Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1066 - Inspector Heavenly Immortal Island

Chapter 1066 - Inspector Heavenly Immortal Island

Chapter 1066 – Inspector Heavenly Immortal Island

When An Zheng woke up, the sunlight was exceptionally glaring. When he tried to open his eyes, he felt pain all over his body, and this pain pierced to the bone marrow. It was as if his body was about to fall apart. The sky was an outrageous blue, and it was very quiet. The white clouds seemed to be within reach, drifting past one by one before his eyes.

There was a faint fragrance of flowers in his nose. He turned his head with difficulty and discovered that he was lying on a patch of green grass. The grass wasn’t high. He was lying down, and the people in the distance couldn’t see him. He was no longer on the mountain. Was he teleported back to the ancient era?

If it was that space, he should be able to go back.

Amidst the pain, his memories began to return bit by bit.

On Dragon Star Mountain, he activated the Dubhe Art and sent the entirety of Dragon Star Mountain away. At that time, the situation was extremely urgent. He did his best to control the symbols so that he could send those ancient people back and restore peace to the world.

However, something seemed to have gone wrong.

This was not a mountain, and he was not at the cave. The birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. The surroundings seemed so peaceful. Where did everyone go? An Zheng already knew that the person who was winking at him was Chen Shaobai. Hidden within the crowd were Du Shoushou, monkey, Divisions, Gu Qianye and even Qu Liuxi … An Zheng thought that the ones who were teleporting away were only people, but who would have thought that an entire mountain would fly away and the Xiao Liu’er and the rest would all be taken away by him.

An Zheng was filled with regret, he had to find them no matter what. However, he couldn’t move. It was as if all the bones in his body had been shattered. Not to mention standing up, even moving a little was unbearable for him.

At this time, An Zheng suddenly realized that something huge and strange was floating across the sky. That definitely was not a cloud. As he drifted over, he gradually blocked out the sunlight, and An Zheng entered into the shadows. It didn’t seem like the creature was floating very fast, but it was too big. It was so big that it exceeded one’s imagination.

It was an island.

An island floated in the sky. Looking up from below, all that could be seen was craggy rocks. Clouds circled around the island. One after another, multicolored large birds flew by, and their chirping sounds were crisp and pleasant.

What is this place?

It was completely different from the space sealed by the Immortal Emperor Purple Ivy.

“Eh? Why is thererson lying here? ”

Someone beside An Zheng talked, and immediately after, a girl who looked like she was only sixteen or seventeen years old appeared in front of him. The girl squatted there, with her beautiful big eyes looking at An Zheng, filled with curiosity.

“He seems to be injured. Grandfather, come over quickly!”

The girl turned around and shouted.

At this time, An Zheng’s eyes were filled with shock. This girl’s face was extremely familiar, and they had even been together for a day and a night … Da Da Ye!

“Da Da Ye?”

An Zheng called out, but the girl was not moved at all. She turned her head and shouted something into the distance. Her voice was completely different from the sound of the tadpole, and her clothes and hairstyle were also different. But how could An Zheng recognize that face?

“Da Da Ye?” josei

An Zheng called out again.

“What are you talking about?”

The young girl wanted to help An Zheng up, but the moment she touched his body, An Zheng’s face became pale from the pain, and his brows knitted together. The sound of hurried footsteps came from afar, and an old man dressed in typical peasant clothes ran over to take a look, then he sighed: “Who knows which sect’s disciple he might be and if he were to fight with others and lose, he might not be able to escape anymore.”

The girl said, “Grandfather, we can’t just stand by and watch him die.”

“I did not say that I would not save him. It’s just that this person’s origin is unknown, how could I dare to bring him back to the village? We’ve just arrived at the Celestial Island of the Immortal Palace. If they find out where our village is, then there will be too many people involved. Well, I’ll make a stretcher and you can help me get him on it in a little while, and then you can go back to the village. I temporarily placed him in a wooden house in the woods next to the Amma Lake. There aren’t many people who know about the place, so it should be fine. ”

The young girl said, “Oh, grandpa, why don’t you let me go with you? It doesn’t look like a bad person.”

“You can see the bad guys?” Those immortals in the immortal palace, which one of them didn’t have the demeanor of an immortal, and seemed kind and amiable? But those people are already so bad, deep down inside their bones. Think about the miserable state that Thundercloud City was in! ”

The young girl didn’t dare to speak and obediently stood to the side. The old man stood up and found a few trees nearby to chop them down, then made a simple stretcher for An Zheng. After the two of them carried An Zheng up, the old man used a rope to tie one end of the stretcher to his shoulder and waist. The grass was thick, so it was slippery. The old man didn’t look old, and he began to pant as he walked.

He turned around and looked at her. Annoyed, he shouted, “Duo Duo, quickly go back!”

The girl nodded her head vigorously and then quickly ran in the opposite direction.

“Uncle, what is this place?”

“You could talk.”

The old man dragged him as he walked, and said, “In the nine prefectures of the world, this is Jizhou’s Feng Ning. Where are you from? You don’t look like you’re local. ”


An Zheng did not know where the Nine Regions was nor did he know what era it was. He did not know how to answer. Although this old man and the young girl had been on their guard against him, An Zheng could tell that they were not bad people.

“Do you believe me if I say I came from another era, old man?”

The old man’s footsteps came to a sudden halt. “You … “What do you mean?”

“Uncle, I have something to ask you. Nothing strange had happened recently, such as the sudden descent of a very large mountain, or a large fireball. “Have you seen someone as strange as me, someone who dresses in a completely different manner from your generation?”

“You … Don’t say anything for now. ”

The old man suddenly sped up his footsteps, almost running across the grass. An Zheng could feel that this old man didn’t know how to cultivate, he should be around sixty to seventy years old, but his body was very good, his speed was as fast as a cheetah. An Zheng turned his head with much difficulty and saw that the old man had a yellow poplar bow on his back and a hunting knife by his waist.

The old man didn’t say a word for about twenty minutes. He just kept running. After exiting the grass field, it became bumpy. An Zheng saw that the surrounding environment had changed, with the appearance of water vapor. The air was very moist, making breathing very comfortable. It was at this time that An Zheng was suddenly shocked in his heart … The heaven and earth origin energy in the air was so dense that it reached a terrifying level. He could feel that while he was breathing, the Dantian Qi Sea was also moving faster.

He felt that the Cultivation Power was still there and so was his own magic tools. Perhaps because he was too heavy when he fell, the Reverse Scale Armor wasn’t able to completely protect him. The old man pulled An Zheng into a forest, which was made up of very straight and tall birch trees. There was no road in the forest, and the woods were very dense, so when An Zheng ran, he felt as if he was about to fall apart from the impact. After finally stopping, An Zheng realized that he had entered a simple and crude wooden house.

“This is where the hunters of the past rested when hunting in the woods. You can stay here for now.”

The old man sat there breathing heavily, his face covered in sweat.

“Where the hell did you come from?!”

The old man gasped for breath before he took off his hunting knife with a complicated look in his eyes. At this moment, the door creaked open. That young girl called Duo Duo came in from the outside and stuck her tongue out at the old man. The old man snorted. “I knew you wouldn’t go back.”

Duo Duo said coquettishly, “It’s not easy to get out, I don’t need to rush back. Besides, grandfather, will you take care of me?” He seems to be severely injured. If we don’t treat him, he might die. ”

An Zheng: “I’m fine. I’ll be fine after I rest for a while. Excuse me, uncle, have you ever seen anything strange? ”

The old man put his hunting knife on the table and remained silent for a while before he said, “Rumor has it that a month ago, abouhousand li away from here, an immortal mountain fell and many people died. The immortal experts of the immortal palace, the Inspector Heavenly Immortal Palace, continued to arrive one after another, bringing away many survivors. “You said earlier that you came from another era. What is going on?”

An Zheng was extremely shocked in his heart, from the old man’s words, he could vaguely deduce one thing … He didn’t send those ancient people back into the sealed space, he sent them to … It really was ancient, and from the looks of it, it was the ancient era before the great war between Immortals and mortals!

“Uncle, what country does this belong to?”

“Country?” There was no country here. Fengning was a grassland, and the closest city would need two months to reach it. The people who lived here were ordinary herdsmen, and there were no cultivators. If you really want to say that there is a country, then from a geographical point of view, this place is under the jurisdiction of Mo Yangjun. ”

An Zheng didn’t understand at all that this place was completely unfamiliar.

“You haven’t answered me yet!”

the old man asked.

An Zheng organized his words and said: “I actually came from... Many, many years later. In that era, there were no more immortal palaces. It was a completely different world. But because of an accident, many of us were sent back to this era. I have to find my friends, so uncle, can I trouble you to help me find more information while I’m recuperating? ”

The old man looked at An Zheng in disbelief, then grabbed onto An Zheng’s clothes. “Did you come to harm us! How dare you say such outrageous words! No immortal palace? How could there be no Immortal Palaces!? ”

Duo Duo immediately stretched out her hand to stop her grandfather, “Grandfather, stop shaking, if you keep shaking him, he’ll be dead. I don’t think he’s lying. There’s nothing deceptive in his eyes. ”

At this moment, the sound of running suddenly came from outside at a very fast speed. The old man grabbed the hunting knife and guarded the door with a serious face. Not long after, someone hurriedly shouted from outside, “Master Luo, something bad has happened! The village has been discovered by the Inspector Heavenly Immortal, they want to capture him!”

Master Luo’s expression changed as he pushed open the door and ran out. “How did you find out?!”

He followed the man and ran a few steps. Then, he turned around and shouted to Duo Duo, “Don’t come back with me. Stay here. Duo Duo, listen to me. You must not go back. ”

Duo Duo replied with an ‘oh’. Her face was as white as paper.

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