Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 994 - Who are you trying to save?

Chapter 994 - Who are you trying to save?

Chapter 994 – Who are you trying to save?

Humans were truly a strange species. Courage was also the strangest attribute of a person’s character. When there were more people, even a coward would dare to shout and charge forward. However, if something happened and they felt fear, no one would dare to resist even if there were a large number of people.

A few people could make most people afraid, this was power.

Many years ago, the Great Western Continent’s eastern border had just been pacified. A large number of citizens of the East had become citizens of the Great Xixi. Da Xi had set ulot of land for these refugees to farm in the wasteland. Because at that time, an official in charge of this matter had seized the grain, and the people of the East Chu were dissatisfied. They gathered together to resist and killed the official. At that time, hundreds of thousands of people had gathered, and the commotion was enormous. If they did not stop it, it would have caused a huge amount of destruction.

At that time, the garrison in the field was only eight hundred people. At that time, the soldiers all felt threatened and wanted to withdraw, waiting for the arrival of the army before suppressing it. However, the commander of the garrison, Wu Buke, ordered eight hundred men to gather the Da Xi Battle Flag that was damaged during the conquest. He then ordered eight hundred soldiers to march on the drum and cheer. Hundreds of thousands of people couldn’t help but think of the massacre in the East Chu, yet they didn’t dare to fight back.

This was the fear in his heart. Even if he had more people, it wouldn’t be of any use.

At this moment, outside the Purple Bamboo Forest, An Zheng stood alone to the side and no one dared to go forward, because of the fear in their hearts. Qi was a strange thing, if An Zheng was not so domineering in the beginning, then the situation would have been different.

“There are still people coming?”

An Zheng shouted, no one dared to move. An Zheng turned around and said to the purple bamboo forest: “Come, tables, chairs, wine and food. I’ll wait for them here.”

Xiao Xuan Luo immediately ran out and carried a table over to An Zheng. Lady Xiuxi stood beside An Zheng with her face blushing while carrying the dishes and wine, pouring wine for An Zheng. An Zheng raised the cup and drank it all in one gulp, then laughed out loud: “Awesome!”

“I’ll stay here with you.”

She poured a second cup of wine for An Zheng.

“The tens of thousands of enemies in front of me, the beauties by my side, pour some wine.”

An Zheng laughed: “Having such an experience in life, truly feels great.”

Some of the people in the group started to quietly retreat. They didn’t dare to go up, so there was no point in wasting time. These thousands of people were originally not as united as iron plates. They had all come for the sake of dividing up the treasures. Everyone wanted a share of the spoils. Right now, with An Zheng’s power, whoever comes in will die. The choice between treasures and their lives, of course they choose their lives. When the first person started to leave, the crowd started to roll out likeceding tide. It had only been ten minutes or so, but at least half of the people had already left the area.

An Zheng gasped for breath, but he still sat upright and laughed heartily.

“Are you alright?”

Only she could see that An Zheng’s shoulders were trembling slightly.

“I’m too weak, so I don’t have the strength to fight anymore.”

An Zheng drank the second cup of wine in one gulp, then, after saying that he had offended them, he brought Xiu Xi over to sit on his knees, then pointed at the retreating crowd and shouted, “Look at these people, although they have the numbers advantage, in my eyes, they are nothing more than trash. If you like it, I will go and kill another round. Take a look, I will fight my way over here and takundred human heads to use as fertilizer for your flowers and plants. ”

He drank the third glass and laughed.

On the Peacock Palace’s side, Peacock King Xu Meidai’s face changed slightly when she saw An Zheng pulling the girl to sit on his knees. She frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence, she instructed, “Back to the Western Regions, go faster, he … I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on. ”

The girls of Peacock Palace began to protect the Lotus Seat and retreat. On the other side of the Dragon Tiger Mountain, when they saw that the Peacock Palace had left, the team also started to retreat.

When An Zheng saw that Peacock Palace had left first, he could not help but mutter to himself, “Thank you.”

With a blushing face, Soo Xi stood up and placed her hand on An Zheng’s shoulder. A gentle Cultivation Power entered An Zheng’s body and An Zheng’s body finally stopped trembling. In fact, he couldn’t even hold the cup properly right now. It was just because he was too far away that they couldn’t notice him.

“The woman who is known as Duke Ming is an old friend of yours, right?”

Sosh asked softly.


An Zheng’s answer was extremely simple.

Xiu Xi opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she held back in the end. After a long silence, she said, “Thank you …”

An Zheng shook his head: “It’s not over yet, there’s no lack of crafty people among those people, someone will definitely come back to probe.”

Just as An Zheng finished speaking, he saw a group of people rushing towards the Purple Bamboo Forest. It was the Da Xi army. There were around seven to eight hundred people in this group, and they were advancing light cavalry at an extremely fast speed.

“He’s finally here.”

An Zheng stood up with his hands holding onto the table, he grabbed the Broken Army Sword on the table. But the cloud took a step forward, “Takest, I’ll do it. The safety of the Purple Bamboo Forest cannot be shouldered by you alone. ”

An Zheng shook her head: “The moment you make a move, they will be able to see through your weakness, and will stand right here.”

An Zheng raised his sword and moved forward, his footsteps stable, and nothing could be seen. The light cavalry soldiers rushed over with astonishing speed, while An Zheng rushed over to meet them, his speed became faster and faster, at the start, he was walking, but later on he ran, he was like a dragon and his sword was likainbow. An Zheng welcomed it head on. Just as they were about to meet, the light cavalry suddenly turned around and left in a circle.

The group of people who had already stopped saw that An Zheng was still as brave as ever, and quickened their steps to retreat. The light cavalry were probing An Zheng, and if An Zheng did not dare move, the convoy would return very quickly.

The cavalrymen quickly turned around and ran, and were even faster in their movements. An Zheng chased after them and killed dozens of people at the back. It seemed that Tan Shanse had won over a lot of people in the army over these years. At the moment when the crowd had retreated, a burst of laughter suddenly rang out. It was so loud that everyone could clearly hear it.

“Impressive, truly impressive.”

The sound came from the entrance of the secret door. With a boom, the retreating crowd was blasted away by a violent and majestic force, immediately clearing a path. Tan Shanse who was dressed in all white strode in, one person in each hand. He grabbed the two by their collars and dragged them forward. When An Zheng saw the two of them clearly, his face immediately became pale white.

Tan Shanse grabbed Du Shoushou with his left hand, and Chen Shaobai with his right.

Both of them appeared to have fainted and were covered in blood. josei

“An Zheng, I once said that among all the cultivators in the world, you are the only one who can be considered a hero.”

Tan Shanse flew on the ground and in the blink of an eye, he was not far from An Zheng. He raised his hands separately, looked at An Zheng and smiled, “But heroes cannot have friends, relatives, or anyone who is reluctant to part with them. If there is, the hero will be short of breath. ”

An Zheng’s mouth twitched, killing intent exploded out from his eyes.

“Are you still able to move?”

Tan Shanse threw the two of them onto the ground, “Your two friends are really not bad. One of them came back to help you in a hurry, and the other went out to look for reinforcements. I kept watching because I knew what your weakness was. In the cultivation world where spiritual energy was depleted, it had to be said that you were a genius among geniuses to reach such a level and it had only taken you ten years or so. If I let someone like you live, I might end up being my opponent for life. Over time, I might even lose to you. ”

He squatted down, took out a dagger and stabbed it into Du Shoushou’s shoulder. “But, I am a cautious person. I am afraid that in the future, I will become the biggest stepping stone for you on your way to heaven. If you step on me and climb up, I will hurt a lot, but now … Do you feel any pain? ”

The dagger spun on Du Shoushou’s shoulder, causing Du Shoushou to wake up with a cry, but he was still unable to resist.


An Zheng shouted, his face turning white.

Du Shoushou struggled to turn his head to look at An Zheng, and shouted with all his might: “Let’s go! Don’t fall for this bastard’s trick! “This guy is a lunatic …”

An Zheng rushed forward and placed the dagger on Du Shoushou’s chest: “Hmm?”

An Zheng’s body suddenly stopped, and started to tremble violently.

“I’m not the sort of person who doesn’t have any rank. If it were any other person who caught the two of them, they would definitely be extremely proud and do some things to vent their anger. For example, if you don’t kneel down, I’ll kill them both. But what’s the point of having you kneel? It’s just to ease the resentment in my heart towards you, that’s all. I’m not threatening you with anything by catching them both, and threatening people seems to me unworthy. It is so ungraceful of me to make you give in in such a way. ”

He pressed his finger on the wound on Du Shoushou’s shoulder, causing his face to contort in pain.

“You know what I’m going to do.”

Tan Shanse actually sat cross legged on the ground, with the dagger stabbed into the ground, he reached out his two hands and grabbed Chen Shaobai and Du Shoushou, allowing the two people to sit in front of him. His hand was on the backs of the two men so they wouldn’t fall.

“This is a very lonely thing, and not many people understand me. I thought you would understand because you were different from them. There were many times when I wanted to get close to you, to make you my friend, even my comrade. If I can get your help in this matter, I might be able to accomplish it very quickly. But then I realized that you wouldn’t help me. You had your own ideas. You and I both wanted to re-establish order. ”

“But you are wrong. Do you really think that a single person’s strength can intimidate the entire world? The hearts of people were greedy, and cultivators were especially greedy. As long as there were cultivators in this world, evil would never stop. It is jusipe dream for you to rely on your own strength to create an order to maintain. ”

Tan Shanse glanced at An Zheng: “Forget it, what’s the use of talking so much with you? I’m still lonely, no one in the world understands me … An Zheng, like I said earlier, I can threaten you to kneel down if I catch them, or suicide if I catch them. With my understanding of you, you would definitely do that for your friends. But if you just die like this, how boring would the rest of my life be? I’m afraid you’ll surpass me, but I’m more afraid of boredom. ”

“I know that not long ago, you obtained a set of Purple-Rank Divine Pellet from that useless brat in the Mu Rong family, which could help you recover from death. Even if we die thoroughly, the Purple-Rank Divine Pellet will still be able to save us. This is the beauty of the divine pellet. ”



Two muffled sounds could be heard, as Tan Shanse’s two hands respectively grabbed out from Chen Shaobai’s and Du Shoushou’s chest, and directly penetrated through them. His entire arm was pierced, and his fist was extended out of his chest.

“Threatening you is a very low level matter.”

Tan Shanse stood up and threw the two of them onto the ground: “I would really like to see, just who will you save? Ha ha-ha ha … “Don’t worry, take your time to think about it. No matter which one you want to save, you will suffer for the rest of your life.”

Tan Shanse turned and walked away as his laughter reached the sky.

“Since you’ve chosen to go against me, you should be prepared to bear the pain. I wish I had an opponent so that I wouldn’t be bored. If you feel scared, come find me. You can be the sharpest knife I have. But it isn’t easy for you to grind them. Fortunately … “You have a lot of friends and family, they are all sharpening stones that I used to sharpen you.”

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