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Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Renryth (2)

"...ugh..." A low groan resounded through a quiet hallway as a man walked through it. With his fingers pinching his nose as if in pain, he hit the wall beside him. "Argh... get out of my mind!"

"Oh, you poor thing... Why bother trying to resist?" As if responding to his cry, a deep voice suddenly rang within the man's ear. "It has been long enough since you withstood against my dark magic with your own, but I believe it's high time that you give up. It is futile. In the end, I will win."

"Shut it you piece of shit..." he continued to let out a low groan in pain. "It's not futile if things won't go your way..."

"Things won't go my way?" The voice chuckled as it soon turned into maniac laughter. "How funny. Are you saying that those humans you have brought here would change a thing?"

"Of course..." he held back his words as he placed all strength in suppressing his pain. "I've left everything needed to the Sleras..."

"Hmph. My magic will soon consume them in due time. I say... about a few more days before thing's will all fall into place," his voice continued to ring within the ears of the man. "In the meantime, let us see how long you'll stand with this."

Suddenly, black fog protruded out within the hallways as it covered all ground. In the next moment, a piercing scream roared through the catacombs.


Through the passageway, the group hurried along the narrow paths whilst shooting out multiple attacks of different kinds onto the enemies around them.josei

"H-How long is this path?" Kon muttered out with a trembled voice as he shot out a shadow orb over towards a purple slime that pounced over towards him. "-And why does it feel like their multiplying?!"

"Just ignore all the damn enemies and charge forward," Reru clicked his tongue. "We're near towards the warrior. Don't waste energy."

" there anything we need to note about the warrior?" Shinto asked whilst shooting out a mana spark towards the bone rats, last hitting it and turning it into grey ash.

[ You have defeated Undead Rat Dweller! ]

"He deals the total damage I dealt against everyone, but twice the amount in a single frenzied attack," Reru scoffed. "Though, seeing your weak defences and equipment, I'd say it's amplified by three instead."

"'ll be dead in a single hit?" Shinto muttered out.

"About that much," Reru seemed to be shrugging as he protruded out a sword and quickly slashed at the rats around him, instantly turning them to grey ash. "But don't worry. If you can dodge his slow attacks, you'll be fine."

"How slow?" Shinto asked.

"Donno. Should be slow enough for you humans to barely make it out without a scratch," Reru lazily answered. "But who knows? Never seen the warrior since forever ago."

"How helpful..." Shinto sighed as he turned towards his party members and explained the situation.

"Hah...? We're supposed to fight against a warrior that can kill us in one go?!" Frey cried out as she heard the explanation from Shinto.

"T-There shouldn't be much to worry about," he let out a cough. "If thing's go for the worst, invest points in agility to dodge much easily. It can't be that bad, right?"

"...invest points in agility?" Raina muttered out. "I already placed most of it into intelligence for the sake of using the Flames of Etheral spell."

"There shouldn't be any problem with that," Shinto nodded his head. "Ethaniel and Frey would be the ones who will draw the aggro. Then we also have Reru and Rustly who'll help us."

"Rustly? I haven't seen him fight at all," Ethaniel scoffed as his eyes moved over towards the slime who was right beside Reru the entire time. The two seem to be conversing with one another. "Would he be doing anything?"

"Well have faith in that slime!" Frey stated. "I'm sure he'll help..."

"Whatever. We're prepared for this, right?" Ethaniel said whilst moving his sword in an arc to clear the way against the monsters ahead of them.

"...I guess so," he muttered out as his eyes moved over towards his profile.

[ Player Profile ]

Player Name: Shinto

Level: 29

Rank: N/A

Class: Shadow Diviner (???-Unknown Rarity)

-Class Attribute-





HP: 810/810 | MP: 736/736 (+20)

Strength: 31 | Stamina: 52 (+4)

Intelligence: 86 (+21) | Agility: 58 (+8)

Shadow: 31 | Divinity: 20

Wisdom: 7

Stats Point: 80


Confirming the details of his profile, Shinto nodded his head as he silently turned towards his passive, [Divinity Gauge], "...would this come into effect soon?"

[ Divinity Gauge Lv 2 ]

With the power of the shadows and the divine, all skills relating to that of the Shadow Diviner will consume a new type of energy: 'Shadow' and 'Divinity' which starts at a maximum of 30.

The max amount of energy that 'you', the Shadow Diviner can have is dependant on your total 'Shadow' and 'Divinity' stat which is added onto the starting gauge.

*Current Shadow Gauge: 61

*Current Divinity Gauge: 50

After accumulating a certain amount of 'Shadow' or 'Divinity' stat; You will gain a permanent boost to your class:

*Judgement Purifier: When against foes judged as [Lesser Evil], you will deal an additional 50% magic damage when using [Divinity] related skills onto them. When in [Sanctum Brilliance] state, upon defeating an enemy judged as [Greater Evil], something will happen.


Looking at the details of his first-ever Shadow Diviner skill to reach level two, he noted the new added effect [Judgement Purifier] below the passage of 'permanent boost'.

" enemy judged as greater evil..." he thought to himself.

Unlike the case of his quest where the objective was to only defeat an evil being, wherein, the details were vague—His passive [Divinity Gauge] had a far specific category of evil, [Lesser Evil] and [Greater Evil].

For the instance of [Greater Evil], those who are a threat to the world view, or aims for destruction against a country, race, or anything along those lines fall under this category.

However, for the instance of [Lesser Evil], it was for those who affiliate themselves with the darkness, those who follow in the commands of the higher-ups and do their bidding. Those who fall under such categories would typically be servants of one with ill intentions or those corrupted.

With the future fights at hand within the dungeon, Shinto hoped that among the bosses that they have yet met, at the very least one of them would be judged as [Greater Evil]. Though, from the looks of how things are within the catacombs, Sanke would surely be a judge for evil.

"..." Still thinking on the thought, he quickly shook his head. Soon after, his eyes moved over towards the front as a bright light was greeting them at the end.

"...we're here," Reru stated as he hopped forward. "The warrior should be beyond this room."

"Everyone ready?" Shinto turned towards his party members, and with the reply of a nod, they made their way into the room.


Upon entering the room filled with bright lights, their eyes were greeted by a surprising sight. A figure of what seemed to be a statue, that resembled that of a warrior was on the ground in shambles.

"...what the?" Ethaniel uttered out in shock as his eyes glanced around the area. Besides the broken statue that seemed to be recently demolished, the litmus bugs were brightly coloured white as they all gathered into the middle of the room at the ceiling.

"The warrior... he has been defeated?" Reru said in a dumbfounded tone. "He has been left here for years... none of us touched him unless..."

Suddenly, certain footsteps rang through by the front, where an entrance to a hallway was seen. Moments later, a black fog began to protrude out of the area, enshrouding the room.

"A-a black fog?!" Kon cried in worry.

"...what's going on?" Frey asked confusingly.

"-unless Renryth was the one who defeated him..." 

By the front of the hallway, a figure of a man, with what seemed to be red eyes that were glaring at the party stepped forward.

"Renryth... so it's him." Scrutinizing the look of the man who seemed to be within his 50s, with purely white hair and an old unkempt beard, he noted as he saw that he raised his arm into the air. "I guess, we're going to fight him."

"You think?!" Ethaniel clicked his tongue whilst unsheathing his sword. However, the moment he did so—The man snapped his fingers, as a sudden crescent wave burst out, quickly moving towards the group.

"...!" Noticing the attack, the group hurriedly spread out as they narrowly dodged the attack.

"...I've been waiting, intruders of my sanctum." The old man uttered out in a lifeless tone as he raised his arm over towards the group once again. Soon after, multiple circles of magic were created around him.

"Let us see how well you fare against this man's inferior power than my own." Then, in the next second, a burst of different kinds of elemental magic shot forward.

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