Return of the Frozen Player

Chapter 77 - Turn Up the Volume (2)

Chapter 77 - Turn Up the Volume (2)

Turn Up the Volume (2)

The teleporter brought them to Korea’s Player Association in an instant.

“We’ve arriv—Huh?!” He yelped in surprise. Wh-why are there so many people…?

It was no longer the Association they knew. There were people at the entrance, sidewalk, the street, even people looking on from the rooftops. They were all here for one reason.

“I-It’s Specter-nim!”

“Oh my god… It really is him…”

“Thank you for coming back!”

To see Specter.

By police estimates, there had been over fifty thousand people gathered in front of the Association.josei


As he looked over the mob, Seo Jun-ho felt touched. He’d never even dreamed that so many people would gather here for him.

…Thank you.

It was that much more touching because he hadn’t expected it. There was a big difference between hearing that people hadn’t forgotten him and his comrades’ sacrifice and seeing it for himself.

“Specter! Specter!”

“Specter! Specter!”

Their chants were so loud that they couldn’t be replicated over speakers; it gave him goosebumps. They were all trying to send one message.

We’re glad you’re back. And thank you.


Even the large billboards connected to the buildings were playing videos from his past. Seo Jun-ho started to feel a little sheepish and lowered his head. When he did, they started to cheer again.

“…You really are quite famous.” Even the Frost Queen was in awe.

“Specter-nim, we will escort you inside.” The Association Players flanked him. Seo Jun-ho looked back one last time.

…You guys will see this too.

He made a promise. He would show his friends the same, heartwarming scene.

* * *

“You’re here?”

As he entered the waiting room, Shim Deok-gu stood up as if he’d been there for a while. Seo Jun-ho took off his mask and flopped down on the sofa.

“…Is this your doing?”

“The people? Nah.” Deok-gu laughed. “The police estimated that there are about 52,000 people and counting. Do you think I’m the president or something?” Even if he were, it would be impossible to gather so many people in such a short time.

“How about the billboards?”

Ahem. Well, that’s…” He squared his shoulders proudly, but a moment later, he sighed and looked at his friend. “Even though I’ve known you for so long, you’re always unpredictable.”

A few hours ago, Seo Jun-ho had sent him a message, telling him to start preparations for the conference.

“You’re not gonna be announcing your cooperation with the Association this time, right?”

“Yeah.” Seo Jun-ho nodded.

“You told me before you went to Rome that Specter will only have a working relationship with the Association so that we can build connections, rather than working under us.”

“I did. But I changed my mind.” He closed his eyes as if remembering something. “Deok-gu, do you remember when you came to my hospital room? You said something to me that day.”

It had already been four months, but it still felt like yesterday.

“You told me that the world is peaceful now. That I don’t need to return because our sacrifice saved the world. That I should live for myself now.”


“But after four months of seeing it myself, I don’t think that’s right. The fiends weren’t this bold 25 years ago—they couldn’t be.”

“Jun-ho. That’s because of the Five Heroes, and their effect is irreplaceable. But now…”

“I know. The fiends I encountered at Paradise treated me like a has-been.”

They were no longer scared of him. They hunted him like a trophy to be won.

“Jun-ho.” Deok-gu’s face was solemn. “There is nothing more dangerous than the courage of someone who is weak.”

“I know.” He agreed. He knew all too well how things ended up. “But I can’t just stand by any longer.”

“Why are you so…”

“Paradise,” Seo Jun-ho said darkly. “Do you know why it was made? Haha—It was made to create the second Specter.”

“……!” Deok-gu was speechless.

“Isn’t it funny? They hated me so much… but they sacrificed thousands of children to create a similar being.”

“…It’s not your fault.”

“I know that. But that doesn’t change the fact that it started because of me.”

“So you’re saying you’re gonna take responsibility?”

“Yeah. To be honest, I thought that all I needed to do was get a little stronger and save my friends.” But Paradise had completely changed his mind. “But after I thought about it, I don’t think it’s enough when the fiends are working around the clock.”

The fiends from the past had been different. Before they did something bad, they would always remember Specter’s face.

“Specter always shows up at the sinner’s door. All fiends who meet him die.”

That simple phrase had dissuaded crime, and Specter’s simple existence kept people safe.

“…But as you said, you can’t take on the same role as before.”

“I know. I don’t want to do this either.” If there was someone else to carry the burden, he wouldn’t need to do anything. But no one could. “The Nine Heavens and the rankers… Their levels and stats are higher than mine were, but they don’t want to step forward.”

Rather, no one could step forward. There was no one as powerful or influential as Specter.

“They know that it’s too dangerous.” After thinking about it for a long time, he realized that he was the only person who could do this. “My skills may not be enough, but my influence is.”

The moment he opened his mouth, players listened. And he would make it so that fiends would think twice again before they committed a crime.

“Only Specter can destroy the fiends like this, as he did in the past.”

Seo Jun-ho was a person. A selfish person.

Specter is a complete entity. It would be a neat little ending if I retired and all that was left of me remained in history books.

But he refused to take such an easy path. He would use his name and influence to make people vigilant of the fiends again.

“…You have made a difficult decision. I will remember your courage.” The Frost Queen applauded his bravery.

It was easy to be a hero if you had nothing to lose. It was much harder when you could lose everything.


After a long while, Shim Deok-gu spoke again. “…Once you make an announcement, you won’t be able to take it back.”

“I’ve already made my decision.”

“Every time the fiends incite terror, people will be looking for you. And if you don’t appear the moment they want you to, they’ll curse you.”

As admired and loved as he was, Specter could lose all that in an instant. But Seo Jun-ho had already made up his mind.

“I know.”

“There will be a dozen—a hundred times more fiends that will be hunting for Specter.”

“It can’t be helped.”

Shim Deok-gu let out a long sigh and scratched his hair that his stylist had spent so long on. No matter what he said, he couldn’t change his friend’s mind.

“You’re as stubborn as a mule…”

“I’ve always been like this.” Whenever Seo Jun-ho caused a stir, Shim Deok-gu had always cleaned up after him. He clapped his hands together.

“Do whatever you want, you bastard. What can I do for you?”

“Raise the volume. As high as you can.”

“Even louder than they are now? Things will get pretty noisy.”

Seo Jun-ho smiled. “Turn it up so that my voice will reach the 2nd floor.”

The conference room was packed. They’d reduced the amount of seats to save as much room as possible, but there was still barely any room to breathe.

“Is this the power of Specter?”

“It’s not just reporters today. Look over there.”

The reporters gasped as they saw who were sitting near the front.

“A-are those Big 6 Vice-Guildmasters and Team Leaders?”

“He’s the hero that saved their generation. But to them, he’s just a thing of the past.”

“Even the rankers are here.”

The reporters were practically drooling. The conference today was like a buffet. No matter who they wrote about, they’d be able to make up scoops.

“What do you think they’re talking about?”

“I dunno… Don’t you think they’ll be talking about something important though? Like global politics.”

Unlike the reporters, the players were cool; especially the Big 6 Team Leaders.

“Paradise… I came to see Seo Jun-ho, but I found something even better,” muttered Kiora. She was part of the mercenary Guild, Hallem.

The Team Leader of the Dokkaebi Guild replied, “Why are you looking for Mr. Snake head?”

“Mr. Snake head? What are you saying, shorty?”

Gong Juha wrinkled her nose at the insult. What made her more frustrated was that Kiora’s body was much more mature than hers. She let out a long sigh, trying to contain her anger, then gave a big smile.

“Ah, I’m so~ close to Mr. Seo Jun-ho that I accidentally called him by his nickname. Unlike you, old woman, we’re really close.”

Pfft, seeing how he hasn’t joined Dokkaebi yet, I can tell exactly what your relationship is like.”

“Wh-what are you saying? Personal relationships aren’t related to affiliations.”

“Wanna bet? I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to convince Seo Jun-ho to join Hallem today.”

“Th-that’s low!”


The four others watched the two fight as they always did. Even though they were from each of the Big 6 Guilds, they were known to meet quite frequently. Of course, this didn’t mean that they went easy on each other when it came to competition and guild affairs.

Pfft, you’re the one that set the bar that low.”

“Oh, really? I don’t want to hear that from someone who’s always making the news for getting into bar fights.”

“Please be mindful of your position and shut your mouths.”


Unlike what the reporters expected, they were childish and bickered a lot, but they knew when to be quiet.

“S-Specter-nim and President Shim Deok-gu will soon be entering. Please settle down now.”


The look in their eyes changed into anticipation. They were about to meet the living legend, Specter.

Though, they’d actually all come down to the 1st floor to meet Seo Jun-ho, not Specter.

The Super Rookie broke the Cave of Trials record.

And he did it with only a single D-rank skill…

If he can get another one, he’ll grow exponentially.

He was a perfect, S-grade gemstone. But when they came down, Specter had announced his own press conference, and they were no longer ordered to recruit Seo Jun-ho.

Specter is admired all over the world. 

If he joins a guild…

Our influence will shoot up.

They all had the same goal.

I-I can’t believe I’ll be seeing Specter-nim in person! Except, of course, Gong Juha.

The door clicked open as the live broadcast started. Thousands of eyes stared, waiting.


A man stepped out, radiating an exceptional presence.


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