Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 975 - I dont like to chat with you

Chapter 975 - I dont like to chat with you


Chapter 975 – I don’t like to chat with you

An Zheng alone caused a huge upheaval outside of Peacock Palace. The second strongest warrior and the strongest warrior had all been killed by An Zheng. As for the strongest Killer, Leopard Cat, the one who had not attacked since the beginning, it had died even more miserably. With jushought from Xu Meidai, it turned into a pile of ice scraps.

After leaving the Peacock Palace, An Zheng did not seem to be afraid as he casually walked down the street. Yet those who had received news had already rushed over to the Peacock Palace’s side on a large scale. An Zheng had already thought of this long ago, so no one recognized him even though he was acting so arrogantly.

He held Fei Weitu’s big blade in his hand, and admired it as he walked. The structure of the blade was very special, and the material was even more special. Although there was no description of this blade in the records of the two hundred Purple-Rank Divine Artifact in Oldman Huo, An Zheng was certain that the blade had already surpassed the peak of the Golden-Rank, and also exceeded the purple Golden-Rank.

This blade was definitely not something made in recent times. On the handle of the blade, there were four small words carved into it.

Rising Sun Spring Peace

An Zheng searched his brain for a while, but he still could not think of any news related to the blade. The Soaring Sky Technique was one of the most mysterious sects in the martial arts world. There was no doubt that they had acquired a lot of treasures over the years. The special ability of this saber was that it could reflect any kind of strength. Any attack of the opponent could be converted into one’s own attack to reflect back. As long as he mastered the control skill of the saber, it would definitely be a killing weapon.

When the sunlight shone onto the blade, An Zheng turned the blade slightly, and the light that it reflected immediately pierced a hole in the wall opposite of him.

Not only could it reflect, it could even increase. The power gathered by the sunlight could burn througiece of paper, but it couldn’t burn through a wall. As he was walking forward, a few people suddenly stopped in front of An Zheng. Looking at their clothes, they should be people of the Great Xi Empire, but he was unsure of what sect they came from.

“Bro, this knife of yours is not bad.”

The person in the lead looked to be in his thirties, and he seemed to be rather polite. An Zheng observed that the clothes this person was wearing was a little special. It was silk clothing, representing that he had an official status. Furthermore, the clothes were not the style of any yamen, so they should belong to one of the major powers.

“What’s the matter?”

An Zheng asked.

That person introduced himself: “I am Song Shenfeng, from Da Xi and Yuyang County. I am looking foreasure for my clan leader in the Immortal palace. Brother, this blade is indeed of extraordinary quality. If brother is willing to part with it, I wonder if you could give me a price. “My family head is as rich as a kingdom. As long as my brother’s price is reasonable, I will definitely not bargain.”

An Zheng said, “Oh, I’m not selling.”

Song Shenfeng’s subordinate raised his arm to stop An Zheng: “You said you don’t want to sell it, so you don’t? Do you know who my master is? “My family head, Da Xi’s blood …”

Song Shenfeng glared at the man, clasping his fist and said, “Brother, of course we will not force others. However, I still want to talk to you. This blade seems to have only been in my hands for a short while, which is why I have it in my hands. A good user would try his best, but a bad user would just waste good things. I don’t know what kind of things brother is good at. Swords, hooks, whips, my master actually has quite a bit of these things. If brother is willing to give it up, then this blade can be sold for another item. This is because my master loves sabers the most, and especially the great ones, I hope brother can help us achieve our goal. ”

An Zheng said: “You sound very sincere, but I’m not selling.”

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, one of his subordinates stepped forward to stop An Zheng. If you say my master’s name, it will scare you to death. I gave you face, yes. If I don’t give you face and take it away, what can you do? ”

This time, Song Shenfeng did not speak, he only looked at An Zheng’s reaction.

An Zheng sighed: “When I was very young, about ten years old... He had gotten the first batch of silver, which was several thousand taels. To ordinary people, several thousand silver was enough to live without worries for the rest of their lives. “At that time, when I was so young and received such a large sum of silver, it was still in a place filled with evil and evil. It walace where people gathered to make things difficult for themselves.”

As he spoke, he used Rising Sun Spring to draw a circle with a diameter of about two meters beside him, “At that time, I drew a circle on the ground. It was slightly larger than this. At that time, I did not have a suitable weapon, so I could only pick up a machete. ”

Song Shenfeng sighed, “Brother, you came from a poor family, and I pity you.”

An Zheng replied, “No, what I mean is that when I was eight or nine years old, I chopped down dozens of people for the sake of some silver. This blade is mine, and it’s not just worth thousands or tens of thousands of silver taels, so how could I back down? ”

He stood there with his broadsword at his side.

“It’s still the same circle. If you want to buy my knife, I’m not selling. “If you want to steal my blade, just come at me.”

“You’re f * cking courting death.”

One of Song Shenfeng’s lackeys cursed as he reached out to grab An Zheng’s collar. The moment he held his hand, which had just entered the range of the circle, a pu sound could be heard … The man’s hand was cut off at the wrist and fell to the ground with a “pa da” sound. There was a lot of dust stuck to the hand. Because it was too fast, the person who losand did not even feel any pain. Only when he saw his own hand lying on the ground did he let out a cry, and retreated while clutching his severed wrist, spitting out blood.

He walked a few steps and then stopped to retrieve the severed hand. As the other hand reached into the circle, the hand was cut off. From start to finish, An Zheng had never moved.

Song Shenfeng’s expression changed, “Brother, for a mere object, it would not make sense to go all out like this.”

An Zheng laughed, and laughed brightly: “When I was young, for a few thousand silver, I chopped down dozens of people. Now, for this blade, I can also do it. You think I’m irrational, greedy, and ignorant, don’t you? No, whether it is the silver or the blade, they are not because of their value, but because they are mine. Even if it’s a speck of dust on my foot or a button on my clothes, it would still be the same for me.

Song Shenfeng thought for a moment before clasping his fists and taking a step back, “If you, brother, do not take action, then let this matter rest. But now that they’ve hurt my people, I can’t pretend to ignore them. ”

An Zheng sighed: “You are clearly here to steal something, why do you have to be so polite? I’ve seen more dangers in the martial arts world than you have. If I’m not wrong, when I say that I’m willing to sell, you will say that you didn’t bring that much with you, so you want me to go back with you to get it? When we reach a secluded place, or the place where you guys are stationed, I will be hacked to death by all of you … This is a bit old. ”

Song Shenfeng’s face turned ugly, “We are from the Da Xi government, we would not do something like that.”

An Zheng: “When you said this, your eyes twinkled a little.”

Song Shenfeng was silent for a while, then said: “In that case, I will not hide it from you. I am from Prince Rui’s estate, and I am following the orders of my prince to find treasures. “Since the words have been said so clearly, I hope that brother can fulfill it.”

An Zheng laughed, “Do you think that just because you said that you are the person reconstructed by Prince Rui, I will obediently give it to you? No, you can go back and ask Chen Shuang. Back then, his father gave him to me to take with him. Because he didn’t cultivate, the wound on his butt that I used a bamboo board on is still there, is it still painful? ”

An Zheng waved his hand: “Scram further. If you stop me again, I’ll cut off your tongue.”

Song Shenfeng frowned, and his face turned ugly, “You’ve advised me with good words, but I can’t do anything about it.” I have already given you sufficient face, yet you are humiliating the Lord. The Lord has disgraced you, and you are the one who is making a dead end … Wait, you just said … You hit it with a bamboo board... “You are?!”

He suddenly shouted, “How can it be this Bane? Let’s go!”

An Zheng shook his head.

Just as he was about to leave, a person suddenly stepped forward and stopped him with a single step.

“You’re holding a knife in your arms, and you still want to steal my knife?”

An Zheng was not surprised at all. After looking at that person, he sighed slightly, “Chen Shuai has never been someone who can be put on the stage, and the people under his command are the same. But Chen Zhongxu was different. He had ambition, big plans, and strength. A subordinate like Song Shenfeng cannot be compared with a subordinate like you, Su Mengmu … How have you been? ”

, who was holding onto his blade, remained expressionless as usual. It was just that when he looked at An Zheng, the hint of fear that was hidden in his eyes still revealed the depths of his heart. When people from the martial arts world mentioned the name Fang Zheng, how many of them did not have any respect for him?

“Your Highness would like to invite you to come over for a discussion.”

“Didn’t the prince gather many people to kill me?”

“Otherwise, how could I have found you?”

Su Mengmu said: “Your highness had to bitterly look for you to come up with suclan. Else, why would they invite even the Peacock King? ”

An Zheng asked: “There’s no need to see your master, he and I have nothing much to say either. If he wants to say anything, just tell me. ”

Su Mengmu muttered to herself for a moment, “Your Highness said that in the chaos of the world, the citizens are not to be blamed, not the martial arts world, but the temples. The prince also said that the mountains and rivers were not dangerous, and the temple was not far away. On the contrary, it was the most dangerous and lowly place in the world. You are the only person in the world who can righteously help our cause. ”

An Zheng: “Sucigh evaluation, I accept it but I still won’t go. If your prince were to commit suicide, even his father would not spare him. ”

Su Mengmu was still unwilling to give way: “I can’t bring you back, Your Highness will be unhappy.”

An Zheng: “I’m not happy that you stopped me.”

Su Mengmu looked at the blade in An Zheng’s hand: “You don’t seem to be used to using blades.”

An Zheng raised his hand and gestured: “It’s my finger.”

Su Mengmu held onto the handle of his blade with her right hand, and pointed the blade that was likool of autumn water to the ground, “Although I know I can’t beat you, you have always been a peak in the martial arts world. Anyone who rises to the top will have a dream of defeating you and replacing you, and I will do the same. Even today, I am still unable to defeat you. However, I also wish to test just how strong you are. ”

At this moment, she suddenly walked over from behind Su Mengmu with large strides. “How dare you!”

Su Mengmu’s face changed, she immediately sheathed her blade and lowered her head: “Your Highness.”

Chen Zhongxu walked over quickly, stood in front of An Zheng and cupped his fists: “The first time I saw you, I felt a sense of familiarity, and only then did I realize what I missed. My father asked us who our goals, our role models, our idols were. All the brothers said that their father was their idol, and it was only me who said that the Ming Fa Si’s first Fang Zheng was their idol, their role model. His father laughed and left. He might not understand why his son admires someone who is inferior to him … ”

Chen Zhongxu bent over: “Sir, please follow me back, I only have a few questions in my heart, please enlighten me.”

An Zheng shook his head: “Back then, when you said those words, you didn’t respect me at all … “You are concealing yourself. Everyone is saying ‘Father is good’, but you are saying ‘I am good’. You are making your father think that you do not have the heart to fight for the throne.”

An Zheng pointed to Chen Zhongxu’s chest: “You’re too considerate, I don’t like to chat with you.”

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