Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 535 Back at the Mermen Sea (part 3)

Chapter 535 Back at the Mermen Sea (part 3)

Chapter 535  Back at the Mermen Sea (part 3)

Aisha saw Daimon entering the room and her pretty amethyst eyes glowed for a second, before she patted the space next to her on the bed, urging Daimon to lay down with her while they waited for the others to finish their bath.

Daimon chuckled but he obliged, he took off his shoes and then laid down on the bed next to Aisha, who rolled on the bed to be on her side while looking at Daimon frontwards.

"Just a few minutes alone with you and Marlene suddenly entered the room fresh as a lettuce and with a smile that she could barely hide, just what did you do to her darling~", said Aisha with a playful voice as she poked Daimon's right cheek.

Daimon bitterly smiled in response, just to see Aisha giggle as she dragged him into her embrace to gently caress his hair.

"It seems like this travel was really worth it, for my Daimon to be able to comfort others now, I'll take that as a win", she said with a caring voice.

Daimon softly smiled as he closed his eyes to enjoy Aisha's softness, it is true that he has changed since the exploration of Neptune started.

His goal remains the same, burn the ones who caused his mother pain, down to the ground and then instill more than enough fear on others, so that no one would dare to even think of harming his family.

Aisha's reason to bring Daimon to the academy, even if he could have just been taught at home and by a couple of Half Emperors nothing less, was because she didn't want him to close himself out of the world.

As a mother she felt happy when she saw Daimon discovering what friendship is like, and she has been even happier, after seeing him evolving from complete indifference to anyone that wasn't his soulmates, to have friends to whom he can trust his back to.

The initial merit of that goes to the Risha sisters, which is why Aisha gets along so well with them, even if she as a lover can't hep but feel jealous knowing that they like Daimon to the point where there is no going back.

And now, it's not only them, there is a large group walking by his side, which is what she wanted for him.

'Less female friends wouldn't hurt though…', thought Aisha as she pouted, Daimon noticed the change on the way she was caressing his hair as she applied a bit more of force to her hand.

"Ahem, take it easy, I would like to keep my hair attached to my head", he said.

"I get that I might be outdated in the ways of the world and we come from different galaxies, but for siblings you two seem a bit too close, you know", Joanna who was reading her book couldn't help but comment after seeing those two tightly hugging each other at the bed, just to hear Yvonne who was coming out of the bath along with the others say.

"Well, even at our galaxy siblings are usually not that close, unless they are of the same gender, but Aisha practically took care of Daimon since he was a baby, so they grew closer due to that". josei

Aisha who was smiling without the others being able to see her face, winked at Daimon, the backstory that they invented for themselves has helped them cover up their real relationship quite nicely.

"What's there to be ashamed, I was the one who bathed and changed him, since he was a baby, it's not like I haven't seen everything there is to see", she playfully said as she jumped out of the bed to enter the bath, leaving Daimon alone on the bed to be gazed at by all the other girls who were accommodating on their respective beds.

'Mom, that's a bit too much…', thought Daimon, there were a couple of gazes he could feel the most, the Risha sisters of course were among them, then there was Jasmine and Reyne whose faces were red and lastly the crazy girl whose eyes were scanning him from head to toe while she licked her lips.

"Go to sleep you all, tomorrow we are going to have a really long day", said Daimon as he walked towards the bathroom, closing the door behind of him.

"What a shame every time I was about to get a glimpse at the bath, that woman who lives in Daimon's shadow, caught me, on the other hand being immobilized and tied wasn't that bad~", said Sarah with a bright smile, which made the other girls look at Sarah with "W-Wait, how many days where you left alone with him?", asked Mellie only to see Sarah mockingly smile at her.

weirded expressions.

"You are a menace you know", mumbled Leslie which made the others softly laugh.

"W-Wait, how many days where you left alone with him?", asked Mellie only to see Sarah mockingly smile at her.

"Enough for us to grow closer, wasn't I personally fed by him earlier too~", she playfully said.

"Ahem, let's go to sleep, Daimon is right, tomorrow we'll have a lot of things to do", said Jasmine as she dragged Sarah with her to their bed, where Reyne and Joanna were also staying.

The others were somewhat unconvinced, earlier Sarah didn't mention the bathroom incidents, in fact this was the first time Jasmine heard about that as well, nothing really happened, but they could imagine what the crazy girl was aiming at, since she was really open about it.

Without Daimon knowing, a strange competition between some of them started just a moment ago, but he couldn't spare attention to that as of current.

Inside of the bathroom, Aisha was waiting for him completely dressed, she gazed at him from the corner of her eyes with an expecting expression on her pretty face.

Daimon gulped down at the charming sight of Aisha clearly inviting him, despite his serious and responsible usual behavior, he is no monk nor a eunuch, there is no man in the world who wouldn't be moved after being surrounded by a lot of beauties all the time.

It happened before, when he was left alone with the Risha sisters, even if he didn't see them in such a way back then, his body still responded to their closeness, like it should, luckily Sarah's craziness prevented him from, reaching that point, but he had to admit that after spending more time with her, he indeed found her less annoying.

She stopped trying to go too far and instead became friendlier and a bit more restrained, she still lost it from time to time, but she was way more tamed than when they met… most of the time at least.

Seeing the tent in Daimon's pants, Aisha giggled as she moved her long silky white-silver hair aside, to expose her pretty smooth neck to her darling.

"Those three will be soon asking you to bite them, not to mention that crazy girl, but for now, your fangs are mine~", she said.

Daimon's eyes were glued to Aisha's pale neck, real beauties didn't need to be naked to be mesmerizing, that is something he learned thanks to Erin and the others, back at earth he never developed any interest in anyone, even the prettiest models or celebrities that were trending among those of his range of age, caught his attention.

The first time in his two lives, when he was moved by a girl was when his eyes beheld the sight of Aisha's lovely face, after that even when the maids of the castle who were beauties by all means, as they served under the direct main branch of the Naktis, didn't look appealing to him, the next time he found someone attractive was when he met Liz, the same repeated for Elaine, Erin and Aura.

Then there was Narasha and Evangeline, who despite not having seen them in person, he was more than comfortable with, those two also had a place in his heart, and lastly there were the newly discovered relationship of "friendship".

Yvonne, Leslie and Liliana were at the top on that aspect, as they have openly admitted of liking him, but even as of current, they haven't taken the last step, and though Daimon doesn't reject them, it is also true that he doesn't feel the same way with them as he does for Aisha and the others.

It's normal though, he spent eight years together with those seven, despite them being his soulmates, it's not like he reached the current level of feelings he had for them, instantly, it developed over time.

That is of course from Daimon's point of view, his Apex Predator body tempted him to take all the girls that surrounded him on a daily basis, as one would expect from a body constitution which granted him those pheromones that would amplify and inhibit restrictions on those of the opposite gender who have positive feelings towards him.

"You shouldn't have told them that, you know what will happen if I bite them", said Daimon as he hugged Aisha from behind to then gently kiss her neck, before he sank his enlarged fangs into her.


"Well, it's not like you are going to let them be taken away at this point right, I don't mind that our relation changed quite abruptly, since there was a long period of adaptation afterwards, not to mention all the flirting you had with those three and the "training" Aura invented to be alone with you, I want you to experience the whole process with them, like it would have happened if things hadn't changed for us back then", she mumbled.

Daimon who gently drank a bit of her blood, separated from her not without kissing her neck, before saying.

"Well, you do seem to have taken a liking to those three, to the point that you are willing to share your lover with them, not to mention they are indeed really good girls, I'll have a talk with their mothers as soon as we meet… but we'll leave the biting aside for the time being".

Aisha giggled as she leaned backwards to then look upwards at Daimon's face, from below.

"I think a kiss will be more than enough to melt those three if you ask me, speaking of which are you going to bring them all with us, Liz is going to be super jealous you know~", she playfully said.

Daimon shook his head, he didn't have an answer to that, to be honest he didn't want the others to leave, but he couldn't just tell them to leave their lives to follow him, unless he is taking responsibility for them, not to mention that he doesn't know what the result of the global raid might be, will Neptune end up connected to the four galaxies, will it be destroyed, will nothing change, there were too many variables.

But for now, Daimon decided to focus on the matter hands, literally as he started undressing Aisha to then take her under the shower with him, the transparent droplets of water running down her beautiful body were impossible to ignore, especially the droplets of "water" dripping down from the area between her legs.

Daimon's amethyst eyes glowed as he saw Aisha lean against the wall as she stuck out her pale round butt, to then slowly sway her hips in an inviting manner.

Daimon stood behind of her and dragged her into his embrace, which was followed by sweet cries and giggles, that were luckily contained by the walls of the bathroom.

Though Daimon and more importantly Aisha, could have continued all night long, they would not be able to cover up if they do that, so the limit was of around an hour, including the twenty minutes that was going to take them to clean afterwards to actually bath.

So, around an hour later, they left the pool-like bathtub and dried each other before putting on some light clothes to then leave the bathroom.

At this point, some of the girls were actually asleep, Marlene looked especially cute with a calm and relaxed expression, compared to her previous worried self, Tessa and Femi were also peacefully sleeping and then there was Jasmine whose eyes were closing by themselves, though she remained awake to say goodnight to Daimon, which she did before she entered the land of dreams, Reyne and Sarah smiled at Daimon before they followed their younger sister's steps, it's also worth mentioning that a soft snore could be heard coming from a white spherical object which was placed on top of a pillow, that was Joanna who released her projection to sleep.

Daphne and Mellie were particularly eager to return, so that they could see their sister and mother respectively, so they went to sleep earlier than the others, Chris naturally joined her young miss and friend Daphne to dreamland too.

As for the Risha sisters, they were also awake though with sleepy expressions, that's not what surprised Daimon, but the fact that they were waiting for him, in his own bed.

"I-It's going to be a cold night so I'll stay with you, you know fire affinity!", enthusiastically said Leslie as she covered her face with her pillow to hide away the bright red tone that was visible on her cheeks.

"I used up all the mana you gave me, but I know you are tired, so instead of a asking for more in a single go, you can give it to me in small parts over the next eight hours, so there won't be any burden…" mumbled Yvonne, trying to not let her racing heart be so obvious.

"I'm cold, hug", Liliana limited to express with few words like normal, but her point was clear.

Before Daimon could say anything, Aisha pushed him onto the bed, making him land in the middle of those three, she naturally laid on top of Daimon occupying the main spot, but those three each held onto something, Yvonne and Leslie grabbed Daimon's arms, while Liliana actually hugged his right side, she was indeed a bit cold but that was her normal temperature.

Daimon saw those three giving him puppy eyes and he couldn't help but give in, it's not like they haven't shared a bed before, nor they are at a stage where this level of physical contact, would be inappropriate, especially because they know Daimon wouldn't do anything they don't want, they felt safe and comfortable being close to him, he was their "center" after all.

"Okay, you better not complain of not having had enough sleep, later", said Daimon as he closed his eyes just to hear those three giggle.

Sleeping with another person this closely it's not easy first, as people tend to move around while sleeping, Daimon has seen Leslie wake up in the morning laying down on top of either Yvonne or Liliana, for example.

Still, silence fell in the room as Aisha turned down the lights, and then a comfortable darkness enveloped the room, without anyone noticing, a curious pair of eyes could be seen on the side of Daimon which Liliana wasn't hugging tightly to, then slowly but surely a hand came out of the darkness to slightly hold onto Daimon's abdomen for a couple of seconds, before sinking into the darkness again.

The rest of the night went on pretty much uneventful, everyone had a good night of rest and before they noticed the moon was replaced by the sun on the artificial sky of Neptune, and the now silvery-white flying citadel found itself within the territory of the Mermen Sea, naturally the route was traced in coordination with Annete and Vincent, so there was no one that could see them arriving, of course Aurora had casted a light illusion over the citadel just in case.

Daimon felt a ticklish sensation on his face, which made him slowly open his eyes just to see Aisha cutely brushing his nose with her hair as she smiled at him, after making sure that the others were sleeping, she pecked Daimon's lips as she whispered at him.

"I really missed sleeping in the same bed with my darling~".

Daimon chuckled, he could imagine how clingy are some certain fox and wolf girls going to be once the exploration ends.

With Aisha waking up, turned on the lights, the movement and all, made some of the girls wake up, the first one was none other than Mellie, who got to see the Risha sisters holding onto Daimon's body as they peacefully slept, making her face explode in a reddish tone.

Still, she wasn't Annete's sister for nothing, she could "rationally" realize that besides them holding onto him, nothing else happened, so she greeted Daimon with a slightly stiff smile on her pretty face, before she got up to go wash her face.

Naturally the previous, created a chain event, Daphne which was sleeping in the same bed as Mellie also woke up, she silently smiled at Daimon before she followed Mellie, Chris was next.

And then the alfear and dwarf princesses, who gave Daimon some dubitative gazes, before chuckling as they left the bedroom, the problems started when the crazy girl who woke up at the same time as Jasmine and Reyne, saw that scene.

The Risha sisters were too comfortable, so they were still soundly sleeping while holding onto Daimon.

"So, it's going to be done in intervals of three, I want the full body hug next~", she playfully said as she jumped out of the bed, the noise finally made those three wake up.

Needless to say, but once reality hit them, they reaccommodated so that their faces weren't visible, as if they were hiding.

"It's a bit too late for that, we all saw you be all comfortable and cuddly, you know?", mumbled Jasmine as she intensely gazed at Daimon, who could only bitterly smile, Aisha was still laying down on top of him, so he couldn't move at all.

Also, the usual gentle and bright Jasmine had an expression that didn't match her, which was explained the moment she spoke next.

"I want the right arm next", she said before she flashed out of the room.

"I'll make up with the left one for now…", mumbled Reyne as she followed her sister, leaving only the crazy girl who was laughing out loud.

"That's the little Jas I know and love~", said Sarah as she happily hummed while walking out of the room.

"Ahem, let's get up you three, we'll be having breakfast at Annete's mansion to catch up with the current status of the Mermen Sea, so you should go dress up", said Daimon.

"Mm", the three sisters nodded as they let go of Daimon, before they ran away like scared rabbits.

"Aren't they cute, darling~", jokingly said Aisha who was still laying on top of Daimon.

"Well, that was never up to doubt, but I do feel things are going to get a bit complicated now", said Daimon as he rolled on the bed pushing Aisha below him, of course that compromising position only lasted for less than a second as Daimon got up to put his clothes as well as the mask on, while Aisha and the others did the same.

Once they were all ready, the group gathered at the living room, where Aurora and the others were already waiting for them, the flying citadel was now floating above the clouds on top of the Delphini family's territory.

"There is a lot of people here so we can't store the citadel away, instead some will stay to supervise things, while the others go down to meet with the queen", said Aurora as she looked at Miriam and Laura.

They couldn't participate directly on the war that was coming, so it was better for them to stay at the citadel anyway, which is why they were perfect for the role, Jasmine and Sarah could grant some authority to others now too, so they could operate the citadel to a certain extent.

Underwood and the other patriarchs as well as the guys that had submitted to Daimon were also staying behind, just in case too.

The others nodded and then with Daimon snapping his fingers, a large shadow portal appeared, everyone jumped into it and then they all disappeared.

The scenery changed from the living room of the citadel, to the throne room of Annete's mansion, where the queen was sitting with Vincent standing next to her.

As always, Annete looked pretty with her light blue hair and aquamarine eyes as well as her elegant dress and her crown, as for Vincent, the old Trident Marshal looked strong as ever, in fact he seemed to have gotten a bit younger than before, probably because he has become active once again, for military men like him, being quiet and still is like poison.

"Welcome back", said Annete as she stood up from her throne and rose the sides of her dress, elegantly towards Daimon.

"It's been a while kid, we have a lot to discuss", added Vincent as he gazed at Aurora who was happily chatting with Reyne as she looked at Jeanne and Emily.

With this, the day that will decide the fate of Neptune had finally arrived and no one knew how much things were about to change.

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