Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 751 - Yuwen Familys Choice

Chapter 751 - Yuwen Familys Choice

Chapter 751 – Yuwen Family’s Choice

On the fifth floor’s wooden building, Yu Wende heard everything clearly. Everyone subconsciously looked at him, afraid that he would fly intage at this moment. After all, on the wooden building, there were not only Yuwen Clan’s people, there was also Chen Zhongqi who was in dire straits, but still had a presence.

But Yu Wende still disappointed everyone, coldly snorted, and left with a brush of his sleeves.

Yu Wenhe looked at his ninth brother and asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong with second brother today? Why does he seem so out of control?”

Looking at Chen Zhongqi who was looking at An Zheng with squinted eyes, the corner of his mouth raised upwards: “Who can easily guess second brother’s thoughts?”

Yu Wende left with a flick of his sleeve. After descending from the fifth floor’s wooden building, he ran towards Wild Fox Mountain. He purposefully made a detour so that people would think that he had already returned to his residence, but he did not dare to waste even a minute as he entered the Profound Sky Pavilion.

Inside the Profound Sky Pavilion, Yu Wending was pacing back and forth anxiously, his expression extremely ugly. The moment he heard the sound of footsteps, he turned around and saw Yu Wende running in with large strides. He opened his mouth to say something, but after thinking about Yu Wende’s merciless act just now, he snorted and said nothing.

After Yu Wende entered the door, he waved his hand to allow the two children in the house to leave. Then, he kneeled down with a ‘pu tong’ sound: “Big brother, I’m sorry.”

Yu Wending was shocked, he immediately went to support Yu Wende: “What are you doing?”

Yu Wende said: “Me too... He had no choice. I knew that I had gone too far, and that my brother would never forgive me. However, under the circumstances, I had no other choice. It was this morning that I received the news that Nameless had secretly sent back … This news also confirmed my guess. The reason why Chen Zhongqi was sent to our Phoenix Stage was not because of the trust Chen Wunuo had for us, but because he did not trust us. ”

Yu Wende said: “Three dynasties elder Mu went to the palace to see Chen Wunuo a few days ago and brought up the words’ hidden danger ‘in the northwest. Not long after, Chen Zhongqi was demoted to a concubine and sent to our northwest. We, the spies in the capital, took a long time to find out. Actually, what Chen Wunuo is worried about the most is that our Yuwen Clan might have some ulterior motives. ”

“The news that Nameless sent back said that Mu Wang had given Chen Wunuo some advice and sent Chen Zhongqi to the northwest prison. In fact, it was to monitor our Yuwen Clan. Chen Zhongxu will lead the troops to the south, and without the Chen family in the northwest, Chen Wunuo will not be at ease. ”

Yu Wending immediately asked: “Then what just happened?”

Yu Wende said: “I must make Chen Zhongqi look down on me and look down on me. I am the Patriarch, if I, the Patriarch, am a shallow and incompetent person, Chen Zhongqi would be at ease. Also this morning, the Great Xixi Fleet stationed in the northwest turned from the Lancang River, which was heading north and south, to the Da Yu River. They had already moved one thousand and six hundred miles west. Everyone claims that they are here to exterminate the remnants of our rebellion, and that they are here to support Old Man Su who is carrying his sword to the north. But in truth, they are still here to intimidate our Yuwen Clan. ”

Yu Wending’s face turned a little pale: “How could this happen?”

“Chen Wunuo doesn’t trust anyone. The Da Xi Empire is in chaos right now, the summoner of the Summoning the Spiritual World are rampant, and many cities have been destroyed. The cultivators of Da Xi were unable to make it in time. At least more than a hundred small nations had formed an alliance and continuously harassed the borders of the Da Xi Kingdom. Chen Wunuo was also extremely worried. What he is most afraid of is our Yuwen Clan taking advantage of the situation in the northwest. ”

“I have to pretend to brash. I can’t be too useless, otherwise I will be suspected by Chen Zhongqi. I can’t be too strong either, if I do, Chen Zhongqi will still doubt me … Speaking of which, our Yuwen Clan has unparalleled glory in the Northwest, but what about in reality? Which step isn’t difficult to take? Be careful. ”

Yu Wende kowtowed: “I am sorry Big Brother, I know that even so, I should not have sacrificed Limitless. However … There was nothing I could do. If only Wushuang had come earlier. I don’t have to suffer like this. ”

Just at this time, Master Zi Yuwen, who was still kneeling on the ground, slowly walked out. He looked at Yu Wende and sighed: “Yuwen Clan’s people... It’s not easy. Get up, Limitless is fine for now. Even though my cultivation has been damaged, and even my roots have been damaged, that Jindan I got as a gift is truly amazing. It stabilised my body and helped me recover from my injuries, so if Limitless were to recuperate for a few years, he would still be able to keep up with my cultivation. ”

“Thank God!”

Yu Wende could not help but kowtow, “Thank you for your grace, Old Ancestor.”

Yuwen Yuge waved his hand: “It’s useless to thank me. If it wasn’t for the pills, I wouldn’t have had any good ideas. Yuwen Clan’s pills were too overbearing and tyrannical. Even if they were medicine to save someone, it would still be the same … This is noasy fight, I am indebted to Limitless. ”

Yu Wende said: “Old Ancestor, this person is here to kill Chen Zhongqi. But no matter what, Chen Zhongqi cannot die in our Yuwen Clan’s house. It’s not easy. ”

Yu Wending said: “As for Chen Zhongqi, it is best that he dies, if not he will pose too much of a threat to our Yuwen Clan. He is not Chen Zhongxu, he has a good relationship with us, after dozens of years of being together, he is able to say some words that are both important and important in front of Chen Wunuo. Only then would Chen Zhongqi come, and pass on everything he has seen and heard back to her. ”

“After so many years, which family has not done something that goes against the rules? Our Yuwen Clan is guarding the northwest border, and the number of our private troops has long since exceeded the limit. It’s only this one matter.

“That’s true.”

Yuwen Yuge looked at Yu Wende, “Actually, you plan to sacrifice Limitless, don’t you want Chen Zhongqi to die in Phoenix Stage?” josei

Yu Wende lowered his head and said: “I can’t hide anything from you.”

Yuwen Junge said, “Why are you hiding this from me? I don’t care about the martial arts world or my family, I just want to live for a few more years. Chen Wunuo was suspicious of my previous arrow. However, it was also because of that arrow that made him feel threatened, so … Yuwen Clan really wasn’t easy to mess with. In exchange for Chen Zhongqi alone, although your heart is ruthless, it is still a good thing for the Yuwen Clan. ”

Yu Wende said: “Old Ancestor is right, I indeed think so. That’s why I’m sorry Big Bro, I’ve never discussed this with you before … If our Yuwen Clan had not sacrificed itself and Chen Zhongqi had died, Chen Wunuo would definitely investigate. If our Yuwen Clan sacrificed two people, Chen Zhongqi would be dead … Chen Wunuo will not immediately ask for forgiveness, and instead send people to investigate. With this process, there are a lot of things that can be done. ”

Yuwen Yuge said, “So, Chen Zhongqi must die?”

“He must die.”

Yu Wende said: “What I have done these past two days, has already paralyzed him. Chen Zhongqi has already started to look down on me more and more. I saw that he had sent someone to deliver the news today, which is a good thing for our Yuwen Clan. If Chen Zhongqi dies... I plan to personally go to the capital and ask for forgiveness. In that case, at most, just kill me and the Yuwen Clan will be able to keep it safe. ”

He looked at Yu Wending, “Big Brother, you have a kind heart. In the future, when you come to be the Patriarch, don’t be too kind. The reason why I was so ruthless in separating the two of us was so that you could govern well in the future. “Their lineage is too arrogant and despotic, and you are too kind. Sooner or later, they will bully you.”

“Right now, I have pretty much already taken care of the family’s affairs. As the next Patriarch, Big Brother will be easier to be the next Patriarch and won’t be left in the dust. Once Chen Zhongqi dies, I will immediately set out. As long as I die in the capital, Chen Wunuo will not be able to investigate … If Chen Zhongqi is allowed to live, although our Yuwen Clan does not have any thoughts of rebelling, but there are many things we can defy. In the end, most of the time, we do not want to go back, but we are forced to go back by the Saint Emperor … If that happens, the citizens of the Northwest will surely suffer numerous casualties, and our Yuwen Clan will most likely vanish into thin air. ”

Yu Wending grabbed his arm, “This won’t do!”

Yu Wende laughed: “Big Brother, there is nothing that is impossible. I’ve said it before, what is the reason why our Yuwen Clan was able to stand proudly in the Northwest for so many years? It was the unity of the family. Everyone had the spirit of sacrificing their lives for the family. I am the clan leader, but I and Limitless are the same person. They can sacrifice, and I can. My death alone in exchange for our Yuwen Clan’s stable survival is worth it. ”

He looked at Yuwen Yuge and said, “Old Ancestor, after I leave, it’s better for you to take care of your family matters.” “Eldest brother, you are too kind and compassionate …”

Yuwen Junge nodded his head: “If it was any other time, I would definitely not have agreed with you. At this time, if I did not agree with you, Yuwen Clan might really be facing a calamity. All of you havesponsibility, and so can my old bones. ”

Yu Wende bowed: “Many thanks!”

Yuwen Yuge waved his hand, “Go ahead and take a look at your precious daughter. The estrangement between you and him will probably never be resolved in this lifetime. If Chen Zhongqi dies, you must go to the Jinling and die … “Let’s keep looking. We won’t be able to see it in the future.”

Yu Wende raised his head and laughed: “She ignored me, and is also my daughter. Even though there is no one who can compare to my daughter, I am already sufficiently proud. ”

He turned around and walked a few steps before saying, “Old Ancestor, I shall leave this matter to you. I, Wushuang, will not be able to persuade her. After she and that youth fight, please come and stop them. I will find a chance to put that youth back on the wooden building. ”

Yuwen Yuge nodded and said, “Go on.”

Yu Wende turned around and knelt down and kowtowed to Yu Wending: “Elder brother is my father. Big brother, you were the one who took care of me before this. After that, you take care of everyone. I have been in charge of the family for thirty years. For the first thirty years, I have come to look at me. For the next thirty years, I have come to look at you.

Saying this, he got up and went downstairs, leaving Wild Fox Mountain.

This was the plan of a member of a big family, the boldness of a member of a big family. The moment he stepped out of the door, he died in a generous manner.

Yu Wende left the Profound Sky Pavilion and appeared in a shadow at the bottom of the wild fox mountain. The mysterious black-clothed person was waiting for him there, and when he saw come down, the person leaned on the mountain rock with his arms crossed and laughed mockingly: “Are you going to die?”

Yu Wende’s footsteps paused: “That’s right, I’m going to die, but you can’t.”

The man sneered: “Am I still a shadow? I have been your shadow for decades. Now that you are going to die, whose shadow am I going to be? ”

Yu Wende said: “Your thoughts are not with your family, but with the mountains and plains of the world. After I die, if you hand over the position of the family head to your big brother, then you can travel the world and live the life you want. I won’t stop you, and no one in the family will know of your existence. ”

That person smiled, “That’s great, we’re about to be free …”

Yu Wende said: “There is one more thing you need to help me with, when you attack Chen Zhongqi later on, I will join the others to stop you. Chen Zhongqi will definitely retreat, I want to give that youth a chance.”

The person replied, “Go to Jinling... I’ll go with you. ”

He took off the black veil, and actually looked exactly the same as Yu Wende: “Your son and daughter might be here, but they don’t have enough weight.

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