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Chapter 130

Chapter 130: Farchu (3)

"Urk...!" The rat king stuttered back abruptly upon taking the full forced hit from the wave of light dealt by his sides. Soon after, turning over towards the direction of it in an angered manner, he noted that Ethaniel was planning on connecting another skill. "Tch... You humans!"

With an angry roar, his tail swept across Ethaniel in a swift manner. However, Ethaniel hurriedly dodged the attack as he soon sent out another pillar of light over towards Fischier and, following up with that attack, Frey swooped in and activated a skill.

[ Brawler Skill - Palm Shockwave ]

[ Palm Shockwave Lv 1 ] [ 80 MP ] [ Cooldown: 45 Seconds ]

Channelling energy into one's palm, the user shoots out a shockwave in a targetted direction. If the shockwave hits an enemy, they will take 270% physical damage with a 30% chance of causing quick paralysis for 0.5 seconds.


With the energy from her palms, she shot forward, causing the rat to stutter once again with the help of the temporary paralysis that prevents the enemy from moving when inflicted upon it.

"Hey slimes, your go!" Frey shouted out. 

Wasting no time in that regard, Reru and Rustly quickly got up on their foot as they sent out countless spikes over to the king, in turn, scraping off his health bit by bit.

"Ugh..." Fischier grunted at the countless attacks that struck him. "You think this is enough?" The second paralysis wore off, the rat angrily swept his tail in an arc—Forcing the group around him back. In the next moment, with the silence effect of [ Hallowed Crest ] wearing off too, the rat began to channel out dark energy around himself.

"...!!" Taking note of the sudden change of aura around the king, Shinto warily stood back in instinct. "T-This is...?"

Not a second later, the energy exploded as it pushed the group back, in turn, forcing them over to the walls.

[ The judgement of 'Lesser Evil' is shaking! ]

[ The dark energy has surrounded the King of the Sanke Rats, Fischier! Thus, the king's status has further enhanced! ]

[ With the support of Sanke's magic, a field of poison has been created around the area! ]

[ All rats in the vicinity will receive a 40% boost to their stats! ]josei

[ The King of the Sanke Rats, Fischier will deal an additional 200% damage when attacking targets inflicted by poison. ]

[ You have been poisoned! ]

[ You have failed to resist with your class attribute. ]

[ Due to your poison resistance, however, the damage is reduced slightly. ]

"...cough!" The moment the dark energy became prevalent around the area, Shinto abruptly coughed blood as the poison effects began taking place. Soon after his head turned to the right side where they had originally come from. "Tch..."

"Kiikk!!" From the distance, the rats that had chased after the group caught on as they nearly reached the ongoing battlefield in a frenzy.

"...what? Cough..." Reru let out a cough as he scrutinized the surrounding area. "You humans didn't deal with those rats?!"

"Bah... It was more than we could handle!" Ethaniel clicked his tongue as he retracted back from his position, quickly activating [ Judgement Counter ] in the next moment.

"This is bad! This is bad!" Kon cried out as he shot forward [ Orbal Shadows ] over to the rats, however, even then, the rats persistently moved on until they reached the group. Soon after, they began attacking more aggressively than before.

"Ahh! What do we do?!" Frey punched at the rats that pounced at her once again with a full force of [ Frontal Collision ].

"Damn..." Ethaniel frowned at the situation as he turned to his health that was dropping rapidly per second. To add to the disaster, his hands were constantly manoeuvering around whilst swinging his sword, countering against the rats that were beginning to surround him. "Do we still place all efforts on that giant rat?"

"We have to," Shinto replied as he sent out [ Poison Cure ] on Frey whose health nearly dropped down to the red zone again. "Otherwise we'll lose if we don't defeat the leader. But... Ethaniel you'll have to put your efforts elsewhere this time."

"Weak..." The rat king uttered out as he pounced over towards the group. With his heavy attacks from his claws, he swiped at Shinto and Ethaniel who were by each other. However—The moment Fischier lunged an attack, a slime wall was shot up from the ground.

"Hey! Your targets over here!" Rustly clicked his tongue as he shot out another cloud of slime rain from his body, quickly giving the group a barrier that absorbs damage.

"You are still able to move even after all that?" Fischier frowned as he averted his attention over to the two slimes from his left side. But, just as he did so, a sword protruded out over towards him in a hurry.

"Borrowing the power of Sanke to fight us..." Reru scoffed. "You should be the one who's weak if you had to do that!"

"It is all for the greater good of us!" His eyes flashed red as his claws tinted in dark energy soon clawing at Reru. "You do not understand the wishes of Master!"

"Ugh..." Unable to dodge the attack, Reru was knocked back slightly. However, a warm feeling was felt around him, hurriedly making him get back on his feet. "Such a bullshit statement," Reru seemed to be frowning as his blade clashed with the claws of the rat king.

From behind him, Shinto arrived as he quickly shot out a mana spark over to Fischier, activating his passive skill: [ Bearer of the Diviner ].

At the spot where he had attacked, a mark of shadow was laid out—Allowing his allies to deal an additional 15% damage on him.

"He's under 50% now," Shinto muttered out as he used [ Poison Cure ] on him soon after the skill cooldown went off. "Reru, I'll be supporting you from here on out to defeat him," soon after he has said his statement, from his staff, a bright light shot out over towards Fischier.

[ Divinity Point ]

Regaining his health that he had lost earlier, he retracted back as he prepared to use another skill.

"Hah..." Gathering energy around him, Reru began to fiercely attack the king, scrapping away his health bit by bit. Following up with his attacks, Rustly as well as Frey who broke free from the rats struck at the king simultaneously. Meanwhile, Ethaniel and Kon were busily distracting the rats.

"Annoying..." The rat king clicked his tongue as he protruded out a purple fog. "Let's end this already!" his eyes coloured a red of madness whilst clawing at his enemies constantly.

"Ugh..." Frey and Rustly stuttered back from the attack—Though they persisted on with their attacks. Frey connected skill after skill with her remaining resources, [ Blitz Fist ], [ Palm Shockwave ] and the like.

"Almost there..." Shinto eyes narrowed over to the bosses health that lowered down over time from the attacks that his party had thrown out. However, it wasn't just his health that had lowered though—Rustly's, as well as Shinto's, slowly dwindled down due to the poison effect. With the new fog, Reru and Frey were inflicted upon poison again too.

"We need some more push!" Frey cried out as her eyes moved to her skill list, where everything was on cooldown. She had no available skills to be used. This was the same for everyone else, however...

"In the end... Sanke's reign will continue on!" Fischier stated with the dark aura around him remaining more prevalent than ever. Yet, even with the dark aura within the environment, a blinding flash of light shot out over to him.

"It won't," with a calm voice, Shinto had activated [ Sanctum Brilliance ] that had went off cooldown. Simultaneously he shot out [ Hallowed Crest (Brilliance) ] which forced him into silence again.

"Ugh...! You!" Fischier cried out, but, the attacks weren't done just yet. From the direction of his minions, an orb of shadow along with pale flames was simultaneously casted—To compliment that, a bright arc swung head first to Fischier.

"Arghh...!!" Weakened by the silence and with the force of sudden attacks from his rear, he was thrown over to the wall—falling down to the ground in turn. "Y-You..." His eyes went blank as he fell unconscious.

[ The aura of darkness has left the area. Thus, the poison effects have been lifted. ]

[ Upon the defeat of 'Fischier, the King of the Sanke Rats', your quest (Gifted Diviner)'s objective to defeat three beings judged as evil has been raised by 1. ]

[ Current progress: 1/3. ]

[ The judges of good and evil are still discussing whether or not the previous fight counts as a defeat of a 'great evil'. ]

[ A laughter rings through the area. ]


"Huff... huff..." Shinto let out a tired breath.

"W-We did it right?" Frey blinked at the unconscious rat king. "But... he hasn't gotten that death effect yet?"

"Do you want to kill the king?!" Rustly clicked his tongue as he soon averted his gaze over to the rats. "Argh, whatever! There are other pressing issues to handle!"

Despite the fall of the king, the rats seemed to be persistently charging forth to the exhausted group.


[ Author's Notice ]

Hiya! Sorry for putting my author's note into the chapter instead of the authors note, I know some of you don't read them but that's okay! This one is a very important thing that everyone has to keep in mind. (I'll be removing this author's note in a weeks time [Well moving it to my authors note LOL])

Firstly, for the issues of long cooldown, as you may have noticed from the [Palm Shockwave] the cooldowns will be much shorter now, I had come to the realization (In fact, very very late. But its better than not touching on it at all) that the cooldowns are stupidly unreasonable. Thus I'll adjust everything (Well most).

Firstly the current shown Brawler's skill will be around seconds to minutes (For example, Blitz Fists will now be 30 secs-cooldown.) And some of its move sets will be slightly updated.

For Shinto's shadow diviner skills, I will only slightly readjust for example instead of 10-minutes of shadow fields, it will be 7. [No effects on the story, since Shinto had only used this skill once for every battle, likewise, most of his other skills were used once.]

For the full list, we have 30+ revealed skills so far, and I think it might be annoying for you to read through it if you're not bothered aha... so I'll be posting the full list on my discord server:, but the important skills are as so:

Shadow Fields: 10 Min -> 7 Min

Divinity Point: 5 Min -> 2 Min 50 Secs / Upgraded: 12 Min -> 7 Min

Mark of Umbra: 3 Min -> 2 Min

Hallowed Crest: 15 Min -> 10 Min. / Upgraded: 10 Min -> 6 Min

Sanctum Brillince: 20 Min -> 15 Min.

Judgement Counter: 30 Min -> 20 Min.

Frontal Collision: 7 Min -> 1 Min.

Orbal Shadows: 5 Min -> 1 Min 20 Seconds

Quick Flame: 7 Min -> 2 Min 30 Seconds

Camouflage: 20 Min -> 7 Min

Sorry if this is sudden, or if you had liked the longer cooldowns, but for the better flow of future fights, It'll be better if I make the changes now... As the author, I should've made sure that the cooldowns were reasonable since I wasn't thinking straight about that specific part, I apologize for the large inconvenience that this might have made you. In any case, thank you everyone for your time! We're soon going to be finishing up the catacombs arc :3

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