Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 538 - Deathmatch

Chapter 538 - Deathmatch

Chapter 538 – Deathmatch

When did the number of people disappear? Where did the few go?

There were no traces of blood on the ground or around him. The only entrance was sealed by Holy Fish Scale and it was impossible for anyone to come in or out. Not to mention the blood stains and the smell of blood, there was nothing strange about the surroundings. However, those people had strangely disappeared. The ones that had disappeared were those standing in the outer perimeter, to the point that no one had noticed that the people behind them had disappeared.

“What is going on?”

“Could it be a ghost?”

“Shut up! You are a member of the Ming Fa Si, what have you been doing for the rest of your life? What you are doing is to eliminate evil and promote kindness, even if there are ghosts, do you dare to make a move against the people of Ming Fa Si?!

“But, if it’s not a ghost, then what is it? Why did so many people just disappear into thin air? There was no reaction at all. None of the people present noticed anything. ”

“There are no unsolvable mysteries in this world. Only people can scare people away.”

Ou Yangduo walked to an empty space, and a Ming Fa Si judge pointed at the empty space and said, “Just now, Wang Bao was standing behind me. I had thought that he would always be behind me, but when I turned around and called out to him, no one paid attention to me.

Ou Yangduo squatted down and looked at the ground, but he could not see anything wrong with it.

When An Zheng first entered, he paid attention to the floor that was around 60 centimeters square. The specifications of each brick were the same. The splicing and laying was very smooth. He walked over to where Wang Bao had disappeared. He stepped on it with his foot. It was very firm. It was not empty below.


Ou Yangduo touched the ground: Master, touch it.

An Zheng squatted down and also touched it with his hand. Then, his expression changed a little: “It doesn’t seem to be made of stone, the feeling of a tentacle feels more like polished leather.”

Ou Yangduo nodded his head: “That’s right, if it’s a brick, it should be cold and hard. However, these floor tiles and tentacles all felt slightly soft, but not very soft. It was as if the floor was covered with a layer of skin. But walking on it, I don’t feel anything. Not even dust. ”

Just as he finished speaking, An Zheng’s expression changed again: “There’s no more.”

“What’s gone?”

Ou Yangduo touched the ground again, his expression turning ugly. The feeling of being covered in a layer of skin had disappeared, and the cold and hard feeling of the ground had returned. The places his fingers touched weren’t smooth either. It gave off the feeling of ordinary bricks.

“What’s going on?”

Ou Yangduo looked at An Zheng: “But one thing is certain, the ground is so strange, the person who disappeared just now was obviously engulfed by the ground. Everyone be careful, from now on do not leave each other’s sight, and stand in a circle facing each other. ” josei

An Zheng nodded his head, he turned and listened, but there were no sounds of leopard riders outside, obviously he was leaving.

“Wei Ping should know about the situation inside the tower. He wants to force us inside.”

He opened up a crack on the Holy Fish Scale and looked outside. He saw that the troops had already retreated to a location around 200 to 300 meters away. Dozens of those powerful crossbow carts were pointing towards the entrance. The moment the Ming Fa Si people went out, they would immediately be turned into minced meat.


At this moment, the masked man’s voice appeared by their side. It felt like he was inside the tower, but no matter how everyone looked at him, they couldn’t find anything. The sound was very, very close, giving the impression that he was right next to everyone.

“This is your final destination, and the pity is, those of you who betrayed me will end up like the rest. There are no remains left of you, not even your soul can enter the cycle of reincarnation. I’ve carefully selected this place for you, none of you will be able to escape. ”

Ou Yangduo laughed coldly: “Even now, you still look like you don’t owe anyone. You opened your mouth and shut up, it was someone else who betrayed you, but you forgot that it was you yourself who betrayed the entire Ming Fa Si, the entire world.”


The masked guy laughed in sucampant manner, “So what if I abandon you? There was an iron-like principle in this world that no one could change. It was that the one who betrayed first would at least die behind the one who was betrayed. I know I may die a horrible death in the future, but the good news is that I can enjoy your death as if it were a show. Let me tell you, the few people who disappeared before are just an appetizer … Many interesting things will happen in this tower next. Just you wait, it will be very exciting. ”

No matter what Ou Yangduo said, Wei Ping never answered again.

Ou Yangduo looked at An Zheng. “This should brap that Wei Ping has meticulously designed, everyone try your best not to split up.”

An Zheng nodded his head: “Five people in a group, according to the previous set of criteria. You are all well-trained people, and you are not afraid of ghosts or gods. There should be many traps in this place, so everyone be careful. “Remember, always pay attention to the changes on the ground …”

He summoned a portion of the Holy Fish Scale back and embedded it into the walls of the cave. The stone wall was extremely sturdy. Although it was only barely cut in, it was enough to ensure that the Holy Fish Scale would be stuck in midair.

“Once you feel any changes under your feet, be it softening or any other changes, leave the ground immediately and return to those shields.”

An Zheng pointed to the Holy Fish Scale: “Currently, there are only two hundred and thirty-five people left. With two hundred people remaining, no one is allowed to act rashly. Chen Siqian and Chen Wangliang, you two stay on the first floor. The thirty-five people who were born are divided into seven groups. ”

Witoint of his finger, these elite judges were quickly formed up. The seven selected teams stood next to An Zheng, they were all the elites among the elites.


An Zheng looked at Ou Yangduo and said: “I will bring a group up, the five groups will support each other, and you will bring a group up. This pagoda only had seven floors in total, and each floor had to be inspected. In order to avoid any accidents, no one is allowed to fall behind while inspecting the remaining six floors. I originally planned to leave behind a group of people to guard each floor, but it seems now that there’s no need. ”

Ou Yangduo shook his head: “This subordinate will lead the way first.”

An Zheng waved his hand, “Stop arguing, just treat it as me being your leader.”

He led a group of people up first, and the twenty-five people behind him followed. Finally, Ou Yangduo led a group of people to the back. In order to ensure that nothing unexpected happened, other than the group of people An Zheng was leading and him, the remaining thirty-seven people all walked up hand in hand.

An Zheng turned around and looked at the five people behind him. “Keep two steps away from me. If anything happens to me, don’t worry about it. Ou Yangduo will definitely find a way, you all better not act rashly. ”

The people behind looked at each other and replied. However, everyone knew that if anything happened to An Zheng, they would definitely rush over. Even if the person in front of him looked unfamiliar, he was still the first lord.

With their first lord present, they felt much more confident.

An Zheng walked up the stairs step by step with a solemn expression. However, even after walking all the way to the top of the seventh floor, he still hadn’t discovered anything. No traps were found here, so everyone safely retreated back to the first floor.

“Could it be that there is only one mechanism capable of devouring humans?”

Ou Yangduo could not help but ask.

An Zheng shook his head: “I still understand Wei Ping, but he haersonality that requires one to be prepared beforehand. If he had planned this place out, he wouldn’t have missed anything. In other words, if there was only one floor that could swallow people, then he would definitely seal off the first floor and the top floor. Moreover, his heart has already become abnormal, so it’s impossible for him to be so simple. ”

“Then what should we do?”

When An Zheng wasn’t around, every single one of them would be able to take charge of themselves. But now that An Zheng was standing in front of them, it was as if they had found their parents’ child. All their hopes rested on An Zheng.

“Rather than thinking about the safety above, it’s better to think about how to get out.”

An Zheng looked outside: “The army has sealed the gate, in a while I will use my shield to block it, all of you stay behind me and kill your way out, although you will be injured, but not completely annihilated.”

Ou Yangduo nodded his head, “I can see that Master’s shields are extremely sturdy, even the lightning bolts that the jaguars ride on are unbreakable.”

However, just as he said that, a clanging sound suddenly came from outside, as if something heavy had landed on the ground. An Zheng’s face changed, by the time he rushed to the door, it was already too late. An unknown material layer descended on the outside of the tower, completely sealing it. The entrances to the first floor and the windows to the second floor and above were all sealed shut.

“He can hear us.”

An Zheng seemed to mutter to himself.

Ou Yangduo reacted and then, his face became somewhat pale: “That’s right, he’s purposely cutting off our hope bit by bit. Listen to us, watch us move, and once we figure out a way to do it, he’ll cut off the possibility of it. Step by step, he is not in a hurry to kill us … He said that this was the last game. ”

An Zheng replied as he summoned his Broken Army Sword and stabbed at the metal-like protective layer on the outside of the door. The Broken Army Sword was able to pierce through the defensive layer with one sword strike. But the strange thing was, when the Broken Army Sword was pulled back, the hole immediately returned to normal.

“What exactly is this thing?!”

Ou Yangduo also pulled out his own sword and thrusted it, and unexpectedly, his sword easily pierced through the sturdy looking defensive layer. Just when he was surprised, he suddenly let go with a “Ah” sound. His longsword was rotting at an extremely fast speed. The sharp and hard longsword had turned into something like mud in an instant. Furthermore, it was quickly absorbed by the defensive layer.

“What the hell is this?!”

“It seems like this defensive layer is the Devouring Spell!”

Ou Yangduo’s face became a little pale: “This subordinate’s sword was crafted, and is a Golden-Rank Artifact. Although it can’t be considered to be top quality, it is at least a mid-grade Golden-Rank. This defensive layer is too weird, it melted and rotten a Golden-Rank sword so quickly. ”

He lowered his head and looked at his own hand. “If it weren’t for this subordinate’s fast hand pulling skill, I wouldn’t even have my hand left.”

An Zheng noticed that a large part of his palm had already turned into mush. He immediately took out his dagger and gouged out the piece of rotten meat. “Everyone be careful, don’t touch that layer of flesh.”

Right at this moment, someone exclaimed in shock. An Zheng turned around and saw that another person had disappeared. This time, it wasn’t just one person who disappeared. Because everyone’s attention was on the outside, there were at least another ten people who disappeared without a sound.

The ground changed again. It felt like it was made of leather. However, after a few seconds, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

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