Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 643 - Head

Chapter 643 - Head


Chapter 643 – Head

Four summoner s who came from the inner world stood behind Su Shanci, led by a young man who had a gloomy face and a cold appearance. He wore a black robe, and had a very upright figure. He looked at An Zheng who was sitting on a chair in the hall far away, and then looked at Su Shanci who was about to collapse from anger: “What do you plan to do?”

Su Shanci looked at the young man, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets: “You guys surround him, I am going to kill him myself.”

The young man nodded. “As you wish.”

With a wave of his hand, the remaining three summoner separated and stood at four corners of the courtyard.

Su Shanci carried his two crutches and walked into the courtyard through the long courtyard, straight towards the main hall. The lights in the hall were all on, An Zheng sat right there, with two heads on the table beside him and the incense on top of his head.

As soon as Su Shanci entered the door, he did not immediately throw himself at An Zheng and instead coldly looked at him. “So you aremnant of the Zhao Family?”

An Zheng shook his head: No, killing a few people for the Zhao Family was just a convenience.

He looked into Su Shanci’s eyes: “The one I want to kill, is you.”

Su Shanci pondered for a long time, but he could not think of which Chou family he was from. He had killed a lot of people in his life, but he was usually able to get rid of the roots if he killed someone. Just like how he had killed the seven hundred people in the Zhao Family, there would not be a single child left.

“You deliberately squatted down in front of me to examine my injured leg. You intentionally gave mriceless peak Golden-Rank pellet. “So from the looks of it, you are not some Temple’s Northern Fender either.”

“I am not the Northern Protector. I will destroy the sanctuary sooner or later.”

An Zheng said indifferently: “Using a single Golden-Rank pellet to cause you to be bewitched, is not too expensive. If it’s the heads of your entire family, then it’s even more worth it. ”

Su Shanci’s lips were a little purple as he forcefully endured his anger and grief and asked, “Who exactly are you? You killed my two sons like this, do you think you can leave this place alive? ”

An Zheng: “You have done too many evil deeds, so you can’t remember how many enemies you have right? Logically, he should have explained the reason for his revenge before taking revenge. Only by doing so could he be considered to have avenged himself. But I don’t want to say it, it would be better if you lost two sons and a lot of your subordinates in a daze and then lost your life in a daze. ”

Su Shanci took a few more steps forward, raised a cane and pointed it at An Zheng: “I’ll give you a chance. If you don’t tell me, I’ll let you experience living a life worse than death.”

An Zheng said: “Coincidentally, it’s something I want to do as well.”

Su Shanci swept with his walking stick, all the doors and windows closed up.

He stared into An Zheng’s eyes, as if he could see something from An Zheng’s eyes. Just like that, An Zheng and him met eyes, and after Su Shanci looked at each other for a good while, his face suddenly became even more pale.

“Your eyes …” I really want to see that look in your eyes! ”

“That spring, I received news that my best friend in the northern Mount Cang Man was in danger. I did not stop day and night. When I felt that I was on Mount Cang Man, what awaited me were at least sixty experts from the martial arts world surrounding and attacking me. Among them, there were people with Lower Completion Stage s, people with Higher Completion Stage s, and even people with Lower Celestial Stage s. In the battle that day, I killed more than half of my enemies, but in the end, I was outnumbered because of a sneak attack. Later on, my corpse was found by you all on the Mount Cang Man and not even a complete corpse was left behind. ”

An Zheng’s tone remained calm. “So sometimes, it’s not even possible for me to give myself a stick of incense.”

He looked at Su Shanci: “Now, do you know who I am? Initially, I didn’t want to tell you, but after some thought, I decided that it would be better to tell you about it. ”

He stood up and slowly walked towards Su Shanci: “So, the reason I came here, was only to kill you. I won’t let go of any of the people who were on the Mount Cang Man that day. You are not the beginning or the end. For your Su Family to have such a status today, you must have stepped on my corpse to climb up. ”

Su Shanci’s shoulders trembled intensely: “You … Didn’t you die already? ”

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders. “It’s okay, I’m alive again.”

When he arrived in front of Su Shanci, the distance between the two of them was already less than three meters. Su Shanci subconsciously began to retreat, and basically did not dare to look An Zheng in the eye. The murderous intent in those eyes, the ferocity, the tyranny, gradually awakened his memory. God knows how many nights he had spent fighting with An Zheng on Mount Cang Man, but when he thought back to that day, he was so scared that he couldn’t fall asleep and was trembling uncontrollably. Every time he thought of the murderous intent in those eyes, he would shudder.

He tried to force himself to forget more than once, but he couldn’t.

In this world, if there was anyone who could cause him to fear someone to the depths of his bones just by looking at them, it could only be An Zheng. Back then, Fang Zheng, the head of the Great Western Ming Fa Si who represented the highest authority in the law enforcement, had always been a nightmare in his heart.

“What, after knowing who I am, you don’t even dare to make a move anymore?”

An Zheng said word by word, “That day at the Mount Cang Man, you did not perform like this.”

That day, Su Shanci indeed did not perform in such a way, and that was because he did not even know how powerful An Zheng was at that time. Only those who had made a move, only those who had endured it, would be able to experience its terror. With more than sixty experts surrounding and attacking him together, and with the help of his sneak attack, An Zheng could kill more than half of his enemies on the spot.

“You … You’ve already killed two of my sons. I don’t care that you killed my two sons. After all, I still owe you my life … I will exchange two lives for your life, is that not enough?! ”

Su Shanci said as he retreated.

An Zheng laughed, “You are really a good father … Using two of your son’s lives in exchange for one of mine, if life can really be counted with numbers like this one, then there doesn’t seem to be anything insufficient. My life, in exchange for two lives, and I even earned it, right? No, your life is what I want. I am returning your son’s life to the Zhao Family for you, to those who have been annihilated by you. ”

“Don’t push me too far!”

Su Shanci roared out in despair, “That’s right … Yes, I’m afraid of you. I’m really afraid of you. However, you are no longer the you of that time. You don’t have the strength you had then. If they were to fight, you might not be able to kill me. Furthermore, I still have helpers, and they are outside. If the five of us join forces, you won’t even have a chance to survive. ”

An Zheng smiled and said: “Then, why didn’t you attack?”

He pointed behind him. “Your son is looking at you.”

Su Shanci’s footsteps staggered, and he subconsciously looked at the two heads on the table, then continued to shake his head: “I know you have helpers, so how about we end this matter here? I swear that no matter what happens in the future, I will never seek revenge on you. You should be satisfied that my two sons are dead. From today onwards, we will not meet again … I can let the helpers leave and let you go! ”

An Zheng said: “But I don’t want to go.”

He glanced at Su Shanci, then walked back to the chair and sat down once again. With his legs crossed, he said, “I’m right here, you can come over and chase me away. Or, you come here and try to kill me. ”

Su Shanci was about to collapse, “You’re bullying me too much, aren’t you giving yourself a chance to live? This was the Da Ning Residence, the Su Clan’s territory. So what if you are a strong dragon? As long as you are in the Great Ning Prefecture, you will not be able to kill me. As for me, I can make you suffer heavy losses. Even if you don’t think for yourself, don’t you think for your friends? ”

“They’re all fine.”

An Zheng laughed and said: “If my guess is not wrong, your four accomplices have already sealed up this courtyard, in accordance to the north, south, east and west directions. The one on the east seemed to havead like that of a catfish. Even though he was wearing a big hat, it couldn’t cover up his incomparably ugly face. This summoner’s ability should be the weakest of them, am I right? ”

“You … How did you know?! ”

“It’s very simple. I saw it myself. Since it’s in the east, then it’s coming from the east. ”

An Zheng extended his hand: “Head.”

Two words.


Suddenly, a large hole had been smashed into the eastern wall, and a bloody head flew in from the outside. The head flew to An Zheng, and caught it in front of him, allowing him to push it back on the table.

It waead that looked like a catfish. It had a big mouth and two long tentacles on each side. The tentacles slightly shivered as An Zheng pressed the head on the table and did not close his eyes either.

“One of them.”

An Zheng looked at Su Shanci and said, “The summoner that you have colluded with the inner world in is truly insatiable. The destruction of the Su Clan has nothing to do with anyone but you. You were the one who led them to the Su Family’s destruction step by step. ”

Su Shanci’s face was completely drained of blood. He dared not make a move because he did not know the depth of An Zheng’s strength. When he saw the head of one of his helpers flying over, he had already broken down completely. Those were summoner from the inner world. They were all beasts from the ancient times, and each one of them possessed extraordinary strength. Su Shanci had thought that he would be able to help Chen Zhongqi obtain the position of Holy Emperor once he made this connection.

He even thought that if he could get on better terms with the controller of the inner world, maybe … Perhaps in the future, the Su Clan would be able to replace the Chen Clan’s position.

These things seemed very far away from him, but what if he actually did it? As for what those summoner in the inner world wanted, he didn’t care. The world was so vast, the summoner did not want everything.


An Zheng laughed and said: “At that time in Ming Fa Si, I had too many reservations, so even though my cultivation was a bit stronger at that time, I was not as reckless as it is now. I can use any method I want to kill people and make them despair. ”

“You have another helper. He looks likortoise, but his carapace is very thick and his tail is very sharp. This kind of thing has value because it has a layer of hard shell on its back. If you are lucky, you can buy it for a sky-high price. ”

An Zheng waved his hand.

The westward wall also shattered with a boom, creating a large hole. The tortoise shell was over a meter long, and there were pieces of flesh on the bloody shell. It was obvious that someone had forcibly ripped it off.

The tortoise shell landed in front of An Zheng and he stepped on it, “This is the second one.”

An Zheng extended his hand: “I want your head to come out now.”

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