Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 49 The Pass Of Time (Part 4) Everyone’s Day

Chapter 49 The Pass Of Time (Part 4) Everyone’s Day

Before they entered the hot spring Erin dispelled the dark curtain covering her, so the spell was only covering Daimon now, she did it because the other girls would find weird to see the water moving and waving while there was "no one" in that spot, so now that Erin will be visible that point was covered.

Of course, many of the girls were fascinated seeing the matriarch attending the hot spring still they maintained a respectable distance from her, they simply returned to whatever they were doing before.

It hasn't even been ten seconds since they entered the room where the host spring was and the sight in front of Daimon was already something amazing… cute naked girls everywhere, a paradise full of variety.

Slim athletic bodies, voluptuous mature figures, cute little builds, there were a bit of everything in the room, as someone that has gone through puberty once before, Daimon nurtured has seen this type of scenes through a screen a couple of times but it was the first time he experienced something like this in person.

Of course, he had seen Aisha, Liz, Elaine, Erin and Aura at the same before but this was a bit different, first he didn't know any of the girls that were in front of him and second… they weren't aware of his presence.

"I hate to admit it but seeing a lot of girls naked even if I don't feel anything for them, does have a certain charm… sigh first Evangeline and now even Erin is making me have this kind of ideas", he thought.

Evangeline was smiling from ear to ear.

"At the rhythm you are getting soulmates, I bet in the future you will bath with this number of girls while being visible hahaha".

Daimon shook his head.

"If it happens then it happens, I'm not hypocrite enough to say that I don't like bathing with mom and the others".

Narasha heard their little exchange and she sighed, "one day I will participate too", she thought.

While they were walking towards the natural pool, Daimon noticed that the design of this hot spring was different than the ones in he has seen before, instead of trees and the little garden that adorned Erin and Elizabeth's bathroom, here the scenery was similar to a grotto.

The walls were rocky, while the natural water pool encompassed the entire room, there were some elevations made of stone from which the water ran continuously, if you added the fact that there were tons of fox girls bathing on the water or sitting over one of the many natural rock formations, the result was a beautiful portrait worthy of being immortalized by the best painter.

Since dark curtain was her spell, of course Erin could see Daimon, she smiled seeing his surprised expression.

"All this room was a natural cave before, in my mother's generation a pair of architects designed the place and the result was so beautiful that it hasn't been modified since then… still I wonder what amazes you the most, the hot spring or the girls bathing on it hehehe ♥".

Daimon feigned ignorance, he remained in silence until they entered the pool, Erin guided him to a secluded spot where he will have a panoramic view of the place while being at a safe enough distance for them to speak without other girls noticing their matriarch speaking to the "air".

The water level wasn't too high so when Erin sat it only reached a bit upper her waist, Daimon sat next to her but in his case the water covered almost all the way to his chest.

He was about to answer Erin's previous question when he saw the rest of the girls entering the hot spring too, the first one to approach them was Aisha, although she couldn't see Daimon, she noticed the little movements in the water next to Erin and she smiled.

"Darling, let me sit next to Erin and you can sit in mommy's lap", she said.

The little waves that formed in the pool made Aisha understand her offer was accepted so she sat down and a moment later she felt her son sitting on her lap.

Liz sat next to Aisha while Elaine sat next to Erin, out of all predictions Aura sat in front of Aisha, so now her beautiful naked figure was blocking a bit of the panoramic scene but being honest Daimon enjoyed more the current "scenery".

Still, he was confused about why they were here, they clearly didn't use the facilities of the training grounds so it was obvious they came here to be with him, he leaned his body against his mother before asking.josei

"Mom, why are you all here?".

Aisha smiled.

"Well, basically when Erin told us her idea, we did accept but we all wanted to participate too, in my case I just wanted to make sure my darling wasn't "captivated" by some unknown girls ♥".

Daimon had a weird smile on his face, "the only ones that tempt me on a daily basis are you all though", he thought, but he didn't argue.

Unlike the other girls, he noticed that Aura's eyes had a faint glow in them and he supposed she was able to see him even through the dark curtain and Erin confirmed it a couple of seconds later.

"Aura, that is cheating, since when you dominated an eye spell?".

Aura shook her head.

"Since a certain someone used dark curtain to play pranks on me", she answered.

Erin laughed a bit.

"You should have seen Aura that time little Daimon, the first time she stayed to sleep in my mansion, I sneaked in her room and painted cat's whiskers in her face when she was sleeping, unfortunately humans hadn't created cameras yet back then".

She was able to trick Aura's senses because dark curtain hides almost everything, your presence, voice, breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, any sounds you make and even your smell, the only exception is that other things can still touch you and vice versa,

Of course, if Erin were to have malicious intentions Aura would have probably felt something was wrong and woke but it was only a harmless prank, so she didn't notice it until she looked at the mirror the next morning.

Daimon also laughed; the image of Aura's painted face appeared in his mind.

"What a shame I would have loved to see that", he said.

They spent almost one hour speaking about past funny stories they had, Daimon actually paid more attention to their conversation, more than to the naked girls decorating the background.

One they finished bathing, they left the hot spring and went to the dressing rooms, the girls formed a circle around Daimon and Erin dispelled the dark curtain, all of them took turns to help him dry off before he took out a set of clothes from his storage ring to dress up again.

Seeing that he was ready Erin used her spell again and he disappeared from their line of sight, the girls also dried off while Daimon sat on a bench next to them to wait.

When they finished dressing, they left the training grounds and once they were outside Erin dispelled the dark curtain for good this time before she asked with a grin.

"So how was it, did you like it? if you want auntie will bring you from time-to-time hehehe".

Daimon felt a couple of gazes piercing him like daggers, one was from Aisha, the other was definitely Aura and surprisingly even Elaine who normally is neutral was giving him an accusatory gaze, he pretended not to notice as he cleared his throat.

"Ahem, I'm glad for the offer but I honestly enjoyed more spending time with all of you while we were there… although the hot spring scenery was indeed incredible".

Aisha nodded.

"Good answer darling, you made me fall a bit more for you ♥".

Daimon had learned his lesson, one Aura getting back at him was enough, he felt a chill running down his spine imagining his mother making read an insane number of books, or Elaine making him review the limitless cases that needed the approve of the clan head for her.

The rest of the day was less exciting compared to the hot spring, although Erin complained all the girls tagged along, "who knows how will you corrupt little Daimon if we leave you run wild", they said.

Some of the stops included the moon gazing restaurant where they ate before, Daimon quite enjoyed the many types of meat from magic beasts that they offered, Aura challenged him to try mage lord grade meat only to lose again and reward him with a kiss.

After that Liz chose the next stop in their group date, as a magic blacksmith she tends to wander around in the commercial district of the city to look for some things, besides studying and creating new kinds of magic technology she also likes to look for "diamonds in the sand".

Although all the merchants that were in the city were members of the Revy clan, some of them represented other external merchant groups, so there were things from other races also being sold, one good example were the clothes that Daimon was wearing which came from a store that sold imported goods from the blue-sky galaxy.

So, Liz's hobby was to visit locals like that and look for the newest things, most of the time the things were just curiosities like the kind of toy you will find in a gift shop, but there were also some good discoveries.

Daimon left the commercial district with a little rectangular glass plate in his hands, it was something called "light album", cameras already existed and with this little thing you could place a photo below the album and the magic formations will create a light projection of the image.

Basically, it was like a prototype of a projector, the difference was that instead of a 2D image, it was more like a 3D hologram, "I never went on a date with a girl back on earth so… I want to experience watching a movie with my girls in this one", he thought of studying the principles behind the album to see if he could create something like a movie player.

Speaking of studying the next stop was the knowledge hall, a building where there was a huge library with books from the four galaxies, Daimon wanted to know more about how advanced were the humans so he bought the newest version of "record of the human world", a book written by the Greenwich Sage.

The last stop was the beast taming palace, the section of the city destined for the sole purpose of breeding and nurturing magic beasts that were tame friendly, of course unlike what Daimon expected there weren't any hidden overpowered ultrarare magic beasts for him to find, like dragons that are yet to hatch or phoenixes that were confused for normal birds.

Normally magic beasts are wild, the only exceptions are those who unlock their wisdom and although they are not that rare to find, they are extremely hard to tame since a rational magic beast has to acknowledge you as its master for it to be tamed.

So far through selective breeding the many forces had created a couple of magic beasts species that are easy to tame, but they are herbivores used for transporting things in places where carriages can't be used or livestock to feed the masses.

Unfortunately, this time he left empty handed, it was also getting late so they returned to Erin's mansion, they ate dinner and went straight to sleep since they were tired due to all the different things they did today.

The day ended with Daimon enjoying the fluffy feeling of Erin's tail fur and the comfortable softness of her bare skin while she embraced him to sleep.

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