Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Chapter 316


The Sovereign of the Seas’ trident struck the side of Mu Yun’s body. Mu Yun fell down, but the Sovereign of the Seas’ trident didn’t have the power to kill Mu Yun. It only defeated him.

Mu Yun struggled to stand up, grabbing onto the hilt of the sword on Du’s thin abdomen to pull it out.

If the sword did not come out, Dean might not die.

If the sword came out, he would definitely die.

But how could Skinny Du have the time to think about such things?

He only subconsciously kicked away Mu Yun’s hand, wanting to swing up the Sovereign of the Seas’ trident without any strength. Therefore, he threw himself down, and used both hands to grab onto Mu Yun’s neck.

Mu Yun wanted to push him away, but she couldn’t move her hands either.

Then the two men fell to the ground, and Du reached out for Sunset Clouds, but couldn’t reach them.

Then, he grabbed a handful of sand and started attacking Muyun.

This scene seems a little laughable?

However, no matter who it was, they wouldn’t be able to laugh when they saw this scene.

Mu Yun saw Du grabbed sand and hit himself. He also grabbed sand and threw it at Du.

Skinny Du struggled for a long time. The remaining medicinal strength made him slightly stronger than Mu Yun.

He sat up and looked at the bronze sword stuck in his stomach. He actually reached out his hand to pull it out, but didn’t pull it.

If he could, he would even pull out the sword and kill Mu Yun himself.

“”We … are not enemies.””

Mu Yun laid on the bed and took a deep breath: “”But why won’t we stop until one of us dies?””

“”I don’t care about you … If you want to kill An Zhan, I’ll kill you.””

Mu Yun suddenly laughed, very desolate: “”I’m not as good as you … You have the person you care about in your heart, and I don’t have it anymore, only the thing you care about in your heart.””

When I was saved by the Helian Clan, I knew that my life would be returned to them sooner or later.

I was indeed afraid of dying, but now that I was about to die, I realised … So, I had been waiting for this day of death.

“”If I die, I won’t owe you anything.””

Du was stunned for a moment and then threw the sand he was holding onto the ground. “”You are a retard.””

he said.

Then, clutching the Poseidon’s trident as a crutch, he struggled to his feet and began to inch his way toward the Andes.

After taking a few steps forward, he gasped for breath and rested for a while. His clothes were already drenched in blood.

Mu Yun lied there and struggled to turn his body to look at Du. He yelled with all his strength, “”Why didn’t you kill me?!””

Du turned around and gasped, “”Kill you?””

If you still have the strength to kill me, I’ll kill you.

But you don’t have the strength to kill me, so you don’t have the strength to kill An Xuan.

You think killing people is fun?

“”You’ve said something wrong just now. No matter what the starting point is, as long as we fight, we will be enemies.””

“”But an enemy like you doesn’t hate.””

I don’t like killing people. I don’t like it at all. “”

Mu Yun looked at Du and didn’t know what to say.

He was a person who seldom regretted his decision to stay at the Helian Family. It was enough to show how determined he was.

But at this moment, he regretted his decision … He desperately wanted to return to his side and tell himself not to make a move on those two people.

From those two people, he saw something he had pursued for half a lifetime but had never been able to achieve.

He had seen An Zeng carrying Du while fighting his way out of the encirclement of hundreds of people. Now, Du was also fighting his own blood to protect An Zaihe.

Why the hell didn’t either of them run?


Mu Yun gasped for breath, raising her head to look at the sky.

He felt lucky to be thin, though everyone would die.

If there were no surprises, Helian’s careful people would arrive very soon.

Skinny Dean might die if he didn’t walk next to An Zeng, but even if he did, he would still die.

Helian’s careful people wouldn’t give them any chance, and they wouldn’t have any chance now.

What about himself?

He would die, too.

Mu Yun thought in his heart. He Lian would definitely not let him go.

From the moment he killed that errand boy, this ending was already decided.

He couldn’t help but think, why did I have to kill that errand boy?

Was it worth it to be careful of such a man for Helian?

Then Mu Yun shook his head. ‘I’m not f * cking careful about Helian.

I am a man, a man keeps his promise.

I was only doing it for my promise.

That year, his parents died from serious injuries, and only left behind the bronze sword as a memento for him to hide in his storage space.

As the Helian family passed by, they saw the deceased couple and the silly little boy crying by the side of the road.

Mu Yun thought. How old was he that year?

The Helian family took him away. From then on, he became someone else’s slave. josei

Yes, Helian called him sir carefully, and the women called him sir.

However, Mu Yun knew very well that he was only a servant.

However, he felt that this was a life-saving favor. He had to repay this favor, even if it was against his standards as a human being.

Nothing was more important than saving his life.

Moreover, the Helian family had buried his parents.

He used all his strength to flip over and looked at Du and shouted, “”If … if I don’t die, I really want to be your f * cking friends.””

Skinny Dean turned his head. “”Hahaha... hahahaha... What nonsense you are talking.””

He moved to the side of the fish scale and sat down with great difficulty on the boat made of the scales.

Inside the boat was the struggle, and outside was him.

He gasped for breath for a moment, coughed up blood, and then continued to wheeze.

He raised his hand and knocked on the boat. “”Hey... are you awake?””

“”If you don’t wake up, go ahead. I might... I won’t be able to hold on for long.””

“”Cough, cough …””

Du’s thin hands drooped down, he grinned foolishly: “”An Zeng, I am awesome?””

“”I defeated an opponent in the state of desire. Look at his miserable state, he got beaten up by me.””

He lowered his head and saw the bronze sword embedded in his stomach. He then laughed in an extremely forceful manner, “”Do you see it?””

“”My prize!”””


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