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Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Cursed (4)

Entering into the hallways from the guardian's room, Shinto, Ethaniel and Raina were greeted by the sight of small buildings and camps around the area.

"...camps and buildings?" Raina tilted her head at the sight. "I thought we'd be greeted by Sanke here..."

"Well... Reru did say that this was the Farchu's Den," Shinto stated as he scrutinized the surroundings, noting the interesting structure of the buildings which seemed to be big enough to minimally fit humans just like the ones in the Slera's Den. However—The biggest difference between the two was that there was a lack of buildings in the area, instead, most of the space was filled with camps.

"The Farchu's Den?" Upon hearing the term, Raina's face grew slightly confused. Though, soon after pondering on it for a few seconds, she quickly nodded her head as it clicked to her. "Ah. Those rats?"

"Yeah," Shinto nodded his in reply whilst continuing to scrutinize the area. Besides the buildings and interesting camps around the premise, there weren't many other particular things that he took notice of. It was pretty much the same as the slime's retreat.

"Huh. For a place where the rats live... There sure are no rats at all," Raina questioned as her eyes cautiously looked around. Although she hasn't faced any rats recently compared to Shinto and the others, she still vividly remembered the time where a horde of them chased after them.

"The slimes said something along the lines of Sanke taking full control of this place and pushing the rats to live elsewhere," Ethaniel shrugged. "But in any case... That's a good thing for us. I don't want to fight more annoying rats than I have to."

"A good thing... But then there's skeletal rats and purple slimes we have to worry about," Shinto sighed.

"Ugh..." Ethaniel scoffed as the grip on his sword tightened. "Where are they anyway? We've been walking for a while."

"Ethan... Are you seriously going to jinx us?" Raina helplessly glared at Ethaniel.

"What? I don't want to end up getting jumped on again..." he frowned.

The group quietly walked on the stone-paved path of the Farchu's Den whilst steadily making their way over to Sanke—Who lay rest at the end of the path. While they did so, the litmus bugs flew around the area as they stuck onto the walls of the buildings and floated around in the sky, lighting up a purple hue that gave off a brilliance of darkness.

"Haha..." Raina chuckled. "I sure missed a lot this past few days, huh?"

"You're seriously saying this now?" Ethaniel raised his brow. "What was this about worrying about the situation?"

"...well, I just wanted to brighten up the mood in order to not be nervous about the fight, that's all," she answered. "It doesn't help if it's quiet as ever while we make our way to Sanke..."

"I guess understandable, but seriously. Where the hell is this guy's necromancy?" he clicked his tongue. "He can't possibly be waiting for us without preemptively attacking us, right?"

"Hmm... Sanke's not taking action at our intrusion?" Shinto muttered out. "...if so, then let's just hurry it up and be at his doorstep. There's no point loitering around here if we're not gonna get experience before the big fight."


Walking back and forth within a hallway that smelt like burnt ashes, a slime by the name of Rustly helplessly turned toward an old man whose back was against the wall.

"...they can do this, right? Right?" Rustly uttered out.

"I'm sure," Renryth calmly closed his eyes. "With the Flames of Etheral finished... All I can hope now is that Raina successfully wraps up the battle smoothly along with her allies."

"You know... Old man..." he muttered out. "If they don't make it in time, what's going to happen?"

"...what's going to happen?" Hearing the question from Rustly, Renryth let out a helpless sigh. "If it comes to that... The foundation built by Lier will crumble, and... I guess we'll lose the one thing we were trying to protect."

"The Pendant of Flaming Purity..." Rustly stopped at his footsteps as he sighed. "Why were we given such a task to protect it? I don't like this..."

"There are true stories and there are myths," Renryth's head slowly raised up whilst he stared into the sky. "All I know from the countless books I read in your library was that... The Flames of Purity graced upon this pendant onto the Sleras and Farchu in order to protect your race from destruction during the great war..."

"And Sanke wants the pendant to fully destroy us..." he frowned. "Why did he became like this? Just why..."

"I was too foolish. I lost him when I turned my back on him..." Renryth's expression darkened. "I'm sorry. Had I done something back then... Thing's wouldn't turn out like this and you-"

"...It's fine," Rustly's voice shook. "I was too naive. I... You know what, never mind. Let me just... Rest for a bit. I'm tired."

"...sigh," Renryth solemnly glanced at Rustly as he shook his head helplessly. "Sanke... Do you regret?"


Passing by the countless buildings and camps, the group finally stopped at their footsteps as they were greeted by the sight of a giant door at the end of the stone-paved pathway. Moments after, the door opened as if showing them good will of welcoming them.

"...this is the place, right?" Raina uttered out as she took a deep breath whilst holding her staff tightly in her hands. "Beyond here is... Sanke."

"Everyone ready?" Shinto questioned as his eyes glanced over to his list of equipment and skills. Soon after, he turned towards his party list, where it showed the level and status of his team.

[ Party Leader: Shinto, (Hidden), Level 33 ]

[ Party Member: Ethaniel, (Hidden), Level 34 ]

[ Party Member: Raina, Mage, Level 27 ]

"Ready," Ethaniel stated. "I hope you'll be putting full focus on healing me while I soaked up everything."josei

Shinto nodded his head as he turned to Raina. "What about you?"

"I guess I am," Raina nodded her head. "...though, I hope my level difference won't affect us too much."

For the case of Raina, it couldn't be helped as she was stuck in the library or Renryth constantly training. The only reason why she was level 27 now was due to her title [ Novice Bookworm ] which provided experience points for every time she read a book.

With there being no encounter during their journey here, the group couldn't level up Raina as well.

"A seven-level difference," Shinto mumbled to himself. "That's a 70 stat difference. Though, I think it's fine. All we have to do is make sure Ethaniel stays alive to lead the aggro."

"Which is your job," Ethaniel stated.

"Aha... Right, right," Shinto replied. "In any case, if we're ready, then let's head in."

With Ethaniel stepping foot into the door first, the group soon followed behind as they entered into the castle of the Farchu, which was now the quarters of Sanke.


Thuck Thuck Thuck...

Footsteps resounded through the area as the group walked within the darkness. With Shinto's enhanced vision, he could note that the hallway that they were walking in was that of a linear path, which led to a door at the end.

Step by step making their way forward, they soon stopped in front of another giant door, which soon opened at their arrival, and—Without any time to react, the group heard laughter by the front of them.

"Kukuku... So it seems that you humans have a arrive, huh?" The voice resounded throughout the room as the group quickly turned their eyes over to the direction, noting the appearance of a man with deep jet black hair and red flashing eyes that was condescending whilst eyeing the group on his throne. "Good, good..."

"...that's Sanke?" Ethaniel muttered out as his blade drew in an arc, prepared to leap forward.

"Hahaha... That I am," Sanke smirked as he unleashed his status.  "Let us not waste time any longer. I for one do not feel like starting a monologue, and likewise, it seems you'd rather fight with your fist than words?"

[ Sanke's Status has enshrouded the room! ]

[ You are in the presence of 'The Necromancer of Curses, Sanke'! ]

[ All curse resistance has been lowered by 100% whilst your Dark RES has been decreased by 50%. ]

[ When Dark RES is below 50%, you are much susceptible to status ailments and you will take 25% more damage per status inflicted on you (Buffs, debuffs, ailments and the like). ]

[ When a curse is inflicted upon you, the effects are further enhanced by 50% of its original stats. ]

[ The status of one who goes beyond sin overrides your status! ]

[ You have partially resisted. Half of the status effect will only be applied. ]

"U-Ugh... This is just what I feared..." Shinto clicked his tongue as he noted that he had failed to resist the status of Sanke. "But... It's not as bad as I feared, so it should be doable."

"Pray to the darkness of sin... Arise o' death!" Sanke shouted out as skeletons and purple goo began to form above the ground—In the next moment, dark slimes and skeletal rats began to surround the group. "Now entertain me would you?"

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