Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 470 - He lacks a soul

Chapter 470 - He lacks a soul

Chapter 470 – He lacks a soul

After finishing his bath, Cen Jiaoxi walked out of the house in a very casual white linen dress, barefooted. Her beautiful feet made the seventeen to eighteen year old girl jealous to the point that she couldn’t speak. In front of her house was a small balcony with wooden planks and a railing. She walked out and frowned, then stood there with her hands on the railing, watching An Zheng busy himself within the courtyard.

Water ran down her hair and soaked her clothes on her shoulders.

“You don’t look like someone who really knows how to cook. I thought your time was spent on cultivation.”

“No,” she said.

As she said these words, her eyes looked towards the hill across from her own courtyard. It was already filled with people. It was unknown how many of them were there. It wauge black mass. But she didn’t care at all, after looking at it for just a moment, her gaze left the crowd of people, and focused as she watched An Zheng take care of a very, very fat fish.

“Cooking is also cultivation.” josei

An Zheng scratched his fish scales as he spoke, “Cultivation looks at one’s mental state. If one’s mental state is bad, then anything can’t be done well. However, when a person cultivates, they will often cause their own mental state to become bad. They will become more and more irritable, they will become irritable, and they will always get infuriated for no reason. Cultivation, whether it was a classmate or a master, was in fact a very lonely thing. Therefore, he needed to calm down in other ways. Cooking was a good method. If there is someone that I care about who cooks a meal that she likes and sees that she is satisfied with it, then my heart will be at ease. ”

An Zheng raised his head, glanced at Cen Jiaoxi, and continued to pack the fish in his hands.

Cen Jiaoxi smiled slightly, “This is the first time I’ve heard something like this.”

An Zheng set the fish that he had finished packing aside, then pointed to a large iron pot not far away: “Looks like Mister is someone who never fires his own fire to cook. I’ve searched your room, and didn’t see any cooking utensils. So, without the consent of others, I took a bite out of the canteen’s pot just now. If there’s any trouble, I’ll need you to take care of it. ”

Cen Jiaoxi was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: “This is stealing.”

An Zheng nodded: “That’s right, it was stolen.”

He set up the iron pot, “Also, Sir, you don’t have any firewood in your yard. I’ve brought some from the canteen as well, as well as some stuff like soy sauce and vinegar. If you ask about it in the cafeteria, please explain it to me as well. ”

Cen Jiaoxi: “You stole it. What does it have to do with me?”

An Zheng asked: “Are you going to eat them?”

Cen Jiaoxi: “You’re still a scoundrel.”

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders, skillfully scouring the iron pot out, then starting a fire: “Anything can bring pleasure, but the prerequisite is that you must like this matter. If you feel that other people focus on doing something that is enjoyable and want to learn it, then most of what you get is not pleasure but annoyance. It’s the same when you cook, but it’s also the same when you cultivate. ”

Cen Jiaoxi asked: “So what do you want to do with your first dish?”

An Zheng: “Every dish must be ordered, because some dishes are easy to cool, and when they’re cold, the taste will be a lot worse. Furthermore, there are some dishes that are a bit cooler, so choosing the first order is extremely important. ”


Cen Jiaoxi asked seriously: “You still haven’t answered my question. What is the first dish? What’s the order? ”

An Zheng seriously replied: “I don’t think so, I’ll do as I please.”

Cen Jiaoxi: “You’re suitable to beacher ….”

An Zheng laughed: “Mister’s words might offend a lot of people.”

Cen Jiaoxi walked back into the house and put on his shoes. Then, he personally carried out a small table and placed it in the middle of the courtyard. As if she was worried that the people on the hill far away could not see his clearly, she lit a circle of candles around the small table. It was very bright. From afar, it looked like stars were circling around that small table, and it was surprisingly quite charming.

An Zheng weighed the pot with a diameter of half a meter with one hand, making it look extremely handsome.

When the first dish was served, the taste unexpectedly made people from far away salivate. That smell could not be any more ordinary, but it just smelled like it wanted to eat it, just drooling. It felt like it had drilled into his brain, making him feel a little dizzy.

“This is …”

“The cabbage with vinegar.”

An Zheng answered seriously: “What does mister think it is?”

“I …” I thought it was something that looked like cabbage, but it might not be cabbage, I just didn’t expect you to really just stir-fry it. ”

“Sir, please eat first.”

An Zheng did not explain anything and continued cooking. Five minutes later, the second dish was served. “Braised eggplant.”

“Braised Grass Carp.”

“Slipping three.”

Four dishes and a bowl of soup were quickly placed on the table. As the smell spread out, some people couldn’t help but get closer to see what the dishes were.

“It’s a common household dish, so it tastes a little heavier. Whether it’s me or you, neither of you has reached the age where you should have a lighter taste. If Teacher’s appetite is not good, then there’s nothing you can do. ”

An Zheng sat down, poured a cup of wine and passed it to Cen Jiaoxi: “The wine is also not a good wine, I only saw a wine shop by the side of the road, and bought some too.”

Cen Jiaoxi sighed: “You already have a very big request for me, do you only use these dishes to entertain me?”

An Zheng: “No, no, no, consider it your treat, after all it’s at your home.”

Cen Jiaoxi politely picked up a mouthful of vinegar and placed it in her mouth. She just didn’t want An Zheng to feel that he was particularly disappointed, that’s all. To eat, she was an exceptionally exquisite person. She had never eaten this kind of light tea before. If people were to know about the delicacy of her food, they would be so shocked that their jaws would drop to the ground. However, when this extremely ordinary cabbage was forced into her mouth, her expression immediately changed.

“To think that... “It’s so delicious.”

An Zheng laughed and said, “Even though it’s just ordinary cabbage, it’s not easy to cook. The best way to use vinegar and cabbage was not to use them, but to use them. Since they were, there were two problems that needed to be solved. It was guaranteed to be crisp and delicious, but the heat would be small and it would have the astringent taste of cabbage itself. If the heat is too old, the taste is soft and has no taste. ”

“How did you solve this?”

“I can’t say.”

“The dishes are very thick, so they have a good taste. Keep them crisp and clear. It’s very difficult.”

An Zheng praised himself a little before pointing at the Red Braised Fish: “Take advantage of the crispness to eat outside and drink some new wine along with some fish. It tastes really good.”

Cen Jiaoxi listened and did as he was told. He took a bite and nodded, “Grass Carp is the cheapest fish that can be bought outside, right? But to be able to cook so well is truly not easy. ”

She stopped talking and focused on her meal. A woman who ate delicately was currently eating in a disgraceful manner. In just a short moment, more than half of the four dishes had been eaten. Five minutes later, she smiled, a little embarrassed. “I was too serious in eating that I forgot to leave you some food.”

An Zheng: “Drink the soup.”

Cen Jiaoxi was like a well-behaved child as he received the bowl of soup that An Zheng passed to him. After drinking a mouthful, he frowned slightly: “Why is it so light? “Eh, why does it feel so good?”

An Zheng laughed, stood up, cupped his fist and took his leave: “Sir, you have eaten well, that’s for the best, I will take my leave.”

Cen Jiaoxi could not help but feel a little sad, “If you are willing to stay in the academy to beaceful disciple, then I can eat a few more meals made by you. So I can’t help but wonder, should I help you or not? ”

An Zheng said: “Sir has already helped me.”

After saying that, An Zheng packed his things, carried the big pot on his shoulder and walked out of the small fenced yard. As Cen Jiaoxi sat there and watched An Zheng leave, he was thinking in his heart that this fellow was truly a person witrue personality. Since he had come, he had come. Cooking was cooking. Whether it was his eyes or his mind, he was completely clean.

She stood up and stretched her limbs comfortably. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such an interesting child in the academy.”

When she turned around, she casually waved her sleeve.

On the hill, those who were waiting to watch the show instantly sank. Such a nice hill, gone just like that. Not only that, a huge hole had sunk in where the hill had been. As the waves churned, hundreds of people fell into them. The most embarrassing thing was that after the mound had turned intit, spring water flowed out from below and quickly filled up the pit, forming a small lake.

Cen Jiaoxi closed the door, and the corner of his mouth raised a little: “Fifth dish, a bunch of drowned chickens.”

In the room, the male lecturer who had argued with her insanely and apparently did not get along well sat with his head down, reading a book. Seeing Cen Jiaoxi coming in, he put down the book in his hands. Cen Jiaoxi stared at him blankly for a moment, and then said with hatred: “Wipe the saliva at the corner of your mouth.”

The male instructor laughed awkwardly, “That taste really nearly made me unable to resist.”

“If people were to find out that the most outstanding Guardian in the legends of the academy, Ye Lan, was drooling because of a plate of white cabbage, who knows how many people would laugh their teeth off.”

“If people were to find out that the dean of the academy had been dealt with with witable of plain, simple food, who knows how many people would have laughed their teeth off.”

Cen Jiaoxi looked at the male instructor: “Do you want to die?”

The male instructor said, “You’re willing to kill him?”

The male instructor raised his hand to wipe his saliva, “In Da Xi, there are only two people who know that the dean of the academy is a woman. One is me, and the other is the Great Emperor of the Great Xi. Inside the Da Xi family, there are only two people who know that the Principal’s name is Cen An and not Chen Yin. One is me, and the other is Daxi Shenghuang. If you kill me, and someone else finds out about this secret, won’t it be boring? ”

Cen An: “I am nouman? Do I know for sure? ”

She sat down. “Ye Lan, do you know the origin of this fellow?”

Ye Lan shook his head, “I can’t tell. Judging from his body, he is indeed a young man. Judging from his cultivation realm, he should be around the third or fourth stage of the Lower Completion Stage. However, I feel that even a fifth stage Lower Completion Stage cultivator would not be able to defeat him. There was once one such abnormal person in Da Xi. When I was young, I was so tyrannical and unreasonable, but when I die, I am also unreasonable. ”

Cen An: “You’re talking too far. I mean, can he help to get up?”

Ye Lan nodded his head, “Of course. It’s rare to see someone who doesn’t flirt around when faced with danger and doesn’t think too much about it. Back then there were Fang Zheng and Ye Lan. Now, there’s only Ye Lan left.

Cen An opened his mouth but no sound came out.

Ye Lan: “Why are you cursing?”

Cen An said: “If that’s possible, then let’s flatter them. Before holding it, he had to press it a bit. Young people are too straightforward, too hasty, and too sharp. They need to be polished. ”

Ye Lan: “Some people need polishing. Some people don’t need polishing. After polishing, it will no longer be their own. “For example …”

Cen An: “Shut up! Don’t ever mention that name again. ”

Ye Lan shook his head. “I’ll follow you …” But you said that there’s something wrong with his identity. Why? ”

“When he wrote the three words Du Shaobai, he was a little unfamiliar with it. That’s obviously not his name. ”

Cen An heaved a sigh of relief, “I am actually quite curious about the background of this little fellow. Speak, I know what you actually saw. ”

Ye Lan: “He lacks a soul.”

Ye Lan pinched his fingers a few times. “What a strange soul.”

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