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Chapter 153

Chapter 153: Hail (3)

"Oh?" Upon hearing the words out of Ethaniel, Shinto tilted his head. "We're going to be exploring now, huh? Are Frey and Raina back?"

"It's only been like... An hour here that passed, so we still have seven hours before their promised return," Ethaniel shrugged. "With that long of a wait, we might as well just explore before then."

"Yeah, I can see you're point," Shinto nodded his head as his eyes turned towards the clear snowy skies of the Bareth's Tundra Plain from the cavern's entrance. With the hail from earlier cleared away—Shinto could see the environment much clearer than before.

Into the far distance, all he could see was the mountainous plains ravenous with pinewood trees in his sight. Besides that, the flakes of snow that fell from the sky gave him a reminiscence of the winter season, though right now was the autumn.

[ With the hail atmosphere moving away, the 'Cold Chills' debuff has returned to the normal levels! ]

[ Stamina usage is now instead increased by 20% and when out about in the cold air for more than an hour, you will freeze to death! ]

[ As this is a natural phenomenon, your attribute has failed to work. ]

[ You have failed to resist. ]


"..." Still staring into the distance, Shinto soon averted his eyes away from the scenery as he locked them on Ethaniel. "...before we go out and explore, I think we might have to brace ourselves for another wave of monsters way above our current level."

Although Shinto knew exactly what he was talking about, he had to state it in an unsure tone. The reason was, if he were to give note that the group was the monsters in the area were above forty levels than their own, questions as to how he found out would surface.

With the whole situation regarding the Beings of Divinity and Shadow, he didn't want anyone to know besides Kon who was a shadow minion.

Thus, he could only vaguely utter out the words that they may be below the average of the zone. Even if Shinto were to say that he knew the area, he'd be outright lying and that would cause harm in the long term for him whilst he was here.

"We may be under levelled again?" Ethaniel frowned. "Just how much are we talking about here?"

"I've no idea," Shinto sighed. "But, with the way we're underprepared to enter out into the cold atmospheric area and that we may be far away from Parm... I'd say we're well below around twenty levels? My guts telling me it's more than that, though..."josei

"Ugh... Another twenty levels high?" Ethaniel clicked his tongue. "Just where is this damn place?"

"My question is the same as you..." he shook his head helplessly as he turned towards the slimes. "Do the Slera's know?"

"Do you expect underground dwellers who haven't seen the surface for years to know?" Ethaniel raised his brow.

"Ahem... Well, it was worth a try," Shinto shrugged.

"W-Wha? Hey!" Minister Yer clicked his tongue. "You're just going to repeat whatever I said to you, to him?! Think up on a better original line!"

"...why are you taking credit over pointless words?" Reru scoffed at the minister as he hopped over towards Ethaniel. "Hey, human. Tell the person in front of you that there's nothing to worry about regarding the level gap. There's no way they'll be above my level."

"Hah... What level are you, huh?" Ethaniel glared at Reru.

"Higher than you obviously. Do you even need to ask?" Reru stated as he soon turned his back on Ethaniel. Then, he began to make his way out of the caverns alongside Rustly. "Anyways, get a move on. We don't have all day."

"Tch... Stupid slimes," Ethaniel scorned.

"...sigh. What did the Sleras say to you to get you all worked up like that?" Shinto asked.

"Bah... It's nothing. We apparently don't have to worry," Ethaniel scoffed. "Anyways, let's get a move on. The other two slimes will be here since one is a loudmouth whilst the other have to ensure their safety."

Nodding his head in reply, Shinto, Kon and Ethaniel soon followed after the slimes who were way ahead down the steeped pathway from the cliff to the grounds of the pinewood forest.


Stepping on the snow grounds of the tundra plains, the coldness around them became much prevalent than compared to when they were in the caverns.

"Wow... This is quite chilly..." With a lack of warm equipment on him, Shinto couldn't help but shiver slightly. "Hah... It'd be nice if I could get proper equipment that at least kept up with my level..." With cold breath rasping out into the air, Shinto turned to his now shabby equipment in a look of helplessness.

It couldn't be helped though. With Shinto now reaching into the thirties, the fact that he hadn't gotten any new gear besides the Cursemancer's Glove was extremely disadvantageous for him.

If Shinto had gone about the usual pacing as a normal newbie player would, he wouldn't be worried about the equipment at his level. However, that wasn't the case. Skipping the tens and heading straight into a level twenty to thirty dungeon meant that he'd lose out on early-game equipment and steady development from newbie dungeons.

"Sigh... Having good abilities is one thing... Being at an equipment and level disadvantage was another," continuing to sigh through his teeth, Shinto could only turn away from his equipment and glance over to the surrounding area. "I can only hope that the enemies are not in groups so we can handle them at a decent rate..."

With the situation they were in, he and his group were now at an equipment and level disadvantage with the enemies average being forty levels higher. Thus, if a situation like the rats were to come again, their deaths were to be guaranteed.

"Tch... You... Why are you acting so down?" Reru clicked his tongue. "I said it earlier didn't I? Nothing to worry about. Normal monsters can't stand a chance against me."

"...yeah right," Ethaniel rolled his eyes. "Let's see it for ourselves when we enter into combat."

"Hmph. You weak humans seem to only like seeing to believe, huh?" Reru scoffed.

"Reru..." Shinto helplessly shook his head whilst listening in on the conversation with Ethaniel and Reru. "Although you have this sudden confidence in you... I doubt that you can try to stop a horde of monsters all on your own if worst comes to worst."

Even if Reru's level was within the parameters of the area, it still wouldn't change the fact that the rest of the group were way below the average level. So, at that point, Reru's burden would heavily be increased in making sure Shinto and the others wouldn't get killed during the fight.

"What? Is it because of the skill level I showed you back in the catacombs?" Reru seemed to be raising a brow. "You were fighting a weakened version of myself due to the curse. My strength has been gradually returning since then."

"Well, if you say so... I guess I'll believe you," Shinto muttered out in doubt after hearing Ethaniel's translation.

"Jeez... Just you wait. I'll have my proper skills engraved in your mind when we encounter a monster!"

"Yeah, yeah," shrugging, Ethaniel turned his gaze over to Rustly who had been silent the entire time whilst the group were conversing with one another. "Anyway... Ignoring the whole situation fiasco. What is up with this guy? He's been like this ever since we started exploring."

"Hah... My annoying acts didn't budge him at all," from the overconfidence that Reru gave earlier, his demeanour soon turned back into the usual annoyed expression at the presence of the humans. "Tch... He's back to the original mood of when we just left to head back to the catacombs."

"..." With Ethaniel not translating what Reru had said, Shinto could only look at the gloomy Rustly without being able to say anything. Whilst he was doing so, he and the group suddenly heard rustling sounds from the bushes. "...?"

With all eyes on the bush, the party hurriedly entered into a battle position to fend off whatever was in there.


Seconds passed as they waited for the appearance of the monster. However, seconds turned to minutes but none appeared.

"...a false alarm?" Shinto uttered out. But, the moment he did so, a piercing ice bolt jolted out from the bush. "...!"

Noting the sudden bolt of ice that protruded forward, Shinto hurriedly swayed to the side as he dodged it.

"An elemental, huh?" Ethaniel gripped onto the handle of the sword as he prepared to launch an attack. "Should be easy to handle. I guess we were worried for nothing."


An elemental with pieces of ice rotating around its core appeared from the bushes as it made countless clanking sounds. Soon after, the elemental charged forward over to Ethaniel as it extruded out glacial of ice from the ground where he was standing at.

"Simple," Ethaniel leapt back from the attack as he soon countered with an arc of light, quickly sending it over to the elemental. But, as soon as he did so, the elemental channelled out energy around itself as it soon burst forth a stormy hail around the area. "...?!"

[ A hail has occurred! ]

[ Effects of the hail will be taking place. ]

"...tch. This is..."

With his movements suddenly slowed down, the elemental charged forward once again as it shot out icy bolts to the freezing Ethaniel.

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