Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 533 Back at the Mermen Sea (part 1)

Chapter 533 Back at the Mermen Sea (part 1)

Chapter 533  Back at the Mermen Sea (part 1)

Surprisingly, Daimon was capable of seeing the notifications that have started appearing in front of those two, in his case the interface of the Demon Fortress was connected to the system, so others couldn't see the notifications by default, but apparently the same didn't apply to Jasmine nor Sarah.

Well, it's not like they had anything to hide from Daimon, but he took mental note to tell them about it later.

While Daimon was observing those two, he suddenly heard Joanna's voice reaching his ears.

'So, what's your system, I remember Alicia telling me that hers was the "Heavenly Archer" system, which I believe was a fair title, Alice could hit someone a country of distance away with her crossbow and that was when she was at the peak Arch rank'.

'I only talk about such things with the closest people to me and I don't think we are at that point yet'.

Listening to Daimon's response, Joanna laughed, she was rather carefree, but not exactly in the good way, as Sarah seemed to have inherited that from her.

'Come on, don't be so cold, we are going to be family in the future anyway, besides there is something I wish to confirm which I believe will be of interest for you too'.

Just like Sarah, despite her weirdness, Joanna managed to get Daimon's attention one way or another.

'Explain, I'll judge whether to tell you based on that, also I want you to tell me about the Stellar rank on your era', he said. josei

'Heh, aren't you quite greedy, I wonder though, why didn't you ask me about what comes after the Stellar rank?', she asked just to hear Daimon casually saying.

'What would be the point, if your Stellar rank was an incomplete or degraded version, besides I doubt you'll tell me that for free, right'.

'…', Joanna remained silent for a second before she started laughing.

'Now that's what I'm talking about, I guess that's how you managed to steal the hearts of those two little girls, even I am starting to like you more~'.

'I don't know what has your administrator told you, but for "normal" people to know about systems, can be both a blessing or a curse, the proximity to a system user will diversify the opportunities we can get, that's what you did for Jasmine right, her Brightstar lineage isn't losing in terms of strength compared to my daughter when she was her age, and that is saying a lot, she was a first generation who inherited two lineages'.

'Alicia and I saved each other's lives back when we weren't even Arch ranks, in the process I got to know about systems and that helped me pull through quite a fair share of "dead ends", regardless of the fact if Alicia was with me or not… even now I'm still here after all', she said with a somewhat nostalgic voice.

Daimon was a bit surprised that Joana could tell the difference between Jasmine and other descendants of the main branch of the Light Palace, but his next words surely took her by surprise.

'I'm sorry to tell you, but Jasmine doesn't know about system users specifically, in fact none of the ones that surround me does, since I don't know what kind of effect reaction it will have to hear it directly from me, I have been really careful with the words I chose to explain them about what happens around me', he said.

Let alone Jasmine and the others, even his soulmates haven't heard the word "system" directly from Daimon not even once, that is a little trick which Evangeline taught Daimon, as long as he doesn't do certain things, the influence he has over those around him will be kept under control.

So, while Aisha and the others know about Evangeline, the grimoires and a lot of the functions of the system, they don't know Daimon is a system user, they just know he is different than others.

'Damn, what the hell was your awakening trial like, to produce such changes in those two without having directly explained about your system', said Joanna with an interested voice.

'That is only normal, since Daimon has the strongest system and the best administrator, as for the concept don't ask about what you shouldn't, ghost woman', Evangeline couldn't help but join the conversation, her voice wasn't exactly friendly too, but Joanna was quite similar to Sarah in which her face was really thick, she didn't take it personal.

'Oh, so you are his administrator, don't worry, Freya also didn't like me when we met, but look at her now, I bet we'll get along pretty well~', she said.

Evangeline softly snorted as she returned to sleep, making Daimon chuckle, he trusted she only prevented him from learning things that will be detrimental for himself as of current, since she always gave him hints and information as soon as it was possible.

'Okay, we'll leave this conversation for when we have become closer, as for my Stellar rank, I was a real Stellar, someone that obtained a Manifestation Phenomenon as well as a Domain and the capacity to move through space in the Mortal realms as well as mana sense, to then surpass the 100% mark for law comprehension in the property of my darkness at the Stellar realm, though the last is something I only achieved when I put a step into the next realm of which I don't even know its name unfortunately'.

Daimon's eyes glowed behind his mask.

'So, the Stellar realm is indeed related to law comprehensions as I had supposed, but then how did they measured it and why there isn't anything about it in Neptune's records…', he thought.

Let alone that, nowadays the natives of Neptune were lucky if they obtained a Domain in the Arch rank, the normal is to obtain it at the peak stage or even after entering the half Stellar realm, if what Joanna just said was true, then Neptune was at least at the same level of the four galaxies.

Not even once has it passed by Daimon's mind that the four galaxies are weaker than Neptune, nor the simple reason that the four galaxies also have a large period of time from which there are no written records, only stories and rumors passed down from mouth to mouth by the races that have the longest histories.

And yet, the four galaxies ended up in a better state than Neptune, even the less talented all have the traits obtained at the Lord and Arch ranks, and now Daimon knows that the Half Emperors have started to comprehend laws though they aren't aware of it, not to mention there is a creature like Dimas trapped there, in the past there should have been mages that had surpassed the Stellar rank, but somehow the inheritances and knowledge were lost over the years.

'How did you measure the Law comprehension of others?', asked Daimon, there was nothing in the shop of the system that could do that as of current, and if he could obtain that magic technology, then a new era will begin in the four galaxies, and naturally the one who started earlier will have the advantage.

Of course, Joanna knew how much value her knowledge had; she isn't an administrator so she isn't restricted, as to why she knew about such a thing, that is because she already scanned the citadel and only found one Maximum Stellar rank, and this was one of the forces that was considered top level back at her times, so she judged that the current Neptune was weaker than back then.

'Mmm, I'm a rune master, if you have a talented blacksmith and enough resources, we can make "one" after some time, but you'll have to give me something too, even back then, very few forces had it~', she playfully said.

'What do you want?', asked Daimon.

'Take those two with you when you leave… I already experienced what it feels to not be able to walk side to side with someone important for you, I don't want those little girls to go through that', she said with an honest voice.

Daimon was surprised about her request, she knew he is not only a system user but a really above average one, what others deem impossible is only hard for system users, it's not an exaggeration to say that she could have asked him for practically almost anything, like helping her obtain a new body but she instead used that chance to help Jasmine and Sarah, till the end she cared about her family first, which is something Daimon can respect.

'You don't know what is happening in Neptune right now, there is a chance that the planet disappears in which case, those two will naturally come with me, it's something I have promised to them, so there is no need for you to use your condition for that, think about it and tell me later', said Daimon as he returned to reality, the process of the core integrating with the citadel was finishing, as the white unknown material that surged out of the walls of the heart of the citadel, suggested.

Joanna didn't say anything else, as she had quite a bit to process, instead she also observed the process of restoration of the citadel, it was special for her, since the treasure that Alicia once used to protect everyone which she gave new life to ensure the continuation of her late friend's lineage, was regaining its past glory.

And they weren't the only ones, Aurora and the others were surprised to see the white substances suddenly covering the floor, buildings and practically every inorganic part of the citadel, changing its color to a silver-white shade.

"It was quite expensive and the process will be gradual, but the citadel will eventually return to be what it was before", said Jasmine with a smiling expression on her pretty face.

"Yeah, you should see the new beds of the main residence and the improved torture chambers~", added the crazy girl, which made Daimon shake his head, she was as wild as usual.

Jasmine gave Daimon an apologetic smile as she pointed at Joanna's core, the arrays on the walls of the room shone and then a link was stablished between Joanna and the heart of the citadel, at the same time, a white metal wristband appeared on both Jasmine and Sarah's right wrists, similar to the one that Daimon obtained thanks to the Demon Fortress, it was the sign that they owned a fortress.

Unlike his, theirs had a white feather engraved on it, though, but the functions were the same.

Joanna's core which was previously laying on Daimon's hand, floated once again, more of the cracks it had developed through the years, faded away, giving it a healthier appearance.

"Ah, that's better, well, I have been trapped in this room for a long time, if you don't mind, I want to see the outside and then meet the current people from my and Alicia's family", said Joanna as her projection covered her magic core once again.

"I have to return to the contract process, I have barely started producing origin again thanks to our contract", said Freya, Daimon previously wanted her to talk with Aurora about Jessica, but he noticed the tiredness in her voice and he decided to not do so, in any case she didn't really know anything else about Jessica, it was just to confirm with Aurora, but she'll have other things to think about now that Joanna has entered the stage too.

Now that Jasmine and Sarah owned the citadel, they could control the many passages it had, according to Joanna in the future they should be able to move through space however they want within the territory of the citadel, as Alicia was able to do it back then.

A few moments later, the ground a few meters away from the lake, split apart and Daimon and the girls came out of it.

"Woah, the mana has really diminished quite a bit compared to back then, what the hell did those bastards do in my absence", said Joanna as she observed the sky above the citadel.

"You can contemplate Neptune later, let's go back to the main residence", said Daimon, he was feeling really tired right now, the last thing he wanted to do before taking a rest was to help those two take possession of the citadel, and it was done so it was time for him to take a well-earned nap.

Joanna was the one that designed the flying citadel so she didn't need a guide to reach the main residence, and after a few minutes of walking the arrived at their destination.

Needless to say, but all the girls were gathered at the living room of the main residence, Jeanne, Emily and Reyne who had already installed themselves, included, they all turned to see Daimon's group which was entering through the front door and had different reactions.

Probably the most interesting one was, Aisha who had a smile that wasn't a smile as she spoke with Daimon through the mental connection.

'I know you have the "Casanova" tittle and all, but you were only gone for fifteen minutes and brought another woman darling, I guess we need to have a little "conversation" later~', she said.

Daimon cleared his throat as he gazed at Aurora.

"I guess today's is a "lucky" day for the Light Palace, you get to meet the one of the two "first" Matriarchs in person, good luck", he said as he walked towards his room.

Naturally, for Aurora and the others it was as if a bomb had been dropped all of a sudden, they all have expressions of disbelief, well not all, Aisha, the Risha sisters as well as Mellie, Daphne and Christina casually followed Daimon, which didn't escape Reyne, Jasmine and Sarah's eyes.

Joanna who was looking at Reyne, Emily and Jeanne with interested eyes, gazed at Jasmine and Sarah before saying.

"I won't be going anywhere, go secure the "future" of the Light Palace~", Bell couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the "familiar" words said by that strange woman, not to mention Sarah's smile widened as she left the room, followed by Jasmine whose face was slightly red.

"Mom, I'll give you some space to talk with grandmother and the others", Reyne excused herself and also left, which made Jeanne softly laugh, and Aurora warmly smile, while Jeanne and Emily still had their reserves towards Aurora, as they just met, for some reason Reyne found it easier to accept Aurora as her relative, just like she had started to treat Jasmine as her sister though she remained kind of wary of the crazy girl.

"I guess he is the type to make things big or not doing them, don't you agree?", said Joanna to the ones who stayed behind, which were basically the adults.

"Ahem, let's not jump to conclusions, is what he said true, are you Daimon, the latter entered his room, the beds of all the girls were still there.

the first Matriarch?", asked Sylvie, she wasn't the right hand of Aurora for nothing, she took the initiative to ask what was in everyone's mind right now.

"Yeah, you could say so, I guess what he said is true, you all don't know anything about your ascendence, the truth is…".

While Joanna told Aurora and the others what really happened, being sure to not mention systems, as per what she agreed with Daimon, the latter entered his room, the beds of all the girls were still there.

Something Daimon noticed was that the girl from the angelfish clan wasn't here, nor at the welcome of earlier, though Miriam and Laura were.

"Marlene has isolated in her room to try and find a way to advance to the Arch rank again, she'll be out later", said Aisha who entered after Daimon.

Daimon nodded and then he took off his shoes, jacket and the mask to then throw himself at the bed.

"Wake me up for the dinner please", said Daimon as he closed his eyes and not even a minute later, he was actually asleep.

All the girls arrived just in time to see Daimon falling asleep, and they stared at each other before they closed the door, to then sit down on the beds which they put next to the other.

"So, what happened in that place after you were transported?", asked Yvonne to Jasmine and Sarah, the other girls also curiously gazed as those two as well as Reyne who was the last one to enter the room, and though felt a bit shy after seeing the beds being put next to each other, didn't leave.

She was then surprised to see the Risha sisters take out some snacks which were placed on the center, apparently, they all had gotten closer while Daimon was gone, at least they now seemed to 

be not just teammates but friends, and contrary to what Reyne expected she wasn't being left aside, the others showed interest in her story.

Which was a first for her, leaving aside Daimon, Jasmine and the crazy girl who didn't discriminate, back at Kerrol all the people her age kept some distance with her, due to Emily's race.

'As expected of the people Daimon is friends with, they don't care about such things', thought Reyne as she gazed at the sleeping face of Daimon with a soft smile on her face.

'Oh great, more competition', thought an unknown number of the girls present in the room, at the sight of Reyne gazing at Daimon in a way they knew pretty well.

And so, while the citadel flew at an even faster speed towards the Mermen Sea, both the adult and the young girls were having conversations about different subjects, Daimon who entered the land of dreams, unaware that his name was being mentioned in both cases, quite a bit.


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