Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 476 - Fighting is not a big deal

Chapter 476 - Fighting is not a big deal

Chapter 476 – Fighting is not a big deal

An Zheng quickly went over to support Tang Mu Tang whose knees were weak. The latter gave him a grateful look.

“His skills are inferior.”

After Tang Mu Tang stood up, his hands were still trembling slightly.

An Zheng shook his head: “Your left hand opened the door to the illusion, but the hidden weapon in your right hand did not make its move. If you were to make a move, both of us might suffer. ”

Tang Mushang smiled, “You really can’t comfort others. It’s true that the hidden weapon in my right hand wasn’t used, but your counterattack wasn’t used. You only drew your sword, but the sword didn’t come out.”

An Zheng laughed as he shook his head.

Tang Mu Tang replied, “A competition between cultivators is a contest between gentlemen. Victory was easy to determine, but victory was hard to determine. If there was a deep hatred, they would not stop until they were dead. If it was just a difference in power, why would he use his life to injure them? Besides, if I have the confidence to defeat you, I won’t hold back. “It’s because I’m certain that I cannot defeat you. Even if I were to use my right hand’s move, it would be meaningless.”

An Zheng said: “A gentleman is magnanimous.”

Tang Mu Tang said: “About that … Actually, I had already guessed it a few days ago. Sooner or later, you would be on the Purple List. All cultivators have a competitive spirit, and so do I. So, I was also looking forward to fighting with you today. They said that you were a Fighting Berserker Demon and did not deserve this name. However … “That …”

He smiled a little embarrassedly: “Of course I want to know your strength, but what I want to know more is …” “I heard that you went to Cen Jiaoxi’s house to cook a normal meal that day, but the fragrance floated a few hundred meters …”

An Zheng laughed loudly: “Come to my place at noon today, I’ll cook a few small dishes, you and I will drink together.”

Tang Mu Tang: “Excellent, excellent. See you later.”

After saying that, he happily left, withourace of unhappiness from losing. This world was very big. If there were people who were narrow-minded, there would naturally be people who were magnanimous. Tang Mu Tang was the latter. He had the heart for victory and defeat, but losing was losing. He would not hold it against himself for being so paranoid. People who were this open-minded tended to increase their cultivation level even faster. If An Zheng was a narrow-minded person, even if his luck was any better, it would still be impossible for him to achieve what he had achieved so far.

An Zheng had finished fighting for the twentieth place on the Purple List and had now entered the ranks of the first house of Three Academies’s Purple List. So from this moment onwards, An Zheng would have the qualifications to be received by the Holy Emperor Chen Wunuo when he arrives. Since he had already achieved his goal, An Zheng was not going to continue challenging. If it was according to An Zheng’s personality, he would really want to fight them on his own. He had already been cultivating for seven or eight years, and this waare chance to test himself.

If he did not have any other goal this time, and purely came to test his strength, An Zheng would definitely continue to challenge him. But now, An Zheng had to conserve his strength. Although he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop the mastermind, he still couldn’t give up.

Moreover, An Zheng did not want to create unnecessary trouble now. If he continued to challenge them, then he would offend many people. Not everyone in the Three Academies, especially those on the Purple List, was as magnanimous as Tang Mu Tang.

An Zheng walked to Cen Jiaoxi and cupped his fists: “Thank you for taking care of me these past few days, if I did not have Mister’s help, I might not have been able to do it so smoothly.”

Cen An’s face changed slightly: What do you mean by that?

An Zheng: “I won’t fight anymore.”

It was as if a layer of black lines appeared on Cen An’s forehead. She had made an exception for An Zheng to pass the Golden Ranking and directly hit the Purple Ranking, wanting to teach him a lesson to suppress his arrogance. Actually, in her heart, she still had a bit of bad taste. She really wanted to see what kind of expression An Zheng, who had sucaughty and arrogant personality, would have if he were beaten by someone else. Of course she knew that Tang Mu Tang would definitely not be An Zheng’s match. Even those ranked tenth on the Purple List might not be An Zheng’s match. But there was still the first ten, which one of them was not a freak among perverts.

However, An Zheng actually stopped playing, this made her feel like he was about to eat his favorite food, in the end the waiter knocked the plate in front of her.

“You … You’re not f * cking fighting anymore? ” josei

An Zheng: “Sir, look good.”

Cen An’s forehead was full of black lines, how could he care about dignity? However, to think that someone at her level of status would actually say something like ‘damn it’. It was enough to show his current mood. She wanted to see An Zheng fail, but in the end he lost.

“Young man!”

Cen An suddenly became serious, and said with a noble expression, “One must have a goal, and a competitive spirit, especially when you’re your age. If he didn’t prove himself on the leaderboard, how else could he prove himself? If you gave up now, then the nineteen people at the top of the Purple Rankings would laugh at you. They would feel that you were too cowardly to continue challenging them. Can sucroud person like you bear with it? ”

An Zheng: “Yes.”

Cen An: “...”

Ye Lan: “Hahahaha.”

An Zheng: “If Mister has nothing else, I will be leaving first. At noon, Tang Mu Tang wants to go to my place to eat, so I’m going out to prepare and buy some dishes. ”

Hearing that it was time to eat, Cen An’s eyes lit up: “Do you need someone to accompany you?”

An Zheng: “...”

Ye Lan: “You have more dignity …”

An Zheng said his goodbyes. The observing disciples of the Three Academies did not know that An Zheng had given up his challenge and were still cheering. Quite a few girls had actually posted banners and slogans as they kept shouting. A lolicon girl jumped and shouted, “Du Shaobai! You are the best! ”

“Du Shaobai, continue fighting until you get to the first place!”

“Du Shaobai, you have fought for the honor of our people from the second courtyard. We believe that you can continue forward!”

“Continue working!”

An Zheng waved his hand at them, and then walked away witelaxed expression. Everyone thought he had just gone back to rest and was still cheering. Many of them had even promised to come to the battlestage early in the morning to watch a good show.

An Zheng walked towards the door. Since he had agreed to treat everyone to dinner, he naturally had to prepare well. However, just as he reached the entrance, he was suddenly called by someone behind him.

“Du Shaobai!”

An Zheng stopped and looked back. It was a young man that he did not recognize. He looked to be in his twenties, with a white face and no beard. He was a very handsome man. Judging from his clothes, he should be of good family background. Judging from their demeanor, they must have been born into a wealthy family, and they must have had an air of superiority. When he called out to An Zheng, there was still a kind of baffling anger in his eyes.

“May I ask who you are?”

An Zheng politely asked.

“My name is Nanming Lihuo.”

An Zheng remembered this name, it was ranked tenth on the Purple List.

One of them was the one who was the leader of the buddhist sects, the Demon Sword, Nanming Lihuo Sword. This person’s name was Nanming Lihuo, it was obvious that he was related to the Buddhist Sect. An Zheng understood all the big clans in the Great Xi Empire, no family was the surname. However, this young man had a faint but very obvious arrogance in him. It was clear that he came from a large clan, which meant that this person had changed his name.

An Zheng’s mind suddenly lit up, and he remembered something.

Not long after the Fa Zen Temple was first established in the Da Xi region, the monks of the temple had once saved an important figure from a prominent family in the Da Xi region.

That was a long time ago, Da Xi was not as stable as she was now. At that time, the Great Western Left was already a first-rate family with a very high status. People of the Left had always held a very important position in the military. For example, the Left Swordhall, one of the Great Xi Temple Generals, was the representative of the Left. That year, the representative of the Left, who was also the general of the Temple, Zuo Hong Liu, was heavily injured when he led his troops out. The Saint King had personally ordered to save him at all costs, but he couldn’t find the Holy Hand to bring him back to life.

After hearing about this, the monk from the Fa Zen Temple took the initiative to treat Zuo Hong Liu’s injuries and forcefully pulled her back from the gates of hell. Ever since then, Left had always been very respectful towards the Fa Zen Temple. In order to express her gratitude, Zuo Hong Liu had ordered that after this, every generation of Left would send their most outstanding disciple to the Fa Zen Temple to cultivate. He gave up his last name and was given a name by a monk of the Fazen Temple.

This Nanming Lihuo, was most likely someone from the Left.

When An Zheng and the others were in the Western Region, they had seen Left Swordhall make a move. Left Swordhall did not seem to be at a disadvantage when fighting with the experts of the Western Region’s Buddhist Sect. One must know that the one fighting with the Left Swordhall was the eldest disciple of the Great Thunder Lake Temple’s Buddha, Monk Feng. Furthermore, with such a large clan having such a long accumulation of resources, it was naturally impossible for only the Left Swordhall, a true ranker, to make his move.

“Why are you looking for me?”

“I heard that you just gave up on your challenge?”

An Zheng nodded his head: “That’s right, your news was pretty fast.”

He looked behind Nanming Lihuo and easily saw the gloating face of Cen An. It was indeed instigated by this troublesome mister … What was she planning to do? See him make a fool of himself?

“Why did you give up the challenge?”

Nanming Lihuo looked at An Zheng in the eyes and said, “Did you stop challenging because you felt that your strength was not enough to continue challenging upwards, or do you not feel that there is a need to continue challenging?”

An Zheng asked: “What’s the difference?”

Nanming Lihuo said: “If you feel that you are not qualified, then I will leave right now. Because I won’t fight with someone who doesn’t have confidence. That would be a stain on my own strength. If you don’t have to keep up the challenge, then you’re looking down on us. At least, that’s what I think. Therefore, even if you do not continue to challenge me, I will still challenge you. ”

An Zheng: “Are you sick?”

Nanming Lihuo was startled for a moment. “You’re a bit more polite when you speak.”

An Zheng said: “You are currently ranked tenth on the Purple List, if you are not going to challenge the ninth, why are you challenging me?”

Nanming Lihuo said: “It’s not like there’ule in the academy that the people at the top of the rankings are not allowed to challenge the people at the bottom. I feel that if you are my opponent, I can challenge you. ”

An Zheng looked at Cen Jiaoxi who was standing far away from him. That woman had an expression of “hide, hide, hide” on his face. An Zheng could not help but sigh: “It’s fine if you want to fight, but I can’t do it this morning, and I can’t do it at noon either. If you want to fight, wait till after we finish lunch. ”

Nanming Lihuo turned and left, “Then I’ll go to the battle arena to wait for you.”

An Zheng said: “You’re waiting for me so early? It’s going to be a long time. ”

Nanming Lihuo’s footsteps paused for a moment, he then turned around with a serious expression: “Then I’ll go to your house to wait for you, and we’ll have a meal together at the same time. “In that case, you can’t hide.”

An Zheng: “If you want to eat a meal, why spend so much effort …”

Nanming Lihuo raised his arrogant head, and pointed to the front: “Go buy some vegetables.”

An Zheng: “...”

Cen An ran over excitedly from afar, without having the bearing of a gentleman: “Right, right, right, go buy some food first. Why the rush when fighting, let’s first solve the problem of the stomach first!”

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