Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 547 - Heroes of the World

Chapter 547 - Heroes of the World

Chapter 547 – Heroes of the World

An Zheng had a very uncomfortable thought in his heart … He could judge from a critical point of view that Chen Wunuo had saved Gu Jiuxi. To Chen Wunuo, it was nothing, he just wanted to test some of his thoughts. But from Gu Jiuxi’s perspective? What else could she do but be grateful?

If …

If that day, Chen Wunuo didn’t do anything and only looked at the family as though they were playing, then left just like that … Maybe Gu Jiuxi had already died. That vicious father and the entire vicious family would make them disappear from this world immediately.

Therefore, An Zheng’s heart felt very uncomfortable, really very uncomfortable. Chen Wunuo did not save him to save others, but you could not use such thoughts to change the mind of the one who was saved. That’s right, Chen Wunuo had also used this method to “save” other children, and the majority of them might have died. But did all of this have anything to do with Gu Jiuxi?

Nothing to do with it.

Others’ suffering had nothing to do with Gu Jiuxi, he was truly saved by him. Therefore, An Zheng felt that there were many things that he couldn’t say. He couldn’t use a method that would allow him to clearly see who Chen Wunuo was, because it was actually unfair.

However, Gu Jiuxi was actually very pitiful.

Even if Gu Jiuxi was now one of the Templar Generals, even if she was using all his strength to make the whole family no longer dare to discriminate against her and her mother. But her fate was still sealed. The cultivation that Chen Wunuo gave her, was only the raising of a woman who would go and die for Chen Wunuo at a critical moment.

An Zheng shook his head, he did not want himself to think too much into it. Right now, the most important thing was to first think of a way to get the metal essence from within the wheat.

Gu Jiuxi was already on the verge of collapse when he sat there, but An Zheng couldn’t make him worry.

Heaven’s Eye, Eye of Nine Incarnations … Activating Samsara?

As An Zheng sat cross-legged, the only thing he could think of was his eyes. But the eye sends a force away, not a force back. For example, when he was fighting the Spirit King, An Zheng’s eyes opened up a cycle of reincarnation and sent the Ghost King to an unknown world. However, An Zheng did not know where this world was, how to control it, or how to search for it.

No eyes.

An Zheng lowered his head to look at his own Blood Pearl Bracelet, then had no choice but to ask Chen Xiaoyao for guidance.

Chen Xiaoyao’s voice appeared in An Zheng’s mind, carrying a bit of anger. “Are you an idiot?”

An Zheng: “Isn’t it because I couldn’t think of a way to consult you?”

Chen Xiaoyao: “I actually used one of your words, seriously... Didn’t I say you were an idiot? Didn’t I say you couldn’t think of a solution while being an idiot? Is it because this woman has something to do with you? She is Chen Wunuo’s woman, and when Chen Wunuo wanted to kill you, you actually saved her woman? ”

An Zheng: “It has nothing to do with Chen Wunuo. I just wanted to save her.”

Chen Xiaoyao, “How can this be unrelated to you? Do you believe that if you were to save her, and if you were to meet his again in the future, when Chen Wunuo points his finger at you, she would rush towards you as if he had gone mad and fought with his life on the line against you? ”

An Zheng: “That’s a matter of later.”

Chen Xiaoyao: “So you are an idiot, no wonder the Holy Fish Scale would follow you, it turns out that its choice is jusotten good person like you.”

An Zheng: “Master, don’t you think you’re mistaken? What does Chen Wunuo wanting to kill me have to do with Gu Jiuxi? When Gu Jiuxi wants to kill me in the future, it will be Gu Jiuxi’s problem. To vent your anger on others just because of Chen Wunuo is like when your neighbor’s wife scolded you. Your child was knocked down by a carriage on the street, what’s the difference? ”

Chen Xiaoyao: “...”

An Zheng: “Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Although I don’t know what a seven-level pagoda is, it still isn’t anything bad.”

Chen Xiaoyao’s silhouette appeared in front of An Zheng, and looked at An Zheng as if he was looking at a monster, “I keep feeling that my luck isn’t too good. Initially, I thought I could make up for it by taking in a disciple. In the future, my son will still have a disciple who can’t take over Devil Sect.

An Zheng said, “Birds of a feather flock together...”

Chen Xiaoyao glared at him: Forget it, I’m just reminding you that you shouldn’t save this woman if you saved her. “Since you insist on saving him, I’ll tell you one thing. This method is not suitable for you.”

An Zheng: “Tell me.”

Chen Xiaoyao: “Where did that word of yours go?”

An Zheng: “Please tell me …”

Chen Xiaoyao said: “Even though your eyes have obtained some very strange power, they have not evolved. It is a one-way power. Let’s not talk about the unreliable probability, even if you used iundred times, you might not be able to open up Samsara again. Simply speaking, it was one-way. There was no chance for him to rely on his eyes to save her. Your eyes can trap something or power and send it away in one direction. In the future, there might be a two-way reincarnation, but that is not something that can be done in a day or two. ”

“So, the only way is through the Blood Pearl.”

Chen Xiaoyao looked at An Zheng with a deeper meaning: “The Blood Pearl and your blood energy are intertwined, and your body also possesses the ability to absorb other powers. Therefore, the only way was to use the Blood Pearl’s medicinal field to move all of the wheat that was transformed by the sharp metal power. “However, there is no such thing as metal in your medicinal field. It will cause rejection, and even if you don’t care how many medicinal herbs you will lose, your body will still suffer the same pain as the myriad of sword stabs.”

Chen Xiaoyao said seriously, “Your body will be penetrated by the sharp power again and again. Maybe when the long blade appeared, it turned into a long sword and pierced through you. Even though your body was strong, but in this space your cultivation had dropped quite a bit, and you could barely reach the Captive Stage. That’s why your physical body can’t take it. You might die. ” josei


Chen Xiaoyao said: “I am not exaggerating; what I said just now was all true. The second problem you have to face is that once the power of metal enters your body and is absorbed by you, it will no longer be energy, but rather a component of your bloodline. “It’s impossible for you to transfer the power of metal into her body through insufflation. You can only...”

An Zheng: “No way!”

Chen Xiaoyao: “What are you thinking about? Just a kiss. Even though you’re a dog, I have to explain things to you clearly. It’s up to you whether you believe me or not. The sharp power of metal exists in your bloodline, but the blood between people cannot fuse with each other. Assuming he’s the same type of blood as you, it’s much simpler. You give her some. However, if the two of you are not compatible with each other, then she will die even faster. ”

“Blood is mutually exclusive. Moreover, with your physique, there won’t be another one in this world. Her [Sharp Gold Body] was also very special, it was hard to find another one. So, it’s not just the probability of the two of you being able to fuse them, but also the probability of not even one in a few hundred million. “Blood repulsion, but …”

Chen Xiaoyao had a serious face, making himself look very serious. Other liquids could be compatible, such as saliva, such as that … She will have no problem absorbing your other liquids, but he will have problems absorbing your blood. ”

An Zheng: “I’ll think about it later. I’ll just take all of these annoying wheat first.”

Chen Xiaoyao held onto An Zheng tightly: “Think carefully, your body might not be able to withstand it, you cannot be impulsive. I remember that you’ve always been emphasizing one thing with the people around you. Saving people is the right thing to do, doing good deeds is the right thing to do, and doing righteous deeds is also the right thing to do. However, once they exceeded the limits of their abilities, they had to stop. It’s like when you can’t swim and meet a drowning person, you have to jump into the water to save her, but the end result can only be the both of you dying together. ”

An Zheng: “I think I can. If I’m not confident, I will give up.”

Chen Xiaoyao: “Once you start, you can’t afford to give up. That’s why I say, it’s not worth it to takisk for someone who isn’t very important to you. ”

An Zheng laughed: Save people, what is there to be unworthy of?

He looked at Chen Xiaoyao slyly: “Aren’t there still you?”

Chen Xiaoyao shook his head: “I can’t, I am still in closed door cultivation, I am unable to gather my strength, I am already at my limit by being able to create a virtual shadow to tell you this.”

An Zheng thought for a while, then said: “I still think there’s no problem.”

He walked over, and first carried Gu Jiuxi, who had once again fainted, tlace even further away from him. Then, he stood beside the wheat field and took a deep breath. The reason that he wanted to return revenge to the heavens and return to the earth was because he refused to submit to the restriction of the heavens and earth. The so-called rules of the heavens were just a form of self-deception. As for him, he would have to constantly train himself while cultivating. I didn’t just want to save her, I wanted to make myself stronger. If I can obtain the power of metal, I can make the Broken Army Sword unleash even more power, and also raise the power of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns by a level. ”

Chen Xiaoyao sighed: “In fact, you are the same as me when I was young. If you want to do something, you wouldn’t stop until you have an idea.”

He walked to the side and said, “I’ll do my best. If I can’t help you, don’t blame me.”

An Zheng bowed deeply and said, “Thank you, Master.”

He stood up straight again and looked towards the wheat field. “Only the gods are the most powerful creatures in this world, none of you are capable.”

He raised his hand and the Blood Pearl on his wrist started to glow. A moment later, the entire wheat field began to shake, and the ground began to shake violently. Absorbing the wheat field into the Blood Pearl was not a difficult matter, it was only the first step. The danger would arrive soon after this. An Zheng only had his Captive Stage left right now, so no one knew if he could withstand the counterattack from the sharp power of metal.

In just a short moment, a deep pit had formed on the ground. Over ten acres of wheat field were dug out, and then sucked into the’s medicinal field.

[A new power enters, rejecting the body, remove it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be extremely dangerous.]

Heaven’s Eyes voice appeared in An Zheng’s mind likhunderclap.

“No disgrace to all, no disgrace to myself.”

An Zheng shouted into the sky, after which his body suddenly tensed up. Just at this moment, countless black iron rod s pierced out from An Zheng’s body, causing An Zheng to be riddled with holes. The black iron rod carried an incomparable sharpness, and could not be stopped at all.

An Zheng stood there like a black hedgehog.

Just then, Gu Jiuxi opened his eyes and saw An Zheng who looked likedgehog.

An Zheng stood there likeerless hero.

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