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Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Slera (7)

Within an unknown area of the catacombs—A hooded figure who seemed to be enshrouded by shadows could be seen moving leisurely through the darkened hallways with an aura of disappointment around them.

"...hmph. So it seems that you've decided to end your own life wittingly, huh?" The figure clicked his tongue in an unsatisfied manner. "Here I thought you'd have the drive to go on with your goals, but such a shame. Just some minor setbacks ended it for you? Disappointing."

Continuing through the darkness, the figure stopped at their footsteps as they moved their hand over to the pocket on the hood that they wore. Soon after, they took out a small red gemstone that seemed to contain a burning atmosphere around it.

"...but, even to your dismay, that doesn't matter," the figure chuckled. "Even though you were someone who spoke nothing but fruitless lies, you still kept your deal, at the very least you're worth that much." Tucking away the red gemstone back into their pocket, the figure began to move once again. "Ahem. Now then, with the flames of Mashita out of the way, what's next on the list?"

Muttering out to themselves, a sigh soon followed after. "Hah... I'm at such a slow progression. Ugh... If I had been the one to cause trouble, it'd be much more efficient. But, orders are orders I guess," the figure shrugged as they quickened their pace and disappeared into the shadows.


"Huff... Huff..." Within an unlit passageway, the group tirelessly moved through it stepped by stepped as they followed after the lead of Reru and the sobbing Rustly at the front.

" long are we gonna walk for?" Frey uttered out in a tone of confusion as she looked around the area. "All I see are darkness and darkness everywhere! It's the same exact spot!"

"Bah... You're blind if you say we're at the same exact spot. We're not going in circles," Ethaniel scoffed. "We've just been walking in zigzags."

"How the heck do you know that?" Frey raised her brow. "I don't see you having any sight either!"

"Ugh... Humans, would you please just shut up?!" Reru shouted out. "I'm here trying to get Rustly together to have him escort us, but you're all so noisy!"

"Could you do that faster? We might as well be lost at this point if we don't know where we're going!" Ethaniel clicked his tongue as he heard Reru with the help of the necklace that was given to him Shinto.

"Ignoring that... What's up with this place anyway?" Raina asked. "Although I can't see... The atmosphere of this area and the structure of the walls seem... More like a cave?"josei

"A cave? Like... Old Wood Caverns?" Frey tilted her head. "Could it be that?"

"I doubt it. That place is from the far southwest side of town. We entered here from the northwest," Ethaniel stated. "We might have ended up in another area altogether because we're lost..."

"S-Seriously? We're lost?" Minister Yer muttered out in fear. "We're dead... We're so dead! What if monsters suddenly appear out of nowhere and munch at us? The place we lived in was safe... But... But!"

"Calm down Minister Yer... I'm sure we'll get back on the right track when Rustly comes around..." Erith uttered.

"When will he be back together?! He's been like this for half an hour!"

"How do you even keep track of the time?" Erith asked in confusion.

"I've been counting! Counting is the only thing that's making me sane right now..."

"Hah... It's only been thirty minutes and you're trying to keep yourself from going insane?" Ethaniel raised his brow in disbelief. "Unbelievable..."

Hearing the conversation between the slimes and Ethaniel, Frey quickly spoke up. "Huh? It's been thirty minutes? That fast?" she blinked. "I thought it was only just ten..."

"It's been thirty minutes, huh?" Raina tilted her head as she turned over towards Shinto. "And those past thirty minutes, it seems like Shinto has been living in his own world." With a glance on her right, she noted that Shinto's eyes seemed glued onto his status window.


[ The beings of Divinity are extremely furious with your acts of not doing anything about the Pendant of Flaming Purity! ]

[ They're utterly dissatisfied that you have been picked to be the Diviner. They demand someone else! ] 

[ Your relations with certain beings of Divinity has reached the negative. ]

[ The beings of Shadows are laughing at the tempered beings raging at the Shadow Diviner for not doing his job. ]

[ Your relations with certain beings of Shadow has raised slightly. ]

[ As a reward, your Shadow Stat has raised by 1. ]

[ Quest 'Against the Pendant of Flaming Purity' has been marked as failed. ]

[ No new quests will be generated as the dungeon's main questline has been marked as completed. ]

[ The instance dungeon has been cleared and you shall get your rewards soon. ]

[ You may now enter and leave as you please. ]

"...hah, how did this situation came to be?" Shinto sighed to himself helplessly. "I failed two major quests and there doesn't seem to be a third chance, huh?"

Moments after Shinto and the group had escaped from the throne room, Shinto's notification window had been bombarded with countless messages in seconds. It was even worse than Arceus's spam if one considered the number of messages he sent in a second.

[ The Beings of Divinity are demanding that you should be stripped of the title of Diviner this instant! ]

"...isn't this unfair?" Shinto continued to sigh. "What was I supposed to do at that time?"

"...mmm," Kon frowned as he noted the expression of helplessness on his Master's face. "From what I remember about the lessons my siblings taught, those people are very strict and are easily unforgiving to those who don't fulfil their tasks as expected of them..."

"I could see that..." he shook his head. "Though, it'd be nice if you could have said that earlier..."

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't even know they contacted you," Kon whimpered. "Please forgive me..."

"Well, it can't be helped since I didn't mention this stuff to you," he shrugged. "I didn't expect that you know... So I didn't ask."

"A-At the very least I know some stuff when the terms are mentioned!" Kon cried out.

"Hah... Well, that's good to know now," Shinto nodded his head. "Anyways, how do you even know about the situation that I'm in right now? With the way things are... I thought you'd assume other reasons for my helplessness."

"W-Well... I wouldn't have known if it wearn't for the fact that I'm also receiving a scolding at this very moment..." Kon muttered out with a tone of embarrssment.

"Huh? By who?"

"By my siblings..." Kon uttered as his eyes turned towards his notification screen.

[ 'Cobra of the Empress's Sting' is clicking her tongue at your incompetence in aiding the Shadow Diviner! ]

[ 'Black Bird's Darkness' is regretting that you swayed him to let you go first. ]

[ The two beings of Shadow are currently discussing what to do. ]

"I see. But if it's like that..." Shinto tilted his head as a thought soon appeared in his mind. "Couldn't you have contacted your siblings and ask them to remind you of what they've told you before coming here?"

"Sorry... It's not that simple as you think..." Kon's expression turned gloomy. "Our way of communicating takes up a lot of passive energy... So we can only send messages in small quantities unlike the people from up above."

"Oh, is it?" Shinto noted as he soon glanced back to the continuous sea of notification on his screen.

[ The Beings of Divinity are demanding for you to state your defence regarding this situation! ]

"...ugh. They're still at it?" he silently clicked his tongue. Just as Shinto was about to speak up on his defence, a sudden notification quickly kept his mouth shut.

[ The beings of Shadow has had enough laughter for the day. ]

[ They have stepped up to defend the honour of the Shadow Diviner! ]


[ The Beings of Divinity frowns at the sight of Shadow appearing before them and are asking them to go away. ]

[ The Beings of Shadow isn't going to be wasteful of their time. They said that the tasks given to the Shadow Diviner are unfair and unjust. They demand that you reward him for his efforts! ]

[ The judges of good and evil are muttering out their woes at the Shadow. ]

[ A being of Shadow is asking them to shut up. ]

"...the heck's going on here?" As Shinto's notification continued to spur into madness, his expression turned from helplessness into great confusion.

[ This being of Shadow is stating that since the Shadow Diviner is utterly weak as of the moment and that his allies are also the same case, the quest given is extremely unfair. ]

[ Murmurs spread through the court of judges as well as the messengers. They have decided to raise their swords against the shadow. ]

[ The beings of Divinity stated that the Diviner is weak because of your side's incompetence in reaching out to him and giving him the necessary information. ]

[ The being of Shadows are greatly angered! However, only one spoke up. ]

[ This being has raised her status as 'Purgatory Blood Queen of the Night' and is showing her fangs at the hypocrites. ]

"Master? What's going on?" Kon asked worriedly at Shinto's sudden demeanour.

"I have no idea... This is..." As Shinto was about to continue his words, the storm of notifications interrupted him.

[ 'Purgatory Blood Queen of the Night' is stating that you are no less the same. The tasks that have been given only strengthened your egos at being in power and did not help the Shadow Diviner. ]

[ She demands compensation and that this never happens again or otherwise, all hell will break loose with her status. ]

[ The beings of Divinity who are present are discussing amongst one another. ]

[ With gritting teeth, they sigh and admitted their wrongs. ]

[ The contents of a failed quest have been updated! ]

[ The quest 'Judgement of Great Evil: Sanke' has been marked as completed! However, the rewards will be different. ]

"I...? Huh?" Shinto blinked in extreme confusion as he saw that the raging sea of notification quieted down. "...the quest has been marked as completed?"

Just as he was about to backread for a second time to comprehend the situation, he heard a sudden loud voice from the side of him.

"HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING?!" A female's voice screamed.

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