Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 668 - Dont be evil!

Chapter 668 - Dont be evil!

Chapter 668 – Don’t be evil!

Chen Shaobai sat down opposite of An Zheng, looked at An Zheng, and said very seriously: “Seeing how you were doing such a bad thing just now, it made me feel that you were born to be a bad person.”

An Zheng said: “Do you want to know how did I become like this?”

Chen Shaobai: “Even if I tell your story, I won’t give you any points. “Come on, move me!”

An Zheng stretched out his hand. “A piece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone is a story.”

Chen Shaobai: “Who are you trying to scam?”

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders, “I was just boasting. I told the HAben Cavalry Soldiers to kill ten people for a Jadeite grade spirit stone, and there were oveundred thousand villains in Fire Beacon City. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to pay. I’ll first earn some money from you. It can be considered as urgent. ”

Chen Shaobai took out a large piece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone and placed it on the table.

An Zheng unceremoniously kept the Golden-Rank Spirit Stone and then sat upright: “Since you want to know, and even paid up, I’ll have to seriously tell you … Actually, there is one thing that everyone has overlooked and no one has paid attention to, but if you think about it carefully, it is very scary. ”

Seeing An Zheng becoming serious, Chen Shaobai also sat up straight: “What’s the matter?”

“What happened to the Enforcers?”

An Zheng slowly let out a breath of relief, “There are some things that I’m actually simply unwilling to bring up, and in fact, completely unwilling to think of. You also know what kind of people Ming Fa Si came into contact with everyday, a group of evil villains. When dealing with people like them, the first thing you have to do is understand them. ”

“I once had a subordinate named Shi Lei. He was a very smart young man, and his talent was also good. If he was not dead now, the worst case scenario would be a cultivation of Lower Completion Stage. It was because he was smart that I broke the rules and picked him up and worked with me. At that time, I really wanted to cultivate him to become the successor of the Ming Fa Si, but I ended up harming him. ” josei

An Zheng’s expression dimmed: “I overlooked a person’s thought after coming into contact with too much evil.”

His eyes were somewhat lost, but more of it was grief.

“Later, when he was safe and smart, I gradually let go of him and let him handle some big cases on his own. If Shi Lei solved the case in front of the Ming Fa Si, even some of the older people in the Ming Fa Si were not as good as him. Then I observed that the reason he solved the cases so quickly and accurately was because the first thing he did was to imagine himself as the murderer and simulate the entire process of the murder. ”

Chen Shaobai’s expression changed, “So...”

“So his attitude gradually changed.”

An Zheng shook his head: “If I had sensed this earlier, I probably would have been able to help him. It’ity that I was too busy, so I didn’t feel that there was anything important to take care of. After that, there were many tragic cases in the capital, and Ming Fa Si had not been able to find out who was the culprit for a long time. I passed this matter to Shi Lei … However, even if it’s him, he still doesn’t have a clue for a long time. ”

Chen Shaobai sighed: “Of course I don’t have any clues, because it was him who did it.”

An Zheng acknowledged, “Yes, it was all done by him... He had long imagined himself as one of those evil people. Gradually, a thought appeared in his mind. He wanted to try it out. He wanted to experience what those evil people really felt like when they did evil. I think that it was a difficult process of struggling, but in the end, he was still defeated by me … He did it, he tried it, and then he went crazy. ”

“Later, when I caught him, I asked him why. He smiled. It was creepy and creepy. ”

An Zheng looked at Chen Shaobai and said word by word: “Shi Lei told me, master … …” Did you really not think of going over to try? “It’s great, it’s really great.”

Chen Shaobai: “You killed him with your own hands?”


An Zheng said: The judgement is not something Ming Fa Si should do, the one punishing him is the executioner.

Chen Shaobai suddenly leaned over, looked into An Zheng’s eyes and asked with similar words, “An Zheng, did you really not think of going over to give iry?”

An Zheng lifted his hand and pressed it on’s nose. Even though Chen Shaobai’s cultivation was abnormal, being held down by the nose felt extremely good. He couldn’t stop his tears from rolling down, and as he wiped them away, he scolded An Zheng for being abnormal.

An Zheng said: “So you’re asking me why are there so many evil people who know how to do things, why are there so many evil people who think about such schemes … Because these are my old life. In fact, the reason why I became the head of Ming Fa Si was not only because Chen Wunuo needed someone like me to take up the banner of legality for him, but also because I did the same thing as Shi Lei. ”

“I know the wicked, and I know what they are thinking even by looking into their eyes. In order to investigate this case, I would look into the eyes of every villain I caught before they killed me, and try to understand his thoughts. Over time, I can think of more. ”

Chen Shaobai said: “Damn it, I want to kill you now, what if you become that kind of person...”

He shivered. “It’s scary just thinking about it.”

An Zheng shook his head: “So I have always firmly believed that the one who would change the world would definitely be me. The one who would uphold justice and exterminate evil must definitely be me. Because I’ve experienced more tests than anyone else, and I didn’t care about how Shi Lei became like that back then because I wasn’t bewitched by it myself. I imagined myself as an evil man, speculating on their thoughts and methods of doing things, but I was not lost. So I didn’t think about whether or not Shi Lei would get lost. I have a certain responsibility for his death. ”

An Zheng stretched out his hand, “Did I enlighten you? If you want to continue listening, pay another Golden-Rank Spirit Stone. ”

Chen Shaobai: “Scram …” Listening to your bullshit about how you have to pay money to listen to your audience, is there any justice? However, this kind of story is absolutely effective in deceiving little girls. Which little girl doesn’t like people who hold high positions in power, and is even a mature man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life? ”

An Zheng: “No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend.”

Chen Shaobai: “Do you believe that I won’t kill you?”

An Zheng: “A piece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone, I’ll let you try it.”

Coincidentally, Du Shoushou and Dada Ye walked in from the outside and the moment they entered the door, they heard An Zheng tell Chen Shaobai to give miece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone to try. The two of them were stunned, and then, An Zheng noticed that the way they looked at him changed …

“It’s not what you think!”

Before he could explain anything, Chen Shaobai had already stood up and slammed the table, “An Zheng! I didn’t know you were sucerson! You actually sold your own body for a Golden-Rank Spirit Stone, you have truly disappointed me! ”

Du Shoushou nodded his head hard: “I am too disappointed.”

He took ouiece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone and passed it to An Zheng: “Can you count me in?”

An Zheng: “...”

However, this matter wasn’t over. Da Da Ye searched his body for quite a while, but didn’t find anything, and borrowed a piece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone from Du Shoushou. He then walked over and carefully placed the spirit stones on the table beside An Zheng. It could be counted as one. ”

An Zheng raised his head to look at the sky, feeling that his entire life had gone dark.

Of course, Du Shoushou and Da Da Da Ye didn’t really think that there was anything dirty going on between An Zheng and her, they just took the opportunity to torture An Zheng a little. But what they didn’t expect was that An Zheng actually put away all the Golden-Rank Spirit Stonnd then seriously wrote three pieces of paper. On top of the paper were three words: one for each person, and one for each person: “Come, come, come, pick a number to line up.”

Chen Shaobai jumped away, “I’ll go... So you were actually such a An Zheng. ”

An Zheng smiled up and down, and after he finished laughing, he asked Du Shoushou: “How is it, did you see anything?”

Du Shoushou handed a yaksha umbrella over to Chen Shaobai. Before Chen Shaobai could receive it, Du Shoushou suddenly retracted it and stored it inside his spatial artifact. Chen Shaobai kept staring at him, but Du Shoushou ignored him.

“As you expected, there’s one less person by Lu Deng’s side. If nothing unexpected happens, then the news will be leaked to Fire Beacon City. ”

He sat down and asked An Zheng: “Do you really have a way to go five hundred tundred thousand?”

An Zheng shook his head: “Even an immortal god can’t go pasundred thousand, what are you thinking … There’s no guarantee that we can break through five million. Five hundred and three people would be more or less the same. ”

Du Shoushou counted. “Isn’t it five hundred and four?”

An Zheng: “Did you forget that I fired one just now …”

Du Shoushou asked: “How do I fight against this?”

An Zheng said: “I can’t say yet, it’s not time yet.”

Chen Shaobai: “I know I know, An Zheng told me just now, it was simply too wonderful. Just that one ingenious plan alone, not to mention five hundred tundred thousand, even two hundred thousand would be able to break it. Want to know? A piece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone, I’ll tell you. ”

An Zheng stared at Chen Shaobai, shaking his head at him. Du Shoushou unhesitatingly took ouiece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone and placed it in Chen Shaobai’s hands: “You’re rich and overbearing, there’s no other way, quickly say it.”

Chen Shaobai: “I don’t know the way, but if he said it was weird, then I know that the Golden-Rank Spirit Stone I was tricked into going was obtained from it …”

An Zheng: “Even I’m shaking my head.”

Du Shoushou: “If you don’t f * cking shake your head, I won’t give it to you.”

An Zheng looked at Chen Shaobai: “Am I impartial enough to take back Du Shoushou’s spirit stones to you?”

Du Shoushou: “What are you being selfless for …”

Da Da Da Ye was extremely curious. She originally admired An Zheng and had no doubt that he could break through five million without a doubt. She leaned over and hugged An Zheng’s arm and shook it: “Just tell me, I’m different from them, I’m a woman.”

An Zheng nodded, “Women can’t be the same as them.”

Dada Ye nodded his head with all his might: “Mhmm, mhmm, hurry up and tell me.”

An Zheng: “Women have special rights, I’ll be the first to tell you later.”

Da Da Ye: “…”

Da Da Ye snorted. “Ah …” Initially, when Du Shoushou and I were going out, I found out about a big matter. It seems like I couldn’t casually tell you about those Heptune Cavalry soldiers. A piece of Golden-Rank Spirit Stone, if I do not say it, you are not allowed to say it, either, Du Shoushou. ”

Du Shoushou shrugged: “What did I say?”

An Zheng sighed: “You’ve all learnt to be bad … I’ll just give it to you. ”

He passed the Golden-Rank Spirit Stone that he had gotten from Chen Shaobai to Da Da Ye: “Go ahead.”

Da Da Ye imitated Chen Shaobai’s actions. “I don’t know anything, I only know how to trick a Golden-Rank Spirit Stone over.”

Du Shoushou laughed: “I’ve already said it, what should I say? I even threw up my hands, meaning that I don’t know anything at all. ”

An Zheng: “Idiot, you still didn’t look. In the end, you only losiece of the Golden-Rank Spirit Stone.”

Du Shoushou calculated and it was really...

An Zheng stretched. “All of you should sleep.

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