Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 836 - The Sky Is A Tomb

Chapter 836 - The Sky Is A Tomb

Chapter 836 – The Sky Is A Tomb

According to the Xiao family, the underground granary was only four hundred miles away from the western border of the Great Xixi. It was a very strange terrain. Previously, he had decided to place the granary here for the sake of hiding it. After all, this granary was directly related to the lives of hundreds of millions of citizens in the northwest, as well as the lives of at least a million soldiers at the border.

It was almost like a mountain surrounded by four sides, with only one canyon leading to it. This canyon wasn’t very narrow. Even seven or eight large carriages could enter it side by side. However, the reason why this place was so deserted was not because it was difficult to pass through, but because there were many wild beasts and some very powerful demonic beasts.

The scariest thing was that after entering the canyon, they would often encounter fog, and once swallowed by it, they would instantly lose their senses. He didn’t even know what he had done then. The lucky ones were able to spin around in place, but their life force was rapidly being consumed, leaving them with half a life to run away in a sorry state. Those who were unlucky didn’t even know how they had died. There were still many corpses on the canyon path.

In such a dangerous place, Da Xi could actually build a granary that was as vast as an underground palace. There was enough food stored here for three years for the people of Northwest Great Xixi, as well as enough military equipment and an army of a million soldiers.

The Hidden Dragon Battleship gradually approached that huge mountain, and watched from afar as the mountain was covered by a lump of grey fog.

The Da Xi border army general who was on the battleship introduced one to An Zheng. This man was called Du Guangjun, he was a very rough looking man. The Frontier Army could be said to be the most difficult and most dangerous of all armies. However, because of this, they became the most powerful of the many armies in the Great Xi Empire.

Du Guangjun pointed to the mountain in the distance and said, “That’s called Mount Pan Xian, it’s a very bizarre place.”

He gestured. “It looks like a chipped plate, doesn’t it? It could be said that there were many dangers inside. Ordinary commoners did not dare to approach it. The moment they did, they would be engulfed by the mist. It was said that there were many powerful demonic beasts living in the country. If they were treated as food by the demonic beasts, they would die even faster. “But …”

Du Guangjun’s face was filled with pride, and there was even a hint of pride that no one could understand in his tone, “A place like this has been conquered by our Da Xi army. Fog? It was nothing. Demonic beast? Just crush him. ”

An Zheng could understand his kind of pride. The longer he spent with the soldiers, the more he understood the unyielding nature of these people. They were protecting the safety of the people, guarding the western border of this huge empire. If they couldn’t be proud, who could?

“Daoist Chen, I’m not afraid of you talking to me after coming here.”

Du Guangjun looked at the other family’s warships in the distance, the closest one was at least a few hundred meters away. This wauge fleet, although it was not as well-coordinated and complete as the Da Xi military fleet. But in terms of numbers, it was enough to shock everyone. The sight of more than a hundred battleships flying in the sky was a sight that no one would be able to comprehend unless they saw it with their own eyes. josei

“I was sent by General Yuwen. The general is standing on the Taoist’s side this time.”

He was not a good expressive person, so he spoke in a simple and straightforward manner.

“The General told us that we can’t let you get hurt even if we all die. He said that Da Xi needs someone like you to gradually get rid of those worms. I don’t understand the grand principles. I only know that the people who guard this country are worthy of respect. You and I will protect this country in different ways, but there is no difference. ”

An Zheng patted his shoulder, “This is not something that you can handle. When we get to the right place, you guys can leave. You may not think about where the enemy is, or what their identity was before they became enemies. “Perhaps …”

An Zheng looked around at the battleships from the large clans that were following behind the Hidden Dragon Battleship like frigates, “Among them, there are some.”

Du Guangjun shook his head, “Dao leader, you should believe in us. Since the general has asked us to come, we won’t leave so easily.”

An Zheng didn’t say anything else because he knew he couldn’t persuade her otherwise. Soldiers have a bone of stubbornness that they will not stop unless they are ordered to die or have new orders. This was the border army of Da Xi, this was the man of Da Xi. It was undeniable that in any group there were disasters and bad people, but one or two bad people could not negate a group.

“Daoist Priest, I don’t understand. Why are those people doing this?”

“For yourself.”

An Zheng smiled and said, “You are different from them. You live for others, they live for themselves.”

Although this Hidden Dragon Battleship was a little old, its performance couldn’t compare to the newest giant eagle battleship. Because it was too sturdy, it seemed very cumbersome. Its speed was slower than the giant eagle battleship, so it was even less able to compete with the yellow dragon battleship. In terms of equipment, they were about half of the ones on the Giant Eagle Battleship, and their weapons were also old-fashioned.

However, the difference was that this Hidden Dragon Battleship had an ancient feeling. Although it had been in service for a long time and was no longer glorious, its killing intent could not be compared to the giant eagle battleship. Of course, this killing intent wasn’t displayed by a battleship, but by the elite soldiers controlling it. They were all experienced fighters, and each of them was like a long sword that had left its scabbard.

“The underground granary is real.”

Du Guangjun pointed ahead, “It’s right in the middle of Mount Jadeplate Immortal, a place about three to four hundred kilometers in size. It took sixteen years to build a granary underground. Only suclace would not be discovered by others, and only such a place could be kept secret. There were eighteen thousand soldiers guarding this area, all elites selected from the border army. Even though there are only eighteen thousand people, their combat power cannot be underestimated. ”

An Zheng: “I don’t plan to go in. You might not know what those people will do. “If we go in, we might be implicated in the granary and there will be big problems.”


Du Guangjun was stunned, “Not going in? But since we’re already here, what’s the use of entering? ”

An Zheng said: “They only asked me to come, as for whether I go in or not, it’s not important.”

As he was speaking, he suddenly heard someone cry out, “Left side, prepare to collide!”

A battleship that was abouundred meters to the left suddenly sped towards the Hidden Dragon Institute’s battleship. It was so sudden that no one had time to react. It was a battleship about the size of a Yellow Dragon battleship. It was developed by the first generation Hidden Dragon battleship, and although its performance was not as good as that of a Yellow Dragon, its weight was still a lot bigger than that of a Yellow Dragon.

The flying battleship’s speed was a lot faster than the Hidden Dragon Battleship’s, so the Hidden Dragon Battleship simply couldn’t dodge it.

“Everyone, prepare to collide!”

At this moment, the lookout on the mast let out a loud shout.

“These bastards!”

Du Guangjun only cursed once, the flying battleship was already charging over. The flag bearer on the other side of the warship was still waving the flag, indicating that the warship has suddenly lost control of itself … Out of control? He lost control and didn’t hit the other battleships, but only the Hidden Dragon?

At this moment, An Zheng finally understood what it meant to be well-trained, and what it meant to brue elite. At almost the same time, the soldiers on the Hidden Dragon Battleship found something they could lean on or support. Then, they bent their legs and crouched, ready to receive the impact. This movement could effectively protect the body. This was simply a subconscious movement, and one could see how valiant they were.

But of course, An Zheng would not allow that kind of impact, he instantly teleported out and was already in mid air.

The head of the flying warship smashed towards the side strings of the Hidden Dragon Battleship, the collision angle was obviously modified and reinforced, even longer and thicker, which would be f * cking weird if the warship lost control. Suchick collision angle had clearly been specially modified for this collision.

No matter how slow the warship is, it’s still flying. If it’s really too slow, how can it fly?

The sunlight from the top of the collision angle reflected off a heavy metal ray. No matter how tough the Hidden Dragon Battleship was, the side strings of such a collision angle would still be pierced through. When the battleship falls, none of the hundreds of people on it will survive. These people had planned to silence everyone from the beginning. They didn’t want to put anyone back.

Not to mention these soldiers, even if Yuwen Free was here, they would still make their move.

Just as they were about to collide, with a distance of two meters between the two ships, An Zheng teleported over. He appeared between the two ships, in front of the angle of collision. He actually wanted to use his own body to prevent the warship from colliding with him. No one knew where his courage came from!


An Zheng’s left hand was pushing the side strings of the Hidden Dragon Battleship, and his right palm was touching the collision horn of the flying battleship. Right at this moment, An Zheng’s arms involuntarily bent a little, but it was only that one bend.

When An Zheng saw the insignia of the Xiao Family on the warship, he scoffed coldly and exerted power through both his palms at the same time.



The Hidden Dragon Battleship was pushed out horizontally by An Zheng for at leasundred meters, and that flying battleship was blasted away by An Zheng for at least two hundred meters. It lost control and smashed onto another battleship of the Xiao Family. The two battleships had just started their exclamations when they crashed into each other. The stern of the warship that was in the sky crashed into the hull of another warship. Many people howled as they fell from the sky.

However, the people from the Xiao family who should have been explaining did not appear. Furthermore, all of the warships were flying in the opposite direction of Mount Yuxian at lightning speed.

On the Hidden Dragon Battleship, Du Guangjun gripped his long blade, his face ashen, “F * * k your mother!”

At this moment, something that looked like two giant, thick, dark clouds rushed over from both sides of the sky. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sounds came from the excited shouts of that group of people, like the sound of electricity.

“blood bat!”

Someone shouted, his voice trembling.

Too much, too much.

The blood bat s flew over endlessly from the distance, attacking every battleship. It was not only An Zheng’s Giant Eagles Battleship and Hidden Dragon Battleship, they were also attacking each and every battleship.

On the Xiao family’s warship, Xiao Feidu’s expression changed greatly, “What the f * ck is going on!”

As he was speaking, there was a sudden flash of golden light, as if something had flashed by. A battleship not too far away suddenly broke into pieces. He fell from the sky along with the shattered pieces. Immediately afterwards, that golden light rushed towards another battleship, and after a second, that battleship also crumbled.

“What the fuck is that!”

“It’s a warship!” The demon beasts actually have battleships! ”

An Zheng had already seen it clearly. It was a battleship that was only one-third the size of a Yellow Dragon Battleship, but it was incomparably sturdy and its speed was even faster.

Demon beasts actually have battleships?!

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