Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 774 - Crushing, invincible within the same realm!

Chapter 774 - Crushing, invincible within the same realm!

Chapter 774 – Crushing, invincible within the same realm!

Of course, the black clothed man could understand An Zheng’s hand gesture, so he was immediately enraged. Before entering the sect, the sect master had sent someone to instruct him that if he could not kill this Daoist called Chen Liuxi today, then he would not be able to return alive. He knew more than anyone how the previous sect master died. He still vividly remembered how.

“You should be happy.”

As Zhou Cangzhi walked forward, he said, “You died in front of all your relatives and friends, so you don’t need to feel any pain or despair.”

An Zheng sat on the chair and did not even move.

Zhou Cangzhi’s hands pressed down.

[Earthen Cage]

As he half-squatted and pressed both hands on the ground, the whole Heroic Hall shook. Soon after, a circular wall of earth rose up from the ground and then closed again in midair. An Zheng watched everything calmly, he did not even have the desire to stop them.

“I’ve seen arrogant people, but I’ve never seen someone as arrogant as you.”

Zhou Caizhi sealed up the entire chivalrous hall, his face revealing a sinister look, “You must not have experienced too much despair, so you don’t know what you’re about to face. I have completely sealed off the entire Heroic Hall, this is my secret technique, even if an expert from the Lower Celestial Stage were to come here, breaking through this technique would not be an easy task. ”

An Zheng shook his head: “You’re thinking too much, I might not be the one who wants to break out of this barrier.”

Zhou Cangzhi stretched out his hand and shouted, “Die!”

On the surrounding walls, black shining iron spears emerged one after another. Then, they suddenly accelerated and shot towards An Zheng. Those iron spears were originally formed from the concentrated iron essence of the earth, and were as hard and sharp as weapons forged from iron. In terms of quantity, there was no way to calculate it at all. It was so dense that it made one’s scalp tingle.

The iron spear shot towards An Zheng like a storm. An Zheng sat still.

[Inverted Scale]!

A pair of huge metallic wings appeared on An Zheng’s back. Those wings first quickly opened up, then curled forward like they were just arms, surrounding An Zheng’s body.

Ordinary wings had long feathers, and every feather on the metal wings that grew out of the reverse scale was as sharp as a knife. As it moved, the bright blades extended out one by one, dazzling everyone’s eyes.

The black spear came from all directions, the reverse scale wings started to spin likurbine, the tip of the blade started to circulate rapidly, all the iron spears near An Zheng were cut. This was an incomparably shocking scene. Every single iron spear was not cut once, but one piece at a time. Not long later, a thick layer of metal sheets accumulated around An Zheng’s body.

The sound of metal being cut was so intense that it created clanging sounds. No matter how sharp those black iron spears were, they were meaningless under the absolute defense of the reverse scale. The reverse scale had already becomart of An Zheng’s body, and was moving according to his will. Moreover, this kind of change could be completed in an instant with just a thought. His speed was extraordinarily fast.

“Break for me!”

The right protector of the Infinite Palace, Zhou Cunzhi suddenly pushed his hands forward, and countless of black spears combined to form an incomparably large iron spear. It was more than a meter thick, and over ten meters long, as it smashed towards An Zheng’s body like a bell.

The metal wings on An Zheng’s back rotated, and like a cutting machine, the black spear was cut down layer by layer like a spinning blade. An Zheng got up, and after stretching his body, he walked towards Zhou Caizhi with large strides. His wings opened uath for him, and the gigantic black spear was sliced apart bit by bit, in just a few seconds.

“I’ve said it before. At that time, the person who wants to open this Spirit Formation might not be me.” josei

An Zheng said as he walked, “Back then, when you guys were still called the Heavenly Reality Sect, you guys did a lot of things that would anger both the gods and men. However, you guys are sinister enough to not leave anything alive. Even though the Great Western Ming Fa Si had his eyes on you, he still could not get hold of any evidence. However, there is no evidence to refute the evil deeds that you have done that caused you to die ten thousand times without being able to atone for your sins. ”

“Pingshui City, you guys assaulted the home of Master Craftsman Shen Cong Shui. In order to steal the magical equipment created by Shen Cong Shui, you also used such methods to seal off the Shen family. Over 300 members of the Shen family were imprisoned and slaughtered by you. Shen Cong Shui is a kind person and never made enemies with others. Even when he died, he couldn’t figure out why he would cause such a disaster. ”

“Later on, when the people from the Ming Fa Si checked the scene, they found that after the cultivators of the Shen family were killed, those who couldn’t cultivate were all tied up and piled up like mountains. Then, just like when you attacked me earlier, you were stabbed to death by countless of things like iron spears. Each of them had more than one wound, and the ones outside did not even havalm-sized piece of meat left on them. These include the elderly, women, and children. ”

“One of them even had a child that had just been born, and was directly thrown into the water vat and drowned to death. Because when you guys do things like this, it’s always the so-called cutting the grass by its roots. ”

By the time An Zheng had finished speaking, all the iron spears that were shooting out had already been chopped down, without a single one remaining.

“Your secret technique can isolate one’s aura, and from the outside, you won’t be able to discover anything.” An area outside the wall that has been officially sealed, no one will be able to see it unless they are hit by someone else. ”

An Zheng glanced at Zhou Caizhi, “At that time, the people of the Ming Fa Si had specially investigated who could cultivate this kind of cultivation technique, and later on found out that this cultivation technique was not used by any of the local sects in the Central Plains. Although the majority of cultivators possessed one of the five elemental attributes, the earth-attribute techniques were roughly the same as well. However, this cultivation technique of yours was passed down from the other side of the East China Sea. At the beginning of the Great Western Kingdom, the small countries outside of the East China Sea had sent their envoys here to study cultivation and culture, but many people didn’t return afterwards. They only left behind their descendants after admiring the great Xi’s culture and the luxurious life here.

Zhou Cangzhi’s expression had clearly changed. It could be felt even though he was wearing a veil.

“So what if you guessed right? Are you going?”

Zhou Cangzhi clasped his hands together. His body suddenly turned dim and in the next second, he disappeared. However, An Zheng didn’t seem to be in a hurry, and didn’t even havesponse.

The voice came out from all directions around An Zheng, “Even if you know of my origins, even if you know of this technique, no one in the Da Xi world can break this technique. Chen Liuxi, die. ”

With that, a yellow coloured Zhou Caizhi appeared from the ground behind An Zheng, he slashed down fiercely with his blade. However, An Zheng acted as if he did not discover it, and allowed the blade to strike on his back.

With a clang, the long blade broke, but was simply unable to break through An Zheng’s Reverse Scale Armor.

The voice of the Heaven’s Eyes appeared in An Zheng’s mind, and accurately reported the damage of the blade.

[Inverted Scale converted to 40% of its damage. The remaining 60% is within the Inverted Scale’s endurance. It does not possess the threat of destroying the Inverted Scale.]

That earthen yellow Zhou Cangzhi instantly disappeared and once again merged into the ground.

“The times have changed.”

An Zheng pressed both of his hands on the ground, “Back then, when you guys first arrived, you guys secretly left the mission to live in Da Xi City. However, this was against the laws of Da Xi, so the authorities sent people to arrest you guys. “At that time, I have never seen any of your Da Xi cultivation techniques, so I don’t know how to deal with them.”

The purple electric current under An Zheng’s hands surged into the ground, and because it was sealed away by a secret technique, the electric current did not leak out beyond the boundaries of the Heroic Hall. When the power of Purple Lightning reached a certain level, the entire courtyard of the Heroic Hall began to churn for a moment. Following that, countless bolts of purple lightning drilled out from the ground, turning the earth into a lake of lightning.

“Stay below and enjoy yourself.”

As An Zheng’s hands heavily pressed on the ground, the sound of a dragon’s roar came from underground. The purple lightning dragons rolled again and again beneath the ground, and the earth was like a cloud that had been thrown into disarray as waves of earth rolled about.

A few seconds later, Zhou Cangzhi, who was hiding underground, was forced out. There was no way for him to stay underground any longer.

“Have you ever experienced the tempering of a lightning pool?”

An Zheng smirked, it was a smile brimming with killing intent: “I have experienced it, it felt good.”

After An Zheng finished speaking, Zhou Cangzhi suddenly felt his legs tighten. It was impossible for him to escape. The suction force from the purple lightning unexpectedly pulled him firmly into the ground, causing him to be unable to move his feet off the ground.

A thick layer of clouds appeared above his head. Due to the fact that they were sealed within a relatively small space, the clouds appeared so low. It was as if he could touch it with a lift of his hand. Because of this, when the power of thunder shot down from the clouds, its speed was even faster than before.


A meter thick bolt of purple lightning descended from the clouds and landed directly on Zhou Cangzhi’s head. With just one strike, Zhou Cangzhi’s clothes were all burnt away. His skin had lost its original color and was charred black. Green smoke was coming out of his body and a burnt smell was spreading from his body.

“Those who come are guests, treat them with respect. But a guest who commits murder and arson in the master’s home deserves to die. ”

An Zheng pointed behind him: “You have been hiding for such a long time, yet you still don’t dare to reveal yourself. Are you afraid?”

As he pointed with his finger, the purple lightning surged towards him like a wave. A middle-aged man in a sackcloth robe was forced to reveal himself from the wall. As he waved his hands, starlight spilled out and blocked the purple lightning.

An Zheng glanced at the middle-aged man, then looked at the charred Zhou Caizhi, “How can I find out the limits of my fighting against a single person? Not long ago, that Left Protector who has a cultivation base similar to yours was unable to satisfy my desire for power. ”

An Zheng’s arms trembled. “One is not enough, let’s go together!”

Zhou Dong Lei had originally wanted to hide and ambush An Zheng, but before he could even find a chance to act, he was forced out by An Zheng. At this moment, if he did not go all out, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave this place alive.

Although An Zheng fought alone against two strong cultivators, who were nearly at the peak of Higher Completion Stage, he still did not have any flaws. Even if he did not use the reverse scale’s absolute defense, these two people might not be able to harm him. Now that he was facing it head on, An Zheng’s attacks were even more fearless.

An Zheng wanted to test the effects of the reverse scale, so at the beginning, he only suppressed it and did not kill himself. When he was certain that he would not feel any pressure even if he were to face two cultivators of the same level, this kind of probing lost its meaning.

“This is the Lightning God Tactic!”

An Zheng was suddenly stunned for a moment, then looked at the anxious Zhou Dong Lei, who was wielding a sword light that was a dozen or so meters long and seemed like lightning as he charged towards him.

Something was not right!

An Zheng suddenly thought of something... Originally, the Thunder God Arts were stored in the Ming Fa Si after killing a villain. Without his order, the Thunder God Arts would not be leaked out. And now, a person in the Infinite Palace could use the Thunder God Arts, could it be …

An Zheng suddenly did not want to kill the two anymore, but capturing them alive was much harder than killing them.

Even when An Zheng was thinking about these things, under the fierce attacks of the two people who were going all out, An Zheng still did not have the slightest flaw.

“Under the Lower Celestial Stage, I am invincible in a one on one.”

An Zheng arrogantly said, “Even if it’air of ten, a pair of fifty, I am still invincible.”

At that moment, he was like a god that descended into the world.

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