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Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Slera (4)

Rushing on the empty streets of the Slera's Den—Rustly leapt frantically through it as he made his way over towards a small building that was situated in the middle of the town.

"Huff... Huff..." With a tired breath from Rustly, he continued to make his way forward down the roads, finally reaching towards the front doors of the tavern. In the next moment, Rustly took a deep breath as he calmed his tired mind down and soon barged into the building. "MADAM RU! Are you there?!"

"Gosh...!" Upon Rustly's loud voice that rang through the room, a slime jumped onto the countertop of the tavern with an annoyed and tired expression. "Rustly! Could you stop shouting in here for once?!"

"C-Cough... Sorry!" Rustly whimpered. "But it's important!"

"...sigh. When was your shouting ever not important?" The slime seemed to be rolling her eyes. "Well, out with it! What is it this time?"

"So well, we succeeded in getting to Renryth and the curse is gone," Rustly muttered out. "I'm sure you know that, right?"

"It was the talk of the town, though... I'm surprised the humans managed to stop Sanke with so little time—" As Madam Ru was about to continue on with her sentence, she was quickly interrupted.

"...well um! About that... Yes, the humans finished the spell and fought against Sanke and rid the curse but uh well," Rustly uttered out. "Sanke wasn't defeated."

"He wasn't what?!" Madam Ru cried out. "Oh, dear... This is bad. This is the worst possible outcome!"

"Right and so... We need your help!" Rustly stated.

"What are we supposed to do, huh?" Madam Ru seemed to be frowning. "His majesty should know what Sanke's goal in all this, so what can we even do? He has countermeasures, and if that fails we're doomed!"

"No, there's still hope!" Rustly nodded his head eagerly. "With the curse gone now, Reru and Renryth can join forces with the humans to defeat Sanke once and for all!"

"...what? You're kidding right?" Madam Ru clicked her tongue. "If those humans couldn't defeat Sanke in his weakened state and it took Renryth and Reru a great deal of time to weaken him and yet failing miserably, what makes it any different if all of them combined forces?"

"Thing's will be different now!" Rustly shouted out. "I'm sure of it!"

"Ugh... And what do you want me to do?"

"Show off your dignity as the..."

"No. I've long left that title. I do not want anything to do with it," Madam Ru frowned. "Why do you think I haven't gone to the castle when every other Sleras has?"

"And you know the king isn't letting anyone into the chambers!" Rustly cried out.

"What can I do, huh?" Madam Ru clicked her tongue. "I'm just an old lady who left everyone to do their own things while I do my own, not taking any responsibility. If you wish for me to waver my authority, that won't work on anyone."

"Then... At least bring yourself over to the castle to help join in on the fight! Then that's my last request of you," Rustly stated. "Really. It's my last. Because..."

"Sigh... Why did I raise you to be like this?" Madam Ru shook her head as she soon took out a book below her countertop, soon hopping down. "Then let's go. We've got no time to lose unless you want to die before then."


Within the hallways of the castle, countless murmurs protruded out within the air as many slimes around the area eyed onto two figures who were standing by at the front door which led into the throne room.

"...hey, Minister Yer. What do you mean you still can't let us in despite our claims?" Reru seemed to be frowning with slight annoyance at the slime in front of him who wore a badge on his body that read 'Minister Yer of the Sleras'. "Do you not care for the safety of his majesty?!"

"I-I know what you said, but... I just can't let you in!" Minister Yer defended himself. "His Majesty ordered for everyone, including myself to leave the premise and to not come back until further notice. We can't interrupt whatever he's doing!"

"We can't interrupt?" Reru scoffed. "This is a life and death situation for all us Slera's! Who knows what will happen to His Majesty in there?! I'm telling you he's in danger!"

"And I'm telling you! I can't let you in under any circumstance!" Minister Yer stated. "I'm sure his majesty is safe. After all, within his own words regarding the ongoing threat of darkness: 'It is just the side effect of the defeat of Sanke,' so be rest assured!"

"Ugh... This is hopeless," Reru turned away from the minister as his attention went over to Renryth. "What do we do? At the rate, this is going... We might just have to shove ethics aside and just barge in the room!"

"H-Hey! Reru! I know you have power here, but don't go against the king!" Minister Yer shouted out. "Do you want to be placed in prison!?"

"Ugh! Just shut up, Minister who has not done anything for our people!" Reru frowned as he turned back towards Renryth who was still in deep thought. "So, what do we do?!"

"Hmm, well," Renryth thought to himself. "I don't mind barging in. We are pressed for time after all, however... We still need the rest of the group to arrive first—" Whilst speaking out his words, Renryth quickly stopped as his ears tickled from the sounds of rustling footsteps from behind him. In the next moment, he turned over towards the direction of the sound, noting that the group had arrived.

"Huff... huff," Shinto let out a tired sigh. "This is the place?"

"Yeah," Erith nodded his head. "Rustly asked of you to come here to meet with Reru and Renryth."

"Where are they?" Shinto questioned.

"...hey, humans! Over here!" The moment he asked the question, a call from a slime protruded out into the area. Noting that it came from Reru, he and his group looked at one another in the eyes as they soon waltzed over to the spot.


"...Renryth" Raina muttered out as her eyes met with the old man. "We didn't manage to defeat him..."

"Mm... It is fine," Renryth nodded his head solemnly. "I never expected that even at his previous state, he could pull off a trick that could overwhelm all of you at once without the usage of curses."

"E-Eh? How did you know?" Ethaniel raised his brow.

"It was just a gut feeling. I didn't like for it to be right though..." Renryth sighed. "But it is what it is. All we can do now is to prevent Sanke from taking hold of the Pendant of Flaming Purity."

"Seriously. I want context. Just what the heck is this thingy pendant that Shinto's been mentioning?!" Frey cried out.

"You're all under-informed, huh?" Renryth turned towards the minister in front as he let out a sigh. "I'll cut it short and explain in the simplest words. The 'Pendant of Flaming Purity' is an artefact that was said to be held by an angel that was then given to the Sleras as a gift, or in other words for protection."

"Uhuh... Continue!" Frey gestured.

"The pendant was said to grant immense power to the wielder, however, one of its attribute upon reaching full potential was its ability to raise someone back to living, which is what Sanke is after."josei

"E-Eh? Raise someone back from the dead?" Frey tilted her head. "I'm hearing correctly, right?"

"Yes. You are," Renryth nodded his head as he stepped forward over towards the door that led to the throne room. "Unlike adventurers such as yourselves that have many lives, us humans that live within this world only has one. If you could revive a loved one you dearly miss to the point you'd accept sin, who wouldn't try for it?"

"..." Listening in on the story that Renryth has stated, a clear picture surrounding Sanke's goal seems to have come to light. Sanke's wish in all this was to revive his dearly beloved, however, things took a turn and he had to resort to such acts. "So this entire time... Sanke cursed you all in hopes of getting the Pendant?"

"...yes. Though, we weakened him before he did and thus, prevented him from taking action," Renryth explained. "But it seems that he still had a trick up his sleeve. I should've seen this coming. But all that was in my mind was the completion of the Flames of Etheral."

"Hey, are you done with storytime yet? Aren't we pressed for time?!" Reru shouted out.

"...yes. Yes, we are," Renryth stated as his hand touched the doors of the hallways. "Which is why I told the story to misdirect your attention elsewhere."

With a small chant from his side, a sudden burst of wind whirled within the room, splitting everyone within it into two areas. In the next moment, a magic barrier appeared, quickly dividing one side from the other.

"Ack- Hey! Human! What is the meaning of this?!" The Minister turned to the back of him in shock as he saw that everyone but Shinto's group had been blown away outside of the magic barrier.

"It is obvious we're barging in. What else?" Reru shrugged as he took out a sword and quickly struck at the door. "Hey, humans! Help out will you?!"

"NO! Don't! Are you crazy?! We can still let you off like this-"

"Hah... Do I even need a translation for this?" Holding up his sword, Ethaniel shone down a bright light onto the door. With the pressure from Reru and Ethaniel, the door broke open as it revealed a figure of a man sitting on the throne room with a bright pendant shining down on his neck.

"...welcome," The man stated in a voice of defeat.

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