Return of the Swallow

Chapter 572

Chapter 572: Moving (I)

Chapter 572: Moving (I)

“Be it raging thunderbolts or a gentle rain, all are the favor of our liege. Whatever can we subjects do when His Majesty wishes to take action? You aren’t allowed to speak like this in the future, big brother, or you’d be estranging your younger brothers.”

“That’s right, senior uncle,” Qin Yu piped up. “We just need to follow the imperial decrees that His Majesty sets for us. Our family has endured so much in Great Yan that it’s already an enormous blessing that we are safe and sound and gathered in one place. It’s not a bad thing to not be officials or participate in the politics of court.”

“I think that way too,” Qin Han added. “What’s better than our family peacefully living out our days together? After experiencing all that we’ve gone through, I feel that all honors and status are but fleeting clouds.

“Our greatest fortune is to see everyone alive and living together. As for all that other wealth and prestige, well, they blaze gloriously when we are noble and powerful, but are consumed in a hot flash when someone else wishes to take them from us. We’ve come to terms with it long ago and set aside such pursuits.”

The Qins had suffered such a disaster in Great Yan and lost so much of the family. Anyone with any empathy would remember such grief for the rest of their days. Though there weren’t many who’d set all secular desire aside like Qin Han, they shared his feelings when he mentioned what the family had once endured.

Caught in the grip of emotion, Qin Huaiyuan’s nose twinged and he nodded.

“When it comes down to it, it’s my unsuitable behavior at court that elicited His Majesty’s disfavor.”

The old dowager stopped crying when she heard this and tugged at her son. “Meng’er, explain yourself. Why has His Majesty suddenly stripped you of your office? What unsuitable thing have you done? You’re no longer a spring chicken and you were highly employed—you were tapped to enter the inner council! Why have you suddenly fallen out of favor?

“Can it be…” She looked suspiciously at Qin Yining. “Why have you been deposed as soon as granddaughter Yi returned? Does it have something to do with her?”

Neither his brothers nor nephews had blamed Qin Huaiyuan, but not only was the old dowager not gratified by her children pulling together in times of trouble, she was even the first to jump out and point fingers!

Pang Xiao was highly displeased by this, especially as the old dowager was attempting to cast all blame on Qin Yining. Before he could speak, née Sun had already risen to her feet to take her daughter’s hand.

“These words hardly make sense. My daughter is a woman and received rewards from the emperor himself. All of the honors held by the rest of the family’s women don’t add up to what Yining possesses. How can the affairs of men be her fault?

“Since you're used to being the head of the household, you should think about how to perpetuate at atmosphere of harmony, Old Dowager. What will others think when you only think of saying these kinds of words first?”

The old dowager flew into a rage and put all thought of anyone else out of her mind. She levied a finger at née Sun’s nose. “Shut up, you shameless harlot! It’s all due to an idiot like you that we’re in these straits!

“How talented is my Meng’er?? He is Wise Pan An! Showered with accolades wherever he walked, the emperor treasured him so greatly when we first arrived in Great Zhou! It’s all you, it’s all because of you! If it wasn’t for a fool like you, how would my Meng’er be robbed of his career?!”

Satisfied in her bout of unwarranted cursing, the old dowager beat her chest and burst into loud sobs. She covertly observed the crowd’s expression through her tears and cried with increased grievance when she saw that Qin Huaiyuan didn't show the slightest inclination of stepping forward to comfort her.

"I finally raised my son to adulthood, but his career and future are no more! There’s no reason for me to live anymore, no reason!”

Her loud wailing gave Qin Yining a headache and her brows knit together in a tight frown. As an outsider, it wasn’t appropriate for Pang Xiao to lecture the mother of the father-in-law that he held with great respect. Besides, Qin Huaiyuan was indeed the poor victim of the prince’s affairs in this matter.

Li Qitian was sure to vent his wrath on all related parties after the failure of his schemes today. That Qin Huaiyuan and his men hadn’t censured the prince during the court session was cause enough for resentment. As for Ji Zeyu… who knew how the emperor would target him?

Unconcealed worry floated onto his handsome face when Pang Xiao’s thoughts traveled here.

Meanwhile, the second madame and second elder master were busy consoling the old dowager.

Née Sun tugged on her daughter’s hand. “It's too noisy here and not a good environment for you. Let us go.”

This added to Qin Yining’s stress, but she relaxed slightly when she saw that her father remained coolly composed, as if not caring about anything happening here. She followed her mother out of the main hall and toward the doors. The old dowager’s wails were so piercing that they still shook the rafters even when the two were outside.

“She was never grateful when our family was prosperous,” née Sun grumbled. Your second and third uncle haven't said anything even though your father's been deposed, but she's the one who starts carrying on. Is this how one acts as a mother?!” josei

Qin Yining wrapped her hands around née Sun’s arm in comfort. “Let’s just keep this to ourselves, mother. If we talk about this in front of father, he’ll be saddened.”

Née Sun nodded and sighed. “Don’t dwell on these irritating matters, my daughter. You live for two now, so just focus on your health. Look at how skinny you’ve gotten on this trip! Your complexion isn’t looking that good either.”

This was already a version of Qin Yining that’d been heavily nourished by Pang Xiao on the way back. How badly would née Sun have cried if she’d seen her daughter in the desert?

As the old dowager’s sobs weakened, Pang Xiao was the first to lift the door curtains and leave. He was followed by Qin Huaiyuan, the second and third elder master, Qin Han, and Qin Yu. The second madame, second wife, eighth miss, and Qin Huining remained inside to comfort and console the old dowager.

“Since we’ve come under imperial suspicion, it won’t be easy for us to change this impression,” Qin Huaiyuan said. “As opposed to living our lives hobbled in everything we do, we might as well adopt a carefree attitude and be who we want to be.”

The second elder master nodded. It took only some moments of careful thought to identify the funny business at court today. The emperor was undoubtedly ready to burst after failing to eradicate Pang Xiao and having to graciously reward Qin Yining. He would naturally find a way to vent his fury, which was why they, as Pang Xiao’s in-laws, had come under the knife.

We should be thankful that Li Qitian is at least a relatively clearheaded person. If they’d been under the rule of the dog emperor of Great Yan, an imperial decree to raze the family to the ground would’ve arrived. At least they’d evaded that kind of disaster.

“What plans do you have now, big brother?” asked the second elder master.

“I’ve been tired in body and mind for a very long time now,” Qin Huaiyuan sighed. “I have only one daughter and hope to play with my grandchildren in the future. I don’t care about anything else. The emperor has placed me in the same camp as His Highness now, so his suspicions won’t change no matter what I do. In that case, I might as well live with a bit more nonchalance.”

He looked at Pang Xiao with a smile. “Zhixi, what do you think about your mother-in-law and I moving to your manor?”

Pang Xiao lit up at this suggestion and nodded rapidly. “That’d be wonderful! Father-in-law, there’s nothing I’d want more! The manor is large and it’s always more fun for the family to be together. My darling would be happy too and that would be good for her health. There would be nothing better!”

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