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Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Distress against Slimes (1)

As the cloud of shadows enveloped the area where Ethaniel and Frey stood, Shinto hurried into the domain as he then sent out multiple spells related to healing over to his allies.

"...?!" Ethaniel's eyes opened wide in shock as he felt a warm feeling on him. Turning over to the direction of where the skill was sent out, he saw that Shinto had rendezvoused with them. "Hah. How nice of you to finally show up."

"Cough... I overslept by an hour, don't blame me..." Letting out a cough in reply to the remarks of Ethaniel's, Shinto waved his staff around—Quickly shooting out multiple mana sparks over towards the rats which were aggressively pouncing over towards the group. "Anyhow... Just what's going on here?"

"I don't know! They just suddenly appeared when this black fog came out of nowhere! The slime started acting aggressively and the rats surrounded us!" Frey cried out whilst countering the attacks of the rats and slimes with her skill: [ Parry Fist ]. "We've been fighting ever since... and they deal so much damage!"

Even with the increase of defence from her parry skill that was used against the enemies in front of her—With the amount of bombardment from the monsters, Frey's health helplessly lowered to a dangerous level as it couldn't keep up with the onslaught.

Though, in return for receiving that much damage, with her parry skill, she could deal an equal amount of blows to the rats and slimes alike. However, even then—If the attacks continue like this, Frey wouldn't be able to last long. Even with Shinto's healing.

"Tch... these guys are more of a pain than ever," Ethaniel clicked his tongue. With his blade in hand, he stepped forward as he sent an arc of light over towards the line of enemies by the front. However, even with his firepower, the enemies didn't waver at all.



The rats manoeuvered around the group whilst the slime continuously charged forward, continuing their onslaught of attacks.

"They're so persistent!" Frey cried out.

"The problem with the rats is that they're fast..." Shinto thought to himself. "Then, let's try this combo." Nodding his head, Shinto calmly began to chant a spell. Moments later, from his ring, a green goo shot out over towards the surrounding area.josei

[ Sticky Ground ].

"What the?" Frey blurted as she saw the scene before her. As the green goo stuck to the ground, the rats that were frantically running about everywhere slowed down compared to before. "This is...?"

"A new skill," Shinto smirked as he soon continued on with his casting. Chanting out another spell—He sent a small drip of goo over towards Frey. 

[ Poison Cure ].

"Quick, before the skill ends, clean out as many enemies as you can!" Shinto cried out as he began to send out a blinding light over to the slowed-down rats. Following up with that attack, Ethaniel rushed over towards the slimy grounds as he swung his sword at the rats that were trying to dodge him.

Meanwhile, Frey who had received the skill effect from Shinto leapt forward in order to do the same thing as Ethaniel, however, she was quickly stopped by Shinto. "No, stay here. Ethaniel can handle that."

"Eh? Then what do you want me to do?" Frey blankly stared at Shinto in confusion.

"Go towards the slimes," Shinto calmly stated as he pointed his finger over towards an area where the slimes were grouped up. "They're unaffected by the field of slime... so focus on that."


As the skill duration of Shadow Fields and Sticky Grounds ended, the number of monsters within the area that the group were fighting against drastically decreased. With the help of Shinto; the fight became much easier to manage.

"Kiikk!!" The rats cried out as Ethaniel and Frey dealt the final blow on them.

"Huff... huff," Frey panted out as her eyes glanced around the area. Her eyes noted that the enemies that were tightly grouped together had dispersed after the initial batch of monsters turned into ashes. "Are we done yet?"

"I guess for this area," Shinto stated as he scrutinized the town. "The other places should all still be under siege."

"Tch... Then where are we headed for?" Ethaniel asked.

"By the looks of it, we should make our way to the castle since it seems to be where most of the monsters are at," Shinto analyzed. "But... before that, have you seen where Kon and the others are?" 

"Kon? Uh... just before this stuff happened, he went out somewhere," Frey mumbled out in uncertainty.

"Huh? He went somewhere?" Shinto raised his brow. "Where to?"

"...he said something about checking out the castle since he had sensed something..." Frey muttered out.

"What?" Ethaniel blinked at Frey's statement. "You knew this and you didn't say anything?!"

"I was about to until the rats appeared!" Frey refuted.

"Nevermind. If Kon's at the castle, that'll save some time from looking for him," Shinto nodded his head.


At the castle gates within the town of slimes a black fox, as well as a slime, was seen fighting against multiple enemies that were aggressively making their way forward.

"Ack... Hey! Do you know we'll die if your kind doesn't come out of the castle?!" Kon cried out as he sent out a pale flame over towards the rats that pounced forward.

"Gloop..." Rustly shriek back at Kon's shout, however, it seems that he was helpless.

"Ahh... why did I leave Frey and Ethaniel behind..." Kon whimpered. "Stupid Kon! I should've just waited for Master to come back..."

"Gloop!" The slime leapt forward as he pushed the rat back. "Gloop!"

"If only I could understand you..." Kon shook his head helplessly as he slightly moved back. Whilst doing so, his head turned towards the closed gates as he shouted out. "Hey! Slimes! Can you let us in?!"

"Gloop..." Rustly seemed to be blankly staring at Kon. "Gloop, gloop..."

"Argh! I know that!" Kon cried out. "You're saying it's hopeless right? Well... what can we do in this situation?!"

"Kiikk!!" The rats pounced forward to Kon once again.

"Ugh!! You rats! Can you just let me be at peace?!" Kon cried out as he shot out an orb of shadows over towards the monsters. Quickly knocking them back. However, they persistently pushed on despite his attacks.


"Gloop!" Rustly parried against the rats that were continuously charging forward. However, even with his efforts, the slime and the fox were slowly being pushed back into a corner bit by bit. With the way things were going for them; they'll be dead for sure if they lose their ground.

"Argh..." he whimpered. "These slimes... Why are they so scared to help us?"


As the two helplessly fought on, they heard a loud cry coming from behind the mischief of rats.

"Kon! Rustly!" That cry was from none other than Shinto.

"Master!" Kon shouted out in joy.

Rushing forward alongside Ethaniel and Frey, Shinto hurriedly chanted a spell as he shot out another veil of shadows over to the surrounding area. From the time it took to defeat the monsters that had surrounded his party members to now, it was enough to reset the cooldown of the skill.

Continuing on with their charge, Ethaniel and Frey leapt forward towards the cloud of shadows as they initiated combat against the rats and slimes that were moving about everywhere. With their combined forces focused on one enemy at a time, they defeated them one by one.

"Kiikk!!" The rats angrily jumped forward over towards the two players. But before they could reach him, Kon and Shinto both simultaneously sent out their attacks, which in turn prevented the rats from reaching them.


As the battle reached its climax—The rats and slimes that remained all quickly ran away in fear, leaving only the group members by the front gate.

"Hah..." Ethaniel let out a tired sigh. "This is tiring..."

The number of enemies that they defeated was high. From the infestation of rats that appeared to the slimes aggressiveness, it was as if this town became a monster ground instead. Even then, it seems that even after all the fights that had occurred back to back, it seemed that they weren't done just yet.

"Shinto! Shinto!" Rustly called out as he frantically made his way over to Shinto. "We have to get into the castle!"

"How do we do that?" Shinto turned towards the closed gates, taking note that the slimes behind it were menacingly glaring at his group. "...and why are they like that?"

"You're talking about those slimes right?" Kon questioned. "I don't know! The entire time we were here, they didn't lend a hand at all!"

"Tch... Raina's in there right?" Ethaniel questioned. "Then why don't we just barge in there?"

"You're crazy, human! Barging in? Do you want to get yourselves arrested and possibly kicked out of this place into the dangerous wilds?!" Rustly cried out.

"Ugh..." Ethaniel glared at the slime. "Translation?"

"Barging in is a stupid idea," Shinto repeated the slime's words. "But, what do we do if that's the only option?"

"Mmm... I know! I know!" The slime jumped up and down. "We'll go to Madam Ru. I have an idea!"

"Huh? Hey! Where's this slime going!?" Frey questioned.

"Follow after him," Shinto stated as he began to move closely behind the slime.

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