Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 879 - The Reincarnation of the good old man

Chapter 879 - The Reincarnation of the good old man

Chapter 879 – The Reincarnation of the good old man

The roaring sound in the distance became more and more intense. Qu Liuxi’s body was as light as a butterfly as she flew forward, passing through many tunnels. An Zheng’s footsteps had already started to stagger, and he was unable to restore his speed to the maximum, yet he was still closely following by Qu Liuxi’s side.

Actually, many people would become extremely simple, at this time, An Zheng’s heart no longer had any of the heroic spirit that he had when seeking justice for the people of the world. Perhaps when he first caught up with his, he was thinking to himself that he definitely couldn’t let this beast harm the entire world. Now, all he could think of was to definitely not let her die in front of me.

For the world, I do not disappoint my own ambition. For you, I do not disappoint your tender feelings for me.

The space in front of them suddenly became empty. It was an extremely grand underground hall. Although the size of the hall was not as large as the underground palace that An Zheng had entered in the northwest of the Da Xi Empire, it was much more solemn and solemn. The walls of the hall were covered with mottled murals. Although they were incomplete, it was still possible to tell that this place had once been a dazzling scene of gold and jade.

It was already difficult to see what the mural had drawn, but An Zheng and Qu Liuxi didn’t have the time to look at the mural now either.

There were 18 huge bronze pillars in the main hall. Each of them was 2 meters thick, and there were a large number of inscriptions and Buddha statues carved on them. However, the Buddha statues on these huge bronze pillars all looked very ferocious, and they did not have the usual benevolence and serenity that a normal Buddha statue should have.

At this time, the gigantic death worm was chasing after the dark cassock. The seven gems on top of the cassock were shining with a dazzling light, as if they were intelligent. In the hall, the black robe made it seem as if it was home, borrowing the terrain to hide and hide. The death worm chased it for a long time, but still could not catch up to it.

Qu Liuxi stopped aigh place, her hands held horizontally, and the Phoenix Cooking Pill Furnace slowly flew up. A ball of golden light appeared behind Qu Liuxi. Within the golden light, one could vaguely see a large bird with shining golden feathers slowly taking shape.

A faint purple flame appeared in her hands, and a screeching sound was emitted from the pill furnace, like a sharp sword being unsheathed.

Sensing that Qu Liuxi had taken action, the black cassock immediately turned around and rushed towards the Phoenix Cooking Pill Furnace. From within the Phoenix Cooking Pill Furnace, two streams of purple qi flew out and turned into two huge purple palms in the air.

“Be careful of its venom!”

An Zheng shouted and rushed out. Qu Liuxi said, “Be careful, you are already injured. I clawed at it with the drug, but it couldn’t hurt me for the time being. It’s just that I don’t really understand what formed this death worm, so I temporarily can’t find a way to break it. ”

After being grabbed by the two big hands of purple gas, the dark area where he was grabbed started to hurt as if it was burnt by a soldering iron. It cried out and began to struggle madly. It continued to retreat backwards continuously, causing Qu Liuxi’s face to turn slightly red. His legs began to shift horizontally on the ground, and he was dragged along by the death worm.


An Zheng let out an explosive shout in midair, and the Broken Army Sword shot out with a cry, bringing along a long streak of purple flames as it thrusted towards the death worm. When the death worm saw the Broken Army Sword, it immediately curled up into a ball, likuge iron ball. Furthermore, the slippery liquid on top of it made the Broken Army Sword unable to exert its strength.

At the same time, all the eyes on the death worm’s face opened, and a small hole appeared in each of their eyes. This time, even the dark monastic robe began to hide, as if the liquid was harmful to it.

A buzzing sound came from outside of An Zheng’s body. Because he had underestimated this thing’s power, An Zheng’s Reverse Scale Armor was not able to protect his palm in time. The green liquid shot onto the Reverse Scale Armor and green gas came out.

The voice of the Heaven’s Eyes appeared unceasingly in An Zheng’s mind, and it was very urgent.

[Defense reduced by 10%, Defense will be penetrated.]

[Defense reduced by 20%. Reverse Scale Armor blocked the liquid’s erosion, but it is not real liquid, buype of Qi that is penetrating the gap between the Reverse Scale Armor.]

[Defense reduced by 30%, Gas is seeping in.]

An Zheng’s body swayed forward for a bit, and almost fell to the ground. He saw that the death worm seemed to have felt Qu Liuxi’s threat, and suddenly roared out, transforming into a black ball that smashed towards Qu Liuxi.

Qu Liuxi was standing aigh place, and her Phoenix Cooking Pill Furnace was floating in front of her. If she were to be knocked over the high platform by the death worm at this moment, Qu Liuxi would definitely be injured. She did not have any Reverse Scale Armor on her, and her defense was low, so once she was hit by the green liquid, she would be seriously injured.

“Reverse Scales, go!”

An Zheng roared out, and the Reverse Scale Armor transformed into a ball of purple light, flying out. Qu Liuxi cried out, it was too late to stop An Zheng.

An Zheng turned around and glanced at Qu Liuxi, his eyes hiding how much he loved and how reluctant he was to part with her.

Then, An Zheng teleported between the two of them and pushed his hands forward.

A Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns exploded in the center of each of his hands, causing the death worm to fly backwards and crash intuge bronze pillar. The pillar fell down and smashed into the death worm’s body, but immediately slid to the side. When such a heavy bronze pillar fell down, the ground began to shake. The soil above his head shook, and a lot of sand flowed down like water.

“Xiao Liu’er, quickly leave. We’ll perish here together.”

An Zheng turned around and looked at Qu Liuxi: “Let’s go!”

Then, he exploded forward, forming a layer of lightning on the outside of his body. The Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns chased after the death worm, his body speeding forward. Qu Liuxi noticed that she could no longer move on her own. It was the thunderstorm cloud that was carrying him forward. His body was already heavily injured by the evil gas. At this moment, he knew that she might not make it, so before he died, she had to use all of her strength to kill that thing to save her.

Qu Liuxi’s eyes reddened, and her hands pushed forward.

The Phoenix Cooking Pill Furnace flashed with light, and a phoenix cry came out from the furnace.

A bright golden phoenix shadow flew out from the pill furnace and attacked the death worm. The phoenix opened its mouth in mid-air and purple flames sprayed out from its mouth. Purple flames quickly wrapped around the death worm, causing the thick layer of oil outside the death worm to sizzle. Maybe it was really because it was burning in pain, the death worm suddenly unfurled its body and suddenly scattered.

It actually became many foot long death worm, and quickly separated to avoid the purple flames. Violet Flame killed a portion of the small death worm, and then, most of them escaped. A large number of death worm rushed towards Qu Liuxi likide. An Zheng was brought along by the thunderstorm clouds to rush over, once again blocking in front of Qu Liuxi.

“I’m your man.”

An Zheng turned around and laughed, “Therefore, you will never have the qualification to shield me from the wind and rain in your entire life. I won’t give it to you.”

He turned around, and the purple light around his body became stronger. In an instant, a large amount of purple lightning appeared on the surface of his body, shooting out in all directions like sharp swords. Some of the scattered death worm were killed, but they quickly retracted, forming a big bug once again, opening its mouth, it bit down towards An Zheng. josei

At the same time it bit down, all those eyes turned over, and the green liquid shot straight towards An Zheng like a laser beam. It pressed down its body, wanting to swallow An Zheng whole, but it kept on spraying out the liquid that was corroding the purple lightning outside of An Zheng’s body.

Whaerrifying creature, its venom like thing had the ability to corrode any Cultivation Power. The purple lightning surrounding An Zheng’s body became weaker and weaker. But now, he seemed to be on the verge of collapsing. The golden phoenix let out a cry in midair, and then pounced towards the death worm. The moment he bumped into the death worm, Qu Liuxi spat out a mouthful of blood.


An Zheng shouted, his eyes almost popping out.

That was Qu Liuxi’s life soul flame, if it was touched by the liquid, Qu Liuxi would be injured.

“Not letting me protect you is your tyranny. However, without your protection, there is no point in living on. ”

Qu Liuxi smiled, although she was still gentle, her eyes were firm.

At this moment, a shadow flashed. A person fell from the sky and stepped on the back of the death worm. The worm’s body fiercely pressed down, causing the ground to shatter. However, this was only the first one. There were still shadows of people attacking from behind. One, two, three... The eighteen of them rushed over and struck the death worm. They were already dead, so they were not afraid of the death worm’s liquid. Even if it corroded them, they did not have any fear.

After the eighteen times of impact, the death worm let out a wail. Even though those eighteen Prefecture Lord s were already corpses, they still carried a kind of prideful temperament. They attacked time and time again as the liquid corroded their bodies, but they did not retreat. After these 18 people’s continuous bombardment, the insect’s injuries became even worse. It let out a wail and was about to escape.

good old man came over from behind with light movements, the stars in his eyes orbiting.

“For you, I am going to sleep for a long time, but it is worth it.”

good old man meowed. The Yin He in his eyes suddenly stopped, and started rotating quickly. Two purple lights shot out from its eyes, striking straight towards the death worm. After the insect let out a wail, it fell down, trembling uncontrollably in the purple light. Its body was constantly shrinking. Although its speed was not very fast, it was still enough to shock anyone who saw it.

“An Zheng!”

The good old man’s voice appeared in An Zheng’s mind: “I’ll take advantage of its severe injuries to start the reincarnation cycle and return it to the stage of a larva. That’s the best time to kill it.

An Zheng acknowledged, and soared into the sky.

At least a dozen Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns s flew towards the insect. Sensing the threat of death, the insect escaped from the control of good old man’s Eye and ran away. With a meow sound, the eighteen incomplete Prefecture Lord s charged forward and firmly suppressed the death worm that had shrunk quite a bit.

The Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns flew over!


The entire underground palace had collapsed.

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