Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 899 - Capturing a Captive

Chapter 899 - Capturing a Captive

Chapter 899 – Capturing a Captive

Perhaps it was due to the passage of time, or perhaps it was due to the fact that the white jade was of a different colour. It was a green ox, its skin slightly yellow. It looked very old. The white-bearded Old Taoist on its back didn’t look as relaxed as when he was riding a bull. Instead, he was frowning.

An Zheng stood in front of the sculpture, the voice calling him in his heart grew clearer and clearer. There must broblem with this statue, but in broad daylight, with the most elite soldiers of the western region of the Da Xi Empire patrolling the area, An Zheng did not feel like staying for long.

When it was dark, An Zheng ate some food at the tavern. He was prepared to go to the statue later that night. He cultivated in seclusion in his room. Although his cultivation had advanced rapidly, he had not stabilized after the consecutive battles he had fought in the Western Regions. In fact, with An Zheng’s current strength at the seventh stage of the Lower Celestial Stage, he could almost run rampant even in the Da Xi world.

Only the people at the peak of the Lower Celestial Stage could defeat him. And even in the entire Da Xi Empire, how many cultivators of this level could there be? Even An Zheng did not expect that the cultivation of this world would be so smooth and fast. Although the time it took to reach the peak of the Lower Celestial Stage was not too long compared to other cultivators, it was far from enough compared to this life.

An Zheng who was waiting for time suddenly reacted, could it be that it was because he had obtained the dao sect’s sacred object, the Dubhe Sword, that the sculpture called out to him? Rumor had it that Daofather had three saint artifacts. One was a scroll, the other wawo. The third was his wine gourd. The Dubhe Sword had somehow drifted to the Western Regions and became Yatuo Angge’s possession. Fortunately, he had killed Yatuo Angge this time and the Dao Sect sacred item had returned to the Central Plains.

After the dead of night, An Zheng got up and left the inn to go towards the statue of the Ancestor riding a cow. Halfway through he suddenly feleaction from the hellish aura in his body, An Zheng subconsciously turned his head to look in the other direction. After pondering for a moment, An Zheng chose to head towards the location of the hell’s aura. The zhengzong was already on the verge of death, and this was the Da Xi Empire. Why would there be the aura of hell here?

An Zheng raised his yaksha umbrella and used the seal of the Dao Sect to hide his cultivation. After arriving at the place, An Zheng could not help but be stunned for a moment, this place... It was a mausoleum garden.

An Zheng did not come here during the day, but he could figure out what kind of place this was. The Huogu Kowloon had always been a place where every military power fought for their lives. Since ancient times, how many soldiers had died in this place? It was after the fierce battle between the cultivators of the Central Plains, the Western Huogu Kowloon, and the Western Regions that the cultivators of the Western Regions fought in the desert that many of their corpses were brought back to be buried here.

The guards of the mausoleum were not very tight, so only a few veterans were on duty. They were all veterans who had dedicated their entire lives to the Great Western Region. Now that they no longer had the means to enter the battlefield, they could only do these trivial things that guarded the mausoleum. The entire day was spent cleaning the courtyard and cleaning the weeds.

It was easy for An Zheng to hide his intentions from these veterans and enter the mausoleum garden, so it would not be difficult for other people to enter. The closer An Zheng got to the mausoleum garden, the more intense the undulations from the hell.

He was surrounded by gravestones one after another, giving him a ghastly and terrifying appearance in the night. The amount of tombstones in this place was frightening, and stretched from An Zheng’s vision all the way to the halfway mark of the mountain. Some of the tombstones had already been shattered to pieces, and the names of the victims could not be seen on them. An Zheng suddenly realized that something was wrong with the few veterans on duty. He approached them with his yaksha umbrella, and his expression changed. josei

The veterans moved about mechanically, their eyes lifeless. From a distance, they didn’t look strange, but from close up, one could see that they seemed to have lost their souls. The size and movement of their steps were exactly the same. None of them turned their heads, looking straight ahead. And the path they took seemed to have been set up, to circle back and forth in such a wide circle.

They were just a few veterans who had already lost their former glory. Who would specially come to the cemetery to make a move on them? An Zheng closed his right eye and the three dark purple star point s in his left eye started to revolve slowly.

Those people were truly under someone’s control. Not only that, they also had Hell’s runes planted within their bodies. As soon as someone approached, these people would react. That is to say, someone turned them into sentries. These veterans were extremely sensitive to the breath of living people. As long as anyone came in, they would notice. Then, the runes within their bodies would warn the person who planted the rune, and they would know that someone was coming.

Evil cultivation technique.

If not for An Zheng sealing his cultivation and the hellish Qi in his body, he would have been discovered the moment he entered.

The pale moonlight scattered on the mausoleum. The trees in the mausoleum seemed like demons baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. When the wind blew, they seemed ready to move and kill at any moment. An Zheng could feel that not only were the old veterans in the cemetery controlled by someone, every tree, even the grass had been controlled by someone. Hell Type rune filled this mausoleum garden, and someone wanted to control the mausoleum garden?!

Using the warning that the Hell’s Qi did not activate runes, An Zheng walked inside. The further in he went, the denser the number of symbols became. After walking for a few hundred meters, An Zheng stopped in his tracks. In the distance, there was a slightly large empty space. The tombstones that were further inside were even bigger than the ones outside. It was obvious that this place was the burial ground of the people who had once been famous or had great achievements. The white moonlight shone on the tombstones, and even the tombstone turned into a deathly pale human face.

An Zheng stood there and looked at the figure on the ground.

There waerson standing there, and he seemed to be quite old. His body was hunched over and he held a walking stick in his hand. His body was strangely twisted, as if it had been broken off by someone and then reconnected. The way he acted made it seem as if his back and chest were on either side of him, which was why the distortion looked so strange.

An Zheng did not act rashly, and only stood there quietly and looked at him. The old man did not notice that someone had entered the room. After all, he was quite confident in his dark rune skills. No matter how many experts there were in the city, who would notice the mausoleum garden under the night sky?

He raised his right hand, which was holding the cane, and something on the cane began to glow. As he raised his hand up, An Zheng felt that the entire mausoleum garden had become restless. Even the hellish aura in An Zheng’s body fluctuated a little, as if it was being attracted by something.

Witumming sound, a stream of black gas flew out from behind the tombstone closest to the person and entered the person’s walking stick.

After the first black gas appeared, all the graves in that area began to change. Streams of black gas floated towards that person’s walking stick. That person’s expression also became one of desire to die. The people buried here were all experts who had died inside and outside the Huogu Kowloon. Even if they died, their bodies would still contain a portion of their power. This man was here to steal the power of the dead.

When An Zheng took a deep breath, the black aura suddenly changed its direction and came towards him, turning into a Dantian Qi Sea that was injected with Cultivation Power.

“The dignified Devil Sect’s Dark Artifact Demon used fake death to escape last time, but this time it is in an even worse situation. It actually came here to steal the power of the dead. If I remember correctly, not long ago, you should still be in the Jinling of the Great Xi Empire.

An Zheng looked at the Artifact Demon and said, “That day at their home, I felt your existence. It’s just that you don’t even have the courage to fight me. Since you’re in such dire straits, how can you still continue to live? ”

The Artifact Demon suddenly turned around. Seeing An Zheng, his first reaction was actually … Flee!

That’s right, he chose to escape without any hesitation. Previously, he was so high and mighty in front of An Zheng, so he needed An Zheng and the others to practice a kind of cultivation technique to barely be able to restrain him. At that time, the Artifact Demon would have been able to easily kill An Zheng. But now, he didn’t even have the courage to fight An Zheng. Even though he had been constantly searching for such tombs to absorb the energy of the dead to make up for his loss, the difference was still too great.


The purple star point in An Zheng’s left eye turned, and the Artifact Demon’s sprinting body came to a sudden stop. It even maintained a running posture.

An Zheng slowly walked over, circled in front of the Artifact Demon and sighed, “That face of yours frightened me when I first saw you, it was really a bit scary. Now that I see you, my face is only ugly. ”

“You … How can he progress so fast? ”

The Armored Demon’s face was as white as paper, and the only thing left in his eyes was fear.

An Zheng suddenly thought of a sentence in Purple Ivy’s diary that was very interesting. You liked to ignore me but you can’t climb up now … After thinking about it for a while, he really couldn’t say it. It didn’t match with the current situation, and it was too petty. When An Zheng first saw this sentence, he could not help but think of what kind of experience Purple Ivy had.

“You’re lucky.”

An Zheng looked at the Artifact Demon and said, “If I met you too early, I might have just killed you. But not now. You tell me how lucky you are. I just so happened to need someone like you, and you appeared so that I wouldn’t have to run to the Star Observation Pavilion to capture him. ”

The Artifact Demon laughed awkwardly, “I feel honored to be able to serve you. As long as it’s something that I can do, feel free to tell me. ”

An Zheng said: “I don’t think that someone like you will keep any promise you give me, and I’m not the sort of person who would wash you clean with the love of a saint. You deserve to die, so I won’t bother taking a person like you as my lackey … Eh, if you say it like that, Chen Xiaoyao would seem to be a little angry. ”

He raised his hand and pressed it on the Armored Demon’s shoulder, the Cultivation Power seeped in, and after a moment, the Armored Demon’s face became distorted, and his body started to tremble violently.

“I will cripple your cultivation for a few hundred years because I can’t use it. All I need is for you to understand the runes. Of course you can reject me, so I’ll just kill you. ”

An Zheng released his hand, and the Artifact Demon’s body collapsed to the ground. He lay there trembling like an electrocuted shrimp.

An Zheng glanced at the Blood Pearl Bracelet, smiled, and said master, “Can I clean up your family?”

He dragged the Armadominus by the feet and pulled him away. The Armadominus couldn’t even make a sound.

After dragging it to the door, An Zheng turned around to take a look, “How about this, this place is pretty quiet. I’ll give you a few days to teach me how to creatune array formation. It’s very simple, as long as you can open the passage to hell. ”

“Kill me.”


An Zheng lowered his head, and with a kacha sound, he broke the Artifact Demon’s arm. Then, he pointed his bent arm towards the Artifact Demon’s heart: “I’ll give you a chance to say it again.”

Weapon Demon: “What are you trying to do?”

An Zheng answered: “I have nothing to do, I’m just going to play in hell.”

He then pulled the Armored Demon backwards and casually found a place to throw the Armored Demon. “Draw for me now, pay attention, I will bring you in. Didn’t you always want to see what hell looked like? I’ll satisfy you. “You can teach me a formation that will perish together with me …”

An Zheng snapped his fingers, and a ball of Hellfire appeared on his fingertip. “Perhaps, I won’t die?”

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