help his benefactor, who later became his sworn brother, but that doesn't mean he has forgotten the resentment of his clan which was practically exterminated.

So, when Olander heard that Daimon wasn't a native of Neptune, he of course felt that his blood was boiling, remembering that the companions that lived, ate, slept and fought alongside his clan, killed everyone on a whim, perhaps they were never their companions to begin with.

How could he see Thea repeat the same mistake as the ruler of back then, even contracts were meaningless, because they as direct subordinates should have not been able to kill their general, but they did, though Thea's contracts were stronger than normal, who knows what methods people like those monsters have.

Their general was as strong as the ruler, and he was killed too easily, the ruler did manage to half kill one and heavily wound the other, but they still escaped and their fate was unknown, as for his clan members, they didn't even have a corpse to bury.

Olander looked at Thea waiting for her answer, the situation in which Daimon ended up becoming her general, was suspiciously similar to that after all.

Thea turned to see Daimon who took off his mask, she directly gazed at him before saying.

"Say Daimon, will you betray for your own benefit?", her voice was clear and calm.

"No", Daimon's answer was straight and clear for everyone to hear, unfortunately he had no way to make a contract, because he couldn't be tied by them, but he knew he was telling the truth and that was enough.

And apparently it was also enough for Thea, who smiled and then turned to see Olander before saying.

"I believe in him, if you believe in me then don't lump him together with the ones written in the records, we don't even know from where did they came, there should be an infinite number of galaxies and planets out there after all".

Olander's eyes narrowed, he gazed at Daimon, not understanding how did he earn Thea's trust in such a small period of time, but he then realized that it wasn't only Thea, unlike the people in the record of his clan, he has gathered people from at least three seas.

"Ahhhhh, lass you are going to make me age early, fine if you believe in him, I will do so too, but if I detect the slightest sign of betrayal then…", Olander didn't finish his words, but the meaning behind them was obvious.josei

He then signed the new contract that Thea made, which stated he won't attack the new allies, making the Oarfish general officially a part of the alliance too.

"An ancient race surging, outsiders, what's next the end of the world?", said Olander as he gritted his teeth, only to notice the strange gazes on the eyes of Thea.

"What's wrong lass?", he asked, just to freeze the next second, when he was told about the Global Raid, which was a possible world ending event, depending on the result, not only that but he got to know that there were indeed people that came from outside of Neptune involved in it, in the form of Adam and Marcus.

The Global Raid would have happened regardless of Daimon's participation, because Neptune was part of those two's missions, what changed is that now there was another player and thus a new possible result.

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