Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 534 Getting Out

Chapter 534 Getting Out

Trying to suck the colossal spirit power stored inside by any lower grade would end up by detonating one's body out of overload.

In addition to that, the amount of spirit power in that storm was enough to let a thousand gold spirit masters step into the dark gold grade in just a few days! Not to mention many of them would end up at the mid ranks as well.

So, William had to wait, wait until he'd reach the gold grade at least. The higher his initial stage was, the better he'd end up at the end.

He also wanted to bring many of his guild's trusted and capable masters here to get the benefits as well. So, he decided to hold back his plans for now and retreat. After all, this process would take decades or even a century for that bear monster to achieve its goal.

Besides, everyone in the area feared this place, there was no harm in letting it and go away for now.

As for the type of monster inside that storm, William couldn't help but feel little ironic about it. "It seems I'm truly the nemesis of those Scarlet Bears," he inwardly laughed, while realising the monster behind all this was one of the Scarlet Bears.

William knew if he explained all this to everyone, they'd come up with more questions. And then things would turn troublesome for him, explaining tons of things, without them getting most of what he'd say. And so, like usual, he decided to use actions to express what he wanted to say, not words.

As for the team, the new ones felt more puzzled by his actions. But with the help of the old members, they realised how big this opportunity was.

William would never act in such way except if things were great, if he was in front of a truly rare opportunity.

"They seem like they are pissed to see us walking away," John turned back towards that hexagonal territory they just walked out from and could only sigh.

Since they started to walk away from that storm, it felt like they stirred up the hornet nest. Tons of monsters started flooding their way, trying their best to stop them, but failed.

With William here, nothing could stop them. And in the end, William got enough cores to absorb, making him recover the spirit power he lost, and add another hundred as well.

That made him lack less than three hundred points. Just looking back at that place made him miss being there. If not for the danger it posed over him and others by losing the spirit power the more they stayed in there, he'd preferred to stay there hunting down these monsters for weeks!

"Let's go," William received the map Murphy drew, and asked him to keep drawing maps of their path towards that place out of his memory. Then he led everyone back on the right track, heading towards a huge city almost three thousand kilometres away.

During their travel, they met monsters, but none was like the same they faced back at that hexagonal place.

They rarely met gold grade monsters, and the most they faced were silver and bronze grades again. Even William started to long for that hexagonal place after the passage of two weeks in their travel.

"We are here, at last!" in their third week, they managed to arrive to their destination.

"I'm really desperate for a hot bath right now," Ro stretched her arms, exposing more of her fiery figure. William gazed at her, knowing that she did that on purpose, the same thought that flashed in other girls' minds.

In front of them, something a little similar to the Scorching Lands city was there. It got high walls, stretched to cover an area of tens of kilometres at least. It wasn't as grand as the city they came from, but it wasn't any less bustling with people like it.

As they walked towards the main gate, William paid the fees to enter the place. According to what he heard from people around, to enter this place one had to pay one hundred spirit crystals per person.

William liked this idea, but he knew trying to apply this to the city of Scorching Lands was futile endeavor. Most of the residence in the Scorching Lands area right now were common and normal people, ones without deep pockets or the means to acquire lots of spirit crystals.

Only merchants and spirit masters would be able to afford paying such price. And yet when he noticed how densely crowded the inside of this place was, he couldn't help but inwardly sigh.

"At least millions are inside, and that means… Damn! They are earning lots of crystals per day without the need to do anything!" William grew a bit envious from this place and started to think about expanding his guild and build his own city somewhere outside the Scorching Lands.

Of course, that hexagonal area was a perfect spot. After he'd clear that storm, deal with the monster, he could control that region for himself.

"What are we going to do now?" Peter asked as they were walking in a huge street right now.

"We are going to rest for a day," William paused, turning to Smith before adding, "scatter around, gather all the intel you can get."

"Got it!" Smith was the head of the scout team, and he was also responsible for gathering intel if the team went outside. This rarely happened in the past five years. But that didn't mean Smith wasn't capable of doing this task, neither was his team.josei

"Let's walk around before Smith will find a nice place for us," William didn't bother even to ask around for decent hotels. In fact, he'd prefer to not stay at one. The last time he stayed at a hotel, he met with deadly foes and enemies that he couldn't handle at that time.

Speaking about them, and away from William's current location, in a well-hidden place under the Scorching Lands old fort, a grand underground cave was located safely there wasn't anyone knowing about it.

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