Return of the Swallow

Chapter 570.1

Chapter 570.1: Assigning Responsibility (II)

Chapter 570.1: Assigning Responsibility (II)

“What, what kind of attitude is this?!” Li Qitian flew into renewed rage and kicked Ji Zeyu again.

Tumbling to the ground, the prince consort’s handsome face still remained expressionless.

“During this time, We had thought you were of one heart with us and elevated you at every possible opportunity. We entrusted great responsibilities to you and have treated you well. But you? Is this how you repay Our trust?!”

The emperor blustered, cursed, and stomped Ji Zeyu a few more times before he finally bent over, huffing and puffing with his hands on his waist.

Ji Zeyu raised himself back to a properly kneeling position. “Your Majesty, your subject really did do this for your sake.”

Li Qitian jabbed his finger at the prince consort’s nose and nodded emphatically with each furious word. “Alright, then speak of this mighty reason! If your logic is sound and rational, then We shall let this matter pass. But if you seek to pull the wool over our eyes with wordplay, then you will find out if We really must suffer your presence due to lack of any other option!”

“Your subject has never thought so,” responded Ji Zeyu with his head lowered. “Great Zhou abounds with plentiful talent and the people’s will is with Your Majesty. How would Your Majesty lack for options? Your subject undertook these actions today for two reasons. Firstly, it is indeed inappropriate to take down Pang Zhixi at this time given the current situation at court. The Tatars prowl threateningly on our borders. With foreign aggression at hand, how can we erupt into internal conflict first?

“We must first pull together in a concerted defense against foreign invaders. Our own troubles can wait until the land is at peace.

“Secondly, though the Valiant Tigers obey my orders, those people were still once Pang Zhixi’s men and thus a latent threat. What if they’re simply biding their time until a moment of urgent action sometime in the future? Why not take advantage of this opportunity to mollify Pang Zhixi and also give Your Majesty a legitimate reason for dismissing all of his men in important positions? Wouldn't that be killing two birds with one stone?”

Ji Zeyu was normally a taciturn man and seldom spoke so many words in one go. Given the rarity of the occasion, the emperor listened very carefully.

Much of his anger had subsided after all that kicking and stomping. The prince consort hadn’t so much as grunted in protest from the abuse. Therefore, Li Qitian was is in a proper frame of mind to muse over his subject’s explanation and actually agreed with what was being said.

His setback in court today informed him that he’d been too hasty this time. Not only had he not taken Pang Xiao out of the picture, but he’d also very much adversely impacted his overall reputation. Moreover, he’d alerted his enemy to his intentions and deepened the conflict between them. There was only a thin sheet of paper between the two of them and open hostilities now. If Pang Xiao wanted to rebel right at this very moment, he'd be able to come up with a perfectly valid excuse. josei

Pang Xiao had always enjoyed very high popularity with the people; his charisma in the army was also unparalleled. The Tatars were brewing for a fight, and their intentions to invade the south were clear as could be. If the prince was forced into challenging Great Zhou at this time and allied with Utkin Khan to attack his former home…

Beads of sweat dotted the emperor’s forehead when his thoughts traveled to this point, and his approval of Ji Zeyu’s actions deepened further.

At least now they’d removed six leaders in the Valiant Tigers whose loyalties lay with Pang Xiao. Li Qitian could replace the six with his own men and yank the Valiant Tigers out of Pang Xiao’s control. If it came down to a rebellion, the prince’s first choice of troops would certainly be the Valiant Tigers that he’d led for many years. The Dragon Riders of the north would never listen to his orders since Ji Zeyu was the war god of that army.

If Li Qitian firmly grasped the reins of the Valiant Tigers, he would fully control all of the militaries in the land. If he then took Pang Xiao out of the picture, it would be easy enough to deal with Ji Zeyu if he ever harbored seditious thoughts. He would be only one person then, a much better situation than constantly fretting over the possibility of Pang Xiao and Ji Zeyu colluding together for a coup.

Li Qitian sighed at this point and stretched out both hands to help the prince consort up from his knees.

Ji Zeyu seem to have been injured from the physical barrage. One of his shoulders moved stiffly and though his expression remained as usual, the emperor could glean a few clues from the ease of his movements. Guilt crept into Li Qitian’s heart.

“Don’t mind this, beloved subject. We did this only because of a moment of towering anger.”

Ji Zeyu hastened to kneel again. “This subject understands the painstaking effort that Your Majesty goes to. Please do not express such sentiments.”

How would Li Qitian permit the prince consort to kneel again? He quickly helped Ji Zeyu up and steered the conversation in a casual direction, purposefully avoiding matters of court.

“Anyang hasn’t entered the palace lately to greet her royal mother. The dowager empress asked about her a few days ago.”

Ji Zeyu looked down at the ground. “Neither has the princess summoned this humble subject during this time. However, she possesses many… cherished servants in her residence. Her days should be filled with joy and laughter.”

Li Qitian immediately understood the connotations of the response. He knew quite well just how spoiled and pampered his younger sister was. Anyang was stubborn, willful, petulant, and self-absorbed. Political considerations had driven her match to Ji Zeyu; examination from any other angle would've emphasized how ill suited they were for each other.

Add to that Ji Zeyu previously bumping into Li Helan cavorting with male escorts at Madame Lu’s… well, the prince consort seemed to have lost all hope in the marriage. As a result, Li Helan grew ever more outrageous in her behavior and now kept a harem of escorts at her residence.

Preoccupied as he was with official matters, Li Qitian couldn't attend to every single one of his sister’s affairs. Since the dowager empress didn’t involve herself in this, there was no room for the emperor to express his opinions either. With how things had developed, Li Helan’s reputation as a loose woman had become open gossip.

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