Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 380 - Dark Charm

Chapter 380 - Dark Charm

Chapter 380 – Dark Charm

Bai Xiaochi used his own life as the price to summon his Destiny Symbol Demon. Everyone who cultivated in Symbol Techniques would have a symbol that would become his Destiny Symbol. But Bai Xiaochi’s talent was astonishing, he could actually summon his own Destiny Rune Demon. This was no longer an ordinary rune technique, but a dark rune technique.

An Zheng did not understand the art of Runes, but he had a certain level of understanding about demons. Back then, when Chen Shaobai was chatting casually, he had said before that there were nineteen powerful Demon Masters in the Devil Sect. Among them, the two most difficult to deal with were not the two with the strongest cultivations. One was Nineteen Demons, who was ranked last. He was a master of demonic equipment, a sinister and vicious man who did everything in his power.

The second was the 14th ranked Fiendgod.

Just like most cultivators, there were also talented cultivators in the Devil Sect. The Dark Rune Demon was a Devil Sect expert who specialized in Runes. This person’s intelligence was extremely high. According to the rumors, no one could fool him. Chen Shaobai was also not very familiar with that piece of history. After all, his father had been unconscious the entire time due to his heavy injuries. Aesult, he didn’t know much about Dark Symbol Demons.

However, he had heard that this dark charm had a pair of eyes that could see through one’s heart. And the most terrifying thing about these eyes was that they could connect to hell. Therefore, his talisman techniques were viewed with hostility by all the talismans from famous sects and sects. They were called dark talisman techniques.

The power of the rune could be explained simply by using it and summoning it. Most charm magicians use the power of utilization. The so-called ‘utilization’ used the various elements that existed in this world to begin with. Some Charm Magicians specialized in fire and some Water Magicians specialized in water magic. This was because of their own sensitivity towards the various elements in the world. There were very few Symbol Masters who could use the power of all kinds of Symbol Techniques.

The use of it was one of the runes’ powers, while the other type was summoning.

Most charm magicians summoned the essence of some kind of power. For example, the fire elements between heaven and earth, under certain regional or coincidental conditions, would absorb each other, condensing into fire origin essence. Even this level of summoning was not something that could be accomplished by a mere Charm Magician. It required that a Symbol Master’s perception of the elements in the world was far superior to others and was able to form a contract with the Essence of Heaven and Earth.

However, the Dark Glyph Technique did not use the power of the elements, and summoning was naturally not the Essence of Heaven and Earth.

Bai Xiaochi’s eyes started to glaze over, but he looked more and more deranged.

This was the Dark Glyph Technique. What it summoned was something from the Infernal Realm.

“There are always people who ask why I have such high attainments in runes!”

Bai Xiaochi’s mind was in a mess, he looked like he was about to collapse and die at any moment. In reality, his eyes could no longer see anything, because after his life essence shifted to the Symbol Demon, his various senses were also shifting over. When this transfer was completed, he would die. At this moment, the aura of death on him was already extremely strong.

“I have a secret...” It’s a secret that no one can tell others! ”

Bai Xiaochi continued in a crazed manner, “When I was very young, I had come into contact with the Dark Glyph Technique, and I signed a contract with a Runic Demon from hell. With the Dark Symbol as my Destiny Symbol, my control over the symbols is naturally much stronger than ordinary people like you. In my eyes, all of you are just stepping stones for me. I will step on you one by one to reach the highest point. When I look down on all of you, you are too weak to be in my eyes. ”

He seemed to be venting his anger, screaming secrets that he would never reveal before.

“I am the chosen one of the heavens. When the world is in chaos, there will definitely be a saint coming out. Who else could it be? Therefore, I must push the war forward. Even if King Nether is already afraid and doesn’t want to fight anymore, I will absolutely not allow the war to stop. This was because war was the only cause of chaos in the world. The source energy that is pushing all of this is me! ”

He tried to get up, but failed. His body had already lost all of its strength and was being transferred to the blood demon.

“I am the driving force behind the great chaos in this world. In the future, I will be the terminator of all the great chaos in this world.”

With great difficulty, he lifted his finger and pointed it at himself. “I am the only one in this world!”

But in an instant, his expression became extremely dejected. “But why would I lose?”

His voice suddenly became shrill, and he pointed wildly with his finger. “Who the hell are you? What’s your name! Why did you get more than me, why is your heaven’s chosen one bigger than me! I am the chosen one, I am the future saint! You... Who the hell are you!? If I don’t know who you are, even if I die, I won’t be able to close my eyes in peace! ”

It was another madman, another fanatic, another lunatic.

An Zheng had seen sucerson more than once when he was still in the Great Western Ming Fa Si. They are pretentious and think of themselves as the future of humanity. They all had one thing in common, and that was to believe that they were the Savior. And in order to become a savior, he would do anything. In their eyes, the final result was the most important. No matter how many people died, or how many people were hurt, there was nothing unacceptable about it.

Just like this Bai Xiaochi, in order to become a saint that would end the war, he had pushed for the war to end.

Isn’t this in itself a paradox? But in Bai Xiaochi’s opinion, this was noaradox, but a matter of course. His world was centered around him, so he wanted the entire world to be centered around him as well.

An Zheng had also said before that there were many different types of humans’ evils. At its lowest, it was neither evil nor bad. Bad damage is limited, but bad can kill. Some people do not directly kill others, but their bad intentions were very strong, so they could force others to death. Evil was even more vicious than evil. A person like Bai Xiaochi looked bright and beautiful on the surface. In the Youguo, he was the star of hope. Not only was he Youguo’s youngest seer, he was also a general in the army. It was unknown how many young men’s goals and idols were being held, and how many young women’s dreams of lovers.

But such a man has an evil heart.

His evil was great evil.

All of An Zheng’s attention was on the blood curse, and he did not care about Bai Xiaochi’s screams at all. When the blood pool appeared, An Zheng had started his attack. While Bai Xiaochi wailed like a madman, An Zheng had already attacked more than a few hundred times.

However, when the blood demon contract was activated, there was nothing to stop it.

Seeing that the figure within the pool of blood was getting clearer and clearer, An Zheng had already used all of his strength. His Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns appeared again and heavily smashed into the blood pool. But that pool of blood was clearly real, yet under the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns, it actually pierced through. Unexpectedly, the powerful Purple-Rank cultivation technique and forbidden grade attacks were unable to stop the blood curse from continuing to activate.

The terrifyingly powerful Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns pierced through the blood curse and flattened half of the forest on the other side. That terrifying scene of covering bombardment sent shivers down the spines of everyone who saw it. But even so, the blood curse continued.

An Zheng lifted his hand and pulled out the Broken Army Sword. That waool specifically crafted by the Oldman Huo for An Zheng using the power of his bloodline. Just like the Holy Fish Scale s, they belonged solely to An Zheng. Even if the seal had temporarily been broken by Bai Xiaochi, they would still automatically return after meeting him.

An Zheng clenched Po Jun tightly, the veins on the back of his hand bulging.

“Give me back my strength!”

An Zheng shouted as he slashed his sword downwards.

Inside the Blood Pearl Bracelet, the power that he had lent Chen Xiaoyao suddenly returned. An Zheng’s strength rose directly from the seventh stage of the Captive Stage to the peak of the first stage of the Lower Completion Stage. Under this kind of power, the explosive fighting strength of the Destruction Army was even more astonishing.

If that sword were to slash down, it would be able to cut off a small mountain, and it would be able to cut off the flow of a great river.

However, this sword strike was still unable to stop the blood curse.

The person inside the blood pool had already fully formed. He seemed to be a middle-aged man in his forties, with the vicissitudes of life that belonged to him. The moment An Zheng saw this person, he couldn’t help but think of the Nineteen Demons. For some reason, An Zheng felt that this person belonged to the same category as the Nineteen Demons.

This middle-aged man wore a long red robe with a large black rune character on the chest area. It was as if he hadn’t gotten used to the world yet. He kept breathing in and out deeply, as if he was greedily breathing in the air of this world. A cracking sound could be heard in his body. His body, which had looked weak and frail, became even harder and taller. That was Bai Xiaochi’s final life essence, and it molded his bones.

This was a very devilish person. He clearly had a refined and refined temperament, but the chill on his body was also so distinct. This was alserson who exuded the aura of a mature man. This kind of temperament was a fatal temptation to many girls.

After a series of deep breaths, he finally opened his eyes.

“Rebirth...” “That’s great.”

His eyes were red, with tiny black runes circulating within them.

He first glanced at An Zheng, then turned around to look at the dead Bai Xiaochi on the ground. Then, he muttered to himself, “Whaity …”

An Zheng originally thought that he was feeling pity for Bai Xiaochi’s death, but the words this person said next made the cold chill in An Zheng’s heart grow even more intense.

“You made me wait so many years before you died … Nineteen years ago, I signed the blood curse contract with you. I gave you talent that others don’t have, allowing you to experience power that others can’t. Maybe it’s because I let you go too smoothly? That’s why you took so long to use the Blood Curse Contract … Fortunately, even though you’ve made me wait for so many years, you still haven’t disappointed me. “When you were young, the moment I saw your eyes, I knew what kind of person you were. I knew that sooner or later you would activate the blood curse contract.”

He stretched his body and then looked at An Zheng. “You are the one who forced him to use the Blood Curse Contract?”

An Zheng frowned: “You are from the Devil Sect?”

The middle-aged man could not help but look at An Zheng with admiration. “I really didn’t think that you would have such good eyesight at such a young age. I have been asleep for so long that even I have forgotten how many years it was. I really never thought that there would be people who would remember the Devil Sect in this world, what is even more rare is that you are so young. ”

He looked around and asked, “What is this place? Could it be that this is the place where I almost perished?”

An Zheng tightly gripped the Broken Army Sword, and accumulated Cultivation Power. Twice consecutive times, he had used up more than half of his Cultivation Power.

“The smell of the air is fascinating.”

The middle-aged man looked at An Zheng, “You can call me the Fourteenth Demon Marshall, or you can call me the Dark Rune Demon. There aren’t many people in this world who still know my name. Since you know about the Devil Sect, then I want to ask you abouerson’s name. He’s called Chen Xiaoyao, the Devil Sect’s High Lord … Do you know him? ”

An Zheng shook his head: “I don’t!”

The middle-aged man’s gaze swept across An Zheng’s Blood Pearl Bracelet faintly, and then he laughed. “Interesting, truly interesting. It seems that the heavens have treated me fairly … “You can leave, I won’t kill you.”

Just as An Zheng was about to say something, the middle-aged man instantly disappeared, leaving behind a set of blood-red, peach blossom like runes. josei

An Zheng looked at Bai Xiaochi who was lying on the ground, completely dried up and only had skin left, and his expression became heavy.

Why didn’t this Fourteenth Demon Marshall attack him? Why did he ask Chen Xiaoyao? Chen Xiaoyao must have already seen the Blood Pearl Bracelet, so he did not attack him … An Zheng thought about many things in his mind, and always felt that this was not a good start.

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