Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 536 - Lord

Chapter 536 - Lord

Chapter 536 – Lord

The masked guy sent An Zheng intall tower, and what bound An Zheng was a transparent round ball. He was initially laughing complacently, but when he saw the mouth of An Zheng, who was inside the transparent circle, move, and say a few words, the complacency in his eyes immediately turned into anger.

“I already knew that there would brap. The reason why I entered the trap time and time again wasn’t because of how smart you guys are or how stupid I am. It’s just because I’m such a person.”

Then, An Zheng sat cross legged inside the ball of light, waiting to enter the tower.

The masked man suddenly realised that An Zheng had entered by himself … His cultivation was indeed higher than An Zheng, but was it really so high that An Zheng could not resist and controlled him? It was obvious that he did not, because he could easily control An Zheng, and that was because An Zheng knew that this was the easiest way to get in.

With An Zheng’s strength, if he wanted to charge in, it would probably be very difficult. Those werhousand and two hundred elite Da Xi cavalry soldiers armed to the teeth. They were not a mob. An Zheng could use his Heavenly Thunder Shower to kill thousands of soldiers in the battle between State of Yan and Youguo, but he could not kill these one thousand two hundred flying leopard riders.

The result was the same as before, An Zheng entered another trap.

However, the masked man’s previous complacency had suddenly disappeared. That sense of accomplishment had also disappeared. He couldn’t help but ponder what was going on … Only because this wasn’t his achievement. An Zheng looked at him with contempt, even though he seemed to be the one who succeeded.

“What right do you have to look down on me?”

The masked man muttered to himself.

Ou Yangduo, who had appeared beside him at some point in time, sighed, “Because you don’t have any friends who are willing to die for you.”

After saying this, Ou Yangduo also walked towards the direction of the large courtyard.


The masked guy shouted, “What are you going to do!?”

Ou Yangduo replied without turning his head, “I’m going to die.”

The masked man chased after him and held him back, “Don’t tell me you didn’t know that this is the best opportunity? How many people knew of Ming Fa Si’s future plans? You! Me! An Zheng! Chen Zhongqi! This is the best situation for you and me. An Zheng being an abandoned son would only happen sooner or later. After the deaths of these two people, only you and I know the secret. In the future, the entire Holy See will be under our control! ”

Ou Yangduo laughed: “It doesn’t matter, that wasn’t my dream, it was yours.”

The masked guy shouted at the top of his lungs, “You and I are comrades-in-arms!”

“No, never.”

Ou Yangduo turned his head to look at the masked guy and said, “From the very beginning, you have only been using me aool. Your goal is to control the Sanctuary in the future. You knew that no one could kill Chen Wunuo, so you wanted to use another method to control the most powerful empire at that time. Perhaps you will succeed. I wish you success. ”

After he finished speaking, Ou Yangduo continued to walk forward. “Actually, you’re not even as good as Chen Zhongqi … Chen Zhongqi was an idealist. What he needed to do was not to overthrow others, but to change this world. He also wanted to be a great man, a man stronger than his father. But he was destined to bragedy, to get into a bull’s horn. In fact, he was greatly affected by the position of the head, and wanted to kill the head only because he was afraid of the head. ”

“So have you. You’ve always been afraid of him.”

The masked guy snorted coldly, “Do you believe that I won’t kill you right now?”

Ou Yangduo said, “Come, anyway, I’ve been living a life worse than death for many years. You will never understand how painful that feeling of betrayal is. Although you are alsraitor, you are no longer a human being. You have no humanity. If you kill me, I will no longer have to think about how to explain this matter to the Lord Headmaster. ”

The masked guy raised his hand, but didn’t make a move. “You all … They’re all idiots. ”

“If you think human is stupid, then I’m glad I’m a fool. Just now, you were still complacent and plotted against the first lord. You still despise him, saying he’s stupid to dive into traps again and again. No, that’s not stupid. I also hope that I will not give up on such a friend even when I know that I am in danger. ”

He stopped again and turned around to look at the masked guy. “So don’t say that you and I are comrades-in-arms. You won’t go into the trap to save me, and I won’t go into the trap to save you.”

The masked guy stood there, his shoulders shaking. “But you are all losers, destined to be eliminated by history. Even if you die, you have no right to look up to me in the future. I don’t need friends like you. Successful people never need friends. The people who stand on high are lonely, you are just people. ”

Ou Yangduo shrugged his shoulders. “All living beings? “That’s great.”

Without looking back, he accelerated towards the big courtyard.

The masked guy stood there and suddenly shouted, “Die! Go to hell! I don’t need friends like you. I don’t even need friends! In this world, only I can understand myself. I am angry not because you all left me, I am angry because you underestimated me! You actually said that I’m not even comparable to that idiot Chen Zhongqi, he isn’t even worthy enough to carry my shoes! If his father wasn’t Chen Wunuo, then who does he think he is! ”

His voice was hoarse.

Ou Yangduo did not turn his head back, nor did he speak.

On the other side of the courtyard, the Flying Leopard Cavalry troops had begun to encircle the area. They were well-trained, and the weapons in their hands were all great killing weapons crafted by the craftsmen of the Great Xi world under the guidance of their craftsmen. Although the people of the Ming Fa Si were also fully armed, the power of their weapons were on a completely different level compared to the weapons that the Flying Leopard rode.

Eight Leopard Cavalry soldiers carrying a two meter square chest ran over and slammed it on the ground outside the yard, stirring up a cloud of dust. One of them tapped the raised button on the box, and it immediately shook. The top half of the box suddenly opened, and four metal supports extended out, bending like a knee before standing up.

The four supports propped up the box, and inside the box waound tube that was half a meter thick. Below it was a small square box, about one meter square. The round tube was connected to the box, and the half meter thick tube was made up of 16 small, shin-sized tubes.

A soldier took ouiece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone and embedded it into the base of the round tube. The one meter square box below was filled with arrows. Each of them was as thick as an arm and the runes on them were extremely powerful. The most terrifying thing was that they contained the explosive power of spirit stones. josei

On the street outside the courtyard, at least fifty of these boxes had been opened. After the Golden-Rank Spirit Stone was embedded, the fifty killing machines started to display their might. Sixteen and the round tube spun, and the crossbow arrows began to tilt outward, and in a single turn, the tall wall was blown away. It was also the first time that the Ming Fa Si who was defending inside experienced the power of the Da Xi army when they fought with them.

The people from the Ming Fa Si in the front row did not have any reaction at all, and were instantly turned into mincemeat by the heavy crossbows. The crossbow bolts were simply too powerful. If they were to land on a person’s body, they could directly turn them into mincemeat. The cultivation of these people from the Ming Fa Si were generally stronger than the soldiers outside, but after fighting, they did not even have the strength to fight back.


Chen Si Qian yelled out and pulled Chen Xiang Hou away. “Isn’t this something that can be withstood head on? Do you see that tower behind us? Retreat for now!”

The people of Ming Fa Si started to retreat, leaving only corpses behind. The army of the Great Xixi began to move forward in an orderly manner. Under the cover of that great killing weapon, there was no obstruction that could be left in front of them. A wall? It shattered. There waree? It shattered. A house? It exploded into pieces!

This was an experience that Da Xi had accumulated through many years of war. During her many years of founding a country, Da Xi had always maintained her victory in foreign wars. She had never lost a war before. These killing weapons were created by generations of soldiers who had fought through bloodshed in order to gain insights. But now, these killing machines were used against their own people.

If the person who created these killing machines knew about this, who knows if he would be angry or sad.

The Flying Leopard rode on top of the neatly pushed forward. During the process, nothing in front of it could stop it. Soon, half of the courtyard had been razed to the ground. Under the cover of the heavy crossbows, no one was able to escape from the explosive sounds.

Right at this moment, the ball of light threw An Zheng in. As soon as An Zheng landed, countless crossbows shot towards him. The thirty Holy Fish Scalutomatically appeared, forming a wall in front of An Zheng. No matter how powerful the heavy crossbow was, it would not be able to break through the Holy Fish Scale.

An Zheng left one piece, and scattered the other twenty-nine, stopping the heavy crossbows for the others. His eyes and thoughts almost did not delay at all, the moment he saw the thought, the moment he thought about it, the Holy Fish Scale would arrive. Behind the Ming Fa Si crowd, the thirty Holy Fish Scale were moving back and forth like there was a giant invisible hand pushing them. They were moving horizontally at an extremely fast speed to block the heavy crossbows for even more people.

An Zheng turned to look at the tower. It was the tomb that the masked guy had designed for them. But right now, there didn’t seem to be any other way. If he didn’t retreat into the tower, he would only die in a different place. The outside world was getting more and more spacious, and it was getting more and more unfavorable for the people of Ming Fa Si.

“The tower cannot be destroyed!”

Someone shouted out. Only then did everyone realize that the heavy crossbows had bounced off the tower when they hit it. The black stones that made up the tower only had white marks left on them.

“Let’s all go in!”

Before An Zheng even had the chance to shout, the people at the back of the group had already rushed into the tower like floodwaters. It was too late to stop them now, so An Zheng could only follow them and retreat, entering the tower. He then used the Holy Fish Scale to block the entrance, and the crackling and clanging sounds could be heard from outside. Fortunately, the crossbow arrows were unable to penetrate in.

“Look at the losses now!”

Chen Si Qian shouted. He looked at the people around him, but they were not injured. It was because the crossbow was too powerful. Even if the crossbow had managed to hit it, it would have completely destroyed it. Of course, those who were alive were all uninjured.

“At least half of our brothers died here.”

Chen thought about it and smacked the stone wall, “Damn, how could I have thought that it was the Da Xi army that did this to us!”

“There’s nothing they can’t do.”

When everyone heard this, they noticed that the Head of the Intelligence Division, Ou Yangduo, was there.

“Only the few of us are left. The Division Capital of the company’s Operations Division has already been assassinated by them.”

Ou Yangduo looked around, and in the end, his gaze landed on An Zheng. He was silent for a moment, then went over and knelt on one knee. “What do we do? “My Lord!”

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