Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Euphoria (V)

Euphoria (V)

The view in front of Cain stretched wide open as soon as they managed to climb on top of the cliff. Far high up, one could see cloudless, blue sky, though instead of the sun, there looked to be several moons orbiting the world. All around the cliff was a forest, and beyond it, there was a dip into a long meadow that stretched out into the horizon. On other sides, mountains rose up to block the view, all covered in greenery to their tips.

Cain knew that the shrine for the Bulwark Class was just at the edge of the forest that people would eventually start calling 'Divider Forest', where it met the 'Hollow Meadow'.

Thanks to the last encounter, both Rick and Emma were far more alert and careful, and neither rushed forward ahead of Cain, instead sticking right by his side. Though Cain wanted to tell them not to be so worried, even he couldn't help but feel slightly pensive; the direwolf should not have been there, at least as far as he was aware. If my intervention caused it, he mused inwardly. Then either it was that group Ben joined, or those women I met outside the bandit's fortress...

Luckily, at least for others, he'd met the direwolf relatively early on and dealt with it before it could go on a rampage. If it truly had been unleashed on day three, it would have caused far more deaths than the last time around as most people are yet to get accustomed to the fact that they could now use magic, even if they were Classified.

"... I've been meaning to ask you," Emma broke the silence as she walked up to Cain. "Wasn't your class an Elementalist? Like a mage, right?"

"... yup?"

"Why did you fight that wolf up close, then?"

"..." Cain smiled bitterly for a moment, trying to configure the best way to answer that question. In truth, it's because his skills were still too subpar -- while he could definitely fire off at range, due to the low mastery, the damage would have been completely ignored by the beast. Furthermore, he was yet to fashion any 'proper' Spell and just used base elements to enhance his strikes. "When I was testing it before, I realized it was far more effective up close. I don't know why. Maybe my mastery is too low or something..."

"...tsk, what kind of a mage class is that?" she scoffed. "Why'd you pick it anyway? From what I remember, you always used to be an assassin in games like these..."

"... I dunno, it was there, seemed convenient. And, remember, those were games. This is real life. I'd much rather sit in the back and fire off spells than be sweating my ass off at the front."

"... I guess," she shrugged. "So, from now on, I'll just stand by your side and protect you, deal?"

"..." Cain rolled his eyes at her and suddenly came to a stop, causing both Emma and Rick to stop as well.

"What's wrong?" Rick asked, frowning and rapidly looking around.

"... not much," Cain said. "I just saw a similar place to where Emma got her Class."

"E-eh?! Where?!"

"Over there," Cain pointed his finger forward. "There's nobody else nearby, so you two should go ahead."

"... what about you?" Emma asked, frowning.

"I'll be following you two behind." Cain said, smiling innocently.

"Oh...--wait," Rick realized something. "You're... about to use us as bait, aren't you?"

"... no, of course not! How could I ever--okay, yeah, fine." Cain quickly confessed when he saw Emma glaring at him. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you guys."

"... what are we baiting out?" Emma asked, sighing.

"... who," Cain said. "There are a few stalkers that seem to have taken a liking to us."

"... huh?"

"They've been following us for a while now," Cain said as he began walking again. The three of them would soon enter the forest, the perfect place for him to 'get lost' for a little while. "Anyway guys, I'll be going on ahead for a bit!�� he sped up and gained some distance, turning toward the two of them and beaming them a smile while shouting rather loudly. "I think I saw a bird flying! It can be our dinner!"

"... he's a terrible actor, isn't he?" Rick mumbled.

"This one time," Emma said, sighing. "He came back home at like 3 in the morning, and he was so drunk that his excuse for coming back that late was that... he got too drunk."

"... ha ha," Rick laughed for a moment. "I gotta say," he added right after. "It's a miracle you two got together."

"... not really," she shrugged. "We've known each other since... forever, really. I fell in love with him when I was like thirteen. I don't know what happened to him but," she added, sighing faintly as the two began walking toward the forest as well. "He used to be... I can't even describe it, I don't think. When we were younger, he was always the leading guy -- taking us places, teaching us things, defending us against the bullies... it looked like there was nothing he didn't dare or couldn't do."

"... oh." Rick exclaimed softly, nodding lightly.

"Oh well. He looks like he began changing again. Until a few months ago, I'd have been lucky to get in touch with him without him slurring apologies through the phone."

The two of them entered the forest in silence soon after, no sign of Cain anywhere. While remaining pensive and slightly on guard, they made their way amidst the thick and tall trees that blotted out the sun above, barely letting a few rays shine down upon them.

It was eerily quiet, not even the wind to make a sound.

"Gotcha~~" a melodic voice startled the two whereupon, a mere second later, a pillar of fire streaked into the sky, followed by a few panicked screams. The whole ordeal happened just forty-fifty feet away from them, causing them to rush over.

By the time they got there, they saw Cain standing above four people who appeared tied up to a tree by something purple, almost akin to a chain.

"... you guys okay?" he asked them, glancing back.

"... that was quick." Rick shrugged, walking over and noting that all four tied up were... teens, at best. They all had defiant, though slightly terrified expressions.

"I didn't realize they were just kids," Cain chuckled bitterly, scratching his head. "I scared them so much that three of them pissed themselves."

"... ouch."

"Yup," Cain nodded. "Oh well. They'll live. Why were you guys following us?"

"..." the four remained silent, though Cain noted something peculiar in their eyes.

"... a quest?" their eyes lit up momentarily, and they were too slow to hide it from him. Hah, so it's already started? "What is it?"


"We're not gonna hurt you guys," Cain said, crouching in front of them. "Just tell us the truth."

"... if you're not gonna hurt us, why'd we tell you anything? Idiot..."

"... looks like not pissing himself really got into his head," Cain chuckled at the young boy's words, walking over. He stared into the brown eyes for some time before shrugging and standing up. "These things should keep them here for a day or two. Let's just go."

"--what?! Hey man, you can't leave us here!!"

"Why not?"

"What if we die?!"

"... so?"

"You'll be a murderer!"

"I don't see how," Cain replied. "At worst I'll be a kidnapper."

"Fine, fine, we'll tell you, just don't leave us here, okay?!" one of the boys caved in.

"Jake!! Shut up!" the defiant one growled out angrily

"You shut up!" the boy fired right back at him. "This whole mess is your fault! 'We have magic, they're just idiots'! We could have fucking died dude!"

"... what Classes are you guys?" Emma asked curiously.

"... uh... B-Bulwark... the three of us," the boy called Jake said. "Justin's, uh, an Assassin."

"... what are their levels?" Emma turned to Cain and asked.

"... how the hell am I supposed to know that?" he shrugged. "Remember? Unless they show it to me, I can't see, just like you. It doesn't matter anyway. Looks like that shrine nearby is either for Bulwark or Assassin classes. Interested in either one of them, Ricky?"

"Hmm," Rick stroked his chin for a moment, thinking. "No." he shook his head with a sigh. "For the Assassin, I feel it would be just sneaking around like a little pussy, and that's not my style. For Bulwark... that just sounds like a Paladin. I don't wanna be a sandbag." Tsk, and you were so excited just a few minutes ago... Bard it is, I guess. But the shrine's at least three days away from here even if we sprint...

"... oi, aren't you being a bit too demanding?" Emma growled at him. "If Cain wasn't with us, we'd both be screwed by now. Just how many Classes do you think there are? Just pick one of them and shut up, alright?"

"... but--"

"No buts," she interrupted quickly. "Become a sandbag with me. You're a man, aren't ya'? And you can't even take a punch?"


"... you really fell for the lowest of taunts?" Cain said, noticing the changes in Rick's expression. "A woman you don't even wanna bang questioning your masculinity was enough to change your mind? Holy shit dude..."

"You would have chosen differently?"

"With Emma questioning my masculinity? I would have already been there, accepting the Class..." Emma chuckled lightly, stretching after.

"That's the only time I ever got your ass to do something," she said. "Hah, a real man would clean up the kitchen. A real man would celebrate Thanksgiving with his in-laws. A real man would know how to change a diaper..."

"... yeah, I really was weak to that shit," Cain sighed. "And you abused the ever-loving-fuck out of it. Ah, he's gone."

"Let him go," Emma said, glancing at Rick's fading back with a smile. "He's... not what I expected."

"Right?" Cain joined her as the two of them continued to ignore the four, tied-up boys. "You'd think a rich guy like him would be more... I dunno... what's even the word?"


"No, that just sounds like you expected him to be gay..."

"With how excited he was to learn magic... hi hi..."

"... your bar for what's funny is still as low as ever, I see..." Cain sighed, smiling gently at her.

"... can I be honest with you for a moment?" Emma said, her voice turning serious suddenly.

"... sure. What's wrong?"

"Right now... the entire world is losing their minds over this shit," she said, turning her head to the side and looking at him. "And I imagine that the vast number of people trapped inside these things... are terrified out of their minds."

"... yeah, I guess."

"I'm not, though."


"... I don't know why," she said. "But... I'm not. Scared, terrified, anything."

"Well, duh," Cain said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Nobody else has an amazing ex-husband like me around."

"... pfft, ha ha ha ha," she burst out into laughter, keeling over for a moment. "I... I honestly don't care what happened to you, C'. I'm just happy... happy that you seem to have found yourself again."


"I'm proud of you." she said, smiling.

"You sound like my mom..."

"Ew, dude. You used to doggy-style me behind McDonald's..."

"... yeah," Cain smiled hollowly, turning toward Emma and putting his hand onto her shoulder. "I might never be able to look my mom into her eyes, ever again. Ever, Em'. I love you, but I hope your fat-ass sucks up a shooting star that explodes right in there."

"... fat-ass?" she grinned at him. "You sure you wanna die on this hill, C'?"

"," Cain said, pulling his hand back. "You misheard. I said faaa-ntastic ass."

"... good job," she scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "Ah, Rick's back."

"Right," Cain exclaimed, turning toward the four boys. "So, what was the quest?"

"--uh," Jake mumbled out. "It was to kidnap two people and bring them to some cave not far from here..."

"..." Cain arched his brows, a faint smile developing on his lips. Hmm... if the boys help us... and Rick and Emma level up a bit... it should be possible... he he, I would have completely forgotten about him if not for this...

Right around then, Rick arrived, a beaming smile on this face. He appeared satisfied with the class, causing Cain to crack a faint smile.

"Mind showin' me?" he walked up and asked the old man.

"Ha ha, feast on this, you little bitch, ha ha ha... Share!"

"..." Cain's eyebrows twitched as he lowered his head.

///Name: Rick Garcia Age: 48 Race: Human

Class: Bulwark Level: 1

Strength: 21(+20) Vitality: 24(+20) Agility: 17 Stamina: 26

Intelligence: 33 Wisdom: 44 Health: 440 Mana: 330

Traits: Tenacious(A-), Leadership(S-), Savvy(A+), Ruthless(B+), Constipated(D+)

Skills: Guardian(D+), Paragon(E), Undying(D+)

Items: N/A

Titles: N/A

Achievements: N/A ///

Ah, Cain wept bitterly inside. Those stats... hurt. It's that Paragon skill... fuckin' cheat! Cain was all-too-familiar with the Paragon skill -- it was one of the few skills in existence that, technically speaking, had no 'upper limit' to their mastery. And each slight increase... bumped the two main stats of the Class to insane levels.

Just being at the 'E' level already added forty extra stats to the two stats, making him, effectively, among the physically-strongest people in the world.josei

"Jealous, huh? Are ya'? Ha ha ha..."

"Yeah, yeah," Cain relented with a sigh, turning toward the four boys. Even they have at least a few stats higher than mine, don't they? Sweet God... "Anyway, why don't we go and turn that quest in, boys? What do you say?"

"... huh?!" a collective exclamation of both the four boys and Emma and Rick was like a symphony to Cain's ears, as he also managed to stupefy them... in his own way, at least.

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