Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 423 Perfect solution

Chapter 423 Perfect solution

423 Perfect solution

An Xiulan said, "Oh, he is keeping you at arm's length."

Shen Yue blinked her eyes as she looked at An Xiulan and asked,"Is that what you think?" josei

After listening to her little complaint, An Xiulan reached this conclusion instantly. Actually, what An Xiulan said was right. She just did not know what to name whatever was going on between her and Gu Shangyan. It made perfect sense when An Xiulan said that Gu Shangyan was keeping her at arm's length as it was what was happening to her.

She further said, "We are not spending time together as we used to."

She missed the time that they used to spend. She felt like she had found a real friend apart from her old ones. Gu Shangyan would come to her when he was in trouble. She would not mind a bit when he would call drunk and say he had no one to call at this time. Gu Shangyan wanted to hide his worsening drinking problems from his brother and sister. She would bring his drunk ass home each night. And when he told her how he quit drinking, she was the happiest girl alive. She even forget for a while that they were having some unknown and unspoken problems with each other.

An Xiulan said, "And you don't like it."

The real reason why Shen Yue was suffering was not just overworking but the ruined equation with Gu Shangyan too. She could not accept how their bond was almost ending. It was hard for her to see Gu Shangyan going away from her. She had taken him as a very close friend and now she was having a hard time seeing him keeping her at an arm's length. It was almost killing her.

"It's weird, "Shen Yue sighed, "How can you stop being like how you were before? He arrived in my life and became one of my closest friends. I did not see this friendship coming at all. After developing such a deep friendship, he is now being too polite. Or like you said he is keeping me at arm's length. And yes, I don't like it."

It did not make any sense to her how someone could so easily get over such a bond. Like how could someone go back to normal after making someone feel like the happiest person alive? Why did he let this friendship grow if he was not capable of taking it further? They were such good friends but look what is happening now. It was not making any sense to her.

An Xiulan who was listening to Shen Yue suddenly asked, "Did you tell him this?"

"How should I tell this to him?" Shen Yue asked her, "Won't I sound too desperate for his attention? I don't want to be the desperate and clingy girl for his attention."

An Xiulan nodded her head as she understood where Shen Yue was coming from, "I agree that no one should be desperate and clingy for anyone's attention. It is something that one should not do. Paying you attention is something that he should do on his own."

If Gu Shangyan was not paying her attention like he should, it was not right for Shen Yue to act desperate for it. It would only make her feel bad.

Taking a pause An Xiulan went on, "But, Yue'er, if you don't ask him why he is keeping you at arm's length how will you know? This way you will keep thinking a lot of things and it will do you no good. Isn't it better to ask him why he is behaving the way he is than overthinking everything?"

Shen Yue's entire problem can be solved by nice communication. Actually, this matter would not have reached to this point had they both decided to talk it out but they chose to ignore the problem and now the aftermath of ignoring the problem and pretending it did not exist were so great that they could no longer ignore it and it needed a fast cure or it would only ruin further from here.

Shen Yue almost cried, "It is not easy."

An Xiulan said softly, "Of course, I know."

If it was easy wouldn't they have already done it? Sometimes, we have to take hard methods to solve things. But these hard methods usually scare us.

"What should I do?" Shen Yue asked.

An Xiulan said, "It is something that you should do on your own. I can only advise you."

"I should talk to him?" Shen Yue asked, confused. She was at the point where she did not know what to do anymore.

"If you want to stop over analyzing things, " An Xiulan advised, "You should talk to him."

Shen Yue decided, "Alright. I will talk to him."

Wasn't it just talking? She could do it. Right? She could do it? Oh lord, why did it seem so hard now?

"When?" An Xiulan asked. Of course, she knew the inner conflict Shen Yue might be going through at this time.

Shen Yue answered, "Umm a few days later?"

"What's wrong with today?" An Xiulan asked..

Shen Yue gave her the perfect excuse, "Today, we are having a girl's night out. I don't want to do it tonight."

An Xiulan rolled her eyes. She knew what Shen Yue was up to. Oh, she did not like people who would ask for ten pieces of advice and only do their stupid thing in the end. She said, "You will get time before it. And your actions will give us a topic to talk about tonight."

Shen Yue grumbled, "How mean, Xiulan."

An Xiulan chuckled, "How will we pass the night and drink if you don't give us gossip?"

At the same time, Song Xueyun joined the call. Initially, she was busy when she saw An Xiulan had invited her for a voice call. She just finished her work and joined the call.

Song Xueyun said, "Hey, girls. What's going on?"

An Xiulan said, "Yue'er is having friendship crisis."

"With Shangyan?"Song Xueyun asked.


Song Xueyun's answer put Shen Yue in more trouble, "Easy, talk to him. Things will go normal."

An Xiulan said with a huff, "See, I told her the same thing but she is not listening to me."

"Shangyan is a pretty nice guy. He will understand if you talk to him, "Song Xueyun said, "And if he doesn't understand, make him understand."

Among the people in her friend circle, she believed that Gu Shangyan was the easiest person. At least easier than An Xiulan and Lu Xuan. He was easy to talk to and he would see your point and not be adamant on what he believed was right.

"Is it easy?" Shen Yue asked.

"What's easy, darling?" Song Xueyun grumbled as she munched on a chocolate bar for some energy, "The world is really tough."

"Did you fight with Nanxian?"An Xiulan asked.

"How did you know?" Song Xueyun asked. That husband of hers was driving her nuts. Why did the husbands not come with return policy?


"What did the poor guy do?"Shen Yue asked.

Song Xueyun grumbled, "He is not poor, let me tell you."

"What did this not-poor guy do?" Shen Yue asked.

Song Xueyun cried, "He doesn't do anything. That's the problem."

An Xiulan said in a naughty tone, "If he doesn't do anything, why don't you do something and let him know that he can do things to you?"


An Xiulan and Shen Yue laughed so hard. It was fun teasing Song Xueyun all the time. She was so easy to tease. It was not their fault that Song Xueyun would always give them chances to tease her.

"How can you be so shameless?" Song Xueyun asked. Her friends were mean bitches when they wanted to be. But she loved them nonetheless!

"We are having a girls night out, "An Xiulan said, "Come tonight. We will solve all of our love problems."

Shen Yue mentioned, "Mine is not a love problem."

An Xiulan rolled her eyes, "Fine, friendship problems."

An Xiulan added, "Anyways, Yue'er, you will talk to Yan Ge and tell us what he says."

"How is it possible?" Shen Yue gaped at her. The office would end soon and she had no courage left to talk to him, " We have no time left."

An Xiulan advised her, "Go to his office and speak everything."

Shen Yue protested, "It is not easy."

"Go to his office, "An Xiulan gave her the perfect solution. "Make sure no one is there except for him. Close the door and then your eyes and ears and speak everything in your heart without giving him a time to speak."


A/N: Let's see if An Xiulan's perfect solution would land Shen Yue in big trouble or not. The plan is insane. Anyways, it is hard to concentrate in the summer. Your body is always in dire need of sleep. After coming home my sleep cycle is messed up.I wonder what will become of me and my body once I am back at hostel?

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