Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 824 - Fighting

Chapter 824 - Fighting

Chapter 824 – Fighting

An Zheng, who was standing on top of the Giant Eagle Battleship heard the roar, and his eyes shivered slightly: “Give Han Dakui the flag and tell him not to act rashly, no one needs to interfere between the Demon Beast and I, retreat the two Yellow Dragon Battleships and form a defensive formation with the Giant Eagle Battleship. If there are any large scale attacks by demon beasts, I will have to wait for my return. Bear in mind, no one is allowed to go out and kill anyone without permission, stay in formation until I return. ”

Although they were separated by a long distance, there were three people on the observation deck of the battleship’s mast. One was a standard-bearer, one was a lookout, and the other was a backup. Therefore, An Zheng was not worried that there would be any problems contacting them. What he was worried about was that his subordinates did not train them yet, and were not familiar with them yet.

The roaring sound of the demon beast in the distance was indeed that of a Eagle Horse, it had disappeared withourace after the battle with An Zheng last time. An Zheng guessed that it was not dead, but it had been hiding from An Zheng ever since. After An Zheng returned to the Jinling, this guy started to wreak havoc in the Northwest Land, turning quite a few places into deserts.

“Firm formation, mainly defense!”

An Zheng put both his hands behind his back, stepped on the side of the boat, and his body fell down from mid-air. Then, he suddenly accelerated towards the direction of the Eagle Horse.

The standard-bearers on the giant eagle battleship began to sign the flags, and the two Yellow Dragon battleships gradually returned to their positions.

The people below the desert were the descendants of Eagle Horse, An Zheng knew this guy would not be able to take it. In the distance, a two hundred meter long gigantic demonic beast was rushing towards them. It was running at full speed while letting out roars. It must have a very close relationship with its children and descendants. When it was about to arrive in the desert, An Zheng had slaughtered its children and descendants, it immediately rushed over.

That demon beast seemed to be around two hundred meters long, and its height could be one hundred and eighty meters. The Eagle Horse that An Zheng had seen before did not havuge transformation, so it did not look that ugly. At this time, the Eagle Horse had already returned to its original form. It was a demon beast with a powerful body and three heads. The left head looked like a crow, the middle one looked like a vicious dog, and the right one looked like an eagle.

The three Eagle Horse looked like tigers and leopards, with a long tail that was around forty to fifty meters long. On the tip of the tail, there was even a spike that looked like a spear.

An Zheng’s body floated in the air, waiting for the Eagle Horse to rush over. When the Eagle Horse saw An Zheng, its eyes turned red. The last time it came here with a mission to kill this person, it carried a Emperor Zhuo Qingdi.

“It’s you!”

The dog head in the middle of the Eagle Horse shouted at An Zheng: “You killed my grandson, I will make you pay with your life.”

An Zheng, who was floating in the air, looked at it and said, “How many people have you killed in the northwest?

The crow on the left side of the Eagle Horse suddenly had red eyes, opening his mouth and spitting oued light. The temperature of the red light was extremely terrifying. Even steel could be melted into molten metal in an instant. At the same time the crow spat out the red light, the eagle on the right also let out a cry. Along with its cry, a wind power similar to that of an arrow shot out.

When the wind and red light fused into one, the hundreds of red lights that were dispersed by the wind rushed towards An Zheng like missiles that were locked onto by the wind. It was an incomparably spectacular scene. The moment the wind and red light fused and then erupted, it was as if countless warheads had shot out of a missile. Bringing along their respective trajectory lines, they blasted towards An Zheng.

An Zheng understood that the power of the Scorching Sun and Hurricane were the very basics of the Eagle Horse’s ability to create a desert. The fusion of these two powers could cause the earth to instantly turn barren. And these two powers were only the Eagle Horse’s auxiliary power, its main power was sand. Using two types of support powers to create the desert, and the desert was the Eagle Horse’s foundation, so it seemed to be a demonic beast that could create an endless source of power for itself. josei

“Your wind is not sharp enough.”

An Zheng’s left hand pointed forward, and energy burst out from his fingertips. It was an incomparably sharp sword intent that seemed to be opposed to the sharp wind power of the Eagle Horse. An Zheng pointed forward with his right hand, “Your fire is not blazing enough.”

A ray of red light shot out from An Zheng’s fingertips, and because the speed was too fast, it caused the air to explode. The moment the air exploded, the power of the red sun was also dispersed outwards in the air, as several hundred streaks of the red sun’s power clashed with the hundred streaks of the flame power of the Eagle Horse.

The sword Qi had killed the wind power, and the burning sun had extinguished the flames.

However, at this moment, the sand in the desert gathered together to form a giant. It held a sandspear in its hand. The sand lance was made from the most solid metal in the desert, so it did not look golden anymore, but grayish-black.

The giant appeared behind An Zheng and threw a sandgun at An Zheng’s back. The strength of the giant was unfathomable. This throw was powerful enough to shatter a mountain. The sandgun was several tens of meters long and thicker than a person’s body. If the sandgun hit him from behind, he would immediately be smashed into pieces.

An Zheng did not turn around, nor did he turn around to look.

Behind An Zheng, the somatic war god suddenly appeared and grasped the sand spear that was shooting towards him a few dozen meters away from An Zheng. He moved four to five meters backwards under the huge force. This just happened to arouse the fighting spirit of the Body War God. He held the sand spear in one hand and roared, then threw it towards the desert giant.

The desert giant also grabbed the sandgun like the Body War God, but the moment it touched the sandgun, the huge force directly shattered its right hand. Without the obstruction of the palm, the cannonball of the sandgun smashed onto the chest of the desert giant. With a boom, a huge hole appeared in the desert giant’s chest.

The body of the sand screen giant staggered a few times before collapsing. When it fell onto the ground, it shattered into countless grains of sand. However, the moment the desert giant fell, countless giant wicker-like salons extended from the desert. These things pounced on him quickly and entangled him tightly.

Those desert vines wrapped around the body of the Martial Immortal one by one. First, they wrapped around his hands and legs. Then, they started to climb up his body and bind him. The desert giant that had fallen down previously slowly gathered again. By the time it reconstituted itself, the vines of sand had already wrapped themselves around the war god.

The Sand Giant let out a cry and charged towards the Body War God in large strides. When the huge and heavy body ran, even the earth trembled one after another. It was too big, too heavy, like a moving mountain. The war god spread out his hands in an attempt to pull the sand vines apart, but the vines were like giant pythons, as long as they were wrapped around the wargod, they would begin to increase their strength to hold the sand vines tightly. The wargod’s arms were already raised, but he would not be able to break the sand vines at this moment.

When the Sand Giant arrived, it raised its right hand. Countless black lines converged from the desert. They were the strongest component in the desert. These black lines converged onto its right fist, and his fist began to grow bigger, at least twice the size of before!

The Sand Giant’s right fist landed heavily on the Warlord’s chest. The impact was so great that it directly penetrated the Warlord’s body and created a huge pit on the ground behind him. The crater was at leasundred meters in diameter and at least fifty or sixty meters deep. Shattered earth and waves surged. After taking such a blow, even the body of the Body War God became faint.

The Eagle Horse that was fighting with An Zheng roared towards the sky: “You can’t! I know you. I know you by all means. I know you havhysical appearance, I know what kind of power you have. In order to kill you, I even used my doppelganger to fight with you. Today you will die here and I will avenge my descendants! ”

The punch from the Sand Giant was too heavy. The Warlord’s body began to soften. His arms, which were still tightening the Sand Vine, began to droop. His physique began to flicker, as if he could disappear at any moment.

“You are just a lowly human, in the future, this world will belong to demon beasts!”

The heads on both sides of the Eagle Horse started to shoot out fire and wind: “On what basis are you going to fight me!”

A light purple ball of light appeared outside An Zheng’s body, whether it was the wind or the flames that struck the purple ball of light, it was completely useless. An Zheng began to move forward, his expression so calm.

“You know …” It was me. ”

The three purple star point in his left eye started to spin. Suddenly, they turned into a dazzling, purple pentagram. The moment the pentagram star lit up, the body wargod, who was clearly about to collapse, suddenly stood up. Then, a cold smile suffused across his lips. That smile caused the Sand Giant to be stunned for a moment.

The somatic war god’s murderous smile was filled with the smell of blood, as if some kind of restriction had been lifted. Suddenly, a burst of purple light shot out from his body, and he opened his arms upwards. He originally thought that he was done for, and the Sand Vine’s bindings also loosened up a bit compared to before. With a bang, all of the Sand Vines were broken by the Body War God, who then took a big step forward and grabbed the Sand Giant’s neck.

What a spectacular scene that would have been. The battle between two giants that were over 100 meters tall was so fierce that if it had been seen by a normal person, even their hearts would not have been able to withstand the visual impact.

The Body War God grabbed the Sand Giant’s neck and slowly lifted it up with one arm. Then, he roared at the Sand Giant. Following the roar, a huge purple electric current was spat out and struck the head of the Sand Giant. With a boom, the head of the Sand Giant was crushed. At the same time, the golden dragon appeared. It charged into the desert with purple electric currents coiling around its body, traversing back and forth across the desert as if it was piercing through clouds.

With rumbling footsteps, he rushed to the middle of the desert. Then, with both hands on his Heaven’s Kill Sword, he fiercely stabbed it into the desert! The moment the Heaven’s Killing Sword was inserted into the desert, the golden dragon soared into the sky and spat ouurple lightning. The purple lightning struck the sword hilt of the Heaven Slaughter Sword and then countless purple electric currents followed the Heaven Slaughter Sword into the desert.


The entire desert for hundreds of miles shook a little, and those small Eagle Horse that were not killed previously all died! Not only that, the layers of the Violet Electricity Desert was sealed, and not a single grain of sand could be extracted from it by the Eagle Horse!

At this time, An Zheng had already arrived in front of the Eagle Horse: “With my past understanding of the enemy, you wouldn’t know how strong I have become now.”

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