Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 415 Yang Zi (I)

Chapter 415 Yang Zi (I)

415 Yang Zi (I)

An Xiulan went to the office on time as Han Zixin dropped her there. As she entered, she was greeted by her assistant and fellow coworkers. The treatment that she got in the office was not less than that of a boss. Everyone there knew that she was Lu Zhaolin's daughter and nobody dared to treat her badly there as they were afraid of earning his ire. They had never seen him favoring his daughter but they had seen how well he treated her in their personal time. As most of the time, he would make time from his busy schedule to see his daughter. Usually, they would have lunch together.

They had known that she was his daughter from their first marriage. From rumors, they had heard that his first marriage was an unhappy one and he also had custody of his son but they did not expect him to have that good relationship with his daughter.

Since An Xiulan had time before her work started, she decided to drop by her father's office as she had not seen him in a couple of days. And she was so crazily busy with her boyfriend that she failed to give her father a call. This reminded her that her father had not called her in days which was unlike him. Although he did not talk much on phone, he would occasionally ask her how she was doing and then hang up the call. She was used to him as she knew that he was a man of few words. But she had not expected that he would not try to contact her for so many days.

"Good morning, Mr Sun, "An Xiulan greeted his father's assistant who she met outside the office.

"Good morning, Miss An. How are you doing?" Mr Sun asked respectfully. If there was one person he respected apart from his boss, it would be this young girl. He always felt good meeting her. She had such a soothing aura. Everytime he would see her, he would feel how not all rich kids turn astary. There were some who would work hard to deserve what they got from their ancestors and this young lady was just like it. She had earned her father's legacy with her blood and sweat.

"I am doing quite well. Is dad inside?" She asked him.

Mr Sun fell silent. He was told to not disclose the true reason about his employer's absence in the office. But it was very hard for him to do in front of the young lady. But he couldn't say anything as the orders were quite clear.

"Mr Lu is on leave, "Mr Sun said. "He has to go on an important business trip. If you have anything to tell him, you can leave your message with me."

Hearing this, An Xiulan felt weird. Why would she leave a message with him? If she wanted to talk to her father, she would call him. Nobody would be that busy that he could not take calls to talk to family.

"Thank you, Mr Sun. But I will give him a call, "An Xiulan said before taking leave. "Have a good day, Mr Sun."

"You too, Miss An!"

An Xiulan went back to her office. As she was working, she was called by the CEO. Amanda was in the office as she entered.

"Miss An, I called you to know about the progress of the current high profile case that our firm had taken, "Amanda said. She was talking about the case where a superstar's stepdaughter had filed divorce from her abusive husband but the husband filed the case against the stepmom saying that he was getting framed. It was a case that was in discussion with netizens. There was a lot of pressure on the firms as everyone was discussing it. What's more their client was not the superstar but the supposedly abusive husband who was screaming about his innocence. And it was no surprise that their firm was at the attack of the netizens. Thankfully, they did not care about Netizens opinions and would take the case of whoever they felt needed help.

"I tried to set a meeting with Mrs Mu but as usual she shut us down and Miss Mu is also not willing to see anyone, "An Xiulan answered. This Mrs Mu was no one else but Yang Zi, Han Zixin's birth mother.

Mu Wanwan had married out of her stepmother's will and now she was suffering along with her husband. It would be seen how they would be able to prove the innocence of the man who was stuck in the wrong place. To fulfill her dream of having a star kid, Yang Zi would stop at nowhere. If she had to ruin the life of one man, she would do it without feeling an ounce of guilt.

"Then, what will you be doing?" Amanda asked. "This case is important to us. Not because it is a high profile case. But the victim is close to my family."

An Xiulan nodded her head. "I am doing my best. I found out that Mu Wanwan is visiting a therapist. All I need is a good moment to talk to her. Hopefully, I will get it."

At the same time, her phone rang. It was the private detective texting her. She looked at Amanda and said, "She is at the hospital. This is a good time to meet her. I have to take my leave. I will brief you on the matter later."

"All the best, "Amanda nodded her head and An Xiulan left the office. Suddenly, she turned back and asked,"Would you mind if I take Ming Jun with me?"

Amanda paused and then asked, "He is your coworker, why would I mind?"

An Xiulan grinned. "You are keeping some things under cover. I will not like to create office gossip and earn someone's ire. I have seen so many CEO romance dramas to know this."

Amanda rolled her eyes as she felt that she was getting teased by her junior, "People are more interested in the bad boy in uniform who visits the office often on his equally badass looking bike than my handsome boring lawyer boyfriend."

An Xiulan burst into laughter and went out. She just avoided getting stuck in office politics with laughter. She just wanted to tell Amanda that she had nothing to fear about Ming Jun and her closeness in this case and she did it in her way. Moreover, she also had a boyfriend and it would be better to avoid as much unnecessary gossip as possible.

"You are coming with me, "An Xiulan said. "I took the boss's permission."

"Your daddy's?" Ming Jun asked with a grin.

An Xiulan rolled her eyes. He would not stop teasing her.

Their third co-worker Zhang Yiming was quietly working in the corner. He looked up at them and blinked his eyes.

"Zhang Yiming, see she is using her father's influence again, "Ming Jun said.

Zhang Yiming had been offended if it was old times but after staying with these two for months now, he was used to their teasing. He had grown a thick skin. He knew that Ming Jun would never forget how he was against An Xiulan in the beginning as he thought she was using his father's connection to be in the office. In the end, he was badly scolded by her. How thankful he was that she had proved him wrong.

"Let her, "Zhang Yiming said.

"Look, what he is saying today, "Ming Jun teases him even more.

"Oh, I asked the real boss. Someone's 'real boss', "An Xiulan said with an eye roll.

Ming Jun fell silent now. Of course, he only understood now what she meant. Fine, she won this round of teasing.

Zhang Yiming went back to work as he knew An Xiulan won the round and Ming Jun would be quiet for sometime.

"Where are we going?" Ming Jun asked her.

"To the hospital, "An Xiulan said. "We are going to find an opportunity to interview Mu Wanwan."

Ming Jun rubbed his head and said, "That case is a headache."

An Xiulan responded, "Oh, I know it."

"Will she even agree?" Ming Jun asked. He did not think that Mu Wanwan and her stepmother were easy to deal with. It was a weird case. Women filing divorce and her husband filing a case against her stepmother. Never in his life he thought he had to deal with such a messy case. But he knew how important the case was to the firm and his girlfriend was counting on him to win this one. josei

An Xiulan reacted, "Who knows."

Ming Jun askes, "Do you think Yang Zi will let us go closer to her? I heard she is not leaving her alone even for a moment."

"Oh,she will, "An Xiulan said with a grin. There was a wicked smile in her eyes and anyone who knew her knew that she was certainly up to something.

"How are you so sure that you will meet Mu Wanwan?" Ming Jun askes. He wanted to be this confident in life.

"I will not, "An Xiulan answered and then he got confused. Explaining, she replied, "You will."

"How?"He furrowed his brows.

An Xiulan just grinned.

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