Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 367 - No one inch of land can accommodate you

Chapter 367 - No one inch of land can accommodate you

Chapter 367 – No one inch of land can accommodate you

Du Shoushou had already taken over the duty of Kuang Wei and brought 800 elite soldiers out of Glazed City to patrol. After hearing the soldier’s report, An Zheng quickly rushed over to the farmland. Right now, there were about four to five thousand refugees from State of Zhao stationed there. Before, there were one hundred and fifty soldiers guarding the place. The food and drinks of these four to five thousand citizens were all provided by the State of Yan border army.

By the time An Zheng and his men arrived, the situation was already under control.

An Zheng’s face was ashen as he walked out of the camp, and immediately smelled the thick smell of blood.

Kuang Wei, who should have been alternating between resting and resting, arrived even earlier than An Zheng. He brought one hundred and fifty additional border guards over to take a look, and then thought to find a random place to sleep. It was he who had led these 150 men to prevent the current situation from developing any further.

“What’s going on?”

An Zheng asked as he walked.

Kuang Wei, whose face was covered in blood, quickly followed behind An Zheng. He said in a hoarse voice, “I don’t know what happened to these refugees from State of Zhao today. “I originally came here with an additional soldier, but when the time came, the 150 soldiers that we were guarding were all killed …”

As he said this, his eyes filled with tears, “Your subordinate doesn’t understand, why are they still trying to kill us? We’re giving them food, giving them land, and even providing them with seeds!”

The five thousand elite soldiers that Zou Shikai had brought with him had already surrounded the farmland. However, at leashousand refugees had already escaped, leaving them to confront the soldiers.

An Zheng strode to the very front, looking at the refugees who were hoeing with sickles in their hands. His eyes swept over them, and they began to pull back.


An Zheng loudly asked: “I’ve given you everything you want, why do you want to kill me!”

Amongst the people, a man shouted, “We are Zhao Ren! What right do you have to be under the Yan people’s control?! The food that you give us is simply not enough, and what you give us is just wasteland! ”

Another man also shouted, “We want enough clothes, enough food, and meat!”

“Why didn’t you let us eat the meat!?” You even want to send people to watch over us? What do you mean you’re in charge of our lives, but why restrict our freedom?! We want to go to Fanggu, we want to see him! ”

A woman pointed at An Zheng and screamed, “Who are you? You have no right to talk to us. Yan Zhao and Yan Zhao are allies, we are here as guests. Is this how you Swallow people entertain guests? If you give us such a crappy tent without enough food, you just want to starve us to death! ”

An Zheng’s gaze became even colder, and he did not say a single word to the refugees.

He turned and walked away, stopping at the top of the hill. “Find out who’s bleeding.”

A group of elite soldiers charged into the crowd likack of wolves and tigers and started to catch them, while the refugees with hoes and sickles began to resist.

“If you can’t capture it, we’ll kill you!”

An Zheng shouted.

The soldiers who did not dare to attack casually at the start but were holding back their anger immediately opened their arms and legs. These well-trained and well-coordinated border soldiers were not something the refugees could withstand. In just a few minutes, the first group of refugees to resist was cut down.

The people at the back began to flee, and the archers around them began to fire warning arrows, forcing the refugees to stop. The soldiers rushed in and pulled out all the bloodied men.

About six or seven hundred soldiers dragged them to the foot of the hill and each of them kneeled down.

An Zheng walked in front of the leading man and asked: “You were just asking why I didn’t give you enough food? Every mouthful you eat is saved by my great swallow’s soldiers. If you eat one mouthful, they will eat one less mouthful! Let me ask you, did you just kill someone? ”

The man was so scared that his face turned pale, “I... It was a last resort. ”


An Zheng gave the order.

One of the soldiers drew his saber and chopped off the head with a “pu” sound.

An Zheng walked in front of the second person: “You just said that you were given wasteland? Then let me ask you, as a member of the State of Zhao, how did your State of Zhao treat you? Did he give yolace to live or food? I gave it to you out of sympathy. I’m giving you hoes and scythes so that you can clear the wasteland and plant food, and next year you’ll be free of food and clothing. But now, you used the hoe and sickle that I gave you to kill my men, don’t you feel guilty?! ”

The person lowered his head. “We …”

He suddenly raised his head and looked towards An Zheng. “We want freedom!”


An Zheng gave another order.

Another head fell to the ground.

An Zheng coldly said: “Freedom? I want to freely return to your State of Zhao for it. It’s just sympathy, do you think we’re the ones who asked you to come? Zhao Jun is killing you to capture you, while us State of Yan people are saving you. Even if you raise a dog, give it something to eat and drink, and it will feel grateful! ” josei

Without waiting for the next person to say anything, An Zheng shouted sternly: “Kill!”


The third head fell to the ground.

The fiercest woman who had ever cried out began to shrink back, pulling an elderly man forward. An Zheng walked in front of the woman and looked down at her: “You said you wanted to go to Fanggu, and wanted to see Swallow King? Let me ask you, if you meet the Swallow King, what would you say? What do you think Swallow King will give you after saying that you killed the soldiers of State of Yan, and that you saved your benefactors from Zhao Jun’s blade and spear? ”

The woman avoided An Zheng’s gaze and muttered: “I … I’m a woman, I don’t have any opinions. I’m just a man. If you want to blame someone, why blame me? It was them who said … We women can only follow the wishes of a man. ”

An Zheng looked at the blood on her clothes: The blood on you is from one of my soldiers. On the day you came in, my soldiers personally handed you food and tools, but what about you? ”

The woman kept backing away, “I am a woman... What are you arguing with a woman about? I made a mistake, but can’t I change it next time? ”

“You don’t have a next time.”

An Zheng turned his body not looking at her, “Kill!”

Two guards pushed through the crowd and pulled the woman out. Two men, one on each side, grabbed the woman’s arm and pushed it down. The woman struggled madly, “I am a woman! You actually killed a woman! You are the devil, the executioner! ”

An Zheng: “To anyone who commits evil deeds, I am an executioner.”


As the knife fell, the woman’s body was decapitated.

An Zheng turned around, looked at the corpse and said: “There is no difference between women and men. Because you are a woman, you can get more tolerance? Yes, a lot of people do that a lot of the time. But aime like this, you don’t get any tolerance. ”

An Zheng walked back up the slope and looked at the refugees kneeling there. “If I were to give you another chance, would you guys still kill people?”

Everyone kept kowtowing, “Sir, please spare us. We don’t want to kill people, but we don’t know why we went crazy. Please give us a chance, we definitely won’t do this again next time. ”

“Thank you, Sir, for giving us food and drink. Thank you, sir, for giving us food and food. We know we were wrong.”

“Master, you don’t remember me.” Isn’t it because our home is gone that we are confused? Please understand, if your home is gone and your wife is gone, your mood is not good, right? This time we all know we are wrong and we will never make a mistake again. ”

“Yes, yes. Please forgive me.” We are already pitiful enough. Please forgive us this once. ”

“Lord, we will cultivate the land properly and repay you for saving our lives!”

An Zheng looked at these people, and slowly let out a breath of relief. I don’t intend to give you another chance. I just want to see how ugly you can get. ”


An Zheng shouted: “Kill them all!”

The group of archers in a circle looked at each other. It was unknown who shot the first arrow, but it was soon followed by a dense rain of arrows. A circle of archers encircled the six or seven hundred bloody refugees, and those people started to run frantically. However, they were either shot to death or killed by the people who surrounded them.

Ten minutes later, all six or seven hundred of them had been killed.

The remaining thousands all knelt there, not daring to even breathe.

The six to seven hundred corpses just lay there, and the smell of blood rushed into the nostrils of a refugee. They were so scared that their faces were pale and they were trembling on their knees. This scene would become their nightmare for the rest of their lives. If … If they had the rest of their lives.

“Give the rest of you a chance to live.”

An Zheng said loudly: “Look at the people around you, whoever still killed them. If there is, and you identify it, I won’t kill you. ”

Just as his voice fell, someone grabbed the person kneeling beside him and stood up, “Master, he killed someone! I saw him kill! ”

That person pushed himself away and turned around to run out, “I didn’t want to kill anyone. They only started after they killed me. With so many people surrounding me and beating me up, I just kicked a few times! ”

Several soldiers rushed forward, knocked the man over, and dragged him out of the crowd like a dead dog. The man struggled crazily, and his body went limp after being hit on the head by someone a few times.


An Zheng said: “There must be more, look carefully at the people around you, whoever reports, I will not kill.”

Very soon, dozens of people were identified and pulled out by the border soldiers. The refugees were all so frightened that their heads were bowed. Almost everyone was trembling and their teeth were clattering violently. It was as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

The Great General Zou Shikai looked at An Zheng with eyes full of fear. He did not expect An Zheng’s punishments to be so decisive and ruthless. After all, those people were not Zhao Jun’s soldiers.

“Kill him.”

With An Zheng’s order, the tens of people who were found out were also beheaded. The blood ran down the desolate ground and seeped into the soil. Too many people had died. Soon, the entire area was dyed red. Together with the soldiers of the border army, it created a shocking scene.

The corpses of the border soldiers were even more mutilated. Some of them had been beaten to death. Some had even been dismembered, while some had become unrecognizable.

An Zheng looked at the refugees and said, “I will keep my word, I won’t kill the remaining people.”

Someone began to kowtow, “Thank you, Sir, for your mercy! “Thank you, my lord, for not killing me!”

“Thank you sire, please be at ease. In the future, we will properly cultivate and not dare to cause trouble again.”


An Zheng said: “You are all sinners, every inch of land in great swallow cannot accommodate you. Everyone rushed back to the State of Zhao, not a single one remaining. I won’t kill you, and I won’t keep you. I have always felt sympathy for every displaced refugee. But I will not forgive you all for your actions just because of your sympathy. ”

He waved his hand: “All of you, hurry back to the State of Zhao!”

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