Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 576 - World inner world

Chapter 576 - World inner world

Chapter 576 – World inner world

When the funeral procession returned, everyone gathered in the Zaocang’s doorways and courtyards. All of them were at a loss.

The door to the hall was open. An Zheng, who had fought his way through half of the city but did not have a drop of blood on him, sat on the guest seat. Even if he was Prince Fu of the great swallow, even if he was the King’s brother, even if he was the sect master of State of Yan’s number one sect, Heavenly Awakening Sect, he was still a guest here.

Zhuang Feifei who was dressed in her filial attire sat in the main seat very upright, with his eyes fixed on the outside as if she was paying attention to something. In fact, his eyes were empty and devoid of anything. She was only a woman, and no matter how strong she was, she was only a woman.

Her husband was dead, and all her efforts over the years had been for naught. He lost his goal in an instant and was completely alone from then on. It was a kind of complete emptiness, an emptiness without any life direction.

“Let me make the decision.”

An Zheng glanced at the similarly confused face of Mr. Zhang, and then stood up: “I am not the one making the decision for this Zaocang, after all, I am an outsider. But... First Mr is my sister, since she does not have the ability to do all these, I will do it. If there’s anything wrong with my arrangement, elder sister … You’re right. ”

Zhuang Feifei suddenly turned her head to look at An Zheng.

He was touched.

An Zheng nodded towards Zhuang Feifei before walking to the door. All the shop assistants from the nearby branches of the Zaocang were present. Adding the people from the outskirts, there were roughly a thousand people from the Military Department who were related to the Zaocang. They also included the servants in Zhuang Feifei’s residence, as well as the relationships with other businesses.

“I don’t know what you think.”

An Zheng looked at those confused faces and said, “Zaocang did not fall down, you should also be clear that Zaocang has been carrying it all by himself since a long time ago. So although their boss had left, Zaocang would not fall down. I will give you ten minutes to think. I will ask you only one question. I will hear your answers after ten minutes. ” josei

“Zaocang, are you going to open it?”

After saying that, An Zheng returned to the house.

He was still seated on the guest seat, but the moment he sat, Zhuang Feifei walked over to his side and pulled his sleeve, then pointed at the seat of honor that she was seated on earlier: “Sit over there.”

Just now, he had called me big sister, and he had started a massacre to protect me.

“No need.”

An Zheng laughed, and patted the back of his hand: “Zaocang has always been your Zaocang, I have already madlan earlier … I will pay half of the investment from the Zaocang, and return the investment from the military. Henceforth, the Zaocang will be your personal property. You can take my half as an investment and split it with me when you earn money. “After being separated from the military, you don’t have to work so hard anymore, and you don’t need to look at the faces of the officials.”

The corner of Zhuang Feifei’s mouth trembled. She wanted to cry, but she clenched his teeth and endured it. There was a man who was so good to him in this world, and he was not alone.

Without waiting for Zhuang Feifei to say anything, An Zheng continued to speak: “I will be tyrannical this time, and this matter will be settled. Whether it’s the King or the Military Department’s Minister, Wang Kaitai, I’ll go speak with him. The capital contribution to repay the military’s investment was twice as much as that invested by the military in the past. This way, no one would complain about it in the imperial court. Furthermore, Zaocang’s business will basically stop starting from this year. ”

Zhuang Feifei glanced at An Zheng and was a little confused.

An Zheng said: “I plan to create a very large spatial artifact to isolate the State of Yan. This world is about to fall into chaos, I can only save State of Yan from destruction. Once you enter the barrier, Zaocang’s business will not have much to do. ”

Zhuang Feifei: “I’ll keep her. She’s been working hard for the Zaocang for so many years, I can’t abandon her.”

An Zheng nodded his head: “Alright, since I have already invested, then I will pay half of their wages. However, you have to think about one thing. People can’t just eat and drink for nothing. It’s not that we’re worried about money, but that way, we’ll be ruined. There are many industries in the Zaocang, so we should learn from them and cultivate them ourselves.

Zhuang Feifei: “I’ll listen to you.”

An Zheng stood up and walked out: “Have you all considered it yet?”

He pointed to the left: “Those who think that they can stay in Zaocang, stand here. But there is one thing, from today onwards, the Zaocang will only pay the basic wages. Because it may need to seal up its business for the next few years, it did not receive any commission. ”

He pointed to the right side: “Those who want to leave Zaocang, come here, I will pay you an additional year’s wages for each of them.”

The person outside remained silent. After two to three minutes, Shopkeeper Zhang walked out of the room and stood to the left without a word. Behind him, all the shopkeepers and masters were standing to the left. The crowd began to stir, and two or three minutes later people began to move to the left.

This process lasted for about an hour. Almost 70% of the people chose to stay, while 30% chose to leave.

An Zheng asked Shopkeeper Zhang and the others to count the people present and give out silver to the people who left.

“Come with me first.”

When An Zheng returned to the hall, the two of them were the only ones left.

Zhuang Feifei responded with an “En”, and didn’t even ask her why. Actually, the two of them didn’t meet each other often, but they didn’t know why, but they definitely didn’t doubt each other’s tacit understanding. When this transformation began, even the two of them could not tell.

An Zheng stretched out his hand and Zhuang Feifei held onto his hand.

“I should live for myself in the future.”

“No,” he said.


She nodded.

Walking out of the hall and through the crowd. Under the astonished and confused gazes of those people, the two people left the main courtyard of the Zaocang, and left the Fanggu.


Frozen Land.

This place was at the edge of Da Xi city. If he walked towards the east, he would reach the Da Xi Central Plains. If he walked towards the west, he would reach the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions. The big city next to the Frozen Land was called Frozen Water City. He did not know if this name contained any secrets to heaven, so much so that the citizens of the Frozen Water City would think that the Frozen Land not more than one hundred miles away from the city appeared because of the name of the Frozen Water City.

And west of Frozen Land is Hu Tuo Nation, a small country witopulation of just a few million.

Ever since the appearance of Frozen Land, whether it was the cultivators of Hu Tuo Country or Cold Water City, they had been constantly searching for information about the Frozen Land. The news also quickly spread, to the point that there was an endless stream of experts heading there. However, there was a fact that only people could not enter, and it was not as if many cultivators had rushed in.

The entire mountain was frozen, like a city of ice sculptures.

If it really was a big city, then it would be a building that was even grander than a Jinling or a Gold-topped Great Thunder Lake Temple.

The tallest mountain peak was almost at the peak. There was an extended platform, roughly a few hundred square meters in size. This place was as flat as if it had been artificially carved out, so he could not help but marvel at nature’s creations.

On the platform, a white robed young man stood there, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky.

After an unknown period of silence, he seemed to have recovered from a state of selflessness. He looked down at his fingers and saw a tiny, but particularly delicate, snowflake that looked like a six-pointed star.

With a flick of his hand, the snowflake the size of a hexagram flew out and landed on the ground.

The moment it landed, the snowflakes suddenly grew larger. A ten-meter-long hexagram appeared on the ground, radiating light in all directions. The blue rays of light were like countless swords that soared into the sky, piercing through the heavens.

After the light from the hexagram, a black shadow appeared in the middle of the formation. At first, the shadow seemed to flicker and fade in a trance. However, it soon became extremely solid, finally turning into a muscular man who was over two meters tall.

The burly man looked like a big, sturdy man. It was unknown whether he had a full beard or was covered with short black hair. In short, he looked quite terrifying. The eyebrows were thick, and the rest must have been. Every step the brawny man took was like the movement of a mountain peak, causing the earth to shake and the mountains to shake.

If such a burly man were to walk on the streets, it was likely that even pedestrians would have to avoid him. The most terrifying thing was that he had an ancient aura that did not belong to this era. It waype of ancient aura that could not be spoken out loud, but one that one could truly feel. It could only be described with the word ‘terrifying’.

But as soon as the man appeared, he immediately fell to one knee in front of the white-robed youth.

“Greetings sector lord.”

The man in white nodded slightly. “Stand up.”

He pointed to a frozen arehousand miles away from the foot of the mountain.

“This is the surface world.”

The sturdy man looked into the distance, breathing heavily, “Even the scent of the air is so enticing, Sector Lord …” When do we do it? Your subordinate can’t hold it in anymore, everything here is better than our cold and dark inner world. The scenery here is called the scenery, inner world … It’s just a big black box. ”

“No rush.”

The white robed young man said slowly: “Three hundred and sixty-five years ago, I started killing from the west side of inner world. The inner world had 365 sector lords of various sizes, and every sector lord had at least 10,000 summoner under their command. A long, long time ago, when that terrifying human cultivator signed a contract with our inner world, the summoner of the inner world could only follow his orders unconditionally. All these years, I’ve been killing and killing, killing all those sector lords that don’t dare to resist and don’t seek change. They are content with their current lives and they are not ambitious. ”

The sturdy man said loudly, “That’s right, why would a human cultivator summon us to fight? It is time for us to regain some of our reward for the thousands of years we have spent together. ”

The white-clothed youth said, “You can go. Don’t alert those powerful cultivators of the human world. I need to find the summoner that was left behind in this world. They are our family. From the roots, all the demon beasts were the relatives of summoner, but they were already used to living in this world. Find the powerful among them and bring them back to me. ”

“Yes sir!”

The muscular man lowered his head.

The white-clothed youth said: “We must find the Eye of Nine Incarnations. In this world, rumors say that there are buddhas that fill the sky, but only the Eye of Nine Incarnations is our threat. Find it and bring it back. ”

He looked at the muscular man and said, “Also, as far as I know, a descendant of your clan within bloodline is in Da Xi as well. If you think you can bring him back, then go and bring him back.”

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