Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 525 A strange reunion

Chapter 525 A strange reunion

Chapter 525  A strange reunion


Naturally, hearing that they used to be a single person, made both Jeanne and Emily frown but they weren't that weirded out by it.

"Now that I think about it, back then when we were surrounded and wounded, we both were strangely okay with exchanging blood and flesh in order to survive", said Jeanne.

"Mm, it was as if we instinctively tried to merge together again, even as of current I had no explanation as to why we both underwent a change like that, just by doing that, since it's not like other haven't done similar things before".

The history of Kerrol is quite long, and there is no lack of crazy bastards among mages, so it's not like there hadn't been experiments to create hybrids between humans and Ghouls.

Besides Jeanne, no one knew the real story of Emily, others only believed that she was a Ghoul that had no desire of human meat, a good comparison would be a vegan among humans.

In part that's why even if she provided important intel of the noble families, and also signed a non-aggression pact with the Adjudicators, the vast majority of humans just considered her a Ghoul with a strict different diet, meaning she was still one of the "monsters" they hated.

Of course, that would have changed if they told their story to the Adjudicators, but with how many traitors there were in the mix, not to mention the forces from the church that were controlled by Karla behind the scenes.

In fact, it was they keeping silent about it, what allowed them to not be specifically targeted by Karla, until they needed to get to Oliver in order to obtain the key, which is the point when Reyne met Daimon as she was hiding from the guys of the church.

So, from forced breeding, to organ donation and even blood mixing, there were records of the disgusting experiments made by some of the "criminals" that appeared among both Adjudicators and members of the church, through the years.

But none of them were successful, until recently when Archbald returned with Karla's support, they came up with a relatively efficient method, and while Felix was the first ever case known by the public, others existed prior to him, the problem is that they had way too short lifespans or their bodies rejected the lineage that was infused into them, resulting in a painfully horrible death.

Surprisingly, the lineage of Emily's father was the one with the longer list of successful subjects, with Felix, the sister of Emily's mother and the other male Archduke having assimilated his lineage.

The point is that, even after all that, the only results were half Ghouls, who still had the need to drink human blood, they only became stronger because Emily's father's lineage was that good, not because they improved as a race.

But for Emily and Jeanne that wasn't the case, those two were different, they surpassed the limits of their original race, namely a human and a Ghoul, to become Nelapsi a high ranked vampire race, on par with the Day Walker race to which Aisha and Daimon originally belonged.

Now all made sense, they were so compatible because they were a single entity originally, so their bodies didn't reject the other.

That being said, even Freya didn't expect this development, meaning that what they achieved was due to themselves, it made sense though, those two were Aurora's daughter, they being talented was a given.

'So, for a Nelapsi to be born, one must be compatible to the point of being like the other half of the other, but that can't be the only requisite, otherwise there is a chance for twin Ghouls to become Nelapsi, or maybe it has to be a Ghoul and a human, it still doesn't add up, unless… that energy which was corroding Jasmine's mother had something to do with their evolution', thought Daimon, before he put the matter at the back of his head.

What was important wasn't that, but for starters the question that Jeanne made the next second.

"If that is the case, who is the original and who is the one created through that technique, also will we return to be a single entity later on?", she asked with a genuinely worried voice.

But Freya's answers put both of them at ease.

"What I did for you was different than how I stripped Karla's incarnation out of that bastard, both of you are equally part of the original, originally you two each represented a part of that woman called Jessica".

"You see, she descended from a special lineage that has the equal chance to inherit either light or darkness affinities, naturally since having the two of them at the same time is maybe not impossible but really hard, not to mention mastering them both is even harder, for your lineage, obtaining one doesn't completely eliminate the other, it's just suppressed so that your offspring may obtain it or not".

"So, I just separated light in one and darkness in the other, if you two remained like that, after I recovered to a certain extent, I should have been able to restore you to a single being but now… you have been altered, so I don't know if that is even possible", said Freya.

Another thing worth mentioning is that none of those two had the memories of Jessica, otherwise they would have not only known about Neptune, but they would have also recognized both Sarah and Jasmine, since they have seen their real appearances.

There was also Reyne, she just got a sister, strangely enough, Jasmine is supposedly older than her, but she looks younger, but that can be explained by the fact that the Nethereal who tricked Jessica, probably had something to do with it, since Jessica "died" not too long after Jasmine's birth, and either Byron or Reed, in other words, Jasmine's father and Sarah's father, were the one that issued a mission in Black Wave to kill both mother and daughter, but something changed and the mission was cancelled.

While a thousand things floated in Daimon's mind as he organized every bit of information he had obtained, to form a conclusion, those two were now looking at each other trying to find out what to do.

But since they were too overwhelmed by the sudden discovery, Daimon decided to give them a push.

"You three were already going to come with me to Neptune, since there is nothing tying you to this place, right?", he asked to Jeanne who nodded in response.

"Yes, I hate this stupid planet where we are treated like freaks, just because of some stupid war that started way too long ago, a new fresh beginning sounds perfect", she answered.

"Mm, I personally don't give a damn, but how dare they look at such a good girl like Reyne with those eyes, I have avenged my parents… well the ones who raised me, since I apparently have another set of parents that are still alive, or something like that", added Emily.

"I… if it is possible, I wanted to go with you", mumbled Reyne, which made Daimon nod.

Those three already expressed their intention to lave Kerrol if it was possible, but they didn't mention that they wanted to stay with him, well, Reyne was a bit obvious about it, but Jeanne and Emily hadn't said anything like that.

"I'll say this beforehand, but my life isn't exactly peaceful, and so wasn't "yours", you two should have equal parts of Jasmine mother's memories but have completely forgot about her and everything regarding Neptune, or to be more accurate, everything prior to when you woke up, which was after Freya separated Jessica".

"I other words, the one who used nether to try and kill Jessica, probably erased her memories, before she managed to escape in that horrible state, Kerrol is isolated from the outside, if you leave, you'll reappear on the radar once again, and those guys won't care that you two aren't Jessica".

"In fact, there is a chance that they go after Reyne as they are going after Jasmine, because she should be part Nethereal too, though maybe she becoming a Nelapsi might have used that lineage as its fuel, those two guys didn't have children with human out of love, that is a given", he said.

Daimon didn't know why Reed and Byron had offspring with humans, but the fact that they were trying to capture Jasmine and that Sarah was cursed to die later on, meant that they had something planned for them.

"If you come with me, we'll find those bastards and make them pay that is a given, there is also a chance for you two to recover Jessica's memories, not to mention Reyne will gain a new sister… and a somewhat crazy cousin, besides a really strong grandmother".

Daimon didn't mention Abaris, because with what they just learned, which he must tell Aurora upon their return, that guy was so going to be erased from the family tree, in fact as far as Daimon knows he is 100% an enemy instead of just a petty narrow-minded bastard as Daimon used to believe.

Naturally, Daimon also had something to gain from all of this, first of all, Jasmine will now have two mothers, Aurora will recover her daughter to a certain extent, and if those two recover Jessica's memories, then the missing part about the mystery of Jasmine, Sarah and Reyne's birth will be solved.

Which will solve another part of the puzzle that is Neptune.

"So, it's like jumping from the pan to the fire… but in exchange we will gain the freedom to grow", said Emily.

"Not to mention Reyne will be really "happy" if we go", added Jeanne.

"Mom!", Reyne exclaimed, but the smile on her face was hard to not notice.

"Okay, it's not like we can't just ignore who we are anyway, also that girl deserves to know the truth", said both Jeanne and Emily at the same time, maybe they couldn't straight up treat Jasmine as their daughter like they did for Reyne, since they lacked Jessica's memories.

But that didn't mean that they were cold towards Jasmine, she did share some characteristics with Reyne, both had light blond hair and while one had green eyes the other had blue ones, though Reyne's changed in her vampire form, so did Jasmine's when those white halos appeared in their pupils.

Daimon nodded at them, to be honest if they decided otherwise, he would have despised them, from the emotional side, Jasmine is his friend so he wouldn't tolerate them disregarding her well-being, and on the logical side, even if they decided to escape or hide, there is no guarantee that the Nethereals won't look for them.

And as strong as they might be individually, they had no support or anyone on whom they could rely, two Arch ranks can't face the whole Nethereal army, no matter how strong they are.

"Let's go meet Jasmine, let me enter first, I'll tell you when you can enter", said Daimon, half of the job was done, but that was the easy part, since those two didn't have a strong emotional attachment to Jasmine.

But the princess of the Light Palace, did treasure the memory of her mother, so telling Jasmine "Hey, your mother is alive but she doesn't even remember who you are, nor she looks or acts even slightly similar to what you remember", wasn't going to be easy.

Those three nodded and then they left the room together.

On their way to Daimon's room, Evangeline couldn't help but say.

'Well, those two have similar "tastes", that is a strong proof that they are sisters~'.

Daimon inwardly chuckled, he didn't get angry with Evangeline, because he knew that this was her way to lighten the mood.

They didn't take long to arrive at Daimon's room, he opened the door and entered alone, leaving those three as well as Freya outside to have a private talk with Jasmine and Sarah.

Those two saw Daimon returning and they smiled, especially since he was alone, but then they noticed there was something else going on.

"Did something happen?", asked Jasmine, Sarah's poisonous battle aura was already leaking out of her, she was ready to fight, but nothing could have prepared them for Daimon's next words.

"You know I appreciate you two and that I wouldn't play with what you consider precious right?", he asked.

"Mm, Daimon is my friend after all"

"I would love if you played with mine tough~".

Two abysmally different answers but with the same meaning behind of them, could be heard right the moment when Daimon finished his question.

"Okay, listen to everything I say before saying anything, your mother Jessica is alive, but not the way you remember her, you heard how Freya was able to "separate" a lot of things with a special ability, well…".

Daimon then proceeded to tell those two about what he concluded and the reasons behind of it, and then he told them how it was confirmed by Freya herself, the hardest part was to tell Jasmine that neither Jeanne nor Emily had her mother's memories, so they didn't have the affect that Jessica had for her.

On the other hand, he also mentioned that they can still regain Jessica's memories, and that the two of them are part of Jessica, not to mention that she now has another sister, besides Sarah.

This time even the crazy girl was speechless, not to mention Jasmine, the two of them remained silent until Daimon finished speaking.

"I know Daimon wouldn't lie about something like this, but then why can't I feel as happy as I thought I would be if mother suddenly returned one day", said Jasmine in a low voice, Jeanne and Emily weren't at fault for not knowing her, but that didn't diminish the pain of being forgotten.

Daimon sighed, no one had an answer for what Jasmine was feeling, but there was something he could do for her.

"Mm?", Jasmine suddenly felt a warm comfortable sensation flooding her body, as Daimon placed his hand on her head.

"The ones at fault here are those idiots, we'll get the answers we need even if we have to beat the truth out of them, if what I think is correct, then there is a chance to get your mother's memories back, for now why don't you give those two a try, they could have decided to stay out of this, but the two of them wanted you to know the truth and they will be coming with us too", he said as he inwardly added.

'Not like I would have allowed them to just nope out of this anyway, but there was no sign of falseness in their words'.

"Ah, I thought she was a slut for trying to get too close to all of a sudden, but I guess that since she is "our" sister then it makes sense~", said the crazy girl who was as wild as always.

That didn't mean she wasn't affected by all this, unlike Jasmine who was too young to remember and has only heard about her mother from Aurora, she does remember Jessica, who acted as a caring aunt for her, now they knew that they were not only related due to the friendship of Bell with Jessica, but they were blood relatives as 


But her duty as the "older" sister came first, and right now Jasmine was the most affected for sure, which is also why Sarah against the wishes of every cell in her body, didn't jump onto Daimon, but hugged Jasmine while Daimon patted her head.

"You aren't in the position to judge other people's morality though", said Daimon as she chuckled, which made Sarah smile at him, while Jasmine softly laughed.

"Thanks, you two, I'm fine, whatever the case, the fact that mother is alive even if it is in a different form, is more than what I could ask~", she said, her bright expression returned to her pretty face.

Daimon then opened the door to let those three in, before he left the room to give them some time to speak, Freya also stayed out of the room, though strange it was a lost family reunion.

"I wonder why someone so thoughtful as you, didn't awaken as a hero, Adam was a native of the four galaxies like you, so I might have ended up being your administrator, perhaps my luck with hosts was really that bad", a familiar voice could be heard by Daimon and Freya the moment they closed the door behind of them.

The origin of it, was a necklace with a transparent crystal that contained a pretty white feather, it became visible for a second before it actually "entered" Daimon's body, as the angel girl Ariel appeared floating next to Daimon.

"Could be because I didn't expect anything in exchange for helping Jasmine, also it's not like I would do this for everyone, I did so because she is my friend so don't expect me to go helping strangers around", said Daimon as he sat on the ground.

"I see…", the angel girl looked at Daimon with her amber colored eyes as she got lost in her thoughts.

Daimon closed his eyes, since he just got a message from Rita, she could now share her senses with her young master, so she was literally her eyes and ears in Kerrol, not to mention others couldn't notice her.

While those five were sharing a somewhat touching moment inside of Daimon's room, the reality of the afterwar in Kerrol wasn't that sweet, not that Daimon cared about it, but Rita could hear and has marked all the ones that were badmouthing her young master.

And while she was ready to silence them forever with just a word from Daimon, she put more focus on a certain specific tent near the center of the human headquarters at back at the volcanic area.

This specific tent was filled to the brim with the smell of medicine, there were also a lot of defensive formations as well as guards both inside and outside of the tent.

Besides that, there was a single bed on which a woman that was covered in bandages with different potions applied to them, was laying down, her eyes were bloodshot as she heard one of the guards reporting to her.

"Young miss, the master has said that the war is practically over and that we won't be initiating conflict with the… hero of humanity, please take a rest, the master will be seeing all the outstanding alchemists in Kerrol, we might be able to find a way to restore your core", after saying that, the guard turned around and left.

The one on the bed was none other than Dorothy, she just woke up and after realizing what happened to her, she of course was enraged, but then she got the news that the war was over and that the guy who crippled her was the one that contributed the most.

So, she was now at the verge of losing it, the magic she cultivated was gone, she was starting to age and her father who was her last living relative, basically told her that he won't be seeking "justice" for her.

'Do you hate them?', suddenly a voice reached her ears, Dorothy observed the room and was amazed at the fact that the guards seemed to be froze on their positions, she came out of her daze when she heard the same voice once again.

'Do you want the power to make them pay?'.

Dorothy's eyes got bloodshot, how could she not hate Daimon for what he did to her, this was no longer just anger due to Eliot's death, she was affected this time as well, so she was full of hatred.

'Yes!', she shouted in her mind, then a dark mist gathered above her, from which a cracked dark blue fish scale appeared.

'In that case, from now and until we both achieve our goals, we'll be companions', said the scale as it moved towards Dorothy's chest, but just as it was about to fuse into Dorothy's body, the scale was suddenly restrained by countless invisible shadow threads, before a black portal appeared next to Dorothy's bed.

"You know, for an administrator you are quite predictable, you already caused a comeback today and now you are trying to get a second one, or perhaps you really believed that I was going to let you live", a masked silver haired youth holding a black sword in his right hand was what came out of the black portal.

Dorothy tried to scream and struggle but she then noticed that her body wasn't responding, curiously, despite not having fused with her yet, the dark blue scale tried the same only to get exactly the same result.

"I was talking to you actually, but it applies to her now as well, I only allowed her to live because I wanted to see how she will react, "Y-You put her in such a horrible state and yet you were going to kill her", shouted Karla, that dark blue scale was the rest of her existence in Kerrol.

"I was talking to you actually, but it applies to her now as well, I only allowed her to live because I wanted to see how she will react, that was as much as I could do for those old men, now that I have seen that she'll be a pain in the ass, naturally she'll be disposed of, right now", said Daimon as he used Disaster to pierce Dorothy's heart.

Her pupils narrowed like needles, as she died with a horrified expression on her face, surprisingly the wound disappeared when Daimon retrieved Disaster, there wasn't any trace of a wound caused by external means, instead it looked as if she had destroyed the mana circuits near her heart, to kill herself.

"It won't end like this, my other half is still out there, they'll notice my death and you'll be killed by them!", yelled Karla as she tried to self-destruct her existence, only to notice that even her last resort didn't work.

"You are not going anywhere yet, you still have a lot of questions to answer, only then you'll have my permission to die", said Daimon as she stabbed the blue scale with Disaster.

"You demon!!!", the pain overwhelmed Karla, she managed to squeeze one last insult before she started screaming and answering Daimon's questions of course.

Unfortunately, Daimon had already obtained what he could from this part of Karla, if he wanted to complete that ability he obtained, then he had to find her other half, so after obtaining the information he wanted, he casually destroyed the dark blue scale using both Disaster and his Demon Light, making sure that there was nothing left of it.

The portal closed and Daimon disappeared, the guards only noticed a few minutes later that the remaining daughter of Antonio had killed herself.

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